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HDTV på Xbox (sammenligning av SD og HD inside)


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Det er mye snakk om Xbox 360 og PS3 som kommer til å støtte HDTV, men mange glemmer jo gode gamle Xbox som faktisk også støtter HD. Riktignok ikke her hjemme, men med en NTSC-boks (evt en chip) og importspill kan spillopplevelsen få et lite løft for deg som har en projektor eller skjerm som støtter 720p/1080i. Det er kun enkelte spill som støtter disse oppløsningene, men på de det gjelder kan det gi riktig så gode resultater. Her er en liten sammenligning fra Amped 2:


(Klikk på bildet for full størrelse)




Som dere ser er forskjellen i høyeste grad til stede. På spill som ikke støtter 720p/1080i får jeg kun 525p (noen som vet hvorfor?), en oppløsning projektoren min ser ut til å ha litt problemer med å skalere. Bildet blir skarpere, men ikke helt så bra som det burde ha vært.

Endret av Rikky
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Sjekket for et års tid siden lista til Gamespot og fant bare en håndfull titler som støttet dette.

Det er fortsatt ikke så mange titler, dessverre. Og ingen PAL-utgaver. Jeg har bare fått testet 720p med Amped 2 da utvalget mitt av NTSC-spill er noe labert, men det er sikkert andre spill som ser enda bedre ut.

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I følge lista til gamespot så har disse xboxspillene 720p eller 1080i HDTV support.... Ingen som frister noe voldsomt.Kan være det er mangler på lista



X-Men Legends XBOX 8.2 09/21/2004

Special Forces: Nemesis Strike XBOX 03/22/2005

Tony Hawk's Underground 2 XBOX 8.2 10/04/2004

MX vs. ATV Unleashed XBOX 7.7 03/24/2005

Soul Calibur II XBOX 8.5 08/27/2003

Dungeons & Dragons Heroes XBOX 6.6 09/17/2003

Freedom Fighters XBOX 9.3 10/01/2003

The Sims Bustin' Out XBOX 8.3 12/15/2003

Dragon's Lair 3D XBOX 5.1 11/18/2002

Tony Hawk's Underground XBOX 8.7 10/27/2003

The Urbz: Sims in the City XBOX 7.3 11/09/2004

True Crime: Streets of LA XBOX 7.2 11/03/2003

FIFA Street XBOX 6.7 02/22/2005

Atari Anthology XBOX 6.8 11/16/2004

Enter the Matrix XBOX 6.4 05/14/2003

Syberia XBOX 8.1 07/23/2003

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 XBOX 9.3 10/23/2002

ESPN Major League Baseball XBOX 8.1 04/06/2004

MVP Baseball 2004 XBOX 9.0 03/09/2004

MX Unleashed XBOX 7.9 02/17/2004

Crash Nitro Kart XBOX 7.5 11/11/2003

ESPN NBA Basketball XBOX 8.9 10/22/2003

World Series Baseball 2K3 XBOX 9.1 03/10/2003

Street Hoops XBOX 4.0 08/12/2002

NBA 2K3 XBOX 8.4 10/09/2002


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Det blir nok mulig å koble til med scart, kompositt og s-video vil jeg tro, disse konsollene må tross alt kunne brukes på vanlige CRT-TV-er også. Men for å bruke HD må du enten bruke HDMI/DVI eller komponent.

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DTV Terms



High-Definition Television (HDTV): HDTV refers to a complete product/system with the following minimum performance attributes:


Receiver: Receives ATSC terrestrial digital transmissions and decodes all ATSC Table 3 video formats

Display Scanning Format: Has active vertical scanning lines of 720 progressive (720p), 1080 interlaced (1080i), or higher

Aspect Ratio: Capable of displaying a 16:9 image1

Audio: Receives and reproduces, and/or outputs Dolby Digital audio

High-Definition Television (HDTV) Monitor: HDTV Monitor refers to a monitor or display with the following minimum performance attributes:


Display Scanning Format: Has active vertical scanning lines of 720 progressive (720p), 1080 interlaced (1080i), or higher

Aspect Ratio: Capable of displaying a 16:9 image1

1 In specifications found on product literature and in owner's manuals, manufacturers are required to disclose the number of vertical scanning lines in the 16:9 viewable area, which must be 540p, 810i or higher to meet the definition of HDTV.


High Definition Television (HDTV) Tuner: HDTV Tuner refers to a RF receiver with the following minimum performance attributes:


Receiver: Receives ATSC terrestrial digital transmissions and decodes all ATSC Table 3 video formats

Outputs: Outputs the ATSC Table 3 720p and 1080i/p formats in the form of HD with minimum active vertical scanning lines of 720p, 1080i, or higher. Additionally, it may output HD formats converted to other formats. The lower resolution ATSC Table 3 formats can be output at lower resolution levels. Alternatively, the output can be a digital bitstream with the full resolution of the broadcast signal.

Audio: Receives and reproduces, and/or outputs Dolby Digital audio

Enhanced Definition Television (EDTV): EDTV refers to a complete product/system with the following minimum performance attributes:


Receiver: Receives ATSC terrestrial digital transmissions and decodes all ATSC Table 3 video formats

Display Scanning Format: Has active vertical scanning lines of 480 progressive (480p) or higher

Aspect Ratio: None Specified

Audio: Receives and reproduces, and/or outputs Dolby Digital audio

Enhanced Definition Television (EDTV) Monitor: EDTV Monitor refers to a monitor or display with the following minimum performance attributes:


Display Scanning Format: Has active vertical scanning lines of 480 progressive (480p) or higher

Aspect Ratio: None specified

Enhanced Definition Television (EDTV) Tuner: EDTV Tuner refers to a RF receiver with the following minimum performance attributes:


Receiver: Receives ATSC terrestrial digital transmissions and decodes all ATSC Table 3 video formats

Outputs: Outputs the ATSC Table 3 720p and 1080i/p and 480p formats with minimum active vertical scanning lines of 480p. Alternatively, the output can be a digital bitstream output capable of transporting 480p, except the ATSC Table 3 480i format can be output at 480i.

Audio: Receives and reproduces, and/or outputs Dolby Digital audio

Standard Definition Television (SDTV): SDTV refers to a complete product/system with the following performance attributes:


Receiver: Receives ATSC terrestrial digital transmissions and decodes all ATSC Table 3 video formats, and produces a useable picture

Display Scanning Format: Has active vertical scanning lines less than that of EDTV

Aspect Ratio: None specified

Audio: Receives and reproduces usable audio

Standard Definition Television (SDTV) Tuner: SDTV Tuner refers to a RF receiver with the following minimum performance attributes:


Receiver: Receives ATSC terrestrial digital transmissions and decodes all ATSC Table 3 video formats

Outputs: Outputs all ATSC table 3 formats in the form of NTSC output Audio: Receives and reproduces, and/or outputs Dolby Digital audio

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