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Respecce i lvl 60 (Priest)

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Nærmer meg lvl 60 med stormskritt, og skal respecce for å klare å heale i Strat, Scholo, ubrs, mc, you name it....


Hva er den "beste" healingbuilden? Jeg satser på å gå Disc / Holy, og lurer på hva jeg skal sette poengene i på talenttreet...


Jeg prøvde å lage en build, og syntes denne var meget bra...


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Class: Priest

Level: 60



Discipline Talents (31 points)


# Unbreakable Will - 5/5 points

Increases your chance to resist Stun, Fear, and Silence effects by 15%.


# Improved Power Word: Shield - 3/3 points

Reduces the duration of your Power Word: Shield's Weakened Soul effect by 15 seconds.


# Improved Power Word: Fortitude - 2/2 points

Increases the effect of your Power Word: Fortitude spell by 30%.


# Mental Agility - 5/5 points

Reduces the mana cost of your instant cast spells by 10%.


# Mental Strength - 5/5 points

Increases your maximum Mana by 10%.


# Meditation - 5/5 points

Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting.


# Inner Focus - 1/1 point

When activated, reduces the Mana cost of your next spell by 100% and increases its critical effect chance by 25% if it is capable of a critical effect.


# Force of Will - 4/5 points

Increases your spell damage by 4% and the critical strike chance of your offensive spells by 4%.


# Divine Spirit - 1/1 point

Holy power infuses the target, increasing their Spirit by 23 for 30 minutes.




Holy Talents (20 points)


# Improved Renew - 5/5 points

Increases the amount healed by your Renew spell by 15%.


# Spiritual Healing - 5/5 points

Increases the amount healed by your healing spells by 10%.


# Subtlety - 5/5 points

Reduces the threat generated by your healing spells by 20%.


# Improved Healing - 5/5 points

Reduces the Mana cost of your Lesser Heal, Heal, and Greater Heal spells by 15%.




Shadow Talents (0 points)


# None





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kan alltids legge ut builden jeg kommer til å bruke i senere level:




Discipline Talents (26 points)



Unbreakable Will - 5/5 points

Increases your chance to resist Stun, Fear, and Silence effects by 15%.

(må ha denna for å komme vidre i treet)



Improved Power Word: Shield - 3/3 points

Reduces the duration of your Power Word: Shield's Weakened Soul effect by 15 seconds.



Improved Power Word: Fortitude - 2/2 points

Increases the effect of your Power Word: Fortitude spell by 30%.



Mental Agility - 5/5 points

Reduces the mana cost of your instant cast spells by 10%.



Mental Strength - 5/5 points

Increases your maximum Mana by 10%.



Meditation - 5/5 points

Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting.



Inner Focus - 1/1 point

When activated, reduces the Mana cost of your next spell by 100% and increases its critical effect chance by 25% if it is capable of a critical effect.




Holy Talents (25 points)



Improved Renew - 5/5 points

Increases the amount healed by your Renew spell by 15%.



Spiritual Healing - 5/5 points

Increases the amount healed by your healing spells by 10%.



Inspiration - 5/5 points

Increases your target's armor value from items by 25% for 15 seconds after getting a critical effect from your Flash Heal, Heal, Greater Heal, or Prayer of Healing spell.



Improved Flash Heal - 2/2 points

Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Flash Heal.



Improved Healing - 5/5 points

Reduces the Mana cost of your Lesser Heal, Heal, and Greater Heal spells by 15%.



Improved Prayer of Healing - 2/2 points

Reduces the Mana cost of your Prayer of Healing spell by 20%.



Spirit of Redemption - 1/1 point

Upon death, summons a Spirit of Redemption that heals nearby friendly targets for 318 to 360 and another 343 over 21 seconds.





gidder ikke å verken gå for holy nova eller divine spirit, grunnet at begge talentene suger. 35 ekstra spirit er ikke store greiene.

skaden og healinga holy nova gjør er lattelig.

subtlety er unødvendig, hvis MT ikke klarer å holde aggro er det like greit å finne en ny gruppe. dessuten er 20% utrolig lite. og uansett så har vi fade.

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Bare et lite innspill på Subtlety, den er kanskje ikke så nødvendig på store bosser, men når du fighter grupper på 5 og 5 f.eks kan de 20% i aggro reduction være grei å ha, både for deg og MT'en, sånn at han slipper å løpe fra mob til mob pga healern tar aggroen fra et mob som ikke har blitt attacka av noen ennå o.l


(lvl 58 druid)

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Bare et lite innspill på Subtlety, den er kanskje ikke så nødvendig på store bosser, men når du fighter grupper på 5 og 5 f.eks kan de 20% i aggro reduction være grei å ha, både for deg og MT'en, sånn at han slipper å løpe fra mob til mob pga healern tar aggroen fra et mob som ikke har blitt attacka av noen ennå o.l


(lvl 58 druid)

warrior har thunderclap da, som er en AOE spell. med den kan han jo lett skade alle mobs rundt seg. som oftest er det jo warrior som puller også da, så de 5poenga i sublety er better spendt elsewhere

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Nå er det veldig greit å ha en instant heal spell også da.. selv om holy nova ikke er alt for god kan den redde deg ut av situasjoner der tank har weaken soul og ALT for lite hp.


Godt at vi fikk en tråd om dette her, har savnet litt prestediskusjon i det siste ;)

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Nå er det veldig greit å ha en instant heal spell også da.. selv om holy nova ikke er alt for god kan den redde deg ut av situasjoner der tank har weaken soul og ALT for lite hp.


Godt at vi fikk en tråd om dette her, har savnet litt prestediskusjon i det siste ;)



Det er vanskelig å bestemme seg gitt...vil gjerne ha divine spirit, som er veldig kjekk å ha i endgame instances....men vet ikke hva jeg skal sette poengene i...


Det er fra dette punktet jeg sliter;


Discipline Talents (29 points)


# Unbreakable Will - 5/5 points

Increases your chance to resist Stun, Fear, and Silence effects by 15%.


# Improved Power Word: Shield - 3/3 points

Reduces the duration of your Power Word: Shield's Weakened Soul effect by 15 seconds.


# Improved Power Word: Fortitude - 2/2 points

Increases the effect of your Power Word: Fortitude spell by 30%.


# Martyrdom - 2/2 points

Gives you a 100% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 seconds after being the victim of a critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage.


# Focused Casting - 1/1 point

While active, you no longer lose casting time from taking damage. Lasts 8 seconds.


# Mental Agility - 5/5 points

Reduces the mana cost of your instant cast spells by 10%.


# Mental Strength - 5/5 points

Increases your maximum Mana by 10%.


# Inner Focus - 1/1 point

When activated, reduces the Mana cost of your next spell by 100% and increases its critical effect chance by 25% if it is capable of a critical effect.


# Meditation - 5/5 points

Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting.




Holy Talents (17 points)


# Improved Renew - 5/5 points

Increases the amount healed by your Renew spell by 15%.


# Spiritual Healing - 5/5 points

Increases the amount healed by your healing spells by 10%.


# Subtlety - 5/5 points

Reduces the threat generated by your healing spells by 20%.


# Improved Flash Heal - 2/2 points

Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Flash Heal.




Shadow Talents (0 points)


# None





Unspent talent points: 5



Hva skal jeg sette de 5 siste i? Jeg vil gjerne ha divine spirit, men ingen av de resterende i disctreet er noe særlig syntes jeg..

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