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Final Fantasy-religionens tråd - SKJUL SPOILERS!

Hvilket Final Fantasy-spill er din favoritt?  

814 stemmer

  1. 1. Hvilket Final Fantasy-spill er din favoritt?

    • Final Fantasy (1987)
    • Final Fantasy II (1988)
    • Final Fantasy III (1990)
    • Final Fantasy IV (1991)
    • Final Fantasy V (1992)
    • Final Fantasy VI (1994)
    • Final Fantasy VII (1997)
    • Final Fantasy VIII (1999)
    • Final Fantasy IX (2000)
    • Final Fantasy X (2001)
    • Final Fantasy XI (2002/2004)
    • Final Fantasy XII (2006)

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i emuleringen av FFX har jeg kommet til kilika inn, hvor frameraten peaker 107! men den synker til 45 utenfor, fordi der er de mye mer å holde styr på enn inne ved save-sphere'n. hadde samme peaket inne i cloister of trials på besaid, men beggge steder lå den på 80-90 til vanlig. utenfor på besaid, rett før yuna påkallte valefor, lå frameraten på 40-45, og det hakket som et uvær, på grunn av alle folka som var samlet der. eller på besaid beach rett etter at wakka ble introdusert, hvor du så save-sphere'n, lå fps på ca 50, mens ute på stranda med de andre aurochsene, la den på litt over 40. FMV'ene virker det ikke å være noen fix for, skal få til en screen og poste her så dere kan se hvordan det ser ut.


laster forresten ned XII, ligger vel på en 11-12 % nå, Okami og Bully ligger vel på samme nivået.

Endret av S-r-ex
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Mens vi i Europa koser oss med Final Fantasy XII, så er Japan snart klare for Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Re: Chain of Memories.


Dette er en ny versjon av KHII med flere filmsekvenser, flere bosser og mange andre "småting".

Denne versjonen inneholder også en PS2 versjon av GBA-spillet KH Chain of Memories.


Personlig så hadde jeg kjøpt dette spille på dagen dersom det kom til Europa, men som vanlig så kommer vel Square til å overse Europa..


Jaja, her er iallefall en 8 min lang teaser trailer for spillet - må bare si at det frister, selv nå for tiden som jeg koser med med FF XII!

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Litt mere info om XIII og Versus XIII + bekreftelse for når KH III skal begynnes på + "bekreftelse" på at det blir flere KH-spill, faktisk en serie av dem: Link.


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Final Fantasy XIII


* The combat planner will be Toshiro Tsuchida, the same person who worked on FFX and creator of the Front Mission series.

* The blond man from the latest trailer will be wild but heroic, and his fighting style will be very humorous.

* It was reiterated that FFXIII will still use the White Engine... not the Unreal Engine.


Final Fantasy Versus XIII


* The combat system will be similar to Kingdom Hearts, but more realistic.

* Nomura wants to include elements of shooting gameplay, similar to Dirge of Cerberus... the point of view will change depending on the character's equipped weapon.

* An airship has been confirmed as being a part of the game.

* Nomura says that it would be too much work to do Kingdom Hearts 3 and Versus XIII at the same time, so development on KH3 will wait until FF Versus XIII is complete.

* Kingdom Hearts 3 will likely incorporate some of the gameplay elements developed for Versus XIII

* Versus XIII may be the last Final Fantasy Nomura will direct, as he wants to concentrate on the Kingdom Hearts series instead.


Mye bra å høre, likte spesielt det at KH III kommer og at KH blir en serie. Litt trist at Nomura kanskje slutter med FF til fordel for KH.

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Litt mer snadder om Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Re: Chain of Memories:


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-New Keyblades: There are two new keyblades you can receive in KH2: FM+. One comes from defeating the Organization XIII Mushroom Heartless, and another is similar to Roxas's Keychain. They both have incredible attack power but it is difficult to obtain either.

Mushroom Keyblade Effects: When attacking you will see a lot of sparkles, tiny mushrooms, and black stars with glowing eyes. The keyblade "feels like a flower". (?) The keychain is obtained through Organization XIII.

Roxas Keychain Effects: When attacking, the keyblade gives off particle effects that look like the nobody symbol. The keychain looks just like Roxas' zipper.


-Roxas/Axel Cutscene: (Reported Earlier) A new scene takes place with Axel and Roxas at the Twilight Town Clock Tower. Roxas will be "accepting his fate". You learn more about how Axel has watched over Roxas since he joined Organization XIII. "They have decided their fate, but one of them will be left behind because of it". Apparently, it is a very emotional scene.


-Additional Scene: While Axel and Namine are in Twilight Town, a mysterious unknown appears. It is unknown if this is Riku or an Organization Member.


-Collecting Crown Marks Quest: A new quest in Kingdom Hearts 2 is to collect crowns scattered across all of the worlds. It is unknown exactly how many crowns there are in each world, but there are a large amount. This will be another thing to complete your Jiminy Journal. You'll need to use certain abilities to reach some crown marks. Nomura compares collecting the crown marks to the Dalmation Search in Kingdom Hearts 1. A "puzzle is complete" once you find them all.


-New Re: Chain of Memories Abilities: -Raging Storm(?): A tornado of flames circles Sora for a limited amount of time. It hurls and damages enemies surrounding Sora. The sleight combination is Aero>>>Fire>>>Fire.

-Freeze: This technique is similar to Vexen's ability. It freezes an enemy for a short amount of time. While frozen their health bar decreases. The sleight for this (?) is Blizzard>>>Blizzard>>>Stop.

-Wild Crasher: Sora and Donald carry Goofy and tackle him into the enemies, hurling the enemy. Sleight combination is possibly Goofy>>>Donald>>>Attack Card.

-Goofy Smash: Sora and Goofy do a co-op attack, launching the enemy into the air. Goofy will give the finishing blow. This move needs good timing. (?) The sleight combination is Goofy>>>Attack Card>>>Attack Card.


KH2 Abilities:

-Round Break: Keyblade rotates and hits enemies surrounding it. Good to use when you are surrounded by enemies and your other party members are concentrated on something else.

-Magnet Splash: Combo finishing technique. Enemies are drawn in towards Sora and then attacked. Good against flying enemies.


-Additional Tidbits: The 3D engine allows really nice character expressions. The voice acting helps enhance the player's understanding of the Organization Members. The story has depth because of the relationships and speculation between all of the characters, including Organization Members. You discover a "new side" from the town of the game because of the new elements. (?)


Intervju med Nomura

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-Nomura understands the criticism of the game's length. Along with the new difficulty mode, the new boss battles have made Sephiroth feel like a piece of cake. The battles are not critical to furthering the story, so Nomura could make them even harder. He wants you to really feel the true strength of Organization XIII from the battles. Basically, be prepared for a difficult play!

-When KHII first started up, two different modes were suggested. An RPG Mode, and an action mode. Nomura believes the critical mode really makes the action feel huge. Because it is so hard, it is easiest to get the new secret ending from playing this mode.

-Since Re: CoM is on the PS2, they could add many more abilities, sleights, combos, etc. The techniques look visually pleasing and energetic since it is all in 3D. Many techniques differ from the original KH: CoM.

Second Nomura Interview:

-Sephiroth is weaker then the Organization this time, but there is a new secret boss stronger then the Organization! The Organization may eventually be defeated with strategy and memorizing their attacks. Fighting all of the Organization members is a part of the requirements to watch the new secret movie. Nomura has not revealed who the new secret boss is.

-The Organization XIII Mushroom fighting can be considered a mini game in a way. It is not exactly difficult, but the player needs to find out different ways to defeat each one. Prepare to go up against all thirteen!

-When you find a crown from the new crown collecting quest, you receive on piece to the "puzzle". Once all are obtained, you complete a "certain" picture. (Who knows what it is!) Some are impossible to obtain without mastering certain abilities.

-New Room Cards in KH: CoM: Increase in the type of rooms that can be created. There is also a variation of the stock technique. (?)


Intervju med stemme-utviklerne (fant ikke noe godt ord for Voice Developers)

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-At first they thought that Square-Enix would forget about voicing the Organization Members. They didn't feel the need to use voices outside of the castle (as in, Disney Worlds). Voices help with the emotion of the game. They would like to thank the staff with all their work on the voices despite the tight schedule.

-At first, he did not think there could be improvements made to KH2, but after all of his work, he is really happy because of all of the new ideas. There are over 100% in changes due to all of the little things and new elements. They wanted someone to keep count of all the changes, because there were so many!


Kommentarer til spillet:

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-"I challenged the Organization battles in standard mode with Sora at level 99. I only just defeated Zexion. I only decreased Lexaeus's HP bar by very little. Larxene was defeated pretty quickly. Only took off one of Vexen's HP bars. Marluxia sunk through the corners until the second round. As for the mysterious secret boss, it took me six rounds (tries? not sure...) to even land a hit on it. Sephiroth is a baby compared to the new boss."

-"In all of the game's I've played up until now, the strongest enemy comes up. It seems to "surf" (?) and it's _____blade is impossible to dodge! When you finally get to fight this enemy, you will wonder if it is even possible to beat him. The Organization battles are fun as well and feel "renewed".


Virkelig kjipt at dette mest trolig ikke kommer til USA eller Europa, for dette virker gøy!


EDIT: Oops, glemte link..

Endret av Dunedain
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OK, eg må berre innrømme det, eg har eit STORT problem med License-systemet i Final Fantasy XII. Det er FOR ope! Altso, eg set pris på at du kan gjere kva du vil med personane dine, men personleg synst eg at det blir for mange valgfriheitar. Eg sit konstant og bekymrar meg for om eg har gjort noko dumt, tør ikkje bruke license-poeng av frykt for å velge "feil" retning, og so saknar eg litt det at ingen av personane har eit yrke som er sitt eige.


Den perfekte løysinga på dette fann eg i Final Fantasy X, der ein kunne velge mellom open eller lukka Sphere Grid.


Personleg so vonar eg at dette er noko som går over, og at eg snart kjem til å sjå "the error of my ways", men etter 9 timar med speling so ser det ikkje slik ut:(

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Har kommi til den derre tomben langt borti vest og jeg møter på en slags fugl utenfor gravkammeret :( Umulig for meg. Ashe, Vaan og Basch har level 19-20.




......Fran har level 8  :blush:  :thumbdown:  :innocent:



trenger du hjelp?



En kamerat av meg sa at jeg måtte få tak i en blomst for å knerte den fuglen. Bare spørre om det er noen flere bosser inne i tempelet? :ph34r:

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En kamerat av meg sa at jeg måtte få tak i en blomst for å knerte den fuglen. Bare spørre om det er noen flere bosser inne i tempelet?  :ph34r:



Du trenger ingen blomst.


Jeg var nærmere lvl 30 med mine tre hovedchars (Ashe, Vaan, Basch), og hadde ingen problemer i det hele tatt.

Endret av JohndoeMAKT
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