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Når var egentlig Joe Cole så god at han forsvarte en førstelagsplass over lengre tid? I West Ham. I Chelsea var han aldri en nøkkelspiller, og han kunne helt sikkert forlatt klubben tidligere dersom noen var villige til å kjøpe ham, men jeg tror ikke noen var villige til å bruke penger på å hente en så ustabil spiller såpass dyrt som det ville blitt å hente han fra Chelsea. Virket ikke akkurat som om Chelsea var desperate etter å beholde ham heller.


Han spilte over 45 kamper i fire sesonger for Chelsea, flere enn han spilte for West Ham i løpet av noen sesong. Dessuten var han sterkt skadepreget i flere sesonger, de gangene han var frisk spilte han som oftest.

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Nå ja, de fleste mente Liverpool hadde gjort en kupp da de sikret seg Joe Cole. De fleste var også nær ekstase da Meireles ble klar. At Joe Cole ikke har innfridd enda, kan vi ikke klandre Hodgson for. Kjøpet av Christian Poulsen derimot var jo dømt til å gå galt, selv de uten noe som helst fotballkunnskap kunne se dette lenge før han hadde spilt en eneste kamp for oss.


Joe Cole har jeg forresten fortsatt tro på kan bli god for oss.


Mente selvfølgelig så langt hvis det ikke kom klart nok frem i innlegget.


Meireles-signeringen var jeg veldig fornøyd med, og han er som sagt den av de som faktisk har vist at han duger til noe så langt. Cole-kjøpet var selvfølgelig spennende, og jeg har også tror på at han kan vise seg fra en bedre side, men så langt han han vært veldig, veldig anonym. Konchesky og Poulsen var de fleste litt mer lunkne til, jeg håpet i bestefall de kunne være greie squadspillere, men de har vist seg å være det stikk motsatte. Komplett udugelige, og det værste er at 1 av de spiller fast (Poulsen har heldigvis blitt henvist til benken).


Selvfølgelig må Roy ta på seg litt av skylden for dette. Se på Rafa f.eks i fjor, kjøpte Aquilani, og fikk usannsynlig mye kritikk, selv om han begynte å prestere bra siste halvdel av sesongen. Ofte også kjøp som Dossena blir brukt mot han, og da er det ikke mer enn rett og rimelig at Roy får litt kritikk for kjøp han har gjort som ikke fungerer (enda hvertfall).

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6 months with Roy Hodgson - THE FAMOUS QUOTES





4 July: "I like a high-tempo passing game"

All the things I’ve always liked are the things Liverpool were famous for in their heyday. Pass and move, always move it quickly and once you lose it get back in to position. That was the mantra which took Liverpool through their great years. I like a high-tempo passing game. I like players to work hard, I like players to get back in position. Those are my principles. I was influenced by the Liverpool team which dominated the 70s with all its great players and playing the football they played.


5 August: "Look into the mirror rather than look for excuses elsewhere" (On player complaints about squad quality)

As a player you have a chance to change things. If you don't think the team is doing as well as it should, as a player you can do something about it. If you are a big player, maybe you will. My attitude is that we want our big players because they will help the team to win. Now if they are not playing well and not helping the team to win, I will be advising them to look into the mirror rather than look for excuses elsewhere and blame the owners for not having spent £500m.


9 September: "Unbelievably overstaffed" (After beating West Brom)

We were unbelievably over-staffed when I came to the club and, if the truth be known, we still are over-staffed. It was just as big a job making sure some of the players who never feature for the first team move on and that we limit our squad to players who are either in the frame to play first-team football or who have a bright future who are still anxious to play academy and reserve team football.


9 September: "He's a good player and he's the right man for the job" (On Konchesky)

There aren't many quality left-backs around in the world, never mind in England - so to find an English one who can go straight into the team without any adjustment problems is a big advantage. He is a player I know, a player I have worked with and he knows the way we try to play and the things we try to do. That's another little advantage, but the main reason for bringing him here is because we think he's a good player and he's the right man for the job.


10 September: "We'll have ample quality to see us through" (see also 30 October)

I preferred to put my weight behind David Ngog and Ryan Babel, who's never really been given a proper chance at centre-forward at the club. We have Fernando Torres, we have good players who can play behind a lone striker. I'm hoping that between now and Christmas we'll have ample quality to see us through that period. And in the meantime we have chance to do thorough scouting so that if the money is available, we could look into the situation again. I will be using David Ngog and Ryan Babel in certain games to give Fernando Torres a rest and it's up to them to prove to me that there's no need to look further than them.


20 September: "It is very early for me to make very strong judgments about where his best position is" (On Meireles)

He had two training sessions and played on Thursday night and he played again on Sunday so it is very early for me to make very strong judgments about where his best position is. The work we do on the training field will show me how best to use him. He actually went out wide right late in the United game and did okay there also. All I can say is he has a lot of qualities and I'm sure we'll get a lot of use out of him.


23 September: "These players have to accept responsibility" (After the defeat to Northampton)

These players have to accept responsibility. I accept responsibility for changing a lot of players in the team, I did it because I honestly thought the players I put on the field were good enough to win the game and they weren't. The obvious conclusion to that was I shouldn't have changed that many players but we should have been strong enough to get a result. We must all take our responsibility. I am just bitterly disappointed that the team I had so much faith in did not repay that faith this evening with the exception of one or two performances.


24 September: "The protest does not help"

The protest does not help but it is something I have had to live with since I came to the club. I, like everyone else at Liverpool, would be very happy if the ownership situation was clarified and in particular if we got a very good owner that could help us move forward. It is a major issue for a group of people who are very much anti the owners and anti the current people who are trying to solve the situation. I knew the situation existed before I arrived and it doesn't help. But it is often the case that when things are conspiring against you there is always an extra thing to come in and make it that little bit worse.


25 September: “I didn't think it was necessary to say it" (On not responding to the Torres "diving" accusations, six days prior)

I didn't think it was necessary to say it because it was insulting people's intelligence. For me, it was one of Alex's inflammatory little digs to make his victory even sweeter and our defeat even harder and that's part of the game


3 October: "From Halmstad to Malmo to Orebo to Neuchatel Xamax..."

What do you mean do my methods translate? They have translated from Halmstad to Malmo to Orebo to Neuchatel Xamax to the Swiss national team. So I find the question insulting. To suggest that, because I have moved from one club to another, that the methods which have stood me in good stead for 35 years and made me one of the most respected coaches in Europe don’t suddenly work, is very hard to believe.


3 October: "I don't understand questions about Liverpool and Fulham players being different types"

I don't understand questions about Liverpool and Fulham players being different types. At the moment arguably one or two of the players that are suggested as being very different to the Fulham players maybe aren't playing any better than the Fulham players played. So maybe people should be having a look at that.


18 October: "As good as we have played all season" (After the woeful loss to Everton)

That was as good as we have played all season, and I have no qualms with the performance whatsoever. I only hope fair-minded people will see it the same way.


21 October: "We will cross that bridge when we come to it" (On rumours of Torres to Manchester United)

I think we will cross that bridge when we come to it. There will always be speculation. When a great player like Wayne Rooney is looking to leave his club, then you know Manchester United will be in a position to target a lot of players around the world. I don't think Fernando will be the only striker they target - and I don't think we will be the only club worried that their striker is in their sights. I am not naive enough to believe that there won't be any danger and we will never lose a player like Torres. I understand these things can happen. I don't believe we will lose him.


29 October: "It's all to do with how good your scouting and your eye is"

I think you can pay an awful lot of money for poor players and you can pay not very much money for very good ones – it is all to do with how good your scouting and your eye is. There are a lot of things here that the club has got to get right. We have got a lot more expensive failures on our list than good players that we have brought in for next to nothing. Free transfers don’t necessarily mean that you have got a bargain. My experience of them has been very mixed. You need to be sure that the player you get can do the job you want from him.


30 October: "They can't all be wrong and we aren't that stupid either"

A club like Liverpool shouldn't have to rely on non-specialists like Dirk Kuyt or Ryan Babel ‘doing a job’ up front when they are primarily wide players. ...The first thing people say when I walk down the street is ‘We need a front player’. They can't all be wrong and we aren't that stupid either.


30 October: "That's what he's good at" (On Dalglish)

He is doing a great job alongside us and we involve him in our scouting while he still works at The Academy and plays an ambassadorial role. That's what he's good at.


31 October: "A famous victory" (1-0 at Bolton)

Today was a famous victory because we hadn’t won more than once away in the whole of 2010. When you’re down the bottom, and keep being reminded you’re down the bottom, anxiety kicks in.


31 October: "He was here in name but not allowed to set foot in Melwood"

When they wanted me for the job, I made it clear to Kenny that he would be with me - not like with Benitez, when he was here in name but not allowed to set foot in Melwood and it was 'we don't want anything to do with you.


12 November: "He's not that bad on the ball"

Unfortunately I can't do anything about the fans, but he's (Poulsen) had one or two games in front of our crowd where he's not played well and he knows he hasn't. He is devastated by that and the crowd, who aren't stupid, know he's not played well. It's a fact of life. He can only keep working hard and when he gets his chance he has to get on with his job. He had a job to do against Wigan and without his introduction, with a very tired Maxi Rodríguez and Dirk Kuyt, who knows we could even have lost the game. But he's got quality, he's a good defensive midfield player. He's not that bad on the ball, but let's not beat about the bush and try to disguise the fact – he's had a bad start.


13 November: "He's not performed -- very often at least -- to the level I'd expect of him"

(Johnson) is the England right-back and, if he plays like that, one would expect him to come back in when he's fit. But then he'd have to play like the England right-back and up to now, to be quite frank, he's not performed - very often at least - to the level I'd expect of him. You would have to ask him 'do you think you're playing at top form and are you playing like the best right-back in the country for your club?' If he says yes, obviously we will have to agree to differ and if he says no, then you'd have to ask the question 'why not?


14 November: "I didn't realise I had been accused of criticising him"

It amazes me that when you make a statement of such obvious veracity people want to make headlines out of it. Everyone is saying what I am saying. I hope I am honest and I hope the players are honest. I didn't realise I had been accused of criticising him; I don't normally criticise my players and I'm sorry if that has been suggested.


26 November: "We won't need to do too much in the January transfer window" (After beating West Ham)

I have a very clear picture now of what we should and need to be doing and the squad is stronger and getting stronger. It was probably stronger than I realised at certain stages in the early part of the season when we were losing games. Hopefully that will mean we won't need to do too much in the January transfer window


2 December: "He isn't a naturally confident character" (As Joe Cole returns from injury)

He isn't a naturally confident character. He suffers when things are not going his way. Everyone at the club has worked hard to make sure he doesn't take it too hard and take too much on himself, because he's quite happy to take responsibility. Sometimes those players can take too much on themselves and push themselves even further down.


9 December: "I don't know where the stories came from" (After Brukner said Gerrard could be fit, on 30 November)

I don't know where the stories came from that Gerrard would be fit for Newcastle. We have always been thinking he would be fit to face Fulham the following weekend, it would be much too early to consider him for Newcastle.


10 December: "He has been the first to recognise what a good job it was that we didn’t do these things" (On not letting Babel, Lucas et al leave)

Christian (Purslow) was here for two years and is a big fan with strong opinions about players. He fed me the information. I listened, of course, but made it clear I was not going to act on it. To be fair, when we’ve spoken or texted he has been the first to recognise what a good job it was that we didn’t do these things, because the boys have turned out well.


14 December: "Unless there is a major influx of cash into the club..." (After losing to Newcastle)

Unless there is a major influx of cash into the club and the team is going to be changed from one moment to the next, then whoever takes my place will be doing a similar job with similar players.


14 December: "I can't work harder and I can't work better"

The owners have made it perfectly clear they are in it for the long term. They realise it is going to take time. They realise we can't turn things round overnight and they also realise the team I am working with is not the team I put together. It [the speculation] doesn't bother me because I can't do more than I am doing. I can't work harder and I can't work better.


15 December: "A bunch of also-rans"

I don't know if I would have considered using Fernando had David Ngog been fit. But he isn't and, having had a chat with Fernando, I think he'll enjoy it. It's not as if he'll be playing with a bunch of also-rans. I'm not asking him to play in the reserves.


15 December: "They made me see sense"

I thought it would be a nice game for him (Torres) and a chance for him to get his confidence back. But I also had a talk to our fitness people and they made me see sense that it wasn't the wisest thing to do. And of course it would be very bad for us if he picked up an injury. The same applied to Pepe Reina. They made me see sense, I listened to the reason around me and I changed my mind.




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Det er jo en kjent sak at Cole har slitt med skader. Og det har han delvis dratt med seg til oss. Men jeg synes han har spilt ganske bra når han har spilt. Ser at han prøver på mye lurt, men dessverre er ikke resten av laget helt med på det bestandig. De virker ikke samspilte med Cole. Nå synes jeg også Maxi har vært så god så tror jeg velger han foran Cole slik det er nå



Og nårti faen får vi se gutta i aksjon neste gang? Juletreet er vel ute da...

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Ikke så rart kanskje, kelneren har nettopp fått sparken i Inter. Gosser meg over idiotene herpå som i sin tid påstod at denne spanske herremannan var i stand til å tukte Ferguson. "This is a fahcht" For et geni! Hewitt og denslags rask kan like godt bare krype til korset.


Middelmådig manager, i beste fall. Hakket over Hodgson dog.

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Hewitt var vel strengt tatt ikke her når ronketoget gikk etter finalen i istanbul.


Jeg bare gjør meg tanker om hvor lang tid Rafa egentlig hadde fått om han ikke hadde vunnet den kampen.


Hvorfor skulle han ikke fått sittet like lenge? Vi spilte bedre for hver sesong under Rafa, før den siste. Alle kunne se at vi ble rundtspilt av Milan i 05, mens vi dominerte dem i 07. 08/09 sesongen er den beste vi noen gang har gjort i PL. Vi er ikke Manchester United og Chelsea, som må vinne pokaler hver sesong for at den skal være godkjent.


That being said, tror Rafa trenger en liten pause fra fotballen nå.

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Hewitt var vel strengt tatt ikke her når ronketoget gikk etter finalen i istanbul.


Jeg bare gjør meg tanker om hvor lang tid Rafa egentlig hadde fått om han ikke hadde vunnet den kampen.


Hvorfor skulle han ikke fått sittet like lenge? Vi spilte bedre for hver sesong under Rafa, før den siste. Alle kunne se at vi ble rundtspilt av Milan i 05, mens vi dominerte dem i 07. 08/09 sesongen er den beste vi noen gang har gjort i PL. Vi er ikke Manchester United og Chelsea, som må vinne pokaler hver sesong for at den skal være godkjent.


That being said, tror Rafa trenger en liten pause fra fotballen nå.

Fordi en CL-triumf ut av ingenting har det med å forme et lag. Det ga Benitez arbeidsro.


Nei dere er ikke United, likevel sparket dere Houllier og Benitez. Kravene er kanskje ikke de samme, det forventes likevel resultater fra en så stor klubb, spesielt med de investeringen som gjøres.

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Ikke så rart kanskje, kelneren har nettopp fått sparken i Inter. Gosser meg over idiotene herpå som i sin tid påstod at denne spanske herremannan var i stand til å tukte Ferguson. "This is a fahcht" For et geni! Hewitt og denslags rask kan like godt bare krype til korset.


Middelmådig manager, i beste fall. Hakket over Hodgson dog.


2 ganger vinner av La Liga med Valencia, vinner av UEFA Cup med Valencia. Vinner av CL og FA-Cup med Liverpool, ytterligere 1 finale, samt 1 semi i CL. 2. plass i liga med rekordmange poeng for Liverpool. Langt fra middelmodig i mine øyne. Spørs hva du mener med å tukte Ferguson som du skriver over, da jeg tror det er ekstremt sjelden at vi kommer til å se slike "ekstreme" tilfeller igjen. Men jeg er sikker på at Liverpool med Rafa ved roret kunne tatt PL-gull de nærmeste årene.


Synd at han har fått den behandlingen han har fått dette året. Imo. så hadde han fortjent en sesong til her. Han har også fått slett behandling i Inter (kanskje litt mer fortjent), men i etterpåklokskapens navn var det kanskje ikke det beste valget for hans egen del (virker nesten som en del av Inter-spillerene er litt "mette"). Var vel en tidligere storspiller i Inter som akkurat gikk ut å sa at han mente Rafa hadde gjort alt rett, bortsett fra å kreve å forsterke deler av laget. Når han gjorde det, gikk det som det gikk.


Har sagt utallige ganger at jeg mener det var feil at han måtte gå i sommer, og H&G-regimet er å takke for det. I mine øyne er ikke H&G perioden helt over før Hogdson også en dag er ute av klubben, og vi for alvor kan begynne å se fremover igjen. Når vi ser hva vi sitter med i dag er det vel også liten tvil om at ett eller annet skjærte seg da Benitez fikk fyken i sommer. Synd at han ikke fikk bli til NESV kom inn, da jeg tror de og Rafa hadde digget hverandre.


Snakkes en del om Benitez tilbake osv. Jeg hadde selvfølgelig ønsket han hjertelig velkommen, men tror ikke det hadde vært noen optimal løsning nå, ei heller sannsynlig. Det vi trenger er en manager som kan samle hele klubben, og ta oss fremover på lang sikt. Da er det risky å ansette en som gikk for 6 mnd siden igjen.


Personlig håper jeg Benitez og familien får en fin julefeiring hjemme i Liverpool. Og for hans egen del håper jeg han tar en liten pause fra manageryrket, får ting litt på avstand, og slipper det enorme presset han har hatt på seg i lang tid for en lengre periode nå. Rett og slett samler litt overskudd og kanskje får litt nye perspektiver, slik at han om litt kan komme tilbake i "toppform".


Husk også Gold at man ikke automatisk er en dårlig manager bare fordi man har fått sparken, særlig i dagens fotball. Mange gode managere som har fått sparken før, og kommer til å få sparken etter Benitez.





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Blir virkelig ikke overrasket om Benitez kommer tilbake slik han stadig flørter med klubben. Han tror vel at all fansen ønsker ham varmt tilbake og at de nye eierne faktisk lytter til hva fansen sier. Kanskje er det et stort flertall for å ta ham tilbake også, dessverre.

Eg vil gjerne ha han tilbake.

Han hadde et dårlig år, og burde fått lov til å rette opp i det iår.

Etter min meining sparka vi han fortidlig.


Edit: "Et steg tilbake, to steg fram"

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