likferd Skrevet 10. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 10. oktober 2006 Så de nerfer IKKE ap, men lanserer plutselig 80+ dps bows? tror nok at noe blir nerfet ja, med så mye imba forandringer. Lenke til kommentar
Rata101 Skrevet 10. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 10. oktober 2006 Håper huntere ender opp med å bli mer balanserte både i PvP og PvE til slutt. I så fall så skal jeg være hoppende og jublende fornøyd. Forandring fryder. Lenke til kommentar
Overguard Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Noen som har en bra build for lvling? Har en 45 huntard atm, er markanship specca. Men de er liksom ikke så bra for lvling har jeg merket. Har hørt at beast mastery er bra, men vet ikke hvor jeg skal putte talentpoints. Lenke til kommentar
PSV Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Angående TBC, håper dette svarer på en hel del, er en level 63 tauren hunter som har svart på disse spørsmålene.. NOTE: These are based on the stats of a level 63 tauren hunter and level 63 winterspring owl. Kill Command triggers the global cooldown. Rank 1 Arcane Shot still gets 20% of your AP in damage. You will NOT get 2000 attack power any time soon. With full tier 2 and a full marks spec, I had ~1450 self buffed. Despite that, we deal very noticeably more damage in groups even before steady shot. Pets rock. With BM spec, my owl has 7000 hp, 9000 armor, and 160 DPS without ANY buffs. There's a new type of cookable food: pet snacks! The one I've seen so far is called "Sporeling Snack". It takes 1 strange spore (a mob drop in Zangarmarsh) to make and generates an item that, when used, gives your pet +20 stamina and +20 spirit, akin to a Well Fed buff on a player. It lasts half an hour, and is instant cast and useable in combat. Speaking of Well Fed, there's a ton of new food bonuses. 40 attack power + 20 spirit, 20 agi + 20 spirit, 23 spellpower + 23 spirit, 20 str 20 stam, etc etc. How much damage did your max rank arcane shots do on average? With the level 60 arcane shot, depending on spec, I hit for right around 500 damage. MM hits for higher, BM hits for lower. Highest crit I saw was 1400ish with a MM spec. Did you undergo any graphic change when the Beast Within procced? Yes. You grow about 50-75% in size and glow red, just like the pet. And it's not a proc, it's while Bestial Wrath is active. Can you activate BW/TBW while you are feared? I assume that you can't, since it requires you to actually cast an ability, but I cannot confirm. Any word on new ammo/quivers? I havn't seen any new quivers. There's 22dps and 32 dps ammo from generic vendors (20s and 50s cost, respectively) and 26dps and 37dps arrows from Cenarion Expedition (20s and 50s again, requires honored and revered respectively). I assume there's equivalent bullets, either crafted or some other reputation. Out of all the stuff you've seen so far, what's the most drool worthy in your opinion? Kill Command. It has sickening potential for a BM hunter. I theorycrafted 263 pre-mitigation DPS at level 70, and I forgot a couple buffs when doing the math even. Is the rumor true that they nerfed Viper Sting? Kinda. Serpent and Viper still do the same amount of damage. Viper DOES have a 15 second cooldown, though. Has pet attack speed been normalized? Nope. My Ursius is still 2.4 speed, so I assume the fast pets are still fast. You don't want a fast attack speed pet as a raiding BM hunter, though. Even 2.4 can maintain Frenzy at 90% uptime with the right talents, and 2.4 hits much harder than 1.0 with Kill Command. Serpent's Swiftness. Great passive talent or greatest passive talent? Great passive talent Very Happy With BM spec, my listed DPS is actually higher than MM spec, thanks to Serpent's Swiftness. That's just Autoshot of course, and I do deal less DPS with BM than MM, but it's an amusing factoid and is sure to cause forum drama when newbs see it and go buy a Jump To Conclusions mat. Is Serpent's Swiftness always up or only when pet is out? Always. When you said you did less damage with BM spec even though your listed dps was higher, did you mean your personal ranged damage? How did your overall damage with BM compare to your damage as a Marks spec in instances, including your pet? Personal damage only. Including pet damage, I'm pretty sure BM was higher. BM pets are frightening. My pet was ripping aggro from a High Warlord fury warrior (and living to tell about it!). How much attack power % does Mongoose Bite benefit from? Not sure the exact %, but when I checked to see if it did scale mine was listed as 216 damage. I don't remember what spec I was at the time, though. Did Volley change in any way? Nope. Still 80/92 damage per tick. Did Mend Pet change in any way? Yep! Thanks for asking, I forgot about that. It's 45 yard range now, base. It's still channeled, though. Oh, and there's a new rank at level 60 - ~350/tick healed. There's another higher rank too but I forget the heal amount. What is your Int? (Curious on how effective AotV would be) I wanna say right around 180. With BM I mainly stick to Hawk, but Viper was crucial when I was trying to level as Survival or Marksman. Do you know exactly what scaling entails for our pets? Does it include all our stats or just some? Include stuff like + to hit or +to crit? OK, pet scaling: 22-23% RAP 35% armor 40% resistances (up from 20%) 0% health (this surprised me) Too bad most of my burning questions are things you can't yet long did it take to get to 63? Hmm. Well, let's put it this way. It takes ~440k xp for level 61, ~470k for 62, and ~500k for 63. Average quest completion is 8k experience and average +2 level mob kill is 600 xp. As a BM hunter I can chain kill fungal giants (lvl 62-63) about every 15-20 seconds unless they're overcamped, which was rare in alpha. Have you heard anything about pets being able to avoid area effects? Pets have no AOE-avoidance abilities. I'm not too worried, though. The days of pets being subpar living dots are gone, gone, gone. Pets dieing is going to be notice and questions will be asked (Why did XYZ's pet die?). It's theoretically possible for a BM pet to do ~500-600 pre-mitigation DPS and offtank a fairly dangerous (though not Main Boss level dangerous - think Worshipper adds on Faerlina) add in the same fight. New template? More info on this, please. The character screen, instead of only showing your agi/stam/int/spir/str/armor + melee stats, now has two panels with a dropdown box. You can select from Stats, Melee, Ranged, Spells, and Defense. Stats is the same old panel. Ranged and Melee show their respective weapon damage, adjusted weapon speed, DPS, skill rating, hit rating, and crit rating (with tooltips to automagically calculate rating to actual stat). Spells has the spellcasting stats - I didn't look too hard at it. Defenses shows dodge, parry, block, defense rating, and resilience rating, with tooltips. Does the survival tree come even close to the dps of MM tree anymore or are those days over? The answer to that is going to lie in mana consumption, I think. Survival was far, far more mana efficient than the other two trees, thanks to crazy crit rate + Thrill of the Hunt. I had to try hard to run out of mana grinding. Any info on new scopes or even enchants for ranged weapons, or melee weapon enchants that effect ranged weapons other then passivly with stats? There's supposedly a +10 damage scope and a +2% crit (28 crit rating? dunno) scope. What size bags can we get in the expansion? Green-quality (comparatively easy to make in other words) 18 slot bags, and blue 20 slotters. Presumably there'll be an epic or raid-blue 22 slotter. Backpacks are still stuck at 16 >< How does getting to/from Outland work (you don't have to go through the portal everytime right)? To get TO outland, you either A) need to go throug the Dark Portal - which is no longer guarded by elite demons, at least on the Azeroth side Wink, B) Beg a Mage who's gotten Exalted with the Scryer faction in Shattrath (a neutral capital city complete with its own map and 3 factions in Terokar Forest) to portal you, or C) Bind there and hearth. To get FROM outland, you need to A) go through the Dark Portal, B) Get a portal from a mage, C) Bind in azeroth/kalimdor and hearth, or D) Walk through one of the permanent one-way portals in Shattrath to each of the 8 capital cities. Since you had the opportunity to play around with multiple talent specs, how did they work out? i.e. did they all heve their respective strengths and weaknesses? or was one particular tree noticeably lacking overall? Survival felt weakest, but IMO deep survival doesn't shine much in solo play. It's mostly a PvP or raid spec, not much for small group or solo content. On a side note, if you happen across any interesting new items or pet skills, anything you can post would always be appreciated. Bladefist's Breadth Trinket Equip: Increases your Critical Rating by +26. Use: Increases your Attack Power by 200 for 15 seconds. (2 minute cooldown) 26 crit rating is 1.85% crit at level 60. It's a quest reward from an elite non-instance quest in Hellfire Peninsula, the first zone you'll hit. There are tank and caster versions, as well, but I don't know the stats offhand. Did you notice if we will be trading in strikers/DS/CS for some choice blue/crafted/5 man items anytime soon? If you're in Beastmaster (tier 0.5), you'll find upgrades from random green drops. Giantstalker will be upgraded through green and blue quest rewards in the first couple zones. I havn't found any direct upgrades to Dragonstalker or Cryptstalker yet, but I havn't gotten any instance loot, either. I don't expect Dragonstalker to last me past 65. What spec do you believe is not as gear dependent? Beastmastery is probably the least gear dependant. Marksman is absolutely the MOST gear dependant. Animal pets gain any of your own +hit? If not this talent would be quite valuable. Impossible to tell for sure, but with +90 hit rating from gear (+9 hit at level 60), my pet was still missing noticeably often at level 60. So, I assume not. Unfortunately. That does make animal handler a pretty decent talent, though. Does Trueshot aura have that double stacking ability on pet? adds 125 attack power to you and pet gets 150? also can you test out how much of a dps boost this would be on a non BM pet. Does unleashed fury stack with this dps buff too? Yes to both questions. Lenke til kommentar
Skarstard Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Noen som har en bra build for lvling? Har en 45 huntard atm, er markanship specca. Men de er liksom ikke så bra for lvling har jeg merket. Har hørt at beast mastery er bra, men vet ikke hvor jeg skal putte talentpoints. 7094322[/snapback] Lenke til kommentar
abraxa Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Jeg har et spørsmål om pet loyalty. Har en 29 twink hunter som nettopp har fått en lvl 28 boar fra RFK, men har problemer med å øke loyalty level på petten (fra 1). Har lest en del rundt på div forum, og det er noen som mener at man må grinde litt xp med petten for at man skal gå opp dette første nivået, mens andre mener at det skal være mulig å gå opp bare ved å holde petten well-fed, selv om det da tar lengre tid. Siden jeg er 500 xp fra level 30 er grinding ikke mulig, og jeg lurer derfor om det er noen som kan bekrefte eller avkrefte om det er mulig å gå fra loyalty level 1 til 2 UTEN at petten får xp? Lenke til kommentar
Skarstard Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Det vil jeg tro, siden det på tooltipset til pet-ens Happiness-ikon står noe slikt som "Well fed, gaining loyalty." Lenke til kommentar
gamer73 Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 jeg må få si at å være hunter (min alt på lvl 59) er utrolig greit med hensyn til yrke herbalism. Men kan for det første bruke aspect of the pack for å komme fort til buketter som ligger nært hverandre. for det andre kan man ha petten sin ute, slik at den kan angripe å holde aggro på mob mens du looter blomsten, hvorpå man bare løper videre mot neste blomst slik at petten blir "borte" pga avstand. Dvs utroolig lettvindt og greit Lenke til kommentar
Heart Break Kid Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 jeg må få si at å være hunter (min alt på lvl 59) er utrolig greit med hensyn til yrke herbalism. Men kan for det første bruke aspect of the pack for å komme fort til buketter som ligger nært hverandre. for det andre kan man ha petten sin ute, slik at den kan angripe å holde aggro på mob mens du looter blomsten, hvorpå man bare løper videre mot neste blomst slik at petten blir "borte" pga avstand. Dvs utroolig lettvindt og greit 7096601[/snapback] Feign Death er også kjekt her Lenke til kommentar
Ciwie Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 (endret) Dismiss pet + Feign Death funker og Endret 18. oktober 2006 av Ciwie Lenke til kommentar
PSV Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Jeg har et spørsmål om pet loyalty. Har en 29 twink hunter som nettopp har fått en lvl 28 boar fra RFK, men har problemer med å øke loyalty level på petten (fra 1). Har lest en del rundt på div forum, og det er noen som mener at man må grinde litt xp med petten for at man skal gå opp dette første nivået, mens andre mener at det skal være mulig å gå opp bare ved å holde petten well-fed, selv om det da tar lengre tid. Siden jeg er 500 xp fra level 30 er grinding ikke mulig, og jeg lurer derfor om det er noen som kan bekrefte eller avkrefte om det er mulig å gå fra loyalty level 1 til 2 UTEN at petten får xp? 7096076[/snapback] Du kan vel grinde de som AKKURAT har blitt gråe for deg, så er dem ultra-grønne for pettet ditt, eller funker ikke det? Lenke til kommentar
Skarstard Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Det går nok ikke, spilleren må få XP for at pet'n skal få XP. Lenke til kommentar
.V. Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Det at pets får xp selv om mobs er grå for hunteren kom i patch 1.6 eller noe... For eksempel, om en lvl50 hunter dreper lvl20-mobs og har en lvl15 pet, så får pet xp. Lenke til kommentar
PSV Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Mmm, mener å ha hatt med en level 60 hunter som hadde en struts fra Barrens med seg i Razorfen Kraul for å få XP til den. Lenke til kommentar
PSV Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 (endret) Skjer med level 60 huntere og ikke ha noe guild da? Realm: Darkmoon Faire. For banken sin del, så er mainen min level 9 på denne realmen Endret 18. oktober 2006 av Per-Stian Lenke til kommentar
Jørgen Sørheim Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Kanskje noen bottere innimellom der? Lenke til kommentar
Sink Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 er vel guildless rogues også? (siden det ofte er hunters og rogues som sliter med å fikse seg guild) Lenke til kommentar
PSV Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 er vel guildless rogues også? (siden det ofte er hunters og rogues som sliter med å fikse seg guild) 7101312[/snapback] kun Én level 60 unguildet rogue. Totalt 60-70 level 60ere på realmen. Lenke til kommentar
MysticoN Skrevet 19. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 19. oktober 2006 det jeg synest er dumt er at pets ikke får rest xp.. er JÆVLA vanskelig å grinde opp en pet fra lvl 20 til 60. Lenke til kommentar
Oz370 Skrevet 19. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 19. oktober 2006 (endret) hehe, word. Jeg lvl'er the rake fra lvl 10 til lvl 32 nå. Har fått han opp til lvl 22 etter en GOD del grinding. Får pet'en en % av xp av det jeg får av killet, eller får pet'en en egen utregnet xp? Lønner det seg å grinde mobs på dens egen lvl (raskere kills, mindre/ingen nedetid) eller mobs rundt min egen lvl (en god del nedetid, ettersom pet'en ikke karer å holde aggro og er svak)? Endret 19. oktober 2006 av Oz370 Lenke til kommentar
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