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Manchester United

Old Game

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bshagen skrev (På 29.3.2020 den 22.52):

Tror ikke det ville vært så lurt, for de blir da stående som «uten kontrakt» dvs gjøre hva de vil frem til at permitteringen er over. Spillerne burde heller bare få kontraktene forlenget automatisk, men at de må gå ned (dramatisk) i lønn frem til det blir spill igjen

Om en kan permittere enkelte hadde jo det vært positivt. Spesielt en utlånt spiller jeg kunne tenkt meg at vi permitterte ?

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«Mens spillerne nok en gang sier nei til lønnskutt, gir Glazers ordre rom for håp»

– Når Glazer-familien fremstår som moralens voktere kan det egentlig bare bety to ting. Enten er det en faretruende stor kynisme som råder i engelsk fotball, eller så er kanskje eierne i ferd med å forstå Uniteds verdier på en måte de tidligere ikke har vist.


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Pogba til Uniteds offisielle podcast (spilt inn i mars):

– Jeg har vært frustrert, lenge. Nå er jeg nesten klar, så jeg tenker bare på å komme meg tilbake og å få trent for fullt med laget.

– Jeg har aldri hatt noe som dette før i karrieren min, så jeg prøver å takle det på en god måte. Det gjør meg mer sulten etter å komme tilbake og gjøre det godt. Og ja, det viser meg hvor høyt jeg elsker fotball. 

– En må være tålmodig, for, vel, skaden min, jeg vet ikke om folk egentlig vet hva som skjedde. Jeg hadde en fotskade, som jeg pådro meg i kampen mot Southampton. Det var tidlig denne sesongen, så jeg hadde denne skaden lenge, og trente, og prøvde å spille med den [mot Rochdale og Arsenal]. Etter at jeg sluttet med det, så fant jeg ut at jeg hadde et brudd.

– Jeg gikk med gips, og det gikk veldig bra, men for bra. Beinet ble større, og da jeg kom tilbake og spilte de to kampene mot Watford og Newcastle, så kunne jeg kjenne noe igjen. Så jeg måtte ha en operasjon.

– Nå kjenner jeg ikke noe, og forhåpentligvis er jeg tilbake veldig snart.

– Ja, for å være ærlig (savner kampdagsrutinene). Jeg vet ikke en gang hvordan det føles lenger. Jeg kan knapt vente til jeg har den følelsen igjen. Jeg savner det, for det å spille fotball er jobben min. Jeg nyter virkelig å spille fotball.

Oversatt av United.no: https://www.united.no/nyhetsarkiv/det-gjor-meg-mer-sulten-etter-a-komme-tilbake-og-gjore-det-godt/

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Ed Woodward med langt brev til oss United-supportere. Anbefaler alle å lese.
Han sier mye av det alle tenker rundt overganger og sånt, men som få har sagt foreløpig. Han snakker også om Uniteds respons på krisa, at prosessen med ståplasser på Old Trafford går fremover osv. Har uthevet det om overganger i rødt.



Welcome to the second Fans' Forum of the year, and the first to be held remotely via conference call. I’d first like to say that I hope you and your families are all safe and healthy.

It would have been easy to postpone this meeting until we can convene again at Old Trafford, but we feel it’s perhaps more important than ever to have open lines of communication between the club and our supporters when we’re grappling with such extraordinary challenges.

A lot has happened since the Forum last met in January, so let me take a few moments to summarise the approach we have taken in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Protecting public health
I’d like to reinforce that our thoughts are with everyone affected by the pandemic, and especially those who have lost people close to them. Our top priority has been doing what is necessary to help slow the spread of the virus, and that will remain our guiding principle. This has obviously included postponing all our games until further notice, and temporarily closing Old Trafford and the AON Training Complex to all visitors and most staff. We have not enjoyed taking these decisions, but public health and the health of our employees must always come first.

Supporting the NHS
On behalf of everyone at Manchester United, I want to pay tribute to the heroic work being done by the NHS and all key workers in fighting the virus.

We are proud to support those efforts, with club medical supplies, protective equipment and food donated to local hospitals, and gift packs to NHS workers. We have also put facilities and staff at the service of the NHS: The Manchester United Foundation has made its fleet of vans available for NHS courier services and club staff are volunteering for the NHS, while continuing to receive full pay. After discussion with local NHS trusts, there is more support to come from the club in this area.

Supporting our community
We recognise that this is an economic crisis as well as a health crisis and that many vulnerable members of our community will be affected. That’s why we have donated over 30,000 items of food and drink to local charities, and made a £100,000 joint donation with Manchester City to the Trussell Trust for use by 19 food banks across Greater Manchester.

I’d like to put on record our appreciation for the role of the Manchester United Supporters’ Trust in helping coordinate this latter donation, building on the excellent work that they normally do collecting for food banks on match days.

The Manchester United Foundation has continued to work throughout the pandemic, helping support the children of key workers at those local partner schools which remain open, and we are working on further support to help alleviate food poverty, in Manchester and beyond, through the Foundation.

Supporting our staff
Protecting our people is another crucial priority. That’s why we continued to pay them in full, without recourse to the government’s current furlough scheme, and made goodwill payments to over 3,000 casual workers to protect their incomes while our operations are disrupted.

Of course, everyone is grappling with the economic realities of the pandemic and we are no different, so the longer the crisis continues the greater the impact will be for every club, including ourselves.

Supporting our fans
We have taken a similar approach with you, our fans, extending the deadline for season ticket renewals and committing to provide rebates or refunds should any postponed games be cancelled or played behind closed doors.

We also made a contribution of £350 towards the travel costs of almost 700 United fans with tickets for our Europa League away game against LASK, following the late decision to play behind closed doors. These were some of our most loyal supporters who have followed the team to the farthest reaches of Europe and we felt it was right to give something back.

We are also looking out for our elderly and vulnerable supporters during the lockdown, including welfare calls by club staff and club legends to over 3,000 season ticket holders who are either over the age of 70 or disabled.

Our values and strength
We will continue looking for more ways of supporting those in need for as long as the pandemic continues. This is consistent with our values as a club, our strong roots into our community, and the deep relationships we have with our fans.

"It is also important to acknowledge the part played by our successful business in allowing us to fulfil our social responsibilities. We have always believed that our commercial model gives us greater resilience than most clubs and we are grateful for the enduring support of our commercial partners in helping us achieve that.

Challenging outlook
However, nobody should be under any illusions about the scale of challenge facing everyone in football and it may not be ‘business as usual’ for any clubs, including ourselves, in the transfer market this summer.

As ever, our priority is the success of team, but we need visibility of the impact across the whole industry, including timings of the transfer window, and the wider financial picture, before we can talk about a return to normality.

On this basis, I cannot help feeling that speculation around transfers of individual players for hundreds of millions of pounds this summer seems to ignore the realities that face the sport.

Return to football
Like all of you, we are eager to see the team return to the field as soon as we are advised it is safe to do so, hopefully to complete a season which still held so much promise for us in the Premier League, the Europa League and the FA Cup when it was suspended.

We are in constant dialogue with our governing bodies about when and how that will happen and we will continue to engage with this Forum to keep fans consulted.

And while it may be that games need to be played behind closed doors in the shorter term, we all recognise that football will not be fully back to normal until supporters are once again in attendance.

As today’s agenda shows, we are pushing ahead with a series of initiatives to enhance the matchday experience at Old Trafford, including the expansion of the dedicated atmosphere section of the Stretford End, the planned trial of rail seating, and the completion of our expanded state-of-the-art facilities for disabled supporters.

These matters pale in comparison with the immediate priority of fighting coronavirus. But they give us things to look forward to when we are eventually allowed back to Old Trafford to watch football. It will be a very special day when that happens.

In the meantime, on behalf of everyone at Manchester United, take care and thank you as ever for your unwavering support."



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Solskjær til Sun:



"There were other things I didn’t like last year, some personal agendas which couldn’t be sorted out until the summer — if a team is to be successful then players have to be available at different times.

I’d rather have a hole in the squad than an a**hole. Personality is so important. We’re a team in a team environment. You want players to have a bit of ego and edge but they have to be able to adapt."


Altså, for en deilig quote!

Litt flere sitater, til United We Stand:



“When you win, everything is easy. It’s when you hit difficult times that you can see who you want and who has the right mentality.

“We didn’t see that until after Paris, when we went into a bad run.

“That’s when I saw who I could build a long-term, successful squad around. You need some egos in football, but it has to be team first.

“I could see more and more at the end of the season what needed improving.”

“I’m a Red through and through. United matters to me. I’m honest, I’m loyal. I’m a club man.

“I plan for the long term and I want the best for the club long term. I’d like to think they thought I had the personality to manage Manchester United.”



Endret av Snikpellik
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Comma Chameleon skrev (1 time siden):

Hadde vært fint å tro på det, men går vel ikke an å stole et sekund på noe som kommer fra The Sun.

Hehe, dette er direkte sitater. Ikke en gang The Sun fabrikkerer sitater og spesielt ikke Neil Custis, da ville han mistet akkrediteringen hos United for all fremtid og også jobben i avisa.

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Gjest Slettet-D7I5Gr2
Snikpellik skrev (3 timer siden):

Hehe, dette er direkte sitater. Ikke en gang The Sun fabrikkerer sitater og spesielt ikke Neil Custis, da ville han mistet akkrediteringen hos United for all fremtid og også jobben i avisa.

Peil om hvem han refererer til? Rojo? Pogba? Lukaku? Sanchez? Phil Jones????? (Knis.)


Ryktes at sanchez var litt rass i arsenal i alle fall.

Endret av Slettet-D7I5Gr2
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Slettet-D7I5Gr2 skrev (3 timer siden):

Peil om hvem han refererer til? 

Han siktet nok til de som ville bort, og som forsvant forrige sommer. 

Føles nesten rart å snakke om United sportslig igjen - men en positiv ting ut fra de par første dagene med trening er at troppen ser ganske fulltallig ut, ut fra bildene. Rashford og Pogba er tilbake fra langtidsskadene, og det ser jammen ut som om Fosu-Mensah er frisk og rask og. Tuanzebe og Bailly har jeg ikke sett noe til, de er kanskje fortsatt ute. Uansett uvant å bare ha to-tre mann ute med leie skader sånn det har vært det siste året ?


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Jakobk skrev (På 21.5.2020 den 12.57):

Selv om de kommer med mye upålitelige rykter osv, så er det vel litt for drøyt (selv for the sun) å fabrikkere sitater? Tipper de stemmer


Snikpellik skrev (På 21.5.2020 den 13.43):

Hehe, dette er direkte sitater. Ikke en gang The Sun fabrikkerer sitater og spesielt ikke Neil Custis, da ville han mistet akkrediteringen hos United for all fremtid og også jobben i avisa.

Kjekt å høre. Etter så mye dritt med The Sun så har jeg valgt å ta alt de sier som løgn fram til flere rapporterer det samme. Søppelavis ?

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