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Ja, har fått sansen for Pennant selv. Ble meget glad da han spilte så godt mot Milan. fire toppvinger kan fort bli mye. Men da har vi i alle fall en meget god oppbacking på de aller fleste posisjoner.



Pennant er ingen toppving:p, men på sitt beste er han utrolig god

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Til en forandring er det faktisk bakover (backrekka) vi nå har "dårligst" dekning.


Indeed. Men den førsterekka har vært solid i en årrekke! Dessuten hadde det ikke vært meg imot om noen unggutter får prøve seg dersom skadeproblemer gjør situasjonen alvorlig. :)

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Fornøyd om vi får Babel, men skjønner ikke hva vi skal med Benayoun egentlig. Synes det er ett skritt fram og to tilbake. Greit, det hadde vært et godt kjøp for et år siden, men nå har vi midlene til å kunne kjempe om de beste spillerne, jeg synes ikke Benayoun er en av de. For all del, kjempegod spiller, men han mangler det siste lille, og løfter neppe Liverpool noe særlig anna enn å erstatte Garcia. Håper fortsatt på Quaresma eller Mancini.


Edit: Nå koster han dog ikke så fryktelig mye, men det er kanskje det som er poenget mitt når jeg tenker meg om? :p

Endret av ErlendRU
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Så denne om Babel på KopForum:


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Scouting report: Ryan Babel, Ajax


Ryan Babel is a strong, forceful player in the mould of a young Kevin Campbell but who loves to come short for the ball.


When Thierry Henry left Arsenal there were more than a few eyes looking across to Holland at this 20-year-old striker as a potential replacement. I watched him in Holland's 2-1 win over Portugal in the European Under-21 Championship last month and I found him a bit of an enigma. He is a big, strong, forceful player in the mould of a young Kevin Campbell - yet he just loves to come short for the ball. He almost moved into a midfield role rather than what you might expect, which would be playing high up, against his defender.


However, in Maceo Rigters (who ended up with the tournament's Golden Boot) he had a willing strike partner who could stretch defences over the top with his pace, meaning opponents were reluctant to come forward and play a high line. That allowed Babel to exploit the space between midfield and the opposition defence.


Babel has a very good awareness of what is around him when he does receive the ball, which is important because you need almost peripheral vision in this area of the pitch. Against Portugal this, allied with a good first touch and strength on the ball even when closed down, meant he was able to hold off his opponent. There was a nice balance to his game with regard to when to run at people and when to release a team-mate. His success at this led to Holland's first goal: Babel received the ball and immediately got his head up to play Rigters in with a perfectly weighted pass between the centre-back and full-back. Rigters was brought down and Babel showed he is not short on confidence by stepping up and scoring the penalty.


Babel not only combined well with his fellow centre-forward but also picked the ball up wide and deep, playing either winger in with passes good enough to take their full-back out of play. Although this is his preferred way of playing, when he did push forward to a more advanced position he proved a willing runner, particularly into channels, and pulled away for the diagonal ball extremely well. One or two parts of his game made me realise why he likes to play the way he does: his hold-up play and battling qualities in the air fell a little short of what I imagined for someone of his build and strength.


Scouted by Ajax at the age of 11, he has obviously benefited by his time at the club since then. He became Holland's youngest scorer for 68 years with a goal on his full international debut, against Romania in 2005, and scored twice on the way to the last eight of the Under-20 World Cup the same year. This is a player born to play in the modern game, with all the physical attributes needed at the highest level. But the difference from players of a similar physical development at such a young age is that mentally he will not be found wanting, which can happen all too often.


Babel would be no direct replacement for Henry; if he were to join Arsenal, this season or next, I could see him in a Dennis Bergkamp-type role, dropping off a bit. He has a similar stature to Bergkamp. He needs to play alongside someone with pace, who will frighten the opposition defence so that they do not step up; this will create a hole for him to play in.


Age 20


Born Amsterdam


Position Forward


Height 6ft 1in


Weight 12st 6lb


From Ajax


Pace 8/10


Awareness 9/10


Heading 7/10


Attitude 8/10


Tackling 7/10


Passing 9/10


Team responsibility 9/10


Valuation £5m-7m

Endret av ErlendRU
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