cheeplix Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Yo..Hello.. It's times like this when I just can't stop Can't wind your body without the body rock Got schemes schematics blue prints on file You gotta have dreams to make it all worthwhile So as I take my time and realign I wonder what it is I hope to find (...) Lenke til kommentar
Steina Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Björn Rosenström - Muffins Igår gick jag in på ett café, och ville ha en muffins Utan russin och utan choklad, en vanlig jävla muffins Hade dom det? Nej, för dom hade bara mackor med pastej och en liten svettig fralla med fisk och remoulad Jag brukar va i god balans, gör inga stora scener Men inte trodde jag att caféer fanns, som inte hade muffins Fattar ni det? Nej, för ni käkar våra mackor med pastej Dom kan inte förstå en riktigt ledsen människa Varför, varför finns det ugnar och varför finns det plåtar och varför finns det formar? När ingen vågar baka en fluffig liten kaka, som jag då sen kan äta, när jag vill ha en fika En enkel fråga ställde jag till den lilla expiditen Om du stått här, och inte jag, skulle du då bli besviken? Men hon svarade: Nej, jag skulle ta en macka med pastej, hålla käften, ta en tidning och sätta mig Jag hade fått en kombatant, jag ville inte ge mig Så jag sa min lilla smörgåstant, vad kul det är att se dig Menade jag det? Nej, du är allt en typig jävla tjej Du kanske själv skulle in i ugnen och bli pastej Varför, varför finns det ugnar och varför finns det plåtar och varför finns det formar? När ingen vågar baka en fluffig liten kaka, som jag då sen kan äta, när jag vill ha en fika Expiditen blev sur och ringde på polis, som kom jättefort Han tog mig i armen och sa: Nu följer du med till stationen, men när han såg att han var på ett café, sa han: Vänta, först vill jag nog ha en muffins Det vore ju gott, Och tror ni att han fick en muffins eller? Ja, det fick han Och tror ni jag blev förbannad eller? Ja, det blev jag, jag blev så jävla förbannad MEN DÅ HAR NI JU MUFFINS!! Skrek jag Är det här ett skämt eller!? Det blev tyst ett tag, och plötsligt vek sig både polisen och expiditen och varenda jävel på caféet började asgarva, och expiditen sa: Ja, det är faktiskt ett skämt , och så förklarade hon att de brukar köra en sån här grej med nån snubbe ibland, bara för att se vad som händer Och när jag kollade runt, hade nästan hela caféet börjat tugga på sina muffinsar, somdom på nåt vänster hade gömt när jag kom in Då hade de alltså kört en sån där praktical yo på mig, jag blev helt paff, det var skitskämligt Oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oooj, oj, oj, oj, oooj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oooj, oj, oj, oj, oooj, va jag blev blåst, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oooj, oj, oj, oj, oooj, ja herrejävlar oj, oj, oj, oj, oooj, oj, oj, oj, oooj, ja herregud oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oj, oooj, oj, oj, oj, oooj, oj, oj, oj, oj... Lenke til kommentar
Cucum(r) Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Excrementory Grindfuckers er gøy: (Marder, Hund Und Schwein) Weine nicht, wenn Dein Köter stirbt, es gibt einen der weiterbellt. Marder, Schwein und Hund vergeht aber unserer Grindcore lebt alles alles geht Dir ein, Marder, Hund und Schwein Lenke til kommentar
Steina Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 ikke bare vil jeg ha Muffins, men det er noe annet jeg har lyst på også.. Björn Rosenström - Raggarrock Ladda grabbar Häll i er bärsen Pilla in en prilla och förstå att ni är kungar ikväll Kamma bena Ni är sena Var fan är min after-shave Och var är min brylcreme Vi é pojkarna som busar Med flickornas små musar Trumpeten känns så len Mellan era ben Om du drar ner min byxa Ska du få se en yxa En yxa som gör allt För att få lite ballt Göm er tjejer För här händer grejer Som Tjitjolina skulle bli generad av att se Böj dig framåt Böj dig bakåt Men vad é det här för gymnastik Vi kör missionären Vi é pojkarna som busar Med flickornas små musar Trumpeten känns så len Mellan era ben Om du drar ner min byxa Ska du få se en yxa En yxa som gör allt För att få lite ballt Åh nu börjar det hända nånting inom mig Åh, åh, åh, oj oj, oj, oj! Jag känner igen det, en helt fantastisk grej För vi é pojkarna som busar Med flickornas små musar Trumpeten känns så len Mellan era ben Om du drar ner min byxa Ska du få se en yxa En yxa som gör allt För att få lite ballt Lenke til kommentar
ASDASDKL2131 Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Dashboard Confessional - Saints and Sailors This is where I say I've had enough And no one should ever feel the way that I feel now. A walking open wound, a trophy display of bruises And I don't believe that I'm getting any better. Any better. Waiting here with hopes the phone will ring And I'm thinking awful things I'm pretty sure that few would notice. And this apartment is starving for an argument. Anything at all to break the silence. Wandering this house like I've never wanted out And this is about as social as I get now. And I'm throwing away the letters that I am writing you Cause they would never do, I would never do. Never Waiting here with hopes the phone will ring And I'm thinking awful things I'm pretty sure that few would notice. And this apartment is starving for an argument. Anything at all to break the silence. So don't be a liar Don't say that "everything's working" when everything's broken. And you smile like a saint but you curse like a sailor And your eyes say the jokes on me. But, I'm not laughing You're not leaving Who do I think I am kidding? When I'm the only one locked in this hell Waiting here with hopes the phone will ring And I'm thinking awful things I'm pretty sure that few would notice. And this apartment is starving for an argument. Anything at all to break the silence. So don't be a liar Don't say that "everything's working" when everything's broken. And you smile like a saint but you curse like a sailor And your eyes say the jokes on me. Lenke til kommentar
svamp Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 (endret) Zetor'n Hainn Olaf sett på krakken sin Å kike ut tu glase` På gårdstunet poinn lyskastarn har`n parkert stas`n Hainn har det godt hainn Olaf Så speinnt å yr i kroppen Hainn rå på sæ en Larsen-dram I lag med kaffekoppen For hainn har kjøpt sæ ny traktor, raud og blank Zetor med læssapparat Sett å håpe på at følk sjer`n Å stekk innom for en traktorprat Går å glæ sæ på å bruk`en Å Zetor`n står å vente på`n Hainn har kjøpt sæ ny traktor No ska det pinadø bli år`ning hær på gård`n Hainn Olaf sjer at snø`n dætt det kleies nerri magainn så hainn brøyte både eng å vei å plæna utti hagainn Hainn tar et sindig overblikk Før`n koble inn firhjulstrækken Så brøyte hainn vækk siste ræst Tå den staute fjorårshækken For hainn har kjøpt sæ ny traktor .... Å naboongan kjæm å sjer itj aill e lik begeistra Den størst`n, - hainn dåm kaille Per, sei: «Kåffer kjøpt`n itj John Deere da?» Å kvar en kveill før natta kjæm må`n Olaf ut å sett ti`n hainn angre itj nå på Zetor`n sin Nei, den e sabla fin Handel`n den va tong å svølgj Men hainn vesst da å få pruta Hainn investert i sunn fornuft Tå pængainn - oinner puta For hainn har kjøpt sæ ny traktor, raud og blank Zetor med læssapparat Sett å håpe på at følk sjer`n Å stekk innom for en traktorprat Går å glæ sæ på å bruk`en Å Zetor`n står å vente på`n Hainn har kjøpt sæ ny traktor No ska det pinadø bli år`ning hær på gård`n Endret 19. juli 2005 av svamp Lenke til kommentar
Cucum(r) Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Nick Cave - Stagger Lee It was back in '32 when times were hard He had a Colt .45 and a deck of cards Stagger Lee He wore rat-drawn shoes and an old stetson hat Had a '28 Ford, had payments on that Stagger Lee His woman threw him out in the ice and snow And told him, "Never ever come back no more" Stagger Lee So he walked through the rain and he walked through the mud Till he came to a place called The Bucket Of Blood Stagger Lee He said "Mr Motherfucker, you know who I am" The barkeeper said, "No, and I don't give a good goddamn" To Stagger Lee He said, "Well bartender, it's plain to see I'm that bad motherfucker called Stagger Lee" Mr. Stagger Lee Barkeep said, "Yeah, I've heard your name down the way And I kick motherfucking asses like you every day" Mr Stagger Lee Well those were the last words that the barkeep said 'Cause Stag put four holes in his motherfucking head Just then in came a broad called Nellie Brown Was known to make more money than any bitch in town She struts across the bar, hitching up her skirt Over to Stagger Lee, she starts to flirt With Stagger Lee She saw the barkeep, said, "O God, he can't be dead!" Stag said, "Well, just count the holes in the motherfucker's head" She said, "You ain't look like you scored in quite a time. Why not come to my pad? It won't cost you a dime" Mr. Stagger Lee "But there's something I have to say before you begin You'll have to be gone before my man Billy Dilly comes in, Mr. Stagger Lee" "I'll stay here till Billy comes in, till time comes to pass And furthermore I'll fuck Billy in his motherfucking ass" Said Stagger Lee "I'm a bad motherfucker, don't you know And I'll crawl over fifty good pussies just to get one fat boy's asshole" Said Stagger Lee Just then Billy Dilly rolls in and he says, "You must be That bad motherfucker called Stagger Lee" Stagger Lee "Yeah, I'm Stagger Lee and you better get down on your knees And suck my dick, because If you don't you're gonna be dead" Said Stagger Lee Billy dropped down and slobbered on his head And Stag filled him full of lead Oh yeah. Lenke til kommentar
Jernlov Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 You make the stars Illusions and dreams You’re what you are D’you know what I mean I hear you clear See in your eyes Lying to please It pleases to lie You say it’s your way You say we’ll make it Right to the top Your bullshit gets me What have you got I don’t believe A word you say You make me laugh Get outta my way You say it’s your way Now listen to what I think of you: Son of a bitch Kiss my ass Son of a bitch Son of a bitch You asshole Son of a bitch Cock suckin’ motherfucker I was right - take this: uuaah Son of a bitch, ... Cut you three times below the ass to short to shit Two timing son of a dog Lenke til kommentar
Domodyret Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Vi kapper kapper kapper kapper penisen av og laaager en vagina, for legene er så flinke idag! Lenke til kommentar
Carl M Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Everyone has AIDS! AIDS AIDS AIDS! AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS! Everyone has AIDS! And so this is the end of our story And everyone is dead from AIDS It took from me my best friend My only true pal My only bright star (he died of AIDS) Well I'm gonna march on Washington Lead the fight and charge the brigades There's a hero inside of all of us I'll make them see everyone has AIDS My father (AIDS!) My sister (AIDS!) My uncle and my cousin and her best friend (AIDS AIDS AIDS!) The gays and the straights And the white and the spades Everyone has AIDS! My grandma and my dog 'ol blue (AIDS AIDS AIDS) The pope has got it and so do you (AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS) C'mon everybody we got quilting to do (AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS) We gotta break down these baricades, everyone has AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS! Lenke til kommentar
Gamlemor Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 (endret) Metalica, So what. liker teksten sånn jeg føler det ovenfor harry potter i femern So fucking what! Well, I've been to Hastings and I've been to Brighton, I've been to Eastbourne too. So what, so what. And I've been here, I've been there, I've been every fucking where. So what, so what. So what, so what, you boring little cunt. Well, who cares, who cares what you do. Yeah, who cares, who cares about you, you, you, you, you. Well, I fucked a queen, I fucked fuck, I've even sucked an old man's cock. So what, so what. And I fucked a sheep, I fucked a goat, I rammed my cock right down its throat. So what, so what. So what, so what, you boring little fuck. Well, who cares, who cares what you do. And, who cares, who cares about you, you, you, you, you. And I've drunk that, I've drunk this, I've spewed up on a pint of piss. So what, so what. I've had scank, I've had speed, I've jacked up until I bleed. So what, so what. So what, so what, you boring little cunt. Well, who cares, who cares what you do. Yeah, who cares, who cares about you, you, you, you, you, you. I've had crabs, I've had lice, I've had the clap and that ain't nice. So what, so what. I fucked this, I fucked that, I've even fucked a school girl's twat. So what, so what. So what, so what, you boring little fuck. Well, who cares, who cares what you do. And, who cares, who cares about you, you, you, you, you, you. So fucking what! Yeah! Endret 19. juli 2005 av Lord-Myrrah Lenke til kommentar
Suppelars2k Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Det er ikke Metallicas tekst. Lenke til kommentar
Gamlemor Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Det er ikke Metallicas tekst. Men metallica sin versjon jeg hører på. Lenke til kommentar
xanth0s Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 System of a Down ATWA Hey you, see me, pictures crazy, All the world I've seen before me passing by, I've got, nothing, to gain, to lose, All the world I've seen before me passing by, You don't care about how I feel, I don't feel it anymore, You don't care about how I feel, I don't feel it anymore You don't care about how I feel, I don't feel it anymore, You don't care about how I feel, I don't feel it anymore. Hey you, are me, not so pretty, All the world I've seen before me passing by, Silent my voice, I've got no choice All the world I've seen before me passing by, You don't care about how I feel, I don't feel it anymore, You don't care about how I feel, I don't feel it anymore You don't care about how I feel, I don't feel it anymore, You don't care about how I feel, I don't feel it anymore I don't see, anymore, I don't hear, anymore, I don't speak anymore, I don't feel. Hey you, see me, pictures crazy, All the world I've seen before me passing by, I've got, nothing, to gain, to lose, All the world I've seen before me passing by, You don't care about how I feel, I don't feel it anymore, You don't care about how I feel, I don't feel it anymore You don't care about how I feel, I don't feel it anymore, You don't care about how I feel, I don't feel it anymore I don't sleep, anymore, I don't eat, anymore, I don't live anymore, I don't feel. Lenke til kommentar
skinner Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 The police walked in for Jimmy Jazz I said, he ain't here, but he sure went past Oh, you're looking for Jimmy Jazz Sattamassagana for Jimmy Dread Cut off his ears and chop off his head Police came looking for Jimmy Jazz So if you're gonna take a message 'cross this town Maybe put it down somewhere over the other side See it gets to Jimmy Jazz Don't you bother me, not anymore I can't take this tale, oh, no more It's all around, Jimmy Jazz J-a-zee zee J-a-zed zed J-a-zed zed Jimmy Jazz And then it sucks, he said, suck that! So go look all around, you can try your luck, brother ANd see what you found But I guarantee that it ain't your day Chop! Chop! Lenke til kommentar
Eline Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Jeg kan ikke helt sette fingeren på hvordan humør jeg er i i dag. System of a Down - Roulette I have a problem that I cannot explain, I have no reason why it should have been so plain, Have no questions but I sure have excuse, I lack the reason why I should be so confused, I know, how I feel when I'm around you, I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you, Around you, Left a message but it ain't a bit of use, I have the pictures, the wild might be the deuce, Today you called, you saw me, you explained, Playing the show and running down the plane, I know, how I feel when I'm around you, I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you, I know, how I feel when I'm around you, I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you, Around you, Around you, Around you... Lenke til kommentar
Cucum(r) Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 In the days of my youth I was told what it means to be a man, Now I've reached the age I've tried to do all those things the best I can. No matter how I try, I find my way into the same old jam. Good Times, bad times, You know I had my share; When my woman left home For a brown eyed man, Well, I still don't seem to care. Seventeen, I fell in love With a girl as sweet as could be, Only took a couple of days Till she was rid of me. She swore that she would be all mine And love me till the end, But when I whispered in her ear I lost another friend, oooh. Good Times, bad times, You know I had my share; When my woman left home For a brown eyed man, Well, I still don't seem to care. Good Times, bad times, You know I had my share; When my woman left home For a brown eyed man, Well, I still don't seem to care. I know what it means to be alone, I sure do wish I was at home. I don't care what the neighbors say, I'm gonna love you each and every day. You can feel the beat within my heart. Realize, sweet , we ain't ever gonna part. Lenke til kommentar
Suppelars2k Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 (endret) Zeppelin. To tomler opp. Endret 19. juli 2005 av HalTan Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet+9817234daf Skrevet 19. juli 2005 Del Skrevet 19. juli 2005 (endret) I guess now it's time for me to give up I feel it's time Got a picture of you beside me Got your lipstick mark still on your coffee cup Got a fist of pure emotion Got a head of shattered dreams Gotta leave it, gotta leave it all behind now Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn't mean it I just want you back for good Whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it You'll be right and understood Unaware but underlined I figured out this story It wasn't good But in the corner of my mind I celebrated glory But that was not to be In the twist of separation you excelled at being free Can't you find a little room inside for me Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn't mean it I just want you back for good Whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it You'll be right and understood And we'll be together, this time is forever We'll be fighting and forever we will be So complete in our love We will never be uncovered again Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn't mean it I just want you back for good Whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it You'll be right and understood I guess now it's time, that you came back for good Sappy, men det er billigere enn psykolog Endret 19. juli 2005 av Slettet+9817234daf Lenke til kommentar
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