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Altså, jeg har to kontoer under Battle.net-kontoen min, og den ene inneholder karakterer til en venninne.

Kan jeg overføre den kontoen til hennes Battle.net-konto?

Tvilsomt, siden Blizzard bare lar deg transfere mellom kontoer om accountene har samme navn.


Dere kan jo kanskje prøve å sende inn all informasjon de trenger fra begge accountene og se om det går ann å ordne noe, men aldri hørt om det før.

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Hahah, jeg hadde en elemental shaman i Ramparts-gruppa tidligere som vurderte å neede på et par hunter leggings fordi de hadde mer GS enn hans. To av oss forklarte rimelig skarpt at GS ikke har noe som helst å si, men han trodde ikke på oss. Han avsto fra buksene da ihvertfall.


Vi fortsetter diskusjonen mens vi myrder oss vei, og en i nærmest fullt vanilla epic gear spør hva hans GS er og deretter om det er bra. Shamanen presterer å si at det er "greit", siden han nesten hadde mer med sitt Outland-gear. Hvor blind går det an å være?


Det er ikke måte på hvor mye jeg misliker gearscore.

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Kom over denne kommentaren på Thottbot når det angår Wintergrasp. Synest den var litt vittig og interessant.

Horde vs Alliance: If you are Horde, you are at a great advantage. Blizzard loves the Horde and encourages their employees to play Horde. Blizzard employees know best how to hack their stats and otherwise bend the battle in their favor. Tricks I've seen so far: Hacked stats (in a recent AV battle I saw Horde kill Ally 30 to 1, a feat impossible without cheating). Locked firing pins. If you find your vehicle won't shoot, you are probably Ally. Broken RPG's. Both vehicle guns and RPG's should indicate damage against walls. If no damage is indicated, you have been punked. Go back to dismount skills. Limited gun angle. Ally's seem to have less gun angle and can't protect themselves while mounted on a gun. Simply move directly below them to kill the gun. If you are on a Horde gun, just aim down, the spill-over will kill the Ally quickly. Locked in combat. If you can't mount, eat or drink, you are probably Ally. Quit whining and die. The graveyard may (or may not) let you out of combat. Tilted tenacity. Tenacity is the mechanism Blizzard uses to even out Wintergrasp battles. Tenacity buffs damages output and hit points to the side with fewer players on the field and comes in (13?) levels, depending on the mismatch. Horde often have tenacity bent in their favor. While extremely difficult to measure, Horde will often find Tenacity works greatly to their advantage, even when Ally might have a few levels. Catapults not flaming while moving. Horde catapults always flame while moving, but Ally's often will not. This is a huge advantage when fighting dismounts. Why doesn't Blizzard crack-down on the cheating? Four reasons. 1) Virtually every server is overpopulated with Alliance. Some are 5 to 1 Ally. Therefore one argues, Horde need advantages. 2) For that reason, Blizzard encourages its employees to play Horde. Employees who cooperate should be rewarded, shouldn't they? 3) Horde are supposed to be evil, so cheating by Horde is to be expected and encouraged. 4) Senior management claims to not know about the cheating, either willfully ignoring it or turning a blind eye. Most of the GM's primarily play Horde, so don't bother us. Alliance are sheep and should be slaughtered like sheep. Get used to it. Regardless of the advantages to one side or the other, Wintergrasp is not just for PvP folks anymore. It is mandatory for all players. If you let the other faction win most Wintergrasps, you will soon find the best geared guilds are in the other faction.

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Kom over denne kommentaren på Thottbot når det angår Wintergrasp. Synest den var litt vittig og interessant.

Horde vs Alliance: If you are Horde, you are at a great advantage. Blizzard loves the Horde and encourages their employees to play Horde. Blizzard employees know best how to hack their stats and otherwise bend the battle in their favor. Tricks I've seen so far: Hacked stats (in a recent AV battle I saw Horde kill Ally 30 to 1, a feat impossible without cheating). Locked firing pins. If you find your vehicle won't shoot, you are probably Ally. Broken RPG's. Both vehicle guns and RPG's should indicate damage against walls. If no damage is indicated, you have been punked. Go back to dismount skills. Limited gun angle. Ally's seem to have less gun angle and can't protect themselves while mounted on a gun. Simply move directly below them to kill the gun. If you are on a Horde gun, just aim down, the spill-over will kill the Ally quickly. Locked in combat. If you can't mount, eat or drink, you are probably Ally. Quit whining and die. The graveyard may (or may not) let you out of combat. Tilted tenacity. Tenacity is the mechanism Blizzard uses to even out Wintergrasp battles. Tenacity buffs damages output and hit points to the side with fewer players on the field and comes in (13?) levels, depending on the mismatch. Horde often have tenacity bent in their favor. While extremely difficult to measure, Horde will often find Tenacity works greatly to their advantage, even when Ally might have a few levels. Catapults not flaming while moving. Horde catapults always flame while moving, but Ally's often will not. This is a huge advantage when fighting dismounts. Why doesn't Blizzard crack-down on the cheating? Four reasons. 1) Virtually every server is overpopulated with Alliance. Some are 5 to 1 Ally. Therefore one argues, Horde need advantages. 2) For that reason, Blizzard encourages its employees to play Horde. Employees who cooperate should be rewarded, shouldn't they? 3) Horde are supposed to be evil, so cheating by Horde is to be expected and encouraged. 4) Senior management claims to not know about the cheating, either willfully ignoring it or turning a blind eye. Most of the GM's primarily play Horde, so don't bother us. Alliance are sheep and should be slaughtered like sheep. Get used to it. Regardless of the advantages to one side or the other, Wintergrasp is not just for PvP folks anymore. It is mandatory for all players. If you let the other faction win most Wintergrasps, you will soon find the best geared guilds are in the other faction.



Ja, og hvis man spiller en rase med helt syke fordeler i PvP på grunn av racials som ikke kan sammenlignes med noen andre raser sine så er man nok Hor-


nei vent.


edit: Leste nå hele og facepalmet litt av meg selv :p

Endret av Pokey
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I dag opplevde jeg noe nytt. Var i en dungeon med en druide som ikke ville ress gruppa; han syns det var mest rettferdig at ALLE måtte løpe inn. Også de som ikke visste veien....LITT irriterende i grunn....jaja, da har man sett det også. :)

Det er vanligvis veldig irriterende som healer at du er en av de eneste som løper, og når du kommer inn roper alle "res plzzz". Resultatet er da at du må drikke full mana, bruke hele mana-baren på å resse sløvingene, og så drikke mana igjen. Det tar mye lengre tid enn om alle løp til inngangen selv.


Såklart, hvis du ikke vet veien, så si ifra at du ikke vet veien, men prøv å finn den likevel. Du ser spøkelsene til de andre løpe også.

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I dag opplevde jeg noe nytt. Var i en dungeon med en druide som ikke ville ress gruppa; han syns det var mest rettferdig at ALLE måtte løpe inn. Også de som ikke visste veien....LITT irriterende i grunn....jaja, da har man sett det også. :)


Det er mer rettferdig at ved en full wipe skal alle løpe tilbake fremfor bare en class som kan resse ja. Noe jeg misliker sterkt som healer er folk som bare ligger der i flere minutter og venter på ress istedenfor å løpe sammen med resten av oss. Bare fordi jeg kan resse skal jeg liksom alltid være den som må løpe, mens alle andre bare kan finne seg en kopp kaffe imens?


Enda en bitteliten fordel ved å løpe er at man starter med mer HP og mana enn om man blir resset.

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