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The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar

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Hvis det er noen som er interessert, så har vi siden i spmmer hatt en guild til LOTRO som heter Beriadiriâth en Forod.

Så hvis noen her er interessert i å joine oss, så er det bare å stikke inn her

Vi har nå så mye som 40 medlemmer, og håper på flere.


Edit: det har vært lite aktivitet der i det siste, men når folk begynner å komme seg inn i betaen og spillet slippes, da blir det nok mye bedre ;)

Endret av mortenmm
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Jeg er litt forvirra av dissa "Stress test beta" tidene jeg..


Kan noen skrive når aktiveringen, og selve BETA testingen starter for meg..

Altså norsk tid, og vårt tidsformat takk



Er rimelig sikker på at registreringen starter klokka 12.00 norsk tid på lørdag, og serverne åpner kl. 13.00.


Stresstesten varer hvertfall til søndag.

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Fikk mailen om Beta idag! ble dritglad!

Gikk inn på Fileplanet.com ---Only for European members! WTF? Sitter i Norge :p


Så gikk jeg inn på officiel forum, du må være betalende subscriper på Fileplanet får å være med  :(  :cry:



Jeg er ikke betalende medlem der lenger. Fikk lasta ned klienten for det. :D

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Jeg sliter med å komme inn jeg og ja, men hvis du sliter med å få lastet med så har ejg fått en slik mail som kanskje hjelper deg.


LOTRO Stress Test Client Download



Due to technical issues at Fileplanet, some users may have had

trouble downloading The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of

Angmar (LOTRO) client.


We are pleased to tell you that this issue has now been resolved and

users are urged to download the client immediately to ensure they are

ready to enter the game when the stress test starts on January 13th

at 12 midday GMT.


You can find and download the client at the following link:




We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and hope to

you see all in Middle-earth on Saturday!




The European LOTRO Team


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Fy fader.. Har spilt mange timer i Lotro BETA nå.. Stress beta tilogmed..


Og jeg må si, hvis dette er stressing av server, så er det umulig med lagg i spillet..

I alle mine timer så har jeg ikke merket et eneste hakk..


Bortsett fra i mine 5timer, så gikk serveren ned en gang, og activation av key, og det meg å faktisk få logget inn var et kapittel for seg selv.. Men herregud, det er en stress test.. Og alle husker vell at WoW hadde noen syke køer selv flere dager etter lansering av hele spillet.. Dette er en stress test, og på sånn måte gikk alt som forventet..

Dessuten var det noen problemer hos Codemaster, som skapte mye av disse massive problemene.. Noe som de ønsket å få fisket på, igjen å se hva som skjedde i en slik stress test.. Så det problemet vil antagelig ikke eksistere ved full release.. Som er utrolig bra.. Utrolig bra service fra Codemaster/Turbin også da, har ikke sett på maken.. Er vandt til Blizzard Europe, og da er jo dette luksus iforhold..


Når det gjelder selve spillet (det er vell og merke en beta)..

Så er førsteinntrykket helt topp.. Helt greie og flotte menyer..

Launcher i seg selv, er jo ikke så verst..

Også til min store glede, så utklasset create a character systemet i Lotro, den i World of Warcraft.. Endelig så kan du faktisk endre på litt detaljer, som nese, kroppsmasse og litt av vært.. Skal trolig komme muligheten for justering av høyde også til full release..

Men sånn som den er nå, selvom den ikke er helt "down to the detail".. Så er det suveren, sammenlignet med WoW sin, som var helt katastrofal..


Du logger inn, og selv under en stress test, så er jeg inne før jeg har knapt rukket å se load-screen'en.. Du starter i en slags "tutorial", noe som er ganske praktisk egentlig.. Hele systemet er nesten 100% copy av WoW, ikke så rart når samme hjernene står bak Lotro.. Så kan du WoW, så kan du hoppe rett inn i Lotro..

Isteden for utropstegn, er det ringer overhodet på quest folk, de vises også på minimap osv.. Equip systemet er likt, kanskje bare litt mer komplekst og utvidet..

Looting, kampsystem, alt ligner veldig på WoW..

Action bars også, men du kan ha langt flere quest på en gang.. Noe som jeg finner praktisk.. Lotro er også laget sånn at du ikke skal på noen måte måtte være avhengig av gruppe for å kunne spill deg igjennom, dog vil grupper kunne ta ned større monstre og ha det mer morsomt sådan..


Til å være en BETA, så fungerer det meste supert, langt bedre enn da WoW var i BETA.. Sånn til sammenligning..


Grafikken er jo langt penere og se på, enn WoW.. Dog, er ikke BETA grafikken helt optimalisert enda.. Men inntrykket er mye "deiligere, enn WoW..


Etter alt jeg har fått erfare så langt, så ser jeg ingen som helst grunn til å velge WoW fremfor Lotro.. Virker som mye mer stabile servere.. Og er enkelt og greit enn Tolkien versjon av WoW, med oppgradert og forbedret grafikk og innhold..


Detta lover utrolig godt, over alle mine forventninger.. Og dette er BETA.. Og så langt, så har Lotro BETA vært bedre enn WoW v.2.0.1, føler jeg hvert fall..


Stå på!!

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EA har ingenting med LRO å gjøre! De utvikler Warhammer Online!


ehh, nei? Mythic utvikler Warhammer Online. EA derimot, de gir ut spillet.

La oss håpe EA ikke roter for mye borti Warhammer. Av det jeg har sett så ser det ikke ut som EA har påvirket Mythic noe særlig.


For å pirke så er det EA Mythic som utvikler WAR. EA eier Mythic.

Men i realiteten så har ikke EA i seg selv noe med spillet å gjøre.

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Turbine and Midway Unveil

Revolutionary Pre-Order Founder’s Program

for The Lord of the Rings Online™


Highly-Anticipated MMO Currently Scheduled

to Launch on April 24, 2007


WESTWOOD, Mass. & CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Turbine, Inc. and Midway Games Inc. (NYSE:MWY) today announced the details of the revolutionary pre-order Founder’s Program for The Lord of the Rings Online™: Shadows of Angmar™. The highly anticipated massively multiplayer online game, The Lord of the Rings Online, lets players experience the greatest epic fantasy adventure of all time and join with millions of fans from around the globe in the vast world of Middle-earth.


This exciting Founder’s Program rewards all players who pre-order The Lord of the Rings Online with special $9.99 monthly subscription pricing, early access to the game (beta version), character roll-over and unique in-game bonus items. Players can become a Founder by pre-ordering the title at www.lotro.com/preorder or at retail stores nationwide beginning February 1, 2007. This limited-time offer is exclusively available to pre-order customers.


“The Lord of the Rings Online immerses you in one of the greatest literary works of all time,” said Jeffrey Anderson, president and CEO of Turbine. “The Founder’s Program pricing plan rewards fans for their loyalty with a special opportunity to join Middle-earth from the beginning.”


The Lord of the Rings Online Founder’s Program(a) offers players two different membership options:


    * Only $9.99 per month subscription price!




    * Just $199 for a Lifetime Membership!


In addition to these special pricing options, The Lord of the Rings Online Founders receive:


    * Open Beta: Guaranteed access provides Founders the first opportunity to create a character and enter Middle-earth currently planned for March 30, 2007

    * Character Roll-Over: Moves the character that you created during the Open Beta into the live service —along with the stats, levels, items, and experience that character earned prior to launch!

    * Bonus Items: Two special in-game items that are only available to those who pre-order:


          -- Enchanted Cloak of Regeneration

          -- Ring of Agility



This exciting Founder’s Program is available for a limited time until the commercial launch of The Lord of the Rings Online (currently scheduled for April 24, 2007). At launch, millions of fans will be able to explore the untold stories of Middle-earth, interact with legendary heroes like Gandalf, and play a vital role in the War of the Ring. The Lord of the Rings Online is the first and only massively multiplayer online role-playing game based on the Books of J.R.R. Tolkien. The game recreates the vast world of Middle-earth with incredible dedication to the Tolkien lore with an unprecedented level of detail. The game delivers an experience that takes players beyond the books to where they can create their own story within the most famous fantasy world of all time. For more information, visit www.lotro.com.


About Turbine


Turbine, Inc. is a premier developer, publisher and operator of online subscription entertainment and is headquartered in Westwood, Massachusetts. The company is one of the largest privately-held online games companies in North America. Turbine’s catalogue includes some of the most famous online entertainment brands, including Asheron’s Call®, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINE™: Stormreach™, and The Lord of the Rings Online™: Shadows of Angmar™. For more information on Turbine and its services, please visit www.turbine.com.


About Midway


Midway Games Inc. (NYSE:MWY), headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with offices throughout the world, is a leading developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software for major videogame systems and personal computers. More information about Midway and its products can be found at www.midway.com.


About Tolkien Enterprises


The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises is the holder of worldwide motion picture, legitimate stage, merchandising, and other rights in J.R.R. Tolkien’s literary works The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Tolkien Enterprises has been producing and licensing films, stage productions and merchandise based on Tolkien’s works for almost 30 years. Its headquarters are in Berkeley, California, and its website may be found at www.tolkien-ent.com.


(a) Retail purchase of the full version of game is required to redeem Founder’s Program offer, which expires 30 days after commercial launch of the game unless Pre-order and Launch Product Keys are activated prior to the expiration date. Founder’s Program offer is not transferable. Founder’s Program monthly pricing and Lifetime Membership valid for so long as game is in service and account is continuously maintained without termination. Game play and level advancement will be restricted during Open Beta. This Founder’s Program offer is available to players located in the U.S. and Canada only. Certain restrictions apply. See www.lotro.com/founder for more details.


“The Lord of the Rings Online,” “Shadows of Angmar,” “Middle-earth,” “The Lord of the Rings,” and the names of the characters, events, items and places therein are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises under license to Turbine, Inc. Turbine and the Turbine logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Turbine, Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Midway has provided the www.lotro.com, www.turbine.com and www.tolkien-ent.com links solely as a convenience for you. The information on these sites has been prepared by third parties, and Midway does not monitor, endorse or accept responsibility for the content on non-Midway sites.


This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning future business conditions and the outlook for Midway Games Inc. (the "Company") based on currently available information. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, the performance of the interactive entertainment industry, dependence on new product introductions and the ability to maintain the scheduling of such introductions, the current console platform transition and other technological changes, dependence on major platform manufacturers and other risks more fully described under "Item 1A. Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005, and in other filings made by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Each forward-looking statement, including, without limitation, financial guidance, speaks only as of the date on which it is made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which it is made or to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events or circumstances, except as required by law.


EU link: http://www.lotro-europe.com/preorder.php


Endelig er det i gang :D

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