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Gjest Slettet-D7I5Gr2

Heskey kan som N'Gog ikke spille alene på topp, så har ikke bruk for den mannen. Om Rafa på død og liv skal hente en ex-liverpoolspiller så hent Luis Garcia.


The Mirror driver med litt julesprøyt mistenker jeg.



Edit: Harry - Keane going nowhere

hihi, hørt det før rundt disse dagene.

Endret av Slettet-D7I5Gr2
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Noen viste denne til meg i dag, veldig interessant. Ikke så veldig sjokkerende, da. Så med mindre man er en Pool legende (bare et par igjen i klubben) eller Fernando Torres så må man gjøre akkurat det Benitez sier og forklarer til de. Ikke rart Kuyt har blitt som han har blitt da. Dere hadde hatt det bedre uten Benitez selv om jeg vet alt med kontrakten osv er stress.

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Gjest Slettet-D7I5Gr2

Er lovende sikker på at Torres og Gerrard(og Carra) ikke får forskjellsbehandling.


Kuyt er bare sliten, sist sesong var hans beste sålangt.

Endret av Slettet-D7I5Gr2
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Se filmen hos Youtube


PUR klasse!


Ronaldo,ribery,robben,gerrard,torres,rooney,drogba osv osv, når ikke han til knærne engang, og han er relativt lav.


Fuckin epic.




Dear Reds,


First of all I’d like to apologise for not having been back in touch sooner, but I needed to take some time to take on board all the recent changes and then to put down these words for you.


I’m sure you will understand.


I would rather this be a letter of thanks and gratitude, not simply a goodbye.


Yes, thats right, gratitude, because that is the word that best sums up my feelings for you all.


Taking the decision to change clubs hasn’t been easy. Not easy at all.


I’ve experienced three fantastic years at the club and in the city. Three years in which together, the fans and the team, we have accomplished some fantastic achievements, and I’m sure that these successes will continue to be repeated in the near future.


You know that I like a challenge and that I don’t just settle for second best.


Back then Liverpool Football Club gave me the opportunity to be part of an ambitious plan to put the Reds back at the summit of the game.


I think that together we managed to achieve that.


As I said, I do like challenges and in spite of the fact that at that time I was playing for my home town club, one of the biggest in the world, I wanted to be a part of that project that was being presented to me by Liverpool, and so I accepted the challenge.


Now, after three seasons in the Premier League and having won some major trophies, the chance came up for me to return to La Liga and be part of a new project at a club I already knew.


The idea of enjoying things in a Spanish club like we experienced together at Liverpool over these last three years appealed to me, and thats why I accepted the offer.


I want to thank everyone working at Liverpool Football Club for how well they have treated both my family and I, making us feel at home from the very first day to the last.


I also want to thank the management, coaching staff and directors for the opportunity they gave me back then to be part of such an important and well-loved club as Liverpool. A club which has helped me to grow as a footballer and where to date I have enjoyed the biggest success of my career.


Without a doubt, this success has been possible thanks to the outstanding group of players with whom Ive been able to share a dressing room over the last three seasons.


I’m not going to mention anyone specifically, because I think that the secret of this team’s success has been exactly that: nobody wanted to stand out above the rest and there has always been a great togetherness in the squad, which made it into something more than a group of players, it was a group of friends.


Thanks to all of you for your help and your friendship.


I’ve left until last the thank you which for me is the most important: Thank you to the supporters.


Your support allowed me to settle quickly at both the club and in the city, and you made me feel really at ease with you all right from the word go; that’s the kind of help that you notice most of all during the difficult times, of which there have been a few during my time here.


I’d like to especially thank you for making up a song for me and you should know that every time I heard you singing it, it was like an extra injection of strength and motivation, even helping me to overcome pain occasionally during a game.


Your unconditional support is the thing that ensures that this team manages to pull through in the most difficult circumstances; and I can assure you that the whole squad is aware of this and thanks you for it.


A football club isn’t just made up of players, coaches and directors. More than anything else it’s the supporters who make a club, and that perhaps is the ingredient which best distinguishes Liverpool Football Club from every other team. The supporters.


Because if one thing has remained obvious to me after these few years, it’s that with supporters like you, Liverpool Football Club will never walk alone.


I really hope that the club wins lots of major trophies in the future; I’ll be following it all from a distance, with the pride that you can only get from having been a Red and played for the home team at Anfield – a ground that every football fan must visit at least once in their life.


Thank you for everything. Yours most sincerely,


Your friend, Luís García










Se filmen hos Youtube


Holder fortsatt høyere klasse en hele venstresiden vår. Har et juleønske til Rafa. Kewell og Garcia. Bytte dossena,voronin og degen for Kewell. Babel og lucas for Garcia.


Endret av Smågal
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Gjest Slettet-D7I5Gr2

5 ut og 2 inn hjelper ikke akkurat mot tynn stall at det gjør noe. :p


Var forøvrig tilstede når Luis Garcia nettet mot Juventus. Det var Epic!

(Om jeg ikke tar feil så signerte nettopp Luis Garcia en toårs-avtale med Racing :()

Endret av Slettet-D7I5Gr2
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God morgen lads. Stiller meg positiv til Santa Cruz i rød drakt, så lenge ikke prisen er så høy at vi kan få noe bedre. Kewell og Liverpool er et tilbakelagt kapittel. Orker ikke å se han skade seg mer når arbeidsgiveren er Liverpool. Garcia tar jeg i mot med åpne armer.



Kamp om under 12 timer. Føler meg faktisk ganske sikker på seier og det er en sjeldenhet denne sesongen. Tipper vi overbeviser i kveld og driter oss ut mot Villa, når alle har fått forhåpninger. :)



Johnson - Carra - Agger - Insua

Lucas - Gerrard

Kuyt - Aquilani - Riera



Noe sånt blir det vel. Kanskje med Bønna inn for Riera eller Aqui.

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Gjest Slettet-D7I5Gr2

Garcia har somsagt nettopp gått til Racing,så kommer nok ikke.

Troen på seier idag, etter flere krisemøter på Liverpool-brakka SKAL laget skjerpe seg flere hakk(I'm talking to you Gerrard) og vise hvor kjærringa skal stå(på kjøkkenet) i dagens kamp.


Og enda mer viktig, slå Villa sønder om 2-3 dager.

Håper\tipper på et slikt lag








Kuyt kan kose seg på benken, mulig Babel kan få prøve seg istede for Riera.


EDIT: Skal vi gi beng i kamptråd i denne kampen? Personlig skal den ses på pub,så don't give a rats ass.

Endret av Slettet-D7I5Gr2
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EDIT: Skal vi gi beng i kamptråd i denne kampen? Personlig skal den ses på pub,så don't give a rats ass.

Dere har fått en kategori, men driter i kamptråder? Ikke bra. Blir ikke overrasket om kategorien deres blir til en tråd igjen når det skal vurderes til våren. ;)


On-T: Lett match i kveld. Satser på 4-0 til Liverpool, rart at noen i det hele tatt setter penga på Wolves-seier. Da kan man like godt kaste penga ut av vinduet. :p

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Mange tror Garcia gikk til Atletico for å få Torres-avtalen i boks, men begge parter sier at det ikke stemmer og at avtalen hans var helt seperat fra Torres-kjøpet. Grunnen til at Garcia ville gå var fordi han ville hjem til Spania, og til Atletico, som han hadde spilt for tidligere. Benitez var visstnok ikke spesielt lysten på at Garcia skulle gå, men måtte jo også få inn litt penger til å kjøpe Torres. Å forlate Liverpool var altså Garcias eget ønske, siden han begynte å dra litt på årene og ville hjem til Spania de siste årene av karrieren.


Men vi vil alltid huske ham for tre fantastiske år. Han var ikke alltid på topp (og når han var på brunn var han frustrerende :p ), men likevel en knallspiller jeg gjerne skulle sett lengre i klubben, og han står for noen av de nydeligste øyeblikkene i Liverpools nyere historie. Rakk aldri å kjøpe en Liverpool-drakt med Luis på, men gjorde opp for det da jeg var i Madrid med å kjøpe en Atletico-drakt med ham bakpå. :)


Han ble jo også en enda større helt blant fansen etter brevet til supporterne etter overgangen:



Dear Reds,


First of all I'd like to apologise for not having been back in touch sooner, but I needed to take some time to take on board all the recent changes and then to put down these words for you.


I'm sure you will understand.


I would rather this be a letter of thanks and gratitude, not simply a goodbye.


Yes, that's right, gratitude, because that is the word that best sums up my feelings for you all.


Taking the decision to change clubs hasn't been easy. Not easy at all.


I've experienced three fantastic years at the club and in the city. Three years in which together, the fans and the team, we have accomplished some fantastic achievements, and I'm sure that these successes will continue to be repeated in the near future.


You know that I like a challenge and that I don't just settle for second best.


Back then Liverpool Football Club gave me the opportunity to be part of an ambitious plan to put the Reds back at the summit of the game.


I think that together we managed to achieve that.


As I said, I do like challenges and in spite of the fact that at that time I was playing for my home town club, one of the biggest in the world, I wanted to be a part of that project that was being presented to me by Liverpool, and so I accepted the challenge.


Now, after three seasons in the Premier League and having won some major trophies, the chance came up for me to return to La Liga and be part of a new project at a club I already knew.


The idea of enjoying things in a Spanish club like we experienced together at Liverpool over these last three years appealed to me, and that's why I accepted the offer.


I want to thank everyone working at Liverpool Football Club for how well they have treated both my family and I, making us feel at home from the very first day to the last.


I also want to thank the management, coaching staff and directors for the opportunity they gave me back then to be part of such an important and well-loved club as Liverpool. A club which has helped me to grow as a footballer and where to date I have enjoyed the biggest success of my career.


Without a doubt, this success has been possible thanks to the outstanding group of players with whom I've been able to share a dressing room over the last three seasons.


I'm not going to mention anyone specifically, because I think that the secret of this team's success has been exactly that: nobody wanted to stand out above the rest and there has always been a great togetherness in the squad, which made it into something more than a group of players, it was a group of friends.


Thanks to all of you for your help and your friendship.


I've left until last the thank you which for me is the most important: Thank you to the supporters.


Your support allowed me to settle quickly at both the club and in the city, and you made me feel really at ease with you all right from the word go; that's the kind of help that you notice most of all during the difficult times, of which there have been a few during my time here.


I'd like to especially thank you for making up a song for me and you should know that every time I heard you singing it, it was like an extra injection of strength and motivation, even helping me to overcome pain occasionally during a game.


Your unconditional support is the thing that ensures that this team manages to pull through in the most difficult circumstances; and I can assure you that the whole squad is aware of this and thanks you for it.


A football club isn't just made up of players, coaches and directors. More than anything else it's the supporters who make a club, and that perhaps is the ingredient which best distinguishes Liverpool Football Club from every other team. The supporters.


Because if one thing has remained obvious to me after these few years, it's that with supporters like you, Liverpool Football Club will never walk alone.


I really hope that the club wins lots of major trophies in the future; I'll be following it all from a distance, with the pride that you can only get from having been a Red and played for the home team at Anfield – a ground that every football fan must visit at least once in their life.


Thank you for everything. Yours most sincerely,


Your friend, Luís García



Det er sånne typer vi liker. :)

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Tok meg frihet til å lage en kamptråd jeg, begynte å lage den i går kveld og fullførte den nå. Synes vi skal benytte mulighetene vi har fått med en egen kategori og vil oppfordre alle til å opprette tråder de føler vi kan trenge, lage flere spillertråder etc. hvis man har lyst og mulighet :)

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EDIT: Skal vi gi beng i kamptråd i denne kampen? Personlig skal den ses på pub,så don't give a rats ass.

Dere har fått en kategori, men driter i kamptråder? Ikke bra. Blir ikke overrasket om kategorien deres blir til en tråd igjen når det skal vurderes til våren. ;)


On-T: Lett match i kveld. Satser på 4-0 til Liverpool, rart at noen i det hele tatt setter penga på Wolves-seier. Da kan man like godt kaste penga ut av vinduet. :p

Jeg gjør det fordi jeg så og si aldri vinner penger på oddsen, samme faen, er helt utgjort. Så enten vinner jeg penger, ellers får Liverpool poeng. Win win. Ikke at uavgjort hadde vært så bra. :p

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On-T: Lett match i kveld. Satser på 4-0 til Liverpool, rart at noen i det hele tatt setter penga på Wolves-seier. Da kan man like godt kaste penga ut av vinduet. :p

Si ikke det. Liverpool har ødelagt alt for mange oddsbonger for meg denne sesongen siden jeg selvfølgelig har satset på at vi vinner. Når jeg nå satser på motstanderen vil vi sikkert vinne. Kan nesten si at jeg betaler for at vi vinner. Eller så vinner jeg penger. Jeg blir fornøyd uansett.

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EDIT: Skal vi gi beng i kamptråd i denne kampen? Personlig skal den ses på pub,så don't give a rats ass.

Dere har fått en kategori, men driter i kamptråder? Ikke bra. Blir ikke overrasket om kategorien deres blir til en tråd igjen når det skal vurderes til våren. ;)


On-T: Lett match i kveld. Satser på 4-0 til Liverpool, rart at noen i det hele tatt setter penga på Wolves-seier. Da kan man like godt kaste penga ut av vinduet. :p

Vi har dessverre ikke en Latias som lager liv i lagdelen av forumet. Så vis du har tid til overs, så kan du jo lage kamptråder for oss også :)

Endret av Pirja
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Gjest Slettet-D7I5Gr2

Ja, man kan kanskje etterlyse en spammer ja. :D


Grei seier over Wolves idag,men det er ''tross alt'' wolves,de skal slåes.

Trenger en overbevisende seier mot Villa nå!


(håper forøvrig at arsenal vinner imorgen)

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