Violentypro Skrevet 14. oktober 2007 Rapporter Del Skrevet 14. oktober 2007 (endret) skal love deg at de ikke har lovt til å "gå" inn på PC-en hans og se etter script smile.gif uansett så har de ikke sjangs i verden til og finne det ut om du ikke er tilkoblet internet. hva sjer hvis du blir tatt for og ha en privat derver hjemme da? De har fullt lov til å gå inn på PC-en din, eller aksepterte du kansje ikke blizz sin eula (End user license agreement): her er hvorfor de har lov til å gå inn på PC-en din: 5. Consent to Monitor. WHEN RUNNING, THE GAME MAY MONITOR YOUR COMPUTER'S RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY (RAM) FOR UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAMS RUNNING CONCURRENTLY WITH THE GAME. AN “UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAM†AS USED HEREIN SHALL BE DEFINED AS ANY THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY “ADDON,†“MOD,†“HACK,†“TRAINER,†OR “CHEAT,†THAT IN BLIZZARD'S SOLE DETERMINATION: (i) ENABLES OR FACILITATES CHEATING OF ANY TYPE; (ii) ALLOWS USERS TO MODIFY OR HACK THE GAME INTERFACE, ENVIRONMENT, AND/OR EXPERIENCE IN ANY WAY NOT EXPRESSLY AUTHORIZED BY BLIZZARD; OR (iii) INTERCEPTS, “MINES,†OR OTHERWISE COLLECTS INFORMATION FROM OR THROUGH THE GAME. IN THE EVENT THAT THE GAME DETECTS AN UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAM, THE GAME MAY (a) COMMUNICATE INFORMATION BACK TO BLIZZARD, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION YOUR ACCOUNT NAME, DETAILS ABOUT THE UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAM DETECTED, AND THE TIME AND DATE THE UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAM WAS DETECTED; AND/OR (b) EXERCISE ANY OR ALL OF ITS RIGHTS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, WITH OR WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE TO THE USER. her er hvorfor du ikke har lov til å lage server: B. You agree that you shall not, under any circumstances, (iii) host, provide or develop matchmaking services for the Game or intercept, emulate or redirect the communication protocols used by Blizzard in any way, including without limitation through protocol emulation, tunneling, packet sniffing, modifying or adding components to the Game, use of a utility program or any other techniques now known or hereafter developed, for any purpose, including without limitation unauthorized network play over the Internet, network play utilizing commercial or non-commercial gaming networks, or as part of content aggregation networks; or (iv) facilitate, create or maintain any unauthorized connection to the Game or the Service, including without limitation any connection to any unauthorized server that emulates, or attempts to emulate, the Service. All connections to the Game and/or the Service, whether created by the Game Client or by other tools and utilities, may only be made through methods and means expressly approved by Blizzard. Under no circumstances may you connect, or create tools that allow you or others to connect, to the Game's proprietary interface other than those expressly provided by Blizzard for public use. (ikke det at jeg bryr meg) Det gjelder også "reverse engineering", som er å skrive en bruke diverse programer og minnet til å "dekompilere" et program (Tar ofte flere år). Det var noen som skrev et "nytt" wow. De ble saksokt for reverse engineering (det var jo ikke det de gjorde, jo). Blant annet er det ikke lov til å "sniffe" opp "packets", som du trenger til den lokale serveren din for at noe skal virke i det hele tatt. Han som gjorde dette ble faktisk netopp frastjelt databasen sin, han vurderer å slutte på grunn av dette. ( selv spiller jeg ikke wow eller noe lignende.) Vell uansett hva du gjør er det ulovelig. Men skal du først lage en server, er mangos et godt valg. "Wow doesn't care" To set up a private a server is like back-stabbing a friend with out knowing it. What if u put 5 years of hard effort into a project, you dint tell anyone cause no one should get to steal your idea. But the day before you were going to release it, you tell a friend. The friend asks if he can borrow it. What do you know, the next day its all in the news paper. When you tell people that you created it, they just laugh at you. Telling you that you stoled it after it was released, to get the pride. thats how it is. thats how Blizzard feels when you create a private server. -Vio Endret 14. oktober 2007 av Violentypro Lenke til kommentar
SniKaZ Skrevet 13. desember 2007 Rapporter Del Skrevet 13. desember 2007 Privat server er ulovlig, lel om du betaler for wow er det fortsatt ulovlig, men noe jeg synes er rart er at STOORREE privat servere som wowscape, wowgasm, burning wow som er i topp med privat server ikke er stengt ned enda. så vet ikke helt sikkert jeg:/ Lenke til kommentar
Zeph Skrevet 22. desember 2007 Rapporter Del Skrevet 22. desember 2007 Det er ikkje tillatt på forumet, derfor stenges tråden. Lenke til kommentar
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