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Demo av Battlefield 2 er lansert

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dumme gamespot som ødelegger moroa for oss gjerrige.. :(

de bør skifte navn til gayspot.


blir ikke mye sosialt samvær i helga hvertfall..



tenkte jeg kunne slenge ut litt info fra et forum jeg ikke kjenner, men kilden skal være offisiell..


Demo Update

Thu 9 Jun 2005, 2:18 AM | Rico | 15 Comments

It seems mass hysteria has broken out across a number of sites, forums and our IRC channel, with rumours coming from all directions that the demo could be released tonight. A fake demo is known to be circulating on the torrent system, so be wary of that as it is not Battlefield 2 related at all. The demo is 100% not out, and there has been no official announcement regarding it.


In a video interview with EA's Scott Evans at E3, it was said that the demo would be released exclusively via Gamespot (most likely a 1 day exclusive). A news post on Boomtown mentions that this will occur tonight in less than 2 hours, however, this seems highly unlikely and cannot be confirmed. Other sources claim a Friday the 10th release, so keep an eye out in the coming days.


We are well aware of the confusion circulating and will keep you updated with information as and when we get it. You can always browse our forums to see what the latest gossip is but be careful in what you believe. Lastly, we will e-mail all registered forum members when it is released, so make sure you don't miss the biggest news of the year and register now!

Endret av Armageddon
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Er det ingen andre som synes dette lukte nogit mystisk?


Helt greit at en spillside skal få legge ut en demo eksklusivt, men hvorfor annonserer ikke denne siden om det? Det ville jo absolutt vært i deres interesse...

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Tro vi bør forholde oss til at demoen kommer ut på fredagen, men da er det fyll i fra mi side.Blir nok gaming på lørdagen :yes:

Word. Sjeldent jeg sier det men: Kjipt at det jeg skal ut på fredag!

Ja jøss, finner som oftest ikkje sted ho meg heller. Men da har vi noe å se frem til på lørdag :thumbup: Søndagen går vekk til galmanns paintball spilling rundt om i skogane her :dribble:

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It seems mass hysteria has broken out across a number of sites, forums and our IRC channel, with rumours coming from all directions that the demo could be released tonight. A fake demo is known to be circulating on the torrent system, so be wary of that as it is not Battlefield 2 related at all. The demo is 100% not out, and there has been no official announcement regarding it.


In a video interview with EA's Scott Evans at E3, it was said that the demo would be released exclusively via Gamespot (most likely a 1 day exclusive). A news post on Boomtown (Danish) mentions that this will occur tonight in less than 2 hours, however, this seems highly unlikely and cannot be confirmed. Other sources claim a Friday the 10th release, so keep an eye out in the coming days.


We are well aware of the confusion circulating and will keep you updated with information as and when we get it. You can always browse our forums to see what the latest gossip is but be careful in what you believe. Lastly, we will e-mail all registered forum members when it is released, so make sure you don't miss the biggest news of the year and register now!


Update: The time has come and gone, and as expected no demo has been released as stated on Boomtown. An update on their site mentions though that Gamespot will have it exclusively 24 hours before its made public, whenever that may be.

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