Gjest Slettet-QjT4b9 Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Nope, locks trenger det ennå i Fel Armor, 30% av Spirit blir SP. Samme med Molten Armor hos Mage. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-QjT4b9 Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Noen som vet om Dungeon Sets kommer tilbake i Cataclysm? Savner det egentlig. Den gang epic var epic, ikke noe 95% av servern har. Og 8-dels settene (eller 9 som på Tier3) Lenke til kommentar
War Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Jeg hadde også stemt for at epic er epic igjen. Dvs i dagens utgave itemlvl 264 minimum var epic og alt under blå. Evt kun heroic merket gear var epic. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-QjT4b9 Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Det hadde blitt FOR vanskelig. Man skulle ikke fått emblems i heroic dungeons, kun i raids. Vil også ha AQ20 og AQ40 tilbake som AQ10 og AQ25 med lik loot bare for lvl85 Lenke til kommentar
Lightningwolf Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Synd at AQ er rast sammen da. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-QjT4b9 Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Uhm, kilder? Står ingen plasser at AQ skal forsvinne. Ah "There has not been an official announcement regarding the removal of the Ahn'Qiraj dungeons. As it stands now, none of the dungeons have been removed in the Cataclysm Beta test. " Quote Blizz Customer Service Lenke til kommentar
Nevvis Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Nope, locks trenger det ennå i Fel Armor, 30% av Spirit blir SP. Samme med Molten Armor hos Mage. Tipper det kommer til å bli endret. Cataclysm stat changes Come Cataclysm, this stat should only be found on healing gear. If you are a DPS caster, expect to see: * A lot more Stamina. * All of your Spell Power converted to Intellect and Stamina. * No Spirit. You won’t miss Spirit, though, because you won’t need it for DPS or mana regen. Your gear won't have spirit on it as a mage when Cataclysm hits. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-QjT4b9 Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 (endret) Hva skal det scale med da? Det blir for store endringer, for i så fall må de enten endre prosenten kraftig, og sette det på int (som blir Spellpower), eller en ny stat bare for å scale Molten Armor og Fel Armor EDIT: Weapon Skill - This stat will be removed from the game completely. Classes will start with all the weapon skills they need to know and will not need to improve them. Auda, må vel få 5-6 våpen opp til max før de fjerner det så man får achievementen (blir vel Feat elns) Endret 8. august 2010 av Slettet-QjT4b9 Lenke til kommentar
Boris Yeltsin Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Good old tier 1 og 2 ja. Savner bloodfang gearet til roguen min Lenke til kommentar
Nevvis Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Blizzard sitter nok med tall på hvor mye av all SP som kommer fra Fel Armor, så da er det jo bare å skalere prosenten fra f.eks. int slik at bonus spellpower blir ca. det samme. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-QjT4b9 Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Leste kjapt, de skal gjøre noe sånt, men de sier ikke mer enn det heller. Jeg har på følelsen at vi locker får en syk DPS-boost den første måneden, for så å bli nerfa Blizzard-style til faen og forbi^^ Lenke til kommentar
Pokey Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Man skulle ikke fått emblems i heroic dungeons, kun i raids. Det hadde gitt mest mening, men det hadde blitt helt umulig å geare opp etter den første bølgen av 80-er som dinger 85 og GS-horene hadde etablert seg. Det man gjør nå når man dinger er at man farmer heroics til 232-gear og får seg litt frost samt gjør weeklys, før man kan raide ToC, Ulduar og etter en stund (eller med en gang om man har flaks med groups eller guilds) kan man gå i ICC. Hvis det ikke var for 232-gearet hadde man blitt låst i en evig verden av ilevel 200 og crapgear. Om du mente at man ikke skulle få nyeste-content emblems (type frost) i heroics, så er jeg ganske så enig. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-QjT4b9 Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Sa ikke at man ikke kan få epics. F.eks. non-set deler 219 i Frozen Halls, så kan man jo gå ToC25/ICC10, iallefall de fire første, for så å få 245/251 Lenke til kommentar
Pokey Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Jepp, men man må jo geare opp før man kan gå frozen halls, ToC eller ICC. 232-gear er ikke noe spesielt bra, men noe starter-gear må til. Lenke til kommentar
Lightningwolf Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Uhm, kilder? Står ingen plasser at AQ skal forsvinne. Ah "There has not been an official announcement regarding the removal of the Ahn'Qiraj dungeons. As it stands now, none of the dungeons have been removed in the Cataclysm Beta test. " Quote Blizz Customer Service I følge offesiell lore hvertfall så raste da Med'an AQ. Kan vel være de ikke tar det med i WoW, men hadde vært merkelig hvis det fortsatt står. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-QjT4b9 Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Når fulgte WoW loren egentlig? Siden Warcraft ble MMORPG er loren sidesatt, siden spillerene harmye mer med det å gjøre. De lar loren legge basen for WoW. Uansett så er ikke det noe vits å rase AQ. Det er mange som mener det er noe av det beste som har vært i WoW, iallefall vanilla. Lenke til kommentar
Colado Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 (endret) Lore ftw! Loren er kul og lese faktisk. How the world of Azeroth was come to existence is unknown. Rumours are it was the titans to forge the world of Azeroth. The titans empowered few races to forge Azeroth to perfect condition. These races were Earthern and Sea giants. There was only one landmass on the world, and the titans named it Kalimdor. In the middle of Kalimdor the titans placed a magical lake, known as the Well of Eternity, from which life was to sprout to the world. From the Twisting Nether were, at some point, also the Old Gods born. These beings of pure evil took Azeroth as their home. They enslaved the elementals and released the Curse of Flesh upon the world. The titans found out about the Old Gods and their evil reign and returned to Azeroth. They started a war against these foul gods. Both titans and Old Gods and their servants fell in battle, but eventually the titans gained the upper hand and sealed the remaining Old Gods deep below the surface of Azeroth. Elementals were banished to their respective elemental planes. Most of the elementals were soothed at this moment, but some, like Ragnaros the Firelord, remained afflicted. Titans' first coming happened 150,000-66,000 years ago Titans' second coming happened around 65,000 years ago. Birth of the races Once the world had settled after the battle of titans and the Old Gods, the titans once again empowered Azeroth. But they were unable to remove the Curse of Flesh that the Old Gods had released. The curse is bound to the Old Gods, which is why they were sealed away instead of slain entirely. Dragons The titans left Azeroth again, but they left guardians this time to keep peace and balance on Azeroth. The titans created these guardians from the great proto-dragon named Galakrond. The result of this were the Dragon Aspects: -Nozdormu the Timeless One, bronze guardian of time -Alexstrasza the Life Binder, red guardian of life -Ysera the Dreamer, green guardian of forests and the Emerald Dream -Malygos the Spell-Weaver, blue guardian of magic and hidden arcanum -Neltharion the Earth-Warder, black guardian of the earth The birth of the dragon aspects happened around 64,000 years ago. Dwarves The dwarves are most closely related to the original earthern among with the gnomes. They in their stone-forms were sleeping beneath the surface of Azeroth for ages, until some of them were inflicted with the Curse of Flesh and were awaken. The exact time of the first dwarves' surfacing is not known. All that is know that it was after The Sundering 10,000 years ago. Some record say it was 2,500 years ago. Troggs Troggs are the burden of dwarves. These creatures are disgusting in appearance and they are savage territorial creatures. They were born when the titans first "experimented" with life, and the troggs were "failed specimen". The titans sealed these mistakes beneath the surface of Azeroth but the dwarves have then dug them up and are now burdened by them. Gnomes Little is known about the birth of gnomes and when they started to appear to other races. Their original ancestors were the "Mechagnomes" that can be encountered in Northrend. The Curse of Flesh at some point turned to the fleshy nuisance that they are now. Earliest records of them are only around 850 years old. Vrykul The Vrykul are very likely one of the original races that the titans empowered during their second coming, part of the earthern though different in appearance. They were at start mechanical race like the mechagnomes, but were inflicted with the Curse of Flesh. Their race mysteriously disappeared from Azeroth at some point, but they have lately returned as the Lich King reigns in Northrend. Humans As the titans left Azeroth for the second time, the Vrykul were struck second time by the Curse of Flesh. As a result, their women started giving birth to "weak and ugly" fleshy creatures. King Ymiron of the vrykul, ordered all of these abominations to be slain as soon they are born. But not all vrykul families obeyed this cruel order and fled south to grow these malformed children hidden. These children became the human race. The earliest recorded sightings of the humans that we know today, were recorded 14,000-10,000 years ago. Night Elves The origin of the night elves is mysterious and little is known of their origin. It is only known that the night elves stumbled upon the Well of Eternity around 64,000 years ago. Some claim the elves were evolved from trolls but the elves strictly deny this and remind that the first elves fought against the trolls. Since then the elves and trolls have hated each other. It is more likely that the elves were born around the same time as the trolls were born by the powers of the Well of Eternity. Trolls Like the night elves, it is not known when or where the troll race was born. But there are records of them warring the night elves and the Aqir. They were likely born of the magical powers of the Well of Eternity like the night elves. Tauren Alike trolls and night elves, the tauren were likely born from the Well of Eternity. Draenei Originally known as Eredar, the draenei are ancient race from planet known as Argus. When the planet came to existence is not known, but at some point their race was split to draenei and man'ari. The draenei left their planet and found new home on Draenor, the orcs' homeplanet. After 25,000 years on Draenor, the man'ari again found the draenei... Orcs The orcs are native to the world of Draenor. How long they have habitet the planet is not know. They lived in peace with the draenei and warred against the ogres, who also are native to Draenor." Utdrag fra Lore bok. Endret 8. august 2010 av Colado Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-QjT4b9 Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Det nekter jeg ikke for, men WoW følger ikke loren så slavisk som WC1-2-3 gjør Lenke til kommentar
Colado Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Det nekter jeg ikke for, men WoW følger ikke loren så slavisk som WC1-2-3 gjør Skulle ha gjort det, hadde vert mye morsommere da Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-QjT4b9 Skrevet 8. august 2010 Del Skrevet 8. august 2010 Hadde blitt ganske så tight da spillemessig. Som å spille CS på de_dust2 hele dagen. Lenke til kommentar
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