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Manchester United

Old Game

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Henry signaliserte at han skulle legge ballen ned, slik eg tolka det i alle fall. Og kven hadde ikkje halt ut tida 5 minutt på overtid med ei 2-1 leiing over Man Utd? United var ikkje stort bedre dei når det var 0-1.


Van der sar ble sparket i ansiktet, Vidic fikk en albue i bakhode. Lehmann skapte seg, noe som var helt klart. Å når i all verden bruker spisser og signalisere slikt?


Uspiselig lag. Tar josè og Chelsea anyday foran Arsenal. Men synd dette blir det eneste Arsenal får og juble for i år :)



Å så sint da ;)

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Henry signaliserte at han skulle legge ballen ned, slik eg tolka det i alle fall. Og kven hadde ikkje halt ut tida 5 minutt på overtid med ei 2-1 leiing over Man Utd? United var ikkje stort bedre dei når det var 0-1.


Van der sar ble sparket i ansiktet, Vidic fikk en albue i bakhode. Lehmann skapte seg, noe som var helt klart. Å når i all verden bruker spisser og signalisere slikt?


Uspiselig lag. Tar josè og Chelsea anyday foran Arsenal. Men synd dette blir det eneste Arsenal får og juble for i år :)



Arsenal: Just another english (?) team.

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Verste var den latterlige oppførselen til Lehmann og Henry på slutten. Uspiselig. Chelsea har hvertfall verdighet når de vinner, og viser respekt.


Er en forsmådd United supporter som snakker nå ja jeg vet det. Men er jo utrolig provoserende.


Fikk litt lyst til å spy på TV-skjermen når jeg så Lehmann gjøre det der, ja. Og spesielt at Henry oppfordrer til at han skal hale det enda mer ut.


Forbanna idioti!! Dommeren skulle ha blåst på det!

Holdt jo ballen i 20 sekund... Latterlig!!

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Utorlig surt resultat, da vi styrer kampen etter 1-0 scoringen... Meget unødvendige scoringer United slipper inn føler jeg. Neville gjør en klassiker av en feil, da han ikke ser hvor han har motspiller.


Det at Henry får stå umarkert å heade inn på overtid, er ikke spesielt mye bedre det.


MEN, når sant skal sies, føler jeg faktisk at det kunne ha vært verre. Chelsea tapte heldigvis i går, og den eneste realistiske utfordreren til ligagullet er nettopp nevnte Chelsea, slik jeg ser det. Sitter med en litt rar følelse inni meg til tross for tap, om at dette likevel skal gå veien vår i år :)

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Tror ærlig talt ikke dere skal klage sånn veldig over Lehmann, VDS hadde noen fine på 0-1 han også altså.. Deilig å se ManU tape for min del, men at det skulle komme mot Arsenal var en liten strek i regninga. :hmm: Men med slikt horribelt forsvarsspill United presterer å levere de siste minuttene har dere egentlig bare dere selv å takke..


Edit: Forsvarer ikke det Lehmann gjorde, synes det er helt idiotisk, og blir forbanna når jeg ser sånt..

Endret av ErlendRU
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Arsenal: Just another english (?) team.



Sida du aldri lar ein sjanse til å kritisere Arsenal for antalet engelsmenn på laget:

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In the past there have been numerous shots at Arsenal fielding too many players from other countries. These people argue that there must be restrictions by FA to restrict the number of foreign players to play in the each team of EPL.


But I have a basic question "What is Arsenal? Is it a English club which plays in a league or is it a club that plays in an English League?". I think the answer to this question should settle at least few confusions regarding the Identity of the club.


Let me elucidate further: Do you identify with Arsenal because it is the closest stadium to your home so it is a local club, or you like to watch the team play beautiful football even if you are away half way around the globe like myself. I may be biased but I have a few questions.


1) If you want to restrict the number of foreigners who are playing does that mean you would restrict the number of foreign fans and fan club who watches you and contribute significantly to your kitty? Does that mean you would refuse the money of the sponsors because they are not English?


2) Why not stop with the players, lets take it to the logical conclusion. Why not restrict the number of managers of the club. Lets have only 1/4 managers foreign born. So which clubs get to keep the foreign born managers?


3) Lets take it even further. Why not stop the visiting supporters into the stadium because they are not born and brought up near your stadium. No. What about lets not play with other clubs (esp outside England) at all, becoz they are not natives? Then we could be the BEST club known to us. It would be the story of frog sitting inside a well and thinking it to be the entire world.


The archaic rules of FA about recruiting youngsters within 15 mile radius was for the time when EPL was in the like little league of baseball in US(where the locality kids joined together to play against next street kids). Not anymore when EPL is touted as the "greatest show on earth". Is it fine with EPL and FA to restrict the places in which the EPL is broadcasted(if I am not mistaken FA gets a share of broadcasting money - dont it?).


I am a very recent supporter of Arsenal FC, I started in earnest only last season. I had seen Arsenal on the way to CL finals once n a while. and I had three fav footballers Henry, zidane and Ronaldinho(ironically becoz of his amazing goals against England in the 2002 world cup). The CL finals decided me - the spirit and heart shown by Arsenal and I have tried not to miss a single game ever since even if they are shown at 3 am and I have office next day. I also trying to come there atleast for sometime to watch arsenal play live.


Would you say I will have half the team who are the best and half average. How would you feel if you are in army and your commander comes to you and says I know you are the finest trooper so I am going to put you into a life or death situation with the shittiest guy(no disparagement to English players) because he is from so and so place. I am telling you from experience in day to day life in India where reservation rears its ugly head in almost all aspects of life based on caste, creed and community. I think it is slowly killing the democracy of what it meant to be. That rant is for another time.


Sport has always been one of the finest expressions of mankind's excellence. Like all other expressions it must be beautiful, graceful, powerful and full of speed. It is an art. and it is magic. And it is the unending search for excellence. For an example of how good it can be watch this :


One small point on English values. What is it? grit, beauty of savage power? If you wanted to watch people knocking each other senseless go watch rugby or American football. Football now is a sport with its own values: speed, agility, skill and co-ordination. Play the football with values of football.


So back to the question: What is Arsenal? Is it defined by the geographical boundaries or is it a concept created in mens minds? In the words of Marcus Aurelius in Gladiator :"There was a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile". Don't wake me from the dream that is Arsenal. Not yet.

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