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TES: Cheat for gjennoppliving

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En venn av meg får ikke bygd opp strongholden sin i Redoran House for di han har drept en fyr i Balmora som var involvert i den siste oppgraderingen av strongholden, så jeg lurte på om det er noen måte det går an å "Gjennopplive" folk på morrowind.


Håper noen kan hjelpe :)

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Hvis du ikke har fjernet kroppen til fyren, kan du åpne konsollen, klikke på den og skrive "resurrect". Men det er ikke alltid det virker, for selv om det gjenoppliver personen, kan det hende at det å drepe fyren satte i gang noen triggere som gjør at questen ikke kan fullføres!

Endret av MiSP
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Kommandokodes FTW!

Nå aner jeg ikke hvem du mener på, for jeg kan ikke huske at du måtte snakke med noen i Balmorra angående Redoran House Stronghold questene. Så jeg tar bare et eksempel med dama du snakker med hele tiden. Du må uansett ha komplett navn på vedkommende du skal hente opp fra de døde skal dette virke, da kommandoen naturlignok krever korrekt navn. :)


PlaceAtPC "Galsa Gindu",1,10,1


Navn på karen/dama skal med " -tegn. Ved å bruke 1,10,1 blir her Galsa Gindu plassert 10 "yards" foran deg der du skriver kommandoen.


Ja, selvsagt. Jeg har ikke prøvd det, men jeg tror neppe spillet liker alt for mange NPCer med samme navn, så save før du tester. Da slipper du eventuelle krasj.



EDIT: Her står nå faktisk hva du skal gjøre i disse questen:


Redoran Stronghold Phase 1


To start your stronghold once you reach Rank 4, talk with Galsa Gindu at her home in Ald'ruhn's Manor District. She will required a payment of 5000 gold and a construction contract. The contract can be obtained from Duke Vedam Dren in the Grand Council Chamber in Ebonheart if you promise to aid the people of Vvardenfell. Once you give the money and contract to Galsa the construction of your stronghold will begin. After a few days, you'll receive a journal entry telling you to speak with Galsa again. Galsa tells you to speak to the stronghold foreman and make sure everything is ok. The stronghold is East along the road between Ald'ruhn and Maar Gan. The foreman, Bugdul gro-Kharbush, will tell you that everything is fine and it should be finished within the week. Report back to Galsa and within a few days you'll receive another journal entry telling you that the first phase of your stronghold, Bal Isra, is complete.



Redoran Stronghold Phase 2


Speak with Galsa Gindu at her home in Ald'ruhn's Manor District again to start the first upgrade of your stronghold after it is initially constructed. She tells you to speak with Percius Mercius at the fighters guild in Ald'ruhn to recruit some guards. Percius agrees to hire you some help, but asks you to first rescue his friend, Frelene Acques, from the prison in the Hlaalu Compound in Vivec. The prison can be reached via the Hlaalu Treasury and you'll have to deal with the guard either before or after you free Acques. Free and escort the prisoner to outside of the treasury where you'll part company (alternatively, you can just steal the key to her cell and give it to her). Report back to Percius who will send some men to guard your stronghold and then speak to Galsa to start the second phase of construction. You will receive a journal entry after a few days to indicate when it is complete.



Redoran Stronghold Phase 3


Once you reach the rank of Councillor, speak with Galsa Gindu at her home in Ald'ruhn's Manor District to start the second and last upgrade of your stronghold. She will send you to speak with Hetman Guls from your stronghold's small village who will tell you that you need to attract some more settlers, specifically more single women (just two will do). There are a number of methods of getting the women. Fathusa Girethi at the Ald Skar Inn and Aryni Orethi outside her house in Ald'ruhn will both agree to come to your village once you persuade them (90 disposition required). You can also buy two slaves for 200 gold from Savile Imayn in Tel Aruhn. Alternately, Galyn Arevel in Ald Velothi will agree to send escaped slaves to your stronghold. Helviane Desele at her 'establishment' in Suran will tell you that some of her dancers are ready to retire if you persuade her enough (70 disposition). Once any two of these woman agree to live in your stronghold speak with Galsa again to begin the last phase of construction. You will receive a journal entry in a few days when construction is complete.



Dette er selvsagt sakset fra The UESP: Unofficial Elder Scoll Pages

Endret av Shicca
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Vær bare obs på at de du har drept, har en tendens til å være nokså misfornøyde med dette når du bringer dem tilbake med "placeatpc" kommandoen, så det kan være en god ide å ha calm human tilgjengelig, så går det i hvertfall an å prate med dem i noen sekunder før de går løs på deg:-)

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Vær bare obs på at de du har drept, har en tendens til å være nokså misfornøyde med dette når du bringer dem tilbake med "placeatpc" kommandoen, så det kan være en god ide å ha calm human tilgjengelig, så går det i hvertfall an å prate med dem i noen sekunder før de går løs på deg:-)

Å? Jeg har aldri opplevd dette...

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