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The OC - spoilerfri diskusjonstråd

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Mischa Barton er tynn og kvapsete, har utrolig mange påtatte flaue øyeblikk og sist men ikke minst - hva pokker skjer med panneluggen? :(


Alex var tøff, men på samme tid utrolig sensuell.


Men, den personen jeg kanskje savner mest er Anna. Hun var rett og slett konge.

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Kan noen gi en rask gjennomgang på hvordan serien er? -Har bare hørt om den når folk nevner favorittserien her.


-Går ut ifra det går/gikk på tv3 ettersom jeg ikke har sett det.


EDIT: Så på den siden nå, så da veldig ut som noe One tree hill, klissen serie om forhold.


-SOmeone prove me wrong

Endret av co2
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Kan noen gi en rask gjennomgang på hvordan serien er? -Har bare hørt om den når folk nevner favorittserien her.


-Går ut ifra det går/gikk på tv3 ettersom jeg ikke har sett det.

The show revolves around two upper-class families in the southern California city of Newport Beach, in Orange County. The story follows Ryan Atwood, a troubled teenage boy from a dysfunctional family in Chino, California, who is transplanted to a high-class society focused on wealth and reputations. He is taken in under the care of Sandy Cohen, a successful lawyer who himself rose from humble roots; and his wife Kirsten, daughter of enormously-wealthy Orange County real estate mogul, Caleb Nichol. Ryan becomes good friends with the Cohens' geeky misfit son Seth, and falls in love with beautiful girl next door, Marissa Cooper.


Unlike other family-friendly teen shows, The O.C. takes on the gritty issues of the rich and wealthy, such as marital problems, drugs and alcohol, and familial relationships. As Seth remarks to Ryan (and later Ryan to Seth) as they enter an extravagant Newport party, "welcome to the dark side."


The show also often makes fun of its soap opera elements and often includes self-referential jokes. Notable examples include comments about Benjamin McKenzie's likeness to Russell Crowe, Peter Gallagher's eyebrows, and Mischa Barton's weight - things often cited by fans - in addition to the show featuring its own soap opera entitled The Valley, which is similar to The O.C. An episode of the first season entitled "The L.A." introduced us to some of the actors from that show. Additionally, many of the characters make fun of their stereotypes, such as when Ryan escapes a conversation by saying, "I'm going to go brood silently".


Jeg er trøtt, fruen roper. Kommer sterkere tilbake. ;)

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