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Final Fantasy-religionens tråd - SKJUL SPOILERS!

Hvilket Final Fantasy-spill er din favoritt?  

814 stemmer

  1. 1. Hvilket Final Fantasy-spill er din favoritt?

    • Final Fantasy (1987)
    • Final Fantasy II (1988)
    • Final Fantasy III (1990)
    • Final Fantasy IV (1991)
    • Final Fantasy V (1992)
    • Final Fantasy VI (1994)
    • Final Fantasy VII (1997)
    • Final Fantasy VIII (1999)
    • Final Fantasy IX (2000)
    • Final Fantasy X (2001)
    • Final Fantasy XI (2002/2004)
    • Final Fantasy XII (2006)

Anbefalte innlegg

spillene har riktig nok blitt bedre


Det har de absolut ikke imo. Men smak og behag :thumbup:


Når det gjelder FF XIII så er det nok ikke noen annen måte å få spillt spillet en å kjøpe PS3. Du kan jo evt. kose deg med FF I - XII mens du sparer penger.



mente grafisk messig sel har jeg nok bare VII X X-2 XII resten har storebroren min. men jeg får vel spare. har konfirmasjon i september så tipper jeg får litt da. Tror FFXIII blir like bra som FFVII jeg, det er jo han som lagde VII og X som lager XIII så det burde bli et bra spill.

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Ooo, hvilket spill er best :) Dette er et veldig vanskelig spørsmål for meg. Spilte VIII først, som også er et fantastisk spill (kortspill anyone?). Så har jeg spilt alle oppover i rekkefølge bortsett fra XI, og har tenkt på å kjøpe VII lenge. Jeg har da selvfølgelig ikke spilt det, men gleder meg (har sett mye, kan en del historie osv). IX, X og XII er også utrolig bra spill med mye underholdning, flere hundre timer.

Endret av Emoelg
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Kortspillet i VIII var dritkult, men likte ikke den random-regelen. Må inrømme at jeg setter VIII veldig høyt, kanskje på andreplass i rekka. Men prøver ikke å tenke alt for mye på rangere spillene imellom. Liker ikke å vurdere "ungene mine" mot hverandre.

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Kortspillet i VIII var dritkult, men likte ikke den random-regelen. Må inrømme at jeg setter VIII veldig høyt, kanskje på andreplass i rekka. Men prøver ikke å tenke alt for mye på rangere spillene imellom. Liker ikke å vurdere "ungene mine" mot hverandre.


Enig, kortspillet var noe av det kuleste minigame'et jeg noen sinne har vært borti :) Men ting gikk på tverke når random-regelen kom.. Og jeg ble faen ikke kvitt den heller. Mista et par gode kort da ja :(

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En måtte vel følge reglene som var gjeldene for det og det området om jeg husker rett.. les: når en kom til et nytt område så ble det lagt til en ny regel og fjernet en gammel. trikset var vel da å komme seg ut av det området og henta inn noen nye regler, og så komme tilbake..


Men fåglane vet om jeg husker helt 100%.. tror det var noe slikt.

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Jeg tror nok de fleste "ekte" FF-fans har spilt FF IX, Selv ligger det på 2. plass for meg, mens 1. plassen går til FF VII.



Er det ikke morsomt at vi har samme syn på denne saken. :wee:

Ville gjerne stemt på FF IX her, men VII er foran. ;)

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Stemte Final Fantasy IX.

Det var det første FF spillet jeg spilte, og det var det som tok meg inn i serien.

Spilte Final Fantasy VII etterpå, og var ikke akkurat imponert over grafikken, spesielt utseende på personene. Til tider ble det direkte kjedelig. Men jeg spilte videre. Og det ble slik som jeg har lest før, spillet kan virke kjedelig i begynnelsen, men da jeg fikk tak i luftskipet og spillet opnet seg, tok det av fullstendig. Da skjønte jeg hvorfor det er så populært.


For min del overgår det ikke Final Fantasy IX, men det kommer på en god andreplass.


Spiller Final Fantasy III og Final Fantasy VI nå, kjempespill de også. Jeg er spent på hvordan listen min ser ut når jeg har spilt flere. (Kanskje det blir alle en dag.)

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Noen her som har slått Fafnir? Anbefalt lvl? Noen tips? Fikk han akkurat ikke ned.



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|___ // |          / / /\ \ \

  |_ \| | /------\ \ \/  \/ /

___) | | \------/  \  /\  /

|____/|_|  [HT31]    \/  \/ Y R M  W R A T H ' S  R E N E W A L


31 - Wyrm Wrath's Renewal


Rank VII

Mark: Fafnir

Requirements: Obtain the Treaty Blade.

Petitioner: Ieeha (Bur-Omisace)

Mark Location: Paramina Rift/Silverflow's End (during a blizzard)

Bounty: 7000 gil, Assassin's Arrows, Teleport Stone


Enter the Temple Approach of Mount Bur-Omisace and talk with Relj (the Viera

leanind against the crate).  She will ask if you have seen Ieeha's posting. 

Say yes.  Apparently Ieeha has fled though Relj has taken on the role of the

petitioner for this hunt.  Relj basically leaves it up to the party as to where

the mark is.  Fafnir is in the Silverflow's End that can only be entered from

the Karydine Glacier, though you must avoid going through the Frozen Brook in

order to keep the blizzard going.  Enter the Freezing Gorge then go west to the

Head of the Silverflow.  Head south to Icebound Flow then enter the Karydine

Glacier though the path along the southeast part.  The mark will appear in the

western part of the Silverflow's End when there is a blizzard.  If there is no

blizzard, go back and talk to Relj again to make one appear.  You must NOT

enter this area from the Frozen Brook or the weather will change.  Fafnir will

be walking around in the middle of the Silverflow's End when the conditions are




| Lv. 67      | Fafnir                                            |


| HP: 1390379 | Weak: Thunder        | Absorb: Ice              |


| Exp: 0      | Steal: Hi-Potion, Pebble, Ring Wyrm Scale        |

| LP: 39      |                                                  |


| Recommended Level: 60+                                          |



As usual, dispel him of his status enhancements.  Cast Slow on him to make him

somewhat more bareable.  This boss inflicts status effects a bunch!  His White

Breath will cause Stop, and he will also use Sleepga, and Silence.  Pretty much

all the spells everybody hates.  To counter this, you could set up each party

member with either a Bowline Sash, Power Armlet, or Rose Corsage and let the

uninflicted member pass out cures through spells or items.  Either way, each

party member should have a curing gambit set up for each status effect that

they are not immune to.  If you're a patient person, wait until he is about to

perform either of the attacks listed above and quickly equip your party members

with the accessory that is immune to the resulting status effect.  Have your

party members equipped with the best gear that you can find: Zodiac Spear,

Maximillian, Save the Queen (or better).


Fafnir's physical attacks take off around 2000 to 3000+ damage per hit and his

White Breath will take 4000+ damage to anyone not equipped with an Ice Shield.

Ice Shields should be equipped to all party members since White Breath is a

very damaging attack.  If you don't want to use Ice Shields this entire battle

then equip them very quickly when he is about to use White Breath (watch which

which party member he turns toward) and it will halve the damage.  He will also

use Shock to take around 6,000+ damage - this can be reflected back on him with

a Reflect shield.  If you see him about to cast Shock on a party member,

quickly equip that party member with a Mirror Mail or Ruby Ring to reflect the

spell right back on him.  A good way to fight him is to cast Decoy on your

strongest party member followed by Reflect.  Take control of your decoyed party

member and lure Fafnir away from everbody else - this way Fafnir will only be

attacking the decoy with all the area spells.  You will have to set up item

gambits (X-Potions) to cure that party member however.  The main lesson to be

learned in this battle is to SPREAD OUT YOUR PARTY either by using Decoy or by

doing it yourself (taking control of each party member and manually spread them

out); this is the way to win.  Manually spreading them out works very well if

you don't want to constantly cast Decoy and Reflect and worry about item curing

gambits.  Make sure to keep him under the effect of Slow and this will make the

battle about 50% easier.  Run behind the rock in the middle portion of this

area and cure your party if you start to get beaten too badly.


Speaking of that rock, you may also want to try to use it to your advantage

while attacking him.  Equip long distance weapons and run around the east side

of the rock while having him chase you.  He will stop before he gets to the

rock and will only be able to hit you with his spells to which you can set up a

reflect shield to avoid.  This way would probably work better with one party

member since he can be fully controlled, but you could also have a whole group

with Reflect shields (Mirror Mails or Ruby Rings equipped) and a "Foe: any (>)

Thundaga" and "MP < 10% (>) Charge" gambits set on them.  You could also set up

an "Ally: character name (>) Reflect" gambit if you don't have the accessories

or armors to spare, but be prepared to use Arise just in case.  Shock will be

reflected back on him for about 6000+ damage and each Thundaga will cause

around 5000+ damage.  Use Magick Gloves to boost Thundaga damage.  He can

easily be taken out at some very low levels with this method.  You could

actually walk off and leave your game for about an hour and he should be

defeated by the time you return from lunch.


No matter how you approach this battle it is going to take a long time.  It

took me about an hour while spreading my party out manually.  You will obtain a

++RING OF THE LIGHT++ after defeating him.  Take the ring back to Relj for a

touching conversation and your bounty.


Here is another method for defeating Fafnir from Lukien:


For those who want to take Fafnir down quickly (about 5-10 minutes).


- Guest accompaniment recommended

- Equip your most powerful magic boosting armor.

- Set up the following gambits for all of your characters in this order:


1 - Ally: Any -> Arise

2 – Self: HP < 30% -> X-potion

3 – Self: MP < 10% -> Charge

4 – Ally: Any -> Reflect

5 – Self: Thundaga


As soon as combat starts, run behind the rock outcropping. Stay behind the wall

with your main party. With the gambits set up like this, and with your

characters behind the rock, the worst Fafnir can do is attack your guest. Your

main party is out of range of the white breath, and your reflect shields make

you impervious to his spells. The reason for the self targeting thundaga is

because that way you target all three or four members of your party and, when

the spell bounces off each reflection shield, you deal three or four times the

amount of damage than if you had targeted Fafnir himself (ie 15000+ instead of

5000+). So, I did this with powerful characters (level 70 with average magic

power of 65 and average health of 4500) and brought Fafnir down in less than 5

minutes. As a side note: should several of your characters actually get injured

during the fight (characters, not guest), you can always equip an opal ring and

cast cura/curaja. Make sure to unequip it as soon as the spell is cast or you

will kill yourself with the following casting of thundaga.


(thanks to Lukien)

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Var det ikke 2-3 final fantasy spill som aldri kom ut av asia?

Og når asia kom ut med 4 ble det 1 for oss andre?

Bare noe jeg har hørt, vet ikke om det er sant.



De første FF-spillene, var kun i Asia. Final Fantasy 1,2 og 3 til NES.

Men så, når FF 4 kom, begynte interessen å melde seg i vesten, så dette spillet ble utgitt i USA også. Den teite feilen de gjorde, var at de ga dette spillet tittelen Final Fantasy 1, siden det var det første FF-spillet i den delen av verden. Og når FF 5 og 6 også kom etterhvert, ble disse nr. 2 og 3 i USA.

Så, ser begrunnelsen for hvorfor de gjorde det, men det var likevel en utrolig dum ting å gjøre, og det har skapt forvirring siden.

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Nesten korrekt :p Final Fantasy ble sluppet i Usa som Final Fantasy. FFIV ble sluppet i Usa som FFII, FFVI som FFIII.


FFII og FFIII ble ikke sluppet i USA før senere, derfor kalte de FFIV for FFII da det kom ut i statene. FFV ble, av det jeg kan se, ikke sluppet utenfor Japan før i 1999, hele syv år etter det ble sluppet i Japan, da som en del av "Final Fantasy Collections".


Holder for tiden på med FFVI Advanced og FFXII. Må si jeg er voldsomt overrasket over hvor bra FFVI er. Fra før var min favoritt FFIX, mye grunnet sjarmen og humoren i spillet. Jeg har ihvertfall funnet en del av humoren igjen i FFVI, kanskje derfor jeg liker det så godt? Gleder meg til å skaffe alle GBA versjonene av de tidligere FF-spillene.


FFIII og FFIV til DS må jo også skaffes, når den tid kommer.

Revenant Wings virker også ganske kult. FF RTS.

Endret av Raijin
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Jeg har Final Fantasy II til DS. Has spilt i nestet 17 timer.

Turbasert kampsystem (selvfølgelig), men det er ikke ATB, det er det samme som er brukt i Final Fantasy I og II.


Du har fire personer på laget, og 23 ulike jobber og velge mellom. Det gir 279841 ulike lagopsett. I motsetning til orginalen er det ikke et lagopsett som dominerer totalt, du kan lage gode lag med mange kombinasjoner. (I orginalen skulle det være best med to sages og to ninjaer) Det er også en online del i spillet som til slutt gir deg Onion Knight jobben. (jeg har ikke prøvd ut online delen enda.)


Jeg synes spillet er veldig bra, men ikke like bra som FF VII og IX.

Endret av Hanky_
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Var det FFIII du mente? Spillet har fått litt pepper fordi det ikke tar i bruk DS features'ene noe særlig, som f.eks Dual Screens. Stylusbruken skulle visst heller ikke ha vært det helt store. DS'en er jo perfekt for FF Minigames. Har ikke testet spillet selv, men gleder meg til å prøve! Koser meg med FFVI og FFXII imens.

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Var det FFIII du mente? Spillet har fått litt pepper fordi det ikke tar i bruk DS features'ene noe særlig, som f.eks Dual Screens. Stylusbruken skulle visst heller ikke ha vært det helt store.



Litt synd, egentlig. Hvorvidt man bruker stylusen mye eller ikke burde da være irrellevant så lenge spillet duger?

Uansett, jeg har spilt FFIII en stund nå, og det er genialt. Kjøp! :thumbup:


Dessuten gikk jeg lei av FFXII for litt sida. Har nettopp kommet til et tempel ved et snøfjell der jeg skal finne en eller annen antikk gjenstand (IGJEN) etter rundt 30 timers spilling, og føler at det blir for kjedelig. Virker som om jeg blir sendt fra ett sted til et annet hele tida, uten at det har noe å si for storyen.

Noen som veit om det faktisk kommer til å skje noe snart der jeg er nå? Har nemlig lyst til å like XII, men sånn som det er nå greier jeg ikke å få meg videre.

Endret av RevX
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Jeg er bare i starten av spillet, lv 17 og lv 2 quickenings, skal snike meg inn på den banketten for å fylle lommene. Synes også at spillet egentlig har litt treg start, til nå ihvertfall, men jeg har jo ikke kommet så langt. I de tidligere spillene ble man på en måte kastet rett ut i handlingen. Tja, jeg hadde likt hvis de hadde tatt i bruk stylusen på intuitive måter i FFIII, ellers hadde det jo ikke vært så stor vits i å utvikle den for DS. Men dette er bare noe man stusser litt på i begynnelsen. Plot og Gameplay er det viktigste for min del!


Edit: Jippi, fikk en Kotetsu!

Endret av Raijin
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Noen her som har slått Fafnir? Anbefalt lvl? Noen tips? Fikk han akkurat ikke ned.



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Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor
|___ // |          / / /\ \ \

  |_ \| | /------\ \ \/  \/ /

___) | | \------/  \  /\  /

|____/|_|  [HT31]    \/  \/ Y R M   W R A T H ' S   R E N E W A L


31 - Wyrm Wrath's Renewal


Rank VII

Mark: Fafnir

Requirements: Obtain the Treaty Blade.

Petitioner: Ieeha (Bur-Omisace)

Mark Location: Paramina Rift/Silverflow's End (during a blizzard)

Bounty: 7000 gil, Assassin's Arrows, Teleport Stone


Enter the Temple Approach of Mount Bur-Omisace and talk with Relj (the Viera

leanind against the crate).  She will ask if you have seen Ieeha's posting. 

Say yes.  Apparently Ieeha has fled though Relj has taken on the role of the

petitioner for this hunt.  Relj basically leaves it up to the party as to where

the mark is.  Fafnir is in the Silverflow's End that can only be entered from

the Karydine Glacier, though you must avoid going through the Frozen Brook in

order to keep the blizzard going.  Enter the Freezing Gorge then go west to the

Head of the Silverflow.  Head south to Icebound Flow then enter the Karydine

Glacier though the path along the southeast part.  The mark will appear in the

western part of the Silverflow's End when there is a blizzard.  If there is no

blizzard, go back and talk to Relj again to make one appear.  You must NOT

enter this area from the Frozen Brook or the weather will change.  Fafnir will

be walking around in the middle of the Silverflow's End when the conditions are




| Lv. 67      | Fafnir                                            |


| HP: 1390379 | Weak: Thunder         | Absorb: Ice               |


| Exp: 0      | Steal: Hi-Potion, Pebble, Ring Wyrm Scale         |

| LP: 39      |                                                   |


| Recommended Level: 60+                                          |



As usual, dispel him of his status enhancements.  Cast Slow on him to make him

somewhat more bareable.  This boss inflicts status effects a bunch!  His White

Breath will cause Stop, and he will also use Sleepga, and Silence.  Pretty much

all the spells everybody hates.  To counter this, you could set up each party

member with either a Bowline Sash, Power Armlet, or Rose Corsage and let the

uninflicted member pass out cures through spells or items.  Either way, each

party member should have a curing gambit set up for each status effect that

they are not immune to.  If you're a patient person, wait until he is about to

perform either of the attacks listed above and quickly equip your party members

with the accessory that is immune to the resulting status effect.  Have your

party members equipped with the best gear that you can find: Zodiac Spear,

Maximillian, Save the Queen (or better).


Fafnir's physical attacks take off around 2000 to 3000+ damage per hit and his

White Breath will take 4000+ damage to anyone not equipped with an Ice Shield.

Ice Shields should be equipped to all party members since White Breath is a

very damaging attack.  If you don't want to use Ice Shields this entire battle

then equip them very quickly when he is about to use White Breath (watch which

which party member he turns toward) and it will halve the damage.  He will also

use Shock to take around 6,000+ damage - this can be reflected back on him with

a Reflect shield.  If you see him about to cast Shock on a party member,

quickly equip that party member with a Mirror Mail or Ruby Ring to reflect the

spell right back on him.  A good way to fight him is to cast Decoy on your

strongest party member followed by Reflect.  Take control of your decoyed party

member and lure Fafnir away from everbody else - this way Fafnir will only be

attacking the decoy with all the area spells.  You will have to set up item

gambits (X-Potions) to cure that party member however.  The main lesson to be

learned in this battle is to SPREAD OUT YOUR PARTY either by using Decoy or by

doing it yourself (taking control of each party member and manually spread them

out); this is the way to win.  Manually spreading them out works very well if

you don't want to constantly cast Decoy and Reflect and worry about item curing

gambits.  Make sure to keep him under the effect of Slow and this will make the

battle about 50% easier.  Run behind the rock in the middle portion of this

area and cure your party if you start to get beaten too badly.


Speaking of that rock, you may also want to try to use it to your advantage

while attacking him.  Equip long distance weapons and run around the east side

of the rock while having him chase you.  He will stop before he gets to the

rock and will only be able to hit you with his spells to which you can set up a

reflect shield to avoid.  This way would probably work better with one party

member since he can be fully controlled, but you could also have a whole group

with Reflect shields (Mirror Mails or Ruby Rings equipped) and a "Foe: any (>)

Thundaga" and "MP < 10% (>) Charge" gambits set on them.  You could also set up

an "Ally: character name (>) Reflect" gambit if you don't have the accessories

or armors to spare, but be prepared to use Arise just in case.  Shock will be

reflected back on him for about 6000+ damage and each Thundaga will cause

around 5000+ damage.  Use Magick Gloves to boost Thundaga damage.  He can

easily be taken out at some very low levels with this method.  You could

actually walk off and leave your game for about an hour and he should be

defeated by the time you return from lunch.


No matter how you approach this battle it is going to take a long time.  It

took me about an hour while spreading my party out manually.  You will obtain a

++RING OF THE LIGHT++ after defeating him.  Take the ring back to Relj for a

touching conversation and your bounty.


Here is another method for defeating Fafnir from Lukien:


For those who want to take Fafnir down quickly (about 5-10 minutes).


- Guest accompaniment recommended

- Equip your most powerful magic boosting armor.

- Set up the following gambits for all of your characters in this order:


1 - Ally: Any -> Arise

2 – Self: HP < 30% -> X-potion

3 – Self: MP < 10% -> Charge

4 – Ally: Any -> Reflect

5 – Self: Thundaga


As soon as combat starts, run behind the rock outcropping. Stay behind the wall

with your main party. With the gambits set up like this, and with your

characters behind the rock, the worst Fafnir can do is attack your guest. Your

main party is out of range of the white breath, and your reflect shields make

you impervious to his spells. The reason for the self targeting thundaga is

because that way you target all three or four members of your party and, when

the spell bounces off each reflection shield, you deal three or four times the

amount of damage than if you had targeted Fafnir himself (ie 15000+ instead of

5000+). So, I did this with powerful characters (level 70 with average magic

power of 65 and average health of 4500) and brought Fafnir down in less than 5

minutes. As a side note: should several of your characters actually get injured

during the fight (characters, not guest), you can always equip an opal ring and

cast cura/curaja. Make sure to unequip it as soon as the spell is cast or you

will kill yourself with the following casting of thundaga.


(thanks to Lukien)



Takk. Av en eller annen grunn får jeg ikke opp Berserkers guide. Noen som kan hjelpe med å forklare hvorfor?

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trenger et tips:

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er i slutten av pharos nå, og skal sloss mot dr. cid for andre gang, men sliter når han påkaller famfrit, tror jeg den heter. noen som kan anbefale hvilken lvl jeg bør være?
Endret av _vincent_
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