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This is probably the most epic drama that we've ever posted... in a foreign language. Here, in French, is the story of Stratics, a guild on EU Kael'thas. They apparently sent one of their players to join Wrath, another guild on the server, with the cold intent of sabotaging their attempt at The Immortal (among other things -- my French is very rusty, but it looks like they wanted him to ninja some epics and create some furor in the raid as well). And apparently it worked -- he made it to KT with Wrath, aggroed all of the mobs around them, and /gquit to laugh at them. Pretty crazy, but man, that is some mean, premeditated drama. If you have some French knowledge and want to translate any other salient parts (including why they did it in the first place), feel free. Update: another tipster sent a translation of the "achievements" they had him do while in the enemy's guild, and it's bad: go AFK 10 mins while saying the dog vomited, layout a picnic table and a train in the middle of the raid, mess up Sarth aggro, and share the vent server with the trade chat. Ouch.


Ouch indeed!

Moro lesning :D

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Gjest Slettet-3t93k9

Takktakk, går jeg i gang med en twink snart tenker jeg.


Noen som har en anelse hva som er bra i lvl 39?

EDIT; Tar noen minutter på google, kanskje

Endret av Slettet-3t93k9
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