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Manchester United

Old Game

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La Liga er en drittliga i forhold til PL. Er bare Real og Barca som kunne vært med i å kjempet om topp 5 i PL. United ble utspilt i en kamp av Barcelona, ja.

United, Pool, Arsenal, Chelsea og tildels City nåtildags, er storlagene på balløya.


Real, Barca, Sevilla, Valencia og tildels Villarreal/Atletico (Vet de er dårlige eksempler atm), er storlagene i Spania.


Er enig at PL er den beste ligaen, men det får være grenser hvor langt man kan dra det, for så store forskjeller det overhode ikke.

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Jotun: Heilt klart enig i at vi under SAF har basert oss på å vere trygge bakover, og det håpar eg inderlig vi fortsetter med. Defansiv tryggheit må vi nesten ha for å kunne angripe sånn som eg ønskar at vi skal spele. Ta Treble-sesongen som eksempel. Då hadde vi veldig dyktige midtstopparar som hadde god defansiv kontroll, i tillegg til ein av verdas beste keeperar på den tida. Vi hadde sidebackar som fungerte både offansivt og defansivt og som var med på å støtte to vingar som både kunne ta med seg ballen framover og slå veldig gode innlegg. På midten så hadde vi gjerne to sentrale midtbanespelarar som både kunne kjempe til seg ballen, spele den vidare til rette vedkommande, eller ta den med seg gjennom eit bindeledd på eiga hand. I tillegg så hadde vi fire spissar som på forskjellige måtar komplementerte kvarandre og gav oss ein sterk dimensjon i det offensive spelet.


Det er heilt klart at eg heller ser at vi vinner ein kamp, enn at vi absolutt skal underholde, men eg elskar at vi ikkje legger oss bakpå og prøvar å sikre inn 1-0 ledelsar. Vi tar ikkje like store sjansar når vi ledar, men så lenge vi har muligheita til å holde ballen på motstandaren sin banehalvdel, så vil sjansen for at dei klarer å score minske betraktelig. Så lenge vi då har spelarar som har god kontroll bakover, i tillegg til at spelarar i midtbaneleddet hjelper til bakover når det trengs, så meinar eg vi har råd til å bruke angrepet som eit forsvar, om de tar poenget.


Totally agreed!

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Happy birthday Paul Scholes. Fucking true legend. Den største for meg.


Always in my heart. :love:


The Ginger Prince.






“Paul Scholes would have been one of my first choices for putting together a great team - that goes to show how highly I have always rated him. He would have been one of the first players I’d have bought, given the chance”


Marcello Lippi


"I have no hesitation in putting a name to the embodiment of all that I think is best about football," said Charlton. "It's Paul Scholes.


"Many great players have worn the shirt of Manchester United. Players I worshipped, then lost with my youth in Munich.


"Players like Denis Law and George Best who I enjoyed so much as team-mates and now, finally, players I have watched closely in the Alex Ferguson era. And in so many ways Scholes is my favourite. I love his nous and conviction that he will find a way to win, to make the killer pass or produce the decisive volley.


"When a game reaches a vital phase, these qualities seem to comeout of his every pore. He's always on the ball, always turning on goal.


"He's always looking to bring other people into the action and if he loses possession you think he must be ill."


"I'm so pleased for Paul," said Charlton. "After what happened when he missed the Bayern Munich final, he deserves to be in Moscow more than anyone.


"He loves the club, he loves his family and is a true professional.


It would be fitting for him to win the European Cup after the fantastic career he has had."


'Some of Paul Scholes' tackles come in so late they arrive yesterday'

- Clive Tyldesley -


'The aim for any of us at United is to become like a Keane or a Stam and play most weeks'

- Paul Scholes -


"My ideal day? Train in the morning, pick up the kids from school, go home, play with kids, have tea, get them up to bed, and then come down to watch a bit of TV. I don't get hassled. I can go anywhere I want to. Nobody stops me from going down to Tesco's. I'm recognised, of course, and I get asked for my autograph but it is never a problem. I've never been conscious of losing out on big money because of the way I've wanted to live my life. I've never turned down big commercials because I'm shy. It's just the way I've been. I did get a boot contract once. But no, I haven't earned much outside the game. Maybe it's because I'm not good looking enough."

Paul Scholes


Micah Richards : "He's always in the right position, always seems to be at the end of the box when the ball drops in. The complete midfielder - when he's fit, he's the best. Some go missing but he's in the right place at the right time. He's my favourite player of all-time, unbelievable. If you give him a chance it's a goal, isn't it?"


Glenn Hoddle : "There isn’t a player of his mould anywhere else in the world."


Terry Venables : "He’s the best one- or two-touch passer in the country. He sees the game unlike any other player."


Alan Shearer : "If you ask footballers to pick out the player they most admire, so many of them will pick Paul Scholes. He can tackle, and his passing and shooting is of the highest level. He’s the most consistent and naturally gifted player we’ve had for a long, long time."


Eidur Gudjohnsen : "I'm more an admirer of Paul Scholes than I am of Ronaldo. Ronaldo is a fantastic player, but he has 10 other great players around him every week...Scholes is one of the most complete footballers I've ever seen. His one-touch play is phenomenal. Whenever I have played against him, I never felt I could get close to him."


Edgar Davids : ""Every one of us (midfielders) is just trying to become as good as him. Everyone can learn from Paul Scholes."


Edgar Davids : "I'm not the best, Paul Scholes is."


Tony Adams : "I really rate Paul Scholes, because he hasn't got the high profile of many of the Manchester United players, he doesn't get too much attention, but he is one very good player. He is an intelligent player, he works hard and he scores some great goals. He is not flamboyant and is a quiet lad off the pitch but he is a tremendous asset to Manchester United and to England. He has already got my vote as player of the year."


Cesc Fabregas : "He is the one whose level I aspire to. He is the best player in the Premier League."


Patrick Vieira : "The player in the Premiership I admire most? Easy - Scholes."


Thierry Henry : "I can't understand why Scholes has never won the player of the year award. He should have won it long ago. Maybe it's because he doesn't seek the limelight like some of the other 'stars'."


Zinedine Zidane : "My toughest opponent? Scholes of Manchester. He is the complete midfielder."


Zinedine Zidane : "Scholes is undoubtedly the best midfielder of his generation."


Sam Allardyce : "There is not a better midfield player in the world."


Kevin Keegan : "What United have got that Chelsea haven't is Paul Scholes. I think he is different to anything else in English football."


Marcello Lippi : "Paul Scholes would have been one of my first choices for putting together a great team - that goes to show how highly I have always rated him. Scholes is a player I have always liked, because he combines great talent and technical ability with mobility, determination and a superb shot. He is an all-round midfielder who possesses character and quality in abundance. In my opinion, he's been one of the most important players for United under Sir Alex."


Ray Wilkins : "I'm saddened because I think we as spectators, not only in this country but right through out Europe and the rest of the World, will be missing one hell of a footballer."


Gordon Strachan : "Paul Scholes has been the best England midfield player for 30-odd years. You'd probably have to go back to Bobby Charlton to find someone who could do as much as Scholes. When the ball arrives at his feet he could tell you where every player on that pitch is at that moment. His awareness is superb."


Veron while at Chelsea being asked in an interview who's the best english player : "Paul Scholes."


Peter Schmeichel : "People say he is a great player, but you have to define what a great player is, For me, it is a player who has a bottom level that means his worst performance is not noticed.If he is having a bad game, a team-mate might feel Paul Scholes is not quite on his game, but a spectator wouldn't notice. Scholes, of all the players I have played with, has the highest bottom level. His reading of the game is unsurpassed.He has an eye for a pass, for what the play or the game needs at that precise moment, that I have never seen anyone else have. He controls and distributes the play and the game better than anyone I have ever seen."


Peter Schmeichel : "Still the best player in that United midfield."


Laurent Blanc : "Scholes is the best English player. Intelligence, technique, strength... all the attributes are there. At Manchester United I saw what he could do on the training field. Phew!"


Michael Carrick : "Paul Scholes is just fantastic. When you play alongside him, you realise what a special talent he is."


Michael Carrick : "He is a legend and he's going to be remembered for a long time. Just to play alongside him and learn from him has been an absolute pleasure. I think he is a footballer's footballer; he has been at this level for so long. As long as he is part of us we always feel we have a chance. We appreciate the way he goes about his business. I have never met a character like Scholesy; certainly not someone who is that good."


Park Ji Sung when asked by the club’s official home page which United player he would like to see in the red shirt of the Taeguk Warriors : “It has to be Paul Scholes.”


David Beckham said that, among his teammates at Real Madrid, which included Zinedine Zidane, Raúl, Ronaldo, Luís Figo and Roberto Carlos, Scholes was the most admired opponent : "He's always one of those people others talk about. Even playing at Real Madrid, the players always say to me 'what's he like'? They respect him as a footballer, and to have that respect from some of those players is great."


Brian Kidd : "Paul Scholes had the best football brain I'd ever seen in a kid. Let's face it. Paul Scholes is in a class of its own."


Rio Ferdinand : "I can honestly say Paul is the best player in the England squad. For me he is the complete player."


Rio Ferdinand : "For me, it's Paul Scholes. He'll do ridiculous things in training like say, "You see that tree over there?" - it'll be 40 yards away - "I'm going to hit it". And he'll do it. Everyone at the club considers him the best."


Phil Neville : "Paul, for me, is the best player in the England team. It worries teams. Speak to any other international team and they will single Paul out as England's key player. For me, he doesn't get the full credit that he deserves. He is a world-class player and deserves to be up there with the likes of Zidane and Figo."


Gary Neville : "I wouldn't swap Paul Scholes for anybody. He is quite simply the most complete footballer I have ever played with. He is the best."


Gary Neville : "Paul Scholes is the best player I've ever played with. There's talent in every part of his game."


Steve Bruce : "He's the best player in Britain in my opinion and he has to get himself fit just before we are due to play at Old Trafford. I cannot pay Paul a bigger compliment than to say that he's the most complete footballer in the country. The best bar none."


Roy Keane : "An amazingly gifted player who remained an unaffected human being."


George Best : "To be honest I think England have lost their best player. Certainly he's the most consistent and naturally gifted player we've had for a long, long time."


Sir Bobby Charlton : "I am sorry for England because they don't have any player like him. You can talk about others but there is no one else like him. He is the best technical player England has without any question. He could have had a lot more caps if he had carried on. And if I was the manager he would have ended up with more than I did – easy"


Sir Bobby Charlton : "He’s always so in control and pinpoint accurate with his passing – a beautiful player to watch."


Sir Bobby Charlton : "Paul Scholes is my favourite player. He epitomises the spirit of Manchester United and everything that is good about football."


Sir Alex Ferguson : "Very few players can do that, but Scholes is one of them - and I knew he was one of them. That's why, without question, I think Paul Scholes is the best player in England. He's got the best skills, the best brain. No one can match him."


Sir Alex Ferguson : "He has an awareness of what’s happening around him on the edge of the box which is better than most players. As a kid he always had a knack of arriving in the penalty area just at the right time, but he’s proving just as effective from outside the box because he’s using his experience in the right way. It doesn’t matter who I am thinking about bringing into my midfield, Paul Scholes will be included, as he would in any side in the world."


Sir Alex Ferguson : Sir Alex Ferguson gave evidence in court on behalf of one of his former trainees and listened to the prosecution barrister's list of United's top players.


"You've missed Paul Scholes - and he's my best player," Ferguson chided her.


"People say he is a great player, but you have to define what a great player is, For me, it is a player who has a bottom level that means his worst performance is not noticed.If he is having a bad game, a team-mate might feel Paul Scholes is not quite on his game, but a spectator wouldn't notice. Scholes, of all the players I have played with, has the highest bottom level. His reading of the game is unsurpassed.He has an eye for a pass, for what the play or the game needs at that precise moment, that I have never seen anyone else have. He controls and distributes the play and the game better than anyone I have ever seen" Schmeichel told BBC Sport.


"You have a special chemistry with certain players," explains the Dutchman, "and with me, at Manchester United, it's with Wayne Rooney and Paul Scholes. Things just seem to click. What I like most about Paul, though, is that he is the epitome of a professional footballer, He comes to training, then goes home and spends his time with his family. He doesn't like all the hoo-ha outside the football, the interviews with papers and on TV. He prefers to just live his own life and he refuses to be a media object or a public figure. I have nothing but admiration for him." Van Nistelrooy told FourFourTwo


“He has an awareness of what’s happening around him on the edge of the box which is better than most players. As a kid he always had a knack of arriving in the penalty area just at the right time, but he’s proving just as effective from outside the box because he’s using his experience in the right way. It doesn’t matter who I am thinking about bringing into my midfield, Paul Scholes will be included, as he would in any side in the world.” - Sir Alex Ferguson


“If you ask footballers to pick out the player they most admire, so many of them will pick Paul Scholes. He can tackle, and his passing and shooting is of the highest level. He’s the most consistent and naturally gifted player we’ve had for a long, long time.” - Alan Shearer


“England don’t have another player like him. He could have had a lot more caps if he had carried on. And if I was the manager he would have ended up with more than I did – easy." - Sir Bobby Charlton


“Paul Scholes is just fantastic. When you play alongside him, you realise what a special talent he is.” - Michael Carrick


“There isn’t a player of his mould anywhere else in the world.” - Glenn Hoddle


“When he played in the junior sides he used to have his own personal fan club that would come just to watch him!” - Eric Harrison


“I first saw him play when he was 16 – he was a scruffy little urchin! But the special thing about him was that he had the football brain to go with the talent. He had a natural instinct to make the right decision 99 per cent of the time – something you just can’t coach. Even now, when I watch academy games I still judge players coming through against Scholesy.”

Gail Millar (United fan)


“He’s the best one- or two-touch passer in the country. He sees the game unlike any other player.” - Terry Venables



35 i dag. :(

Endret av tc47
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Skulle ønske vi kunne gå tilbake i tid sånn at jeg kunne se hver eneste kamp han har spilt i direkte, har gått glipp av så mye av godbitene hans og bare sett de i høydepunkter og youtube videoer osv. Men er fortsatt veldig glad jeg har fått muligheten til å se han hver uke siden jeg ble Utd supporter. Kommer ikke til å klare å fatte og begripe at han er ferdig for alltid når han legger opp. Har vært en nytelse å se mannen spille. Man må se han spille hele 90 min for å skjønne hvor fantastisk han er, ikke bare se på målene.


Genius, er ikke så mye mer å si. Komplett, som Hyrlen sier. Jeg vet han aldri blir like stor i historiebøkene pga. mangel av deilig dame og deilig bil, men han er over alle for mange av oss Utd supportere, og det er oss han bryr seg om; I'm sure about that. Mannen er urealistisk perfekt, ekte Salford lad og.


Kan det bli bedre?


Paul Scholes. Complete and utter legend.

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Herlig video. Selv om han kan være hissig, og pådra seg unødvendige kort/utvininger, så er han rett og slett en fantastisk spiller. Herlig å se at han fortsatt holder nivået. Får jo langpasningene til å se så enkle ut, og har fantastisk overblikk og kreativitet. Selv om han ikke scorer så ofte lenger, så er de få målene han scorer virkelig viktige for laget. To viktige CL-mål denne sesongen som mest sannsynlig har gitt oss 3-4 poeng ekstra i gruppa, og ikke minst CL-drømmetreffet mot Barca. :wee:

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Ikkje ofte ein ser spelarar levere som Keano gjorde i den kampen.


Blir trist når Scholesy legger skoa på hylla. Han har gitt oss mange fantastiske stunder i den raude drakta. Det kan jo sjå ut til at SAF vil ha han til å spele enda lenger enn ut denne sesongen, som kontrakta hans løper, og eg håper virkelig han blir i klubben. Erfaringane han har opparbeida seg, og dei haldningane han står for er noko eg håper han kan vere med på å hamre inn i både dei spelarane som er i klubben, og også dei som vil komme til klubben i framtida.

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Ja alle som bestridet hans betydning for laget burde se den kampen. Ingenting jeg skulle ønsket mer var at Scholes og Keane fikk spille CL-finalen det året. Fy faen jeg var så rørt den Juvè-kampen av holdningen til hele laget, den visste alt hva United står for. Selv etter Keane fikk sitt gule fortsatte han med en så syk driv at jeg ikke visste hvor jeg skulle gjøre av meg. Den verste og beste kampen jeg på det tidspunktet noensinne hadde sett. Husker jeg la meg med et glis den kvelden, å på den tiden var det ikke alkohol eller damer inne i bildet som kunne fremskapt det gliset. Det var kun Keane og United for meg. (tolk det til deres egen fornøyelse om dere vil)

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Paul Scholes er den spilleren, etter Cantona, som har hatt størst betydning for klubbens dominans på 90 -tallet. Roy Keane var riktignok kaptein og drivkraften i laget, men iren manglet kvalitetene Scholes besatt. De som ikke opplevde Paul Scholes i glansdagene bør vite at dagens spiller ikke er den samme som herjet rundt millenniumskiftet. Før i tiden var rødtoppen boks til boks spiller og den original utgaven av dagens Gerrard, som er den eneste spilleren som kan måle seg i kvalitet/talent. Den objektive og unge supporter vil nok mene Gerrard er hakket vassere da han alene har båret LFC i årevis, men regner man talent alene - not a chance.


Jeg er helt og holdent enig med Ron Atkinson i at Paul Scholes er den beste midtbanespilleren som noen gang har i spilt i Premier Leauge. Muligens i verden også, selv om han aldri kommer til å anerkjennes og hedres av andre lags supportere som nettopp det - en ener.


Det er ikke spesielt rart at klubben har oppnådd status som verdens mest populære, tenker man over deres tidligere og nåværende spillerprofiler.

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Jeg syns oppriktig synd i supportere som ikke har fått oppleve Cantona, Peter, Scholes, Cole, Keane o.l i sine storhetstider. Keane mot Juvè i 99, jeg har ikke ord. Peter mot samme lag to år tidligere, jeg får frysninger.


Steve Bruce, Mark Hughes, Bryan Robson, Brian McClair, Paul Ince. Det var også tider. De startet hele oppbyggingen av laget som hadde perioden fra 92 til 99. La grunnlaget for de unge spillerne som skulle dominere United i en årrekke. Første store for min del. Cantona kom vel i 92? Og da begynte suksessen.


Apropo de unge: Savner virkelig den tida da cornerne ble lagt på en femøring der vi ønsket det. Vi kan i dag bare drømme om å få slike mål som når Scholes smeller til på direkten fra corneren til Beckham. Presise innlegg og frispark savnes.

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Saftige rykter på en ellers kjedelige tirsdag:


Angel Di Maria vil til Man Utd


Enda en argentiner..spør du meg,så nei takk,ihvertfall ikke hvis prisen på 36 millioner pund stemmer.


Nani på lån til Fiorentina?


Fiorentina har visstnok lyst å teste Fergies tålmodighet til Nani med å tilby en låneavtale,med opsjon på kjøp.


Real Madrid kvitter seg med 6 spillere


Real Madrid har visstnok fortalt Mahamadou Diarra,RvN,Fernando Gago,Dudek,Drenthe og Metzelder om å finne seg nye klubber.Jeg syns vi var dumme når vi ikke prøvde oss på noen i sommer,som feks Sneijder,Van der Vart eller Diarra,kanskje vi skal prøve oss nå?

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