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Manchester United

Old Game

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You can explain Life.
-If you know that Manchester United Football Club is older than Liverpool Football Club .

You can explain Loyalty.
-If you know that Ryan Giggs started his career before Jamie Carragher and ended his career after Carragher still playing for one club.

You can explain Poetry.
- If you have watched videos of the brilliance of George Best.


You can explain Heartbreak
-When you see the pain in our Smiles relinquishing the title to our Rivals Man City, smiling cause it wasn't Liverpool, pain because Man city we never admired..


You can explain Magic.
-If you ever saw Paul Scholes control your midfield with those raking 50 yard long balls and those threaded passes that won the praise of one Zinedene Zidane ..


You can explain Genius.
- If you saw Eric Cantona with his collar Up ,Cristiano Ronaldo with his head Down in full flight ,David Beckham bending it round the wall before it was the norm to do so..


You can explain Sadness
-If you woke up oneday to find the manager of your entire child life and teen years the great Sir Alex Ferguson was suddenly gone .


You can explain Passion.
-If you had the Class of 92 playing for your club,managing your club,living for your club.


You can explain Betrayal.

-If you realised Brian Kidd the man together with Sir Alex Ferguson masterminded Man United"s first Premier League Title..also Helped Roberto Mancini assist Man City in their First...


You can explain Triumph.

- If you saw a man of his word, If you watched Fergie"s empire gun down Liverpool"s league history season by season,title by title till they were knocked off their perch.


You can explain Faith.

-If you believed Man United was going to win the Champions League in stoppage time, knowing full well how good the Germans are in Penalties .


You can explain Atmosphere.
-If you have heard the trumpets blow at Old Trafford at the start and the roars of 70000 GGMU chants.


You can explain Pain.
-If you heard about the 1958 Munich diaster and will never get to know about the wonder that was Duncan Edwards.

Endret av RollsReus™
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Hadde ikke dere blitt skuffet hvis Spurs skulle stikke av med 4. plass troféet deres slik at dere måtte nøye dere med en 3. plass? Eller kanskje ikke, da hadde det vel blitt et nytt trofé for 3. plassen også.


Tottenham kunne gjerne tatt 4. plassen om vi tar 3. Bryr meg egentlig fint lite hvor de plasserer så lenge det er under oss.

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I følge første treff på Google:

Vidic £120k

Rio £100k


Evra £90k

Young £118k

Fellaini £75k

Rooney £300k


Så vi kan fint kutte litt utgifter og lønne Ronaldo! :)



Om det der stemmer så fortjener agenten til Young en gulltrone, fy faen! Mer enn Ferdinand og knappe £2k mindre enn kapteinen.

Sykt, sykt, sykt!

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