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AMD,7800gt, 19" samsung- maks 16k!

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endelig! en som forstår meg! TAKK!! hvor mye crosair ram, og hvilken? grunnen til at jeg kjøper et middels skjermkort nå, er at jeg ikke har så mye penger for hånden, og når jeg har spart opp, skal jeg eie, knuse, og tisse på alle andre..

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To ting jeg må henge meg på (vet du ikke vill høre det)


Hvorfor ikke skille seg ut da å kjøpe et helt stilrent lian li kabinett??, når alle andre har pimpy stash harry til haugesund pcer? (som du selv sier at de du vanker med har)


Og jeg ville for alt i verden lagt in penger til minimum et 7800gt kort, delte meninger om dette på forumet men når ati kommer med ---- gt og gto osv haddet jeg ikke giddet å vente lenger, om ati brikken skulle være så mye bedre så selg 7800 kortet igjen, du får fortsatt mye for det da garantert

Endret av simalarion
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En påminnelse til trådstarter:


Bumping er posting i gamle tråder, slik at de skal komme lengre opp på lister over de siste postede meldingene. Dette blir gjort av enkelte, og slike meldinger inneholder ofte bare "*bump*". Dette vil i første forsøk bli slettet, men hvis brukeren fortsetter bumpingen kan stenging av tråder og advarsler bli brukt. En har likevel lov til å svare på sine egne tråder, dersom en har ny informasjon å komme med. Bumps av typen ”*bump*” tillates i den grad at det går minimum 24 timer mellom hver slik post og maksimalt to stykker sammenlagt.


Geir :)

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unnskyld for evt. "bumping.." skal ikke skje igjen..


simalarion: jeg er fra stavanger, ikke haugesund.. men uansett, har du ikke sett hva jeg har skrevet? HAR IKKE PENGER! ok? så jeg skal kjøpe 7800gt, xl eller hva faen det skulle være..


nå snakker vi om skjermer..

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HAR IKKE PENGER! ok? så jeg skal kjøpe 7800gt, xl eller hva faen det skulle være


Håper fler mister lysten på å hjelpe deg etter utbrudd som dette :no:


Edit: så du har foresten råd til å blåse over 1000kr for et kabinett uten psu og ramm til 1500 kr men ikke skjermkort? og du må har 19 skjerm til 3800 ehhh

Endret av simalarion
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men herregud, her kommer du med off-topic ting som vi var helt ferdig å diskutere, irriterer sånn!

skjermen skal holde lenge, så den er en viktig investering.. jeg vil ikke at folk skal mase om det kabinettet!

for all del, hjelp meg med det ANDRE heller!


og simalarion, ikke alle er så utrolig negative som deg, bare kommer inn her og er negativ..


wotg: har du sett hvor mye jeg har forandret på lista siden jeg la den ut? jeg tar imot all hjelp med takk, så lenge de ikke blåser opp "dritt" om det kabinettet.. hva er dårlig med det? forklar?

Endret av A11i
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Du burdet heller konsentrere deg om din prioritering


Negativ?? du er her får hjelp ikke sant, når noen kommer med forslag er det for å hjelpe.


Du burdet jo ha fått de forslagene på skjerm du ønsker, hva er det som plager deg?

Endret av simalarion
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To ting jeg må henge meg på (vet du ikke vill høre det)

hvis du visste at jeg ikke ville høre det, hvorfor sa du det? har blitt nevnt tidligere også.


og ja, enkelte ting har jeg avvist, men det er fordi jeg har fremtidige planer.


og dette er min første gang jeg bygger pc/modder, så jeg vil ha mye å gjøre, slik at jeg vet hva jeg skal gjøre når jeg kjøper et lian li kabinett i framtia.


jeg føler at du har en negativ holdning..

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Det her er jo bare surr, om du skall ha en gamer pc er skjermkortet hjertet i pcen din.


Grunnen til at jeg skrev at jeg vet du ikke vill høre det, er som du sier selv at du var ferdig med det, men jeg synes du gjør en stor bommert her, å gi så mye for andre komponenter å kutte ned på nettop skjermkort.


sån det skulle være nokk forklaring, om du fremdeles føler deg støtt beklager jeg, skal la vær å prøve å hjelpe deg igjen

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The NZXT Guardian is not your average case. This case has all the works to make it a stand out case. It’s unique, and its almost tool-free design makes for one great case. Some may be mislead by its looks and turned away from the case. Something I would have liked to see is a removable motherboard tray. But don’t let the looks fool you; this case has everything that a PC enthusiast needs.


The case comes in 6 different colors and goes for about $99 along with a 400w PSU. Relatively cheap for a case that is designed so nicely. If your one of those people who like to buy pre-modded cases, this is definitely a case you should buy.


Pros:Very unique design, fewer tools need to be used, good price

Cons: No removable motherboard tray, front airflow isn’t too good.


Overall the NZXT Guardian Case receives a 9 out of 10!



So, let's recap the good and not so good points of this case. Overall, I was impressed with NZXT's first entry into the pre-modded case market. I thought that the design was just a gimmick, but there was obviously a lot of thought that went into the Guardian case. NZXT states that they are targeting this case at gamer's but I think a lot of other folks will appreciate the style as well. It's sure to be a hit with the younger crowd; both my teenagers said the case was "tight". It is one of those designs you will either love or hate. I award the Guardian case a 7 out of 10, and give it the PimpRig Approved award. The Guardian case can be found at major online computer stores for around $100 USD.


Cherry Pie:

- Tool-less drive cages and PCI slots

- Good paint

- Innovative design

- Pimpin' front LED's

- Clean window cut

- Plenty of room


Cow Pie:

- Some cables too short

- No removable motherboard tray

- Front design makes for poor air flow

- Style may be "too radical" for some folks





    To bring this to an almost close, I really do think most will be happy with this unique looking case. Those looking for an alternative to those Chieftec, Chenming type cases that want something with lots of room, and easy to work with for the most part, this just maybe your ticket to ride. And don't forget the cover hides those "computer brown" devices that you may have already. Seriously though, for a new fresh company, and their first try at a case, this IS something special. I can't wait to see what else they have in store, as I know it will address issues that purchasers, and reviewers have given feedback about.







The Guardian is certainly a unique case. I really like the built in rail system compared to the arrangement in the Z-Alien we reviewed a while back. The ‘eye’ is great looking, and a nice feature. The rear fans need work…the style of grille is not conducive to high airflow. The temperature tests did reveal that the cooling system is sound, but is still a fair bit higher than ambient temperature. I’m convinced a lower temp baseline is possible with the reworking of the exhaust and the addition of a second intake. The Guardian has excellent size, weight and price for a gaming rig. As I’ve said before, the looks are good or bad only in the eye of the beholder so I will leave it up to you to decide if the style is what you’re looking for. This is a case I would definitely recommend to the novice system builder, as the installation book is thorough and easy to comprehend. The more experienced can find a host of other fun projects in this case to really turn the Guardian into a work of art.




The case itself is great. It looks awesome and the entire thing is screwless (which is very user-friendly). The slide-in locks for the drives are downright cool. The lighting effects are pretty amazing, but they need the option to be be shut down manually or simply need to turn off automatically after a while. The black paintjob on the case is very well done, the side-window is just extremely cool. Speaking of cool, the fans are okay, not too loud at all yet remember, only two are equipped. With current high-performance PC's you might run into trouble cooling down the case. The design really needs a top fan. Heat elevates towards the top of your PC, so it needs to exhaust there with a silent fan. Also, an 80mm fan can be mounted at the front of the chassis, this would cool down the HD's. If you have more then two of them, especially high RPM drives, I recommend to do this.


Next to these small remarks NZXT has done a truly wonderful job in designing this case, we hope it's the first of many designs. When we look at the price versus what you get for your money... well there are very little products out there that can beat the ~99 USD pricetag. A very good product for that kind of money, well let me correct that, it's a steal for that money! If you are interested in a case like this, you'll love it.



Once again we can't really argue about the looks of this case - you're either going to love it or hate it, so we'll just have to leave that up to you. Telling you what looks good isn't our job, it's instead to tell you what is good and bad about the case in case you do happen to find it to be visually appealing.


After installing a couple different systems into this case my reactions are mostly good. Aside from the pain in the ass front intake fan and the lack of a removable motherboard tray there really isn't much to complain about with this case. Mind you, the motherboard tray issue may hold more weight with you than it does me.


I personally appreciate the thought that went into the drive bay retention mechanism and the directed rear fan cage. Sure there are problems with the case, but consider that this is NZXT's first attempt at the market, and at a price point of $99 (400W PSU included!) this case is going to be tough to pass up. I think we're going to see big things from these guys in the future and I know I personally look forward to what they might come out with next.


Overall it really comes down to whether you like the looks of the Guardian series. If you do, I can't find any good reason for you not to pick it up, especially at a price that is well below many similar style competitors.




Final Score: 91%



Features like the Guardian's drive and expansion card clips, in cheap-ish cases like this one, usually turn out to be nothing but annoying gimmicks.


The Guardian's extra features actually work, though. I'm impressed.


This is obviously not a computer enclosure for everyone, even if you don't plug in the front panel lights. But it's surprising how good an enclosure it really is - and, speaking objectively about its fit and finish and not subjectively about its particular aesthetic direction, it's a really well executed product. It doesn't rattle or squeak or jam, its paintwork is slick, and the ludicrous front panel was clearly not created by people who thought it was a bad idea.


If you're looking for a fast and painless leg-up into the case modding world, the NZXT Guardian is it, at a reasonable price. If prettified cases aren't quite your cup of tea, though, the Guardian's extra features still make it oddly alluring, considering its low price.








We would definitely have to say that NZXT's fourth attempt at creating a “sexy case” for computer gamers was quite successful. The looks of the chassis are much more conservative than the Guardian and Nemesis, while the $75 USD price tag is also much more conventional. Most of the items with the Trinity were truly tool-less although NZXT hasn't yet addressed a definitive way for making the expansion slots also tool/screw free. With a total of four fan mounts, five 5.25” drive bays, and a horde of other small details NZXT paid attention to with this case, this is definitely a winner for being an economic case.




I loved this case, despite the few complaints I had I would definitely spend my money on this case, not only for its unique “Modded” look but also for its build quality and the company’s quality customer service. I also have no problems recommending this case to any of our readers and you will not be disappointed with it.



Overall Quality: 9

Overall Look: 8.5

Ease of Use: 9.5

Overall: 9



NZXT offers this case for those who want a sleek machine with modest styling. Personally, I like the simplicity of the Trinity more than the overstated styling of the Nemesis and Guardian models. The Trinty just feels and looks great under the desk, plus pricing is affordable, as a quick search on ResellerRatings shows the Trinity can be had for under $90 with a 400-watt power supply preinstalled.



LCD display

Solid construction

Stylish design



Steel chassis



Overall Rating: 9.5/10 (higher is better)



Sånn..... Nå håper jeg vi kan slutte å snakke om kabinettet hans. Jeg nevnte tidligere at det hadde fått mange gode karakterer og her legger jeg ved noen av de. Liker han utseendet på det er det slett ikke noe dårlig kjøp. Det får jo gode karakterer av alle som prøver det!


Edit:Edit: Syntes forresten han ikke har prioritert så dårlig. Han har lite penger og gjør det beste ut av det. Skjermkort er det som er enklest å skifte ut i fremtiden og han har jo kjøpt et pci-e hocedkort slik at han eventuelt kan kjøpe et 7800gtx eller noe lignende senere.

Endret av Sjefern
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Ok A11i hvis du vil ha anbefaling på skjerm så vil jeg si følgende:

Skal du ha lcd skjerm med oppløsning 1280x1024 så kjøp heller en 17", bilde blir "riktigere" da. Vil du ha større skjerm gå for en 20" slik at du får 1600x1200.

En 19" blir bare dyrere, men ikke noe bedre enn en 17" skjermikonene blir bare litt større...


Du skriver inn å spør om hjelp, noe vi prøve å gi deg. Men det virker som om du egentlig har bestemt deg, men bare vil kverrulere litt ?

Jeg står fortsatt ved oppsettet jeg anbefalte deg. En 17" skjerm burde ikke øke totalen med mer enn ca. 2500,- det betyr vel at jeg er ca. 1000,- over budsjett.

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Skal du ha lcd skjerm med oppløsning 1280x1024 så kjøp heller en 17", bilde blir "riktigere" da. Vil du ha større skjerm gå for en 20" slik  at du får 1600x1200.

En 19" blir bare dyrere, men ikke noe bedre enn en 17" skjermikonene blir bare litt større...

Ville nå ikke anbefalt noen en 20" skjerm sammen med et 6600GT kort. Blir ikke lett å spille f.eks F.E.A.R i 1600x1200. Skal du ha en 20" skjerm bør du bestandig ha det sjefeste grafikkortet på markedet. Og da tror jeg vi snakker om en litt annen prisklasse enn det vi kjør i denne tråden. :roll:



Edit: Ser at trådstarter nå har tenkt til å kjøpe et 7800GT og en billigere skjerm. Ville ikke annbefalt det selv men det er ikke mine penger :roll: Skjermkort er noe man gjerne bytter ofte. Skjermen har man i mange år. Det er også tross alt skjermen man sitter å ser på hele tiden.

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