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Attumen bugget for raidet mitt idag. Først ville han ikke mounte Midnight, og senere i fighten forsvant han : /



Samme skjedde for oss på torsdag. Vi hadde renset trashet fram til Attumen, men plutselig ble han bare borte da vi skulle ta han :ermm:

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Attumen bugget for raidet mitt idag. Først ville han ikke mounte Midnight, og senere i fighten forsvant han : /



Samme skjedde for oss på torsdag. Vi hadde renset trashet fram til Attumen, men plutselig ble han bare borte da vi skulle ta han :ermm:



Kom han tilbake for dere neste dag?

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Litt færre av dem på Sylvanas.  :( Husker alle groupiene jeg hadde på Moonglade. :D


Moonglade er et paradis for females ;)


Jeg har en fast groupie nå, som heter Shinjid :p Han går rundt og sikler etter jentene jeg lager :p Levler på en female troll hunter atm ;)

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Litt færre av dem på Sylvanas.  :( Husker alle groupiene jeg hadde på Moonglade. :D


Moonglade er et paradis for females ;)


Jeg har en fast groupie nå, som heter Shinjid :p Han går rundt og sikler etter jentene jeg lager :p Levler på en female troll hunter atm ;)


Haha, kult. Kan han spille?

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Siden det er så langt så skjuler jeg det!


Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor


*** Long post incoming, please read carefully ***


With so close to the 25 man content, the officers have been working on a suitable point system for the guild to support the easy and even distribution of rewards aquired from these raid instances.


In this post I will explain the details of the system we are about to introduce. I will also touch other topics about raiding and issues connected to that. I would like everyone who desires to raid with us to read it carefully and think about it. I would like to encourage everyone to post his own ideas and remarks about this plan. I can assure you, the officers put much time into a reasonable system and suitable looting rules, we hope everyone will find it a reliable system sufficient to our needs.


Before someone freaks out that I post rules about something in this guild, we felt this necessary so there is an objective way to decide in certain situation – decisions will be more calculable and less subjective. Even if some of you might think rules are not necessary and alienate the guild from its original cosy, friend-like setup, you have to understand these rules are not against members and not for the better of the officers. The point of these is to restrict arbitrary decisions and provide a solid, objective frame.


The point system:


The point system is only in effect for the 25 man raid instances. We thought it is not realistic nor desireable to have a different system for each instance, so the points are universal in this sense. In this section I will explain what is the role of the point system, how do we intent it to work and what are the rules of aquiring and spending points.


The role and importance of the point system is straighforward – it makes the loot distribution more objective and less random. The point system determines an order in a relative sense who is the next in line for getting his hands on a new shiny epic drop. As you will see, the points only have a relative meaning in the system – your absolute position compared to any arbitrary fixpoint is irrelevant, only the point differences are important.


In theory the 25 man raids involve most of the raid membership. In practise this is not true of course, we have over 50 accounts or so in the guild, which means usually half of the members are involved in a run. Anyhow this point holds no importance, since the average online status is well below 25 online people.


So since 25 man raids put the hardest pressure on the guild online status, we have to accept rewarding people can only happen based on efforts made by these raids. Now comes the hard part. How to define "effort" and how to measure it.


Defining is probably the easier task. Effort is what makes the guild able to loot epix. Since we talk about distributing these epix among the 25 people, we have to restrict the possible efforts commited to the scope of the 25 man raid itself. Thus I am strongly against rewarding people for efforts done outside of the 25 man raid - I'll explain why shortly. So effort in these terms is the actions and time investment of players to make the 25 man raids "on the spot" successful. Efforts made outside of the raid are very very important no doubt about it. The problem here is when it comes to point system rewards, there is no objective way to compare such efforts. Somone who farms herbs and makes pots for runs is an invalueable help, but how much does a tailor’s effort worth when he made the new craftable tailoring epix for himself to improve his pve performance? There is no way we can measure and compare these, thus the point system rewards will come from the 25 man raids only.


Now for its measurement. Since I defined effort in that way as you can see above, measuring it has to take two factors into accont. The first is how active a specific player is on these raids. No, it is not about "THATS F*KING 50 DKP MINUS FOR BEING CLUELESS" yells and so. It is about how often a specific player shows up for a raid, how many bossfights he/she was there to make a kill possible. Back in omen it was straightforward in the RPP system. Points - rewards for effort - were given for looted items. In case a given raid did not yield epix, IRPP was given out to reward people for trying.


Our point system is somewhat similar. It is a zero-sum decaying point system. This means every income in the system has to be payed by someone else in a way that the points players have equals zero when summed at any given time. Decaying means the points are being multiplied by a factor slightly less than one frequently, so efforts done recently are more valueable than efforts made years ago.


Now let me go into details.


Amount of points distributed:



<Gain> = <Value of item> / <Number of people available>



<value of item> = straighforward, the point cost of the specific items

<number of people available> = people in the raid, including the one looting + backups available outside of raid


Surely, more poeple online = less gain -> slightly more expensive items; less people oline = more gain -> slightly cheaper items.


Points for being on raids:


At each and every raid (regardless of wiping or looting raid), we give a uniform <x> point to the raid for being there. Each individual receives:



<gain> = <x> / <number of people available>





The price of this point is paid by the offline members in this sense:



<paid offline penalty> = <x> / (<number of people available for raiding in total> - <number of people available>)



In case every member is available, and thus the divisor would be zero, the online bonus is not given to the members (since we cannot reward them against someone else not there, rewarding them without paying the price of the bonus would be pointless as only differences count, absolute point values are not that important).


<number of people available for raid in total> = total number of initiates, members, raiders and officers, not counting alts.


Alt looting, main looting:


Alt loots are free: in essence, alts can only take loots that would be disenchanted, thus these items possess no price for the rest of the raid. Alts pay 1.5 void crystal for every loot taken, rounded to the lower integer value (1 for 1, 3 for two, 4 for three etc).


Item costs:


Item costs are calculated with respect to the stats the item has and its item level. Officers reserve the right to modify item costs in case an item would be exceptionally good or bad. Other than that, the item prices are fixed and will be linked in a spreadsheet soon. If anyone is interested I can share the formula for cost calculation, but since it is rather an insignificant technical detail I will spare space here by omitting it.




Looting at raids is determined by points. If an item drops you can need on it, the one with the highest points can take the item. This is the sketch of the mechanism, there are certain resrictions.


- First of all, members with appropriate armor proficiency have automatic priority over others. That means, for example priests have priority on cloth +healing items over druids, shamans and paladins, rogues have priority on leather dps items over hunters and so on. This needs no further explanation, it is logical enough.


- There is a slight priority based on guild ranking too. This means, initiates cannot loot over members and raiders. The point of this rule is – initiates are on a trial in the guild it is not yet decided if they become final members. They also might decide to leave on their own for a possible better offer from a different guild. Any loot lost due to this is wasted time and efforts on the guild’s part. This might sound ignorant but the common efforts of the guild should make the guild more prepared and stronger and has to have a priority over personal desire.


- Every member have the right to pass on loot naturally – looting is not compulsory. However this might lead to unintended scenarios where some members might pile up great chunk of points for a single item and discard any possible upgrade on the way. This is a personal decision of course, but we would like to encourage our members to take possible upgrades and make our runs more successful by doing so. So we felt like introducing a bonus system necessary. Back in Omen there was an upgrade rule for the same purpose – it made tiered armor items cheaper if you had the appropriate lower tier armor for the same slot already. This is a good idea, but the flat and permanent bonus it would provide for some members over others is not that good however. So we introduce a bonus system like this:


We introduce so-called upgrade flags. There flags are binary indicators that show if the specific person already took some item fitting into any of the categories below.


tier upgrades: armor pieces that go for tier tokens

armor upgrades: non-tier epic for head/shoulder/chest/wrist/waist/hands/legging/foot slots

weapon upgrades: any epic going for main hand/offhand/ranged slots

trinket upgrades: trinket slot epics

jewelry: neck and ring slot epics


So for every person when they take an epic from 25 mans for any category above, he gets his binary flag for that category set for "loot taken" or whatever, you got the idea. There are 5 categories, so it goes for 5 flags at maximum.


When someone wants to take an epic loot again for any of the categories he has the flag set to "loot taken" already, he has the option to use this bonus to reduce the price of this item by 10% for each flag set to high. Doing so however will reset the flags. This way we replace the flat out price reduction with an option that is more dynamic and more suitable for those who are active and raid a lot, they will have this option available more often.


Example: rogue „Ipawnjoodarkdeath” already looted an off-hand dagger, a belt and a ring. This sets weapon, armor and jewelry upgrade flags to high. Then he has enough points to take a main hand dagger too – and decides to use the bonus on this item. He has three flags set to high, that equals to 30% cost reduction, and also resets all flags. So if said dagger costs 200 points, he can take it for 140 points instead.


Notice the bonus allows a maximum of 50% price reduction. Also, using the bonus does not mean priority on the item – said person still has to have the most points among all needers to be able to take it.


Other raids:


These points above so far only affect 25 man raids. There is a few points we would like to have effect on karazhan raids as well tho.


In our personal experience mostly the looting in karazhan went smoothly, so we do not wish to introduce strict and solid point and/or priority system for karazhan groups in the future. The points below are mostly suggestions and reference rather than rules. Common sense as some might call it should be your guide most of the time.


Inititates carry the same „risk” here as at 25 man raids. Please note we do not want to alienate initiates, but rather ensure the karazhan raids make that specific group stronger. That being said a prepared and more active initiate members should expect and get loot after a while on karazhan runs – and also expect a promotion soon enough as well.


Armor proficiency should also mean a priority for those classes who cannot use higher level armors – cloth for cloth users, plate for plate users. Priority doesn’t mean exclusion – please be generous and reasonable when someone else’s item drops.




Initiate looting and raid setups cannot be complete until we address the situation of guild rankings.


So far rankings have very little impact on our raids – we intend to change it. At every 1st of and 15ths of a month the officers will re-oragnize guild structure by promoting/demoting members based on their past performance and activity.


Explanation of ranks:


Initiate: newly invited members on trial. Cannot loot over higher ranked members. The trial lasts two weeks – but can be made longer in case the officers decide so. Officers are encouraged to explain their view on the initiates in case they are asked to.

Member: members with causal activity and/or guests. These members are counted as backups most of the time, and this rank is also the first step after passing the trial. Please note - soon we will reset every members to this rank and decide about promotion and demotion as the next two-week cycle is over.

Raiders: Raiders are members who have raid invite priority, are considered reliable and prepared members who put great deal of effort into the raid and are helpful outside of raids as well. Examples: such members are on time, do not come online two hours later, have reagents/potions/necessary consumables (bandages, food buffs, potions).

Non-liners: members who are offline more often than not. Not counted as backups or raiders. This rank might be the last rank before a guild kick, unless the offline status is justified.


Raid organisation:


From this week on raids will be announced one day beforehand. That means before midnight the officers will announce the next day’s raids. In case the run would be a 25 man run, we might do so sooner to allow member to prepare and oragnize game time accordingly.


Due to real life issues we mostly will try to organize 25 man runs on weekends. These allow most of our members to be online.


Members expecing a raid invite are assumed to be prepared about the encounters, know the strategy and know their role and job. While we do not force specs for our members, we encourage them to tweak their talents to favor pve content. This is not some kind of selfish idea from the officers, we simply cannot avoid the fact Blizzard planned encounters with mostly pve specs in mind. Most of the time only heavy outgearing allows members to beat encounters with off-spec/pvp-spec builds.




I hope these rules and suggestions are clear and reasonable enough. We would like to hear your opinion about it, feel free to post replies. I will edit this main post to insert the item cost tables once I am finished formatting and finalized it with the other officers.


Have a nice day.


Your beloved Cru




Ingen som har noen formening om poengsystemet vårt? :wee:

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Siden det er så langt så skjuler jeg det!


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*** Long post incoming, please read carefully ***


With so close to the 25 man content, the officers have been working on a suitable point system for the guild to support the easy and even distribution of rewards aquired from these raid instances.


In this post I will explain the details of the system we are about to introduce. I will also touch other topics about raiding and issues connected to that. I would like everyone who desires to raid with us to read it carefully and think about it. I would like to encourage everyone to post his own ideas and remarks about this plan. I can assure you, the officers put much time into a reasonable system and suitable looting rules, we hope everyone will find it a reliable system sufficient to our needs.


Before someone freaks out that I post rules about something in this guild, we felt this necessary so there is an objective way to decide in certain situation – decisions will be more calculable and less subjective. Even if some of you might think rules are not necessary and alienate the guild from its original cosy, friend-like setup, you have to understand these rules are not against members and not for the better of the officers. The point of these is to restrict arbitrary decisions and provide a solid, objective frame.


The point system:


The point system is only in effect for the 25 man raid instances. We thought it is not realistic nor desireable to have a different system for each instance, so the points are universal in this sense. In this section I will explain what is the role of the point system, how do we intent it to work and what are the rules of aquiring and spending points.


The role and importance of the point system is straighforward – it makes the loot distribution more objective and less random. The point system determines an order in a relative sense who is the next in line for getting his hands on a new shiny epic drop. As you will see, the points only have a relative meaning in the system – your absolute position compared to any arbitrary fixpoint is irrelevant, only the point differences are important.


In theory the 25 man raids involve most of the raid membership. In practise this is not true of course, we have over 50 accounts or so in the guild, which means usually half of the members are involved in a run. Anyhow this point holds no importance, since the average online status is well below 25 online people.


So since 25 man raids put the hardest pressure on the guild online status, we have to accept rewarding people can only happen based on efforts made by these raids. Now comes the hard part. How to define "effort" and how to measure it.


Defining is probably the easier task. Effort is what makes the guild able to loot epix. Since we talk about distributing these epix among the 25 people, we have to restrict the possible efforts commited to the scope of the 25 man raid itself. Thus I am strongly against rewarding people for efforts done outside of the 25 man raid - I'll explain why shortly. So effort in these terms is the actions and time investment of players to make the 25 man raids "on the spot" successful. Efforts made outside of the raid are very very important no doubt about it. The problem here is when it comes to point system rewards, there is no objective way to compare such efforts. Somone who farms herbs and makes pots for runs is an invalueable help, but how much does a tailor’s effort worth when he made the new craftable tailoring epix for himself to improve his pve performance? There is no way we can measure and compare these, thus the point system rewards will come from the 25 man raids only.


Now for its measurement. Since I defined effort in that way as you can see above, measuring it has to take two factors into accont. The first is how active a specific player is on these raids. No, it is not about "THATS F*KING 50 DKP MINUS FOR BEING CLUELESS" yells and so. It is about how often a specific player shows up for a raid, how many bossfights he/she was there to make a kill possible. Back in omen it was straightforward in the RPP system. Points - rewards for effort - were given for looted items. In case a given raid did not yield epix, IRPP was given out to reward people for trying.


Our point system is somewhat similar. It is a zero-sum decaying point system. This means every income in the system has to be payed by someone else in a way that the points players have equals zero when summed at any given time. Decaying means the points are being multiplied by a factor slightly less than one frequently, so efforts done recently are more valueable than efforts made years ago.


Now let me go into details.


Amount of points distributed:



<Gain> = <Value of item> / <Number of people available>



<value of item> = straighforward, the point cost of the specific items

<number of people available> = people in the raid, including the one looting + backups available outside of raid


Surely, more poeple online = less gain -> slightly more expensive items; less people oline = more gain -> slightly cheaper items.


Points for being on raids:


At each and every raid (regardless of wiping or looting raid), we give a uniform <x> point to the raid for being there. Each individual receives:



<gain> = <x> / <number of people available>





The price of this point is paid by the offline members in this sense:



<paid offline penalty> = <x> / (<number of people available for raiding in total> - <number of people available>)



In case every member is available, and thus the divisor would be zero, the online bonus is not given to the members (since we cannot reward them against someone else not there, rewarding them without paying the price of the bonus would be pointless as only differences count, absolute point values are not that important).


<number of people available for raid in total> = total number of initiates, members, raiders and officers, not counting alts.


Alt looting, main looting:


Alt loots are free: in essence, alts can only take loots that would be disenchanted, thus these items possess no price for the rest of the raid. Alts pay 1.5 void crystal for every loot taken, rounded to the lower integer value (1 for 1, 3 for two, 4 for three etc).


Item costs:


Item costs are calculated with respect to the stats the item has and its item level. Officers reserve the right to modify item costs in case an item would be exceptionally good or bad. Other than that, the item prices are fixed and will be linked in a spreadsheet soon. If anyone is interested I can share the formula for cost calculation, but since it is rather an insignificant technical detail I will spare space here by omitting it.




Looting at raids is determined by points. If an item drops you can need on it, the one with the highest points can take the item. This is the sketch of the mechanism, there are certain resrictions.


- First of all, members with appropriate armor proficiency have automatic priority over others. That means, for example priests have priority on cloth +healing items over druids, shamans and paladins, rogues have priority on leather dps items over hunters and so on. This needs no further explanation, it is logical enough.


- There is a slight priority based on guild ranking too. This means, initiates cannot loot over members and raiders. The point of this rule is – initiates are on a trial in the guild it is not yet decided if they become final members. They also might decide to leave on their own for a possible better offer from a different guild. Any loot lost due to this is wasted time and efforts on the guild’s part. This might sound ignorant but the common efforts of the guild should make the guild more prepared and stronger and has to have a priority over personal desire.


- Every member have the right to pass on loot naturally – looting is not compulsory. However this might lead to unintended scenarios where some members might pile up great chunk of points for a single item and discard any possible upgrade on the way. This is a personal decision of course, but we would like to encourage our members to take possible upgrades and make our runs more successful by doing so. So we felt like introducing a bonus system necessary. Back in Omen there was an upgrade rule for the same purpose – it made tiered armor items cheaper if you had the appropriate lower tier armor for the same slot already. This is a good idea, but the flat and permanent bonus it would provide for some members over others is not that good however. So we introduce a bonus system like this:


We introduce so-called upgrade flags. There flags are binary indicators that show if the specific person already took some item fitting into any of the categories below.


tier upgrades: armor pieces that go for tier tokens

armor upgrades: non-tier epic for head/shoulder/chest/wrist/waist/hands/legging/foot slots

weapon upgrades: any epic going for main hand/offhand/ranged slots

trinket upgrades: trinket slot epics

jewelry: neck and ring slot epics


So for every person when they take an epic from 25 mans for any category above, he gets his binary flag for that category set for "loot taken" or whatever, you got the idea. There are 5 categories, so it goes for 5 flags at maximum.


When someone wants to take an epic loot again for any of the categories he has the flag set to "loot taken" already, he has the option to use this bonus to reduce the price of this item by 10% for each flag set to high. Doing so however will reset the flags. This way we replace the flat out price reduction with an option that is more dynamic and more suitable for those who are active and raid a lot, they will have this option available more often.


Example: rogue „Ipawnjoodarkdeath” already looted an off-hand dagger, a belt and a ring. This sets weapon, armor and jewelry upgrade flags to high. Then he has enough points to take a main hand dagger too – and decides to use the bonus on this item. He has three flags set to high, that equals to 30% cost reduction, and also resets all flags. So if said dagger costs 200 points, he can take it for 140 points instead.


Notice the bonus allows a maximum of 50% price reduction. Also, using the bonus does not mean priority on the item – said person still has to have the most points among all needers to be able to take it.


Other raids:


These points above so far only affect 25 man raids. There is a few points we would like to have effect on karazhan raids as well tho.


In our personal experience mostly the looting in karazhan went smoothly, so we do not wish to introduce strict and solid point and/or priority system for karazhan groups in the future. The points below are mostly suggestions and reference rather than rules. Common sense as some might call it should be your guide most of the time.


Inititates carry the same „risk” here as at 25 man raids. Please note we do not want to alienate initiates, but rather ensure the karazhan raids make that specific group stronger. That being said a prepared and more active initiate members should expect and get loot after a while on karazhan runs – and also expect a promotion soon enough as well.


Armor proficiency should also mean a priority for those classes who cannot use higher level armors – cloth for cloth users, plate for plate users. Priority doesn’t mean exclusion – please be generous and reasonable when someone else’s item drops.




Initiate looting and raid setups cannot be complete until we address the situation of guild rankings.


So far rankings have very little impact on our raids – we intend to change it. At every 1st of and 15ths of a month the officers will re-oragnize guild structure by promoting/demoting members based on their past performance and activity.


Explanation of ranks:


Initiate: newly invited members on trial. Cannot loot over higher ranked members. The trial lasts two weeks – but can be made longer in case the officers decide so. Officers are encouraged to explain their view on the initiates in case they are asked to.

Member: members with causal activity and/or guests. These members are counted as backups most of the time, and this rank is also the first step after passing the trial. Please note - soon we will reset every members to this rank and decide about promotion and demotion as the next two-week cycle is over.

Raiders: Raiders are members who have raid invite priority, are considered reliable and prepared members who put great deal of effort into the raid and are helpful outside of raids as well. Examples: such members are on time, do not come online two hours later, have reagents/potions/necessary consumables (bandages, food buffs, potions).

Non-liners: members who are offline more often than not. Not counted as backups or raiders. This rank might be the last rank before a guild kick, unless the offline status is justified.


Raid organisation:


From this week on raids will be announced one day beforehand. That means before midnight the officers will announce the next day’s raids. In case the run would be a 25 man run, we might do so sooner to allow member to prepare and oragnize game time accordingly.


Due to real life issues we mostly will try to organize 25 man runs on weekends. These allow most of our members to be online.


Members expecing a raid invite are assumed to be prepared about the encounters, know the strategy and know their role and job. While we do not force specs for our members, we encourage them to tweak their talents to favor pve content. This is not some kind of selfish idea from the officers, we simply cannot avoid the fact Blizzard planned encounters with mostly pve specs in mind. Most of the time only heavy outgearing allows members to beat encounters with off-spec/pvp-spec builds.




I hope these rules and suggestions are clear and reasonable enough. We would like to hear your opinion about it, feel free to post replies. I will edit this main post to insert the item cost tables once I am finished formatting and finalized it with the other officers.


Have a nice day.


Your beloved Cru




Ingen som har noen formening om poengsystemet vårt? :wee:


Hvor ble det av den gode minimalistiske stilen? :(

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Vet dere hva som er gøy?

10 dager gratis WOW BC!

Startet det opp med den første accounten min, der jeg har lvl 60 magen min.

Så nå kan jeg bruke han til og lvl'e priesten min i 10 dager :)

Tok WC og RFC i dag, lvl 13 med den blue staffen fra WC er ikke dårligt :)

Skal ta alle lvl 10-20 områdene i morgen :)


Masse smileyer, men det var nesten litt artig og spille på den gamle magen sin igjen :)

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yey, fikk fiksa meg spellstrike pants idag, har hatt mats siden onsdagen og bare lett etter folk som kunne lage dem. betalte 150g for å få dem laga, erke såå bad :)




hihi, fikk også dem laga i dag, fikk en guildie til å lage dem for meg though :D


995 + shadow power nå, må se å få farma spellstrike hood og 9 spell power gems til alle socketene snart :S

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yey, fikk fiksa meg spellstrike pants idag, har hatt mats siden onsdagen og bare lett etter folk som kunne lage dem. betalte 150g for å få dem laga, erke såå bad :)




hihi, fikk også dem laga i dag, fikk en guildie til å lage dem for meg though :D


995 + shadow power nå, må se å få farma spellstrike hood og 9 spell power gems til alle socketene snart :S


høhø, har bare 835+dmg jeg nå, og har ikke gull til 9+dmg gems, kjører +7 i alle sammen.

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Argh... Fikk shaman min til 58 nå å gjorde første questet i Hellfire der jeg fikk en dagger, det passet jo veldig bra siden jeg har brukt øks å mace til å levle opp til nå med...  :realmad: Dagger skill på 1 FTW


Har du shamanen din på Bloodfeather? Hva heter den?

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Argh... Fikk shaman min til 58 nå å gjorde første questet i Hellfire der jeg fikk en dagger, det passet jo veldig bra siden jeg har brukt øks å mace til å levle opp til nå med...  :realmad: Dagger skill på 1 FTW



Er jo bare å plukke opp en Outland-mace fra AH, eller komme deg til Zangarmarsh og gjøre escort-questen like sør for Cenarion-basen. Du får en fjong 2.80-mace derfra.

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Er så trøtt, sovna i raidet med auto walk på, våkna av at noen skrek ZALITARA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? Måtte bare stikke fra hele greia, er ikke i stand til og konse.


å raide så langt ut på natta er bare galskap.

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