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MediaMonkey v2.5.5 | v3.0-testing har begynt!


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Nå vet jeg ikke hvordan dette fungerer, men er du helt sikker på at du har huket av .aac filer?.


Ellers vet jeg lite om problemet ditt, men kanskje du kan forklare litt mer?

Har ikke forandret så mange av innstilingene, så hvis ikke aac er huket av ved default så tviler jeg på det. Hvor kan jeg huke av .aac?


Og hva skal jeg eventuelt komme med info?

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Da er MediaMonkey lansert. Den kan skilte med disse funksjonen:


NB! Alphaversjon!


What's new in build 896?


      - Added Synchronization support for iPod Shuffle

      - Added Synchronization support for 'Plays for Sure' (MTP) devices

      - Added one-touch synchronization for all flash devices (similar to iPod Shuffle)

      - Added 'show checked' button to easily display tracks on synch list

      - Added Party mode

      - Added basic Auto-DJ functionality (see Now Playing config)

      - Added ability to import iTunes / Winamp ratings & play history on scans

      - Added ignore 'The' in Artists name for sorting purposes

      - Added auto-complete for commonly used fields (Artist/Album/Genre...)

      - Added ability to select all/none in various dialogs

      - Added more fine-grained control over default playback behaviour

      - Added ability to disable mouse gestures

      - Added in-place conversion (in addition to conversion to new location)

      - Added 'Eject CD after ripping'

      - Added proxy support for streaming (in addition to freedb)

      - Added ability to export all playlists to .m3u files at once

      - Added script: auto-increment track#

      - Added script: switch Artist <--> Title

      - Added script: Case Checker (thanks to Risser)

      - Fixed MPC metadata sometimes isn't read correctly

      - Fixed MPC technical info missing for profile 'Radio'/Q5 or lower

      - Fixed attempts to read tag on non-existant flac file causes freeze

      - Fixed File Monitor: first file per directory sometimes not read correctly

      - Fixed auto-complete usability kinks in skinned version

      - Fixed Track# = 256 is always listed as 'unsynchronized'

      - Fixed 'Double-click Action' should also work in Now Playing node

      - Fixed Auto-Tag from Amazon: unspecified error dialog

      - Fixed Auto-Tag from Amazon: access violation

      - Fixed empty folders sometimes aren't removed after Auto-Organize

      - Fixed File Monitor startup scan can cause duplicates in some cases

      - Fixed rounding problems in statistics report

      - Fixed font color in status bar cannot be changed in skins

      - Fixed Playlists that are deleted appear in send-to history list

      - Fixed multiple concurrent synchronization operations shouldn't occur

      - Fixed Artist/Title should be split in Milkdrop to display better

      - Improved image quality for Album Art (bicubic resampling)

      - Improved usability of 'Show checked' in synch dialog

      - Improved usability of Freedb lookup so that menu isn't greyed out

      - Improved shutdown time (shorter)

      - Improved wording on numerous dialogs


Mer info kommer! :dribble:

Endret av Dell_9200
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