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Final Fantasy-religionens tråd - SKJUL SPOILERS!

Hvilket Final Fantasy-spill er din favoritt?  

814 stemmer

  1. 1. Hvilket Final Fantasy-spill er din favoritt?

    • Final Fantasy (1987)
    • Final Fantasy II (1988)
    • Final Fantasy III (1990)
    • Final Fantasy IV (1991)
    • Final Fantasy V (1992)
    • Final Fantasy VI (1994)
    • Final Fantasy VII (1997)
    • Final Fantasy VIII (1999)
    • Final Fantasy IX (2000)
    • Final Fantasy X (2001)
    • Final Fantasy XI (2002/2004)
    • Final Fantasy XII (2006)

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Har ikke så mye med å være konservativ å gjøre for min del, jeg er veldig for at serien må fornye seg. Men forandringer er ikke alltid til det bedre. Jeg syns ikke forandringene i FFX, ble til det bedre, sånn er det bare.


Men jeg ser veldig fram til FFXII, har tro på at jeg vil like den veldig godt, liker forandringene innen kampsystemet osv. Hvordan gjør dette meg konservativ?

Endret av Polluks
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Er ak det..forventninger...så viss det ikke lever opp til DINE forventninger..vil du da mene at spillet suger eller at det havner på bånn på "listen"din...??..


Bare for at ett spill ikke svarer til forventingene til noen ihuga FF fans så betyr da

ikke det at spillet er dårligere enn evt forgjengeren.


Ha ett åpent sinn da..og ikke håp at det nye spillet skal være likt forgjengeren bare fordi vi likte forgjengeren å er redd for å bli skuffet av det nye viss det viser seg å være ulikt det forrige. :hrm:

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Hvis jeg har visse forventninger til et spill og spillet ikke oppfyller de så blir jeg jo selvsagt skuffet. Det bør da være innlysende. Derfor havnet det på bånn i listen min ja. Og smak er en svært subjektiv ting, om noen finalsyfans mener at FFX er dårlig må de få lov til det.


Og jeg sier ikke at FFX suger, jeg sier bare at jeg er enig i kritikken av det og syns det er dårligere enn de andre spillene i serien (FFX-2 gjelds ikke :p). Jeg fikk bare ikke helt den samme godfølelsen av det som med de andre.


Og jeg sier jo at jeg er for nyskapning, altså at etterfølgerne ikke skal være like som forgjengerne. Avataren min burde jo hinte om at jeg gleder meg veldig til FFXII, til tross for at jeg ser mange som kanskje ikke liker hvordan det avviker fra "old-school"-FF. Det kan jo sies å være veldig annerledes både fra FFX og de andre i serien men jeg syns forandringene denne gangen virker både spennende og annerledes.

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Jeg mener som noen andre her at FF bør forandre seg fra spill til spill. Det er veldig lett å bare kopiere et spill når man skal lage en oppfølger, men da vil spillserien bli ganske kjedelig etter hvert. For å lage noe bra, er man nødt til å ta noen sjangser. Noen vil såklart ikke ikke like forandringene og det er greit det. Men for dere som har spilt FF I, tenk om spillene som kom etter bare inneholt små forandringer. Jeg tror ikke jeg ville ha vært noen FF-fan(boy?) i dag da. Rett etter jeg var ferdig med FF XII, spilte jeg FF III på DS, og jeg må si at kampene var litt stusselige i forhold (ikke atb en gang).


Og Sqare-enix tok en stor sjangse med å kutte ut atb-systemet i XII. Jeg var selv meget skeptisk til dette, men synes det funka som fa**. Andre mener det ikke funker og det er greit for meg. Men det er en av de tingene jeg liker med FF-serien, du vet helt aldri hva du får. Det hjelper jo også at ingenting blir gjort halvveis i FF-serien. Alt er vel gjennomtenkt og godt utført.


Likte til og med FF X-2 jeg. :blush:


Men jeg savner et skikkelig worldmap, der du kan fly fra et sted til et annet helt fritt. Ikke bare gå ombord i skipet og velge en destinasjon. Det er en del jeg savner faktisk, men da bare gåt jeg tilbake og spiller et gammelt FF spill.


Edit: skrivefeil

Endret av Monkeyboy
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Har spilt VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XI Online og XII. Har rundet samtlige, med unntak av XI. Likte ikke X eller X-2. Historien var bra, men selve gameplayet ble for rotete for meg.


Det beste av dem alle er etter min mening XII (Har tatt alle mob hunts, espers og bossene som ikke går i storyline). Helt fantastisk opplevelse, og går de andre en høy gang etter min mening. Til og med VII.

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Jump Fiesta har kommet med oversettelse av de nye trailerne til Final Fantasy XIII og Final Fantasy Versus XIII:


Final Fantasy XIII

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On the Final Fantasy XIII front, a new trailer was shown in the closed Mega Theatre at Jump Festa.


Reports from this trailer reveal that the female charcter's name is, indeed, Lightning, though this seems to be her codename within some sort of organization rather than her real name.




"A huge machine city, Kukon, which floats in the far sky... People here feared the existence of the invader called "Pulse" from the outside world (lower community) below, even though they lived in this peaceful world protected by the crystal.


However, on a fated day, Pulse will invade. A "Sacred Government" has therefore decided that those who will be responsibly for allowing this to happen must be forced to migrate to the lower community.


The Crystal reached the point where the human who will be saddled with the intention of ruining mankind must be chosen. She merely declared herself "Lightning".



Like a being wrapped in water, two huge women (who look to be summons monsters) with bodies like machines face each other in the air (the two women currently drawn on the title logo?)


Lightning appears armed with her gun, surrounded by soldiers.


A blond youth who rides a motorbike, an who looks to be in his twenties also appears."


Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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A new trailer was also shown for Versus XIII, again in the closed theatre. Here is a translation based on FF & KH Blog's description.


"Reality is really just a dream."

- From Shakespeare's Hamlet


A car arrives, the protagonist sits down in the rear seat.


Something comes from the radio. It says in an empty voice "long continues the cold war with a conclusion..." Thats all they can hear.


The protagonist, after preventing the attack of the enemy with Sawayama's weapon, reflects the attack from the enemy with Sawayama's weapon and entering the enemy's camp on the way. He attacks directly with the weapon and pushes down the enemy.


Even attacks like a cannon is not effective against the protagonist.


When the protagonist clears the enemy in a blink of an eye, the camera suddenly pans up a building. The enemy will probably climb up a rope in the building.


Suddenly, the protagonist goes out from that place, it moves instantaneously and to sky, pushes down the enemy one after another in the position where you threw the weapon, threw instant movement. (I think he talks about actual gameplay)


Blood which is pushed down splash coming out properly, it increases the enemy (Article is commenting on age restriction)


Again, the inside of the building are taken, the casket bucket looks like the enormous pillar in rear of the chair where the protagonist sat down?


"It still does not awake" (It is vague around this)

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Jump Fiesta har kommet med oversettelse av de nye trailerne til Final Fantasy XIII og Final Fantasy Versus XIII:


Final Fantasy XIII

Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor
On the Final Fantasy XIII front, a new trailer was shown in the closed Mega Theatre at Jump Festa.


Reports from this trailer reveal that the female charcter's name is, indeed, Lightning, though this seems to be her codename within some sort of organization rather than her real name.




"A huge machine city, Kukon, which floats in the far sky... People here feared the existence of the invader called "Pulse" from the outside world (lower community) below, even though they lived in this peaceful world protected by the crystal.


However, on a fated day, Pulse will invade. A "Sacred Government" has therefore decided that those who will be responsibly for allowing this to happen must be forced to migrate to the lower community.


The Crystal reached the point where the human who will be saddled with the intention of ruining mankind must be chosen. She merely declared herself "Lightning".



Like a being wrapped in water, two huge women (who look to be summons monsters) with bodies like machines face each other in the air (the two women currently drawn on the title logo?)


Lightning appears armed with her gun, surrounded by soldiers.


A blond youth who rides a motorbike, an who looks to be in his twenties also appears."


Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor

A new trailer was also shown for Versus XIII, again in the closed theatre. Here is a translation based on FF & KH Blog's description.


"Reality is really just a dream."

- From Shakespeare's Hamlet


A car arrives, the protagonist sits down in the rear seat.


Something comes from the radio. It says in an empty voice "long continues the cold war with a conclusion..." Thats all they can hear.


The protagonist, after preventing the attack of the enemy with Sawayama's weapon, reflects the attack from the enemy with Sawayama's weapon and entering the enemy's camp on the way. He attacks directly with the weapon and pushes down the enemy.


Even attacks like a cannon is not effective against the protagonist.


When the protagonist clears the enemy in a blink of an eye, the camera suddenly pans up a building. The enemy will probably climb up a rope in the building.


Suddenly, the protagonist goes out from that place, it moves instantaneously and to sky, pushes down the enemy one after another in the position where you threw the weapon, threw instant movement. (I think he talks about actual gameplay)


Blood which is pushed down splash coming out properly, it increases the enemy (Article is commenting on age restriction)


Again, the inside of the building are taken, the casket bucket looks like the enormous pillar in rear of the chair where the protagonist sat down?


"It still does not awake" (It is vague around this)




de trailerne må jeg se :dribble:

når kommer de ut på nette?

Endret av Leahlinn
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EA's "chief visual and technical officer Glenn Entis", uttaler seg om Final Fantasy XIII:(Link.)


In his eyes, a game character can have many polygons to be detailed and photorealistic, but without good animations, they will feel dead and inhuman. He then takes the next generation of Final Fantasy as an example for this.


In Final Fantasy, the modelling fidelity was really better than the motion fidelity. In other words, when you looked at the models, they signalled an expectation to the audience that the motion couldn't deliver upon.


Now, we can all hate him and EA games for this, but if you recheck the trailer we have frame by frame, you can see that he’s right. Our heroine has a very sharp and frozen face, almost unaffected by her actions and surroundings. There are scenes where she will look directly at her target and show anger, but in some short fast scenes, she has an unfocused and weird look on her face.


Her kan man se eksempler på dette:


Bilde 1.


Bilde 2.


Bilde 3.


Må dessverre si at han har et poeng...men når vi spiller hvor mye sjekker vi ansiktet? Dette vil ikke ha noe betydning på selve spillingen, og dessuten så har Square lang utviklingstid igjen...

Endret av Dunedain
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EA's "chief visual and technical officer Glenn Entis", uttaler seg om Final Fantasy XIII:(Link.)


In his eyes, a game character can have many polygons to be detailed and photorealistic, but without good animations, they will feel dead and inhuman. He then takes the next generation of Final Fantasy as an example for this.


In Final Fantasy, the modelling fidelity was really better than the motion fidelity. In other words, when you looked at the models, they signalled an expectation to the audience that the motion couldn't deliver upon.


Now, we can all hate him and EA games for this, but if you recheck the trailer we have frame by frame, you can see that he’s right. Our heroine has a very sharp and frozen face, almost unaffected by her actions and surroundings. There are scenes where she will look directly at her target and show anger, but in some short fast scenes, she has an unfocused and weird look on her face.


Her kan man se eksempler på dette:


Bilde 1.


Bilde 2.


Bilde 3.


Må dessverre si at han har et poeng...men når vi spiller hvor mye sjekker vi ansiktet? Dette vil ikke ha noe betydning på selve spillingen, og dessuten så har Square lang utviklingstid igjen...



jeg tenker ikke så mye over det så lenge scenene er bra :)

og som du sier så har de lang utviklingstid igjen

Endret av Leahlinn
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hvorfor skulle det være en spøk?


Altså, det er ikke konkurannse mellom spill sånn som det er i fotball. Jeg liker både bandene Metallica og Sonata Arctica, det er ikke sånn at jeg bare kan like en av dem og hate den andre. Jeg liker brunetter, måtte alle blondiner dø? Eeh.. :ermm:

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