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Hva Blizzard holder på med er både positivt og negativt.

Jeg syns hele opplegget med å gjøre start-raidene tilgjengelige for alle er ypperlig. Det jeg ikke liker, derimot, er at "epic" blir så misbrukt. Du får en epic bare ved å blåse bobler. Litt flere "Rare" hadde vært ypperlig.

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Kan ikke si meg mer enig der ja! Kanskje første epicen når du vart level 80 var en smule kult, men nå er det bare som en helt vanlig oppgradering. De kan gjøre litt mer variasjon.


Få tilbake legendary items som du må jobbe for, som ikke bare dropper fra enn boss slik at alle har den. Men som sagt er det enda tidlig i Wrath:) Vet aldri hva de gjør!

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Blizzard kan jo evt. inkludere itemlevel i standard UI'en. Det er forskjell på 200 og 226. Strengt tatt er det masse bra blå items med ilevel 200 også, så du kunne godt ha trengt 213 for at det ble epic av det.


Men det er stor forskjell på epics også, det vil det alltid være. Så det å kun se på fargen på teksten blir litt lett.

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Det mange savner er vell mer gleden over å få epics:p At det er stor variasjon mellom 25 og 10 man epics er jo det, men tror ikke at folk egentlig bryr seg må mye når de får nytt gear.

Er ikke savnet om gleden å få epics, men hvor lekende lett det faktisk er å få det. Skulle ikke forundre meg om alle quests-rewards fra 80-90 er Blå items.

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Fargen er, tross alt, en indikasjon på hvilket slags utstyr det er snakk om. Hvit er "vanlig", Grønt er "uvanlig", Blått er "sjelden" og Lilla er "episk". Da blir det litt dumt når "episk" er like vanlig som hvitt.




for å si det på en annen måte.


Sjokoladekake er ikke like godt om du spiser det 3 ganger dagen i en måned.

Endret av Slimda
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Fargen på utstyret har alt å si for hvor mange "poeng" hvert enkelt item har til fordeling på stats. En kan ha hvite, grønne, blå og lilla items med samme ilvl. En epic ilvl 200 har flere poeng til å fordele på stats enn en blå lvl 200 (og tilsvarende for grønn og hvit, men foreløpig er det ingen grønne eller hvite items med så høy ilvl).


Er for lenge siden jeg leste Blizz posten som forklarte dette og jeg husker ikke hvor det stod, så jeg kan ikke vise til noen kilde.

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Itemlevel bestemmer stat-budsjettet, men sier ingen ting om hvordan statsa blir fordelt. Noen items har bedre fordeling med stats enn andre for visse klasser. Får jo en blå trinket med 111 stamina, den er rimelig fin for tanks, selv om det finnes epic items med høyere ilevel.


Også grunnen til at PVP items er "dårligere" enn samme ilevel PVE items (til PVE selvsagt), da noe av budsjettet blir brukt opp på resilience.

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Nyheter om dual speccs

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Talent Dual Spec Q&A with Ghostcrawler

With the next content patch, we will be introducing a number of additions and changes to the game. One new feature in the works is the ability to set up two separate sets of talents, or "dual spec". While the complete feature may not be immediately available in the Public Test Realms (PTR) and specifics are still liable to change, we wanted to go over some questions with Senior Game Designer Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street to find out more.

Nethaera: What is dual speccing?

Ghostcrawler: Dual speccing is the ability to save two separate talent specs, glyphs, and action bars.


Nethaera: Why are we allowing players to dual spec after all this time?

Ghostcrawler: We really felt like this was a great way to increase the flexibility available to players and encourage them to take part in more aspects of the game. To use just one example, some players like to participate in both raids and Arenas, which is awesome behavior that we want to promote. But, there are some talents which are more useful in one part of the game than another. Currently, players have to pay respec costs and go through the process of setting up the desired talent spec and action bars whenever they switch.


The new system makes this a much more logical process, saving on time and cost and allowing players to easily move from one aspect of the game to another.

Nethaera: Who will be able to use it?

Ghostcrawler: Players who have reached the maximum level will be able to set up dual specs.


Nethaera: Why do players need to be max level in order to do this?

Ghostcrawler: We didn’t want to burden lower-level players with extra complexity as they’re working to level up and learn their class. But if the feature proves popular we might consider expanding it.


Nethaera: How will you be able to set up a dual spec?

Ghostcrawler: Players will be able to visit their trainer and pay a one-time fee to be able to use it.

Nethaera: How do you switch between specs?

Ghostcrawler: Players will be able to switch between their talent specs by visiting any Lexicon of Power provided they’ve paid for the ability to have a secondary spec. Lexicons of Power will be available in major cities, and inscribers will also be able to create a new item that summons one. Anyone can purchase this item, but it requires a ritual of several players to summon it for use by the party. It’s similar to a repair bot in that it will exist in the world for a short duration. It’s important to keep in mind that you will not be able to switch specs while in combat or Arenas. While you won’t be able to switch your spec without the Lexicon, you will still be able to look at your secondary spec whenever you want to.


Nethaera: Will solo players have the ability to switch their specs outside of the cities or will they still need to visit a Lexicon of Power?

Ghostcrawler: Solo players will still need to go into the city to visit the Lexicon of Power to switch their talent spec or will need to get together with other players to summon one in.


Nethaera: Is the item that allows you to summon a Lexicon of Power reusable, or is it used up?

Ghostcrawler: We haven’t made a final decision on that yet, and will be evaluating how it works on the PTR.


Nethaera: Can I respec only one of my talent sets, or will I need to respec them both if I reset one?

Ghostcrawler: When you reset your talents, it will look at the spec you currently have in use as the talent set you want to change.


Nethaera: Will you be able to switch gear easily to match your spec?

Ghostcrawler: At the same time we implement dual specs, we will also be setting up a gear system. The feature is called “Gear Manager.” It can also be used to just swap weapons or trinkets or put on that tuxedo to strut around town. It will not automatically switch your gear when you change your talent spec, but it will allow for an easy gear change between them. The feature may not be fully functional immediately in the PTR, but we’ll have more information to share about it before too much longer.


Nethaera: What about hunters? Often their pet talents are set up to match the talents of the hunter. Will they be able to switch their pet specs as well?

Ghostcrawler: We will wipe the pet talents. However we are going to remove the respec cost for pet talents so that players won’t feel like they need to jump through an additional hoop to respec their pet. In addition, we are going to provide hunters a new core ability to let them remotely access their stable on a long cooldown. This way if their exotic pet heads off to the stable, they will be able to get a different pet. We hope to be able to discuss this new spell in more detail when we get a little further along.


Nethaera: Will you be able to change your Glyphs as well?

Ghostcrawler: Glyphs will be tied to each talent spec so that if you switch between them, so too will the Glyphs. You’ll notice the UI will have changed a little bit so that the Glyph panes show up alongside the Talent panes now that they are associated.


Nethaera: What about hotbars? Will players be able to save them for the talent spec they’re running?

Ghostcrawler: Yes, you will be able to save hotbars and use them with your talent specs. It just saves your bars at the same time as it saves the glyphs and talents. If you want to switch to your other action bar, you will need to change specs.


Nethaera: Is there a way for players to choose their talents without them being saved? Currently, once you spend your talent point, it’s spent unless you pay the respec cost again.

Ghostcrawler: With the dual spec feature, we are going to allow players who respec to configure all their talents before they get saved. They will be able to allocate the points, then choose if they want to use that as their spec, rather than needing to carefully diagram out their talents ahead of time. This will allow players a little more freedom when deciding on the talents they want to pick and avoid costly mistakes.


Nethaera: Will players be confined to only setting up two specs?

Ghostcrawler: We will be launching the feature with just two specs, but depending on how we feel it works out, we might consider additional specs in the future.


Nethaera: When can players expect to try out dual specs?

Ghostcrawler: Players will be able to try out the dual spec system on the Public Test Realms when they are made available. This has been a pretty big project with a lot of people working toward making it a reality in the game. We’ll definitely be watching the feedback and looking for ways of making sure the system works the way we all envisioned it to.


Enormt mange gode nyheter.

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