Tee_Kay Skrevet 23. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 23. mai 2005 Hvordan kan jeg kjøre denne koden her i linux, på irc? #!/usr/bin/php -q <?php /* * Copyright (C) 2003/2004 AliTriX - [email protected] - http://alitrix.nefast.com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* REQUIRED: Hm.. there isn't a lot required, you need ofcourse PHP atleast, this one is tested on version 4.x, I think version 3.x works as well. I tested this script on u2.10.11.04+asuka(1.0.4) */ /* ABOUT THIS SCRIPT: This is a script made by AliTriX and it's a "clone" of the orginial fishbot from Quakenet. I didn't see the script of the real fishbot, so I don't know if my bot works the same as the original one and if my commands are the same. I just tested the real fishbot and tryed to make a script that looks like it. If you found bugs or got any idea's, your e-mail is welcome to [email protected] */ /* COMMANDS: There are no special commands, just check http://www.fishbot.net, click on the left menu on "Commands", that are the actions/msgs that the bot react on. IRCOP COMMANDS: /msg <botname> showcommands (and you get a simpel list) */ /* CHANGES: Check the file ChangeLog for more info! TODO: - Try to translate this script into C, if I ever learn it;) - Got more idea's? */ class FishBot { var $ServiceName,$ServiceDesc,$ServiceNum,$BotNum; var $BotNick,$BotUser,$BotModes,$BotHost,$ServerHost; var $ServerPass,$DeBug,$Socket,$ChannelsFile,$Counter; var $PingPongs, $Opers, $EB; var $Chans = array(); var $Nicks = array(); var $Channels = array(); /******** CONFIGURATION - BEGIN ********/ function FishBot() { /* Configuring the bot */ $this->ServiceName = "fishbot"; /* Name of the bot */ $this->ServiceDesc = "Teh f1shb0t <°)))))><"; /* The IRC Name and Discription */ $this->ServiceNum = "AX"; /* Bot numeric */ $this->BotNum = $this->ServiceNum . "AAA"; /*!! Don't change this one !!*/ $this->BotNick = "fishbot"; /* Nickname of the bot */ $this->BotUser = "fish"; /* The ident/username */ $this->BotModes = "+iw"; /* Bot modes */ $this->BotHost = "go.moo.oh.yes.they.do"; /* Hidden host, bot host */ $this->ServerHost = ""; /* IP/Host to connect to */ $this->ServerPort = 6667; /* Port to connect to */ $this->ServerPass = "fish"; /* Password to use for the connection between the service and server */ $this->DeBug = TRUE; /* TRUE = on, FALSE = off */ /* TIP: If you put DeBug TRUE, and you are starting the script like this: ./fishbot.php &, then it's better to start the robot like this: ./fishbot.php >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &, cause when he is gonna send a message to the terminal and it's closed, then the bot will get killed, cause there isn't a terminal to send anything to it. (except if you use the /dev/null or a file)*/ $this->ChannelsFile = "database/channels"; /* The file where the channels should be stored, !REMEMBER! If you choose a directory, please make the directory FIRST then start the bot. */ $this->PingPongs = 3; /* After how many ping-pongs should he save the channels into a file? */ $this->EB = FALSE; /* Please don't change this */ } /******** CONFIGURATION - END ********/ /* DON'T CHANGE THE LINES BELOW, IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING */ function LoadChannels() { /* Load the channels from the file */ if (file_exists($this->ChannelsFile)) { $Source = file($this->ChannelsFile); foreach ($Source as $Line) { $Line = trim($Line); if (!empty($Line)) $this->Chans[] = $Line; } } if ($this->DeBug) { printf("Channels loaded.\n"); @ob_flush(); } } function SaveChannels() { /* Save channels into the database file */ if (!file_exists($this->ChannelsFile)) { exec('touch '.$this->ChannelsFile); printf("Had problems..!\n"); @ob_flush(); } $handle = fopen($this->ChannelsFile,'w+'); foreach($this->Chans as $number => $chan) { @$content .= sprintf("%s\r\n",trim($chan)); } if (!empty($content)) fwrite($handle,$content); fclose($handle); if ($this->DeBug) { printf("Channels saved.\n"); @ob_flush(); } } function StartBot() { /* Yup, how about begin with the real work, THE BOT! */ printf("PID: %s\n",posix_getpid()); $this->Socket = @fsockopen($this->ServerHost,$this->ServerPort,$ErrNr,$ErrStr); if (!$this->Socket) { $tmp = sprintf("\n\nProblems with connecting to %s:%s\nErrorNr.: %s\nErrStr.: %s\n\n",$this->ServerHost,$this->ServerPort,$ErrNr,$ErrStr); die ($tmp); } $Time = time(); $tmp = sprintf('PASS :%s',$this->ServerPass); $this->SendRaw($tmp,1); $tmp = sprintf('SERVER %s 1 %s %s J10 %s]]] :%s',$this->BotHost,$Time,$Time,$this->ServiceNum,$this->ServiceDesc); $this->SendRaw($tmp,1); $tmp = sprintf('%s N %s 1 %s %s %s %s B]AAAB %s :%s',$this->ServiceNum,$this->BotNick,$Time,$this->BotUser,$this->BotHost,$this->BotModes,$this->BotNum,$this->ServiceDesc); $this->SendRaw($tmp,1); $tmp = sprintf('%s EB',$this->ServiceNum); $this->SendRaw($tmp,1); $this->Counter =0; if ($this->DeBug) { printf("Bot sended his own information to the server, waiting for respond.\n"); @ob_flush(); } $this->Idle(); } function Idle() { /* Checking the incoming information */ while (!feof($this->Socket)) { $this->Get = fgets($this->Socket,256); if (!empty($this->Get)) { $Args = explode(" ",$this->Get); $Cmd = trim($Args[1]); switch ($Cmd) { case "EB": /* End of Burst */ $this->EA(); break; case "G": /* Ping .. Pong :) */ $this->Pong($Args); break; case "I": /* Somebody invited us, nice of him :D */ $this->JoinChan($Args); break; case "P": /* They are talking to me */ $this->PrivMsg($Args,$this->Get); break; case "N": /* We got a nick-change or a nick-burst msg */ $this->SaveNicks($Args); break; case "K": /* Somebody kicked me? */ $this->PartChan($Args); break; case "M": /* A oper logged in? */ $this->AddOper($Args); break; case "Q": /* They quit as well, finally! :P */ $this->DelUser($Args); break; case "B": /* We received a burst line */ $this->Burst($Args); break; case "J": /* Somebody joined a channel */ $this->AddChan($Args); break; case "C": /* Somebody joined a channel */ $this->AddChan($Args); break; case "L": /* If somebody parts a channel, we have to notice that */ $this->DelChan($Args); break; } } } } function EA() { /* End of Burst received */ /* [get] AB EB */ if (empty($this->EB)) { $tmp = sprintf('%s EA',$this->ServiceNum); $this->SendRaw($tmp,1); $this->EB = TRUE; $this->JoinChannels(); } } function JoinChannels() { /* Join the channels after receiving a EA from the server */ foreach($this->Chans as $number => $chan) { $tmp = sprintf('%s J %s',$this->BotNum,$chan); $this->SendRaw($tmp,1); $this->CheckEmptyChan($chan); } if ($this->DeBug) { printf("Server accepted us.\n"); printf("Joining all channels.\n"); @ob_flush(); } } function Pong($Args) { /* The server pinged us, we have to pong him back */ /* [get] AB G !1061145822.928732 fish.go.moh.yes 1061145822.928732 */ $this->Counter++; if ($this->Counter >= $this->PingPongs) { $this->SaveChannels(); $this->Counter=0; /* Putting it on zer0, for a new save/count */ } $tmp = sprintf('%s Z %s',$this->BotNum,$Args[2]); $this->SendRaw($tmp,0); if ($this->DeBug) { printf("Ping Pong?!\n"); @ob_flush(); } } function SendRaw($Line,$Show) { /* This sends information to the server */ /*if ($this->DeBug && $Show) { printf("[send]: %s\n",$Line); @ob_flush(); }*/ fputs($this->Socket,$Line."\r\n"); } function SendMsg($To,$Msg) { /* Sending a msg */ $tmp = sprintf('%s P %s :%s',$this->BotNum,$To,$Msg); $this->SendRaw($tmp,0); } function JoinChan($Args) { /* Join the channel if the bot is getting invited */ /* [get] ABAAG I fishbot :#chan.to.join */ $Sender = $Args[0]; $Victum = $Args[2]; if (strtolower($Victum) == strtolower($this->BotNick)) { $Target = trim(substr($Args[3],1)); /* #chan.to.join */ $tmp = sprintf('%s J %s',$this->BotNum,$Target); $this->SendRaw($tmp,1); $this->Chans[] = $Target; } } function PartChan($Args) { /* When somebody kicks us from his chan, then he doesn't need us. */ /* [get] ABAAA K #coder-com ADAAA :AliTriX */ $Victum = trim($Args[3]); if ($Victum == $this->BotNum) { $Chan = trim($Args[2]); $key = array_search($Chan,$this->Chans); unset($this->Chans[$key]); } } function AddOper($Args) { /* When we receive a MODE, we have to check if a person is authing himself as a oper, so we can tell the arrays that. */ /* [get] ABAAC M AliTriX +iw */ $Numeric = trim($Args[0]); $Target = trim($Args[2]); if (substr($Target,0,1) != "#") { /* Only user-modes are interested */ $Modes = trim($Args[3]); $Count = strlen($Modes); $Status = false; for($i=0;$i<$Count;$i++) { if ($Modes[$i] == "+") $Status = "+"; elseif ($Modes[$i] == "-") $Status = "-"; else { if (!empty($Status)) { if ($Modes[$i] == "o" && $Status == "+") $this->Opers[$Numeric] = true; if ($Modes[$i] == "o" && $Status == "-") unset($this->Opers[$Numeric]); } } } } } function DelUser($Args) { /* When a user quites, we have to notice our arrays about that. */ /* [get] ABAAC Q :Quit: leaving */ $Numeric = trim($Args[0]); unset($this->Nicks[$Numeric],$this->Opers[$Numeric]); foreach($this->Channels as $chan => $sub_array) { foreach ($sub_array as $num => $x) if ($Numeric == $num) { unset($this->Channels[$chan][$num]); $this->CheckEmptyChan($chan); } } } function PrivMsg($Args,$Line) { /* Somebody msg'ed something to me or to a channel */ /* [get] ABAAG P #blaat :Joh, wzp? <-- Chan-msg [get] ABAAG P ADAAA :Joh, wzp? <-- Priv-msg */ $Sender = trim($Args[0]); $Target = trim($Args[2]); $Msg = explode(":",$Line,2); $Msg = strtolower(trim($Msg[1])); if ($Target != $this->BotNum) { /* Chan-msg */ if (preg_match('/hampster/',$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf('%s: There is no \'p\' in hamster you retard.',$this->Num2Nick($Sender)); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'ag') { $tmp = sprintf('Ag, ag ag ag ag ag AG AG AG!'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'fishbot owns') { $tmp = sprintf('Aye, I do.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match('/vinegar/',$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf('Nope, too sober for vinegar. Try later.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match('/martian/',$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf('Don\'t run! We are your friends!'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'just then, he fell into the sea') { $tmp = sprintf('Ooops!'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match('/aftershock/',$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf('mmmm, Aftershock.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'why are you here?') { $tmp = sprintf('Same reason. I love candy.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'spoon') { $tmp = sprintf('There is no spoon.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'bounce' || $Msg == 'wertle') { $tmp = sprintf('moo'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'crack') { $tmp = sprintf('Doh, there goes another bench!'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'you can\'t just pick people at random!') { $tmp = sprintf('I can do anything I like, %s, I\'m eccentric! Rrarrrrrgh! Go!',$this->Num2Nick($Sender)); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'flibble') { $tmp = sprintf('plob'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match("/the fishbot has created splidge/",$Msg) || preg_match("/fishbot created splidge/",$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf('omg no! Think I could show my face around here if I was responsible for THAT?'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'now there\'s more than one of them?') { $tmp = sprintf('A lot more.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'i want everything') { $tmp = sprintf('Would that include a bullet from this gun?'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match('/we are getting aggravated/',$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf('Yes, we are.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'how old are you, fishbot?') { $tmp = sprintf("\001ACTION is older than time itself.\001"); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match("/^(\W{1})ACTION strokes fishbot(\W{1})$/i",$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf("\001ACTION m00s loudly at %s.\001",$this->Num2Nick($Sender)); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'atlantis') { $tmp = sprintf('Beware the underwater headquarters of the trout and their bass henchmen. From there they plan their attacks on other continents.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'oh god') { $tmp = sprintf('fishbot will suffice.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'fishbot') { $tmp = sprintf('Yes?'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'what is the matrix?') { $tmp = sprintf('No-one can be told what the matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'what do you need?') { $tmp = sprintf(' Guns. Lots of guns.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'i know kungfu') { $tmp = sprintf('Show me.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'cake') { $tmp = sprintf('fish'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'trout go moo') { $tmp = sprintf('Aye, that\'s cos they\'re fish.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'kangaroo') { $tmp = sprintf('The kangaroo is a four winged stinging insect.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match("/^(\W{1})ACTION slaps (.*) around a bit with a large trout(\W{1})$/i",$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf(' trouted!'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'sea bass') { $tmp = sprintf('Beware of the mutant sea bass and their laser cannons!'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'trout') { $tmp = sprintf('Trout are freshwater fish and have underwater weapons.'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match("/has returned from playing counterstrike/i",$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf('like we care fs :('); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'where are we?') { $tmp = sprintf('Last time I looked, we were in %s.',$Target); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'where do you want to go today?') { $tmp = sprintf('anywhere but redmond :(.',$Target); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'fish go moo' || $Msg == 'fish go m00') { $tmp = sprintf("\001ACTION notes that %s is truly enlightened.\001",$this->Num2Nick($Sender)); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match('/^(.*) go moo$/i',$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf('%s: only when they are impersonating fish.',$this->Num2Nick($Sender)); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match('/^fish go ([a-z0-9 _]+)$/i',$Msg,$x)) { $tmp = sprintf('%s LIES! Fish don\'t go %s! fish go m00!',$this->Num2Nick($Sender),$x[1]); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match('/^you know who else (.*)$/i',$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf('%s: YA MUM!',$this->Num2Nick($Sender)); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match('/^(\W{1})ACTION thinks happy thoughts about pretty (.*)(\W{1})$/i',$Msg,$x)) { $x = str_replace(chr(1),'',$x); $tmp = sprintf("\001ACTION has plenty of pretty %s. Would you like one %s?\001",$x[2],$this->Num2Nick($Sender)); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match("/^(\W{1})ACTION snaffles a (.*) off fishbot.(\W{1})$/i",$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf(':('); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'if there\'s one thing i know for sure, it\'s that fish don\'t m00.') { $tmp = sprintf('%s: HERETIC! UNBELIEVER!',$this->Num2Nick($Sender)); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'fishbot: muahahaha. ph33r the dark side. :)') { $tmp = sprintf('%s: You smell :P.',$this->Num2Nick($Sender)); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'ammuu?') { $tmp = sprintf('%s: fish go m00 oh yes they do!',$this->Num2Nick($Sender)); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'fish') { $tmp = sprintf('%s: fish go m00!',$this->Num2Nick($Sender)); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'snake') { $tmp = sprintf('Ah snake a snake! Snake, a snake! Ooooh, it\'s a snake!'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'carrots handbags cheese') { $tmp = sprintf('toilets russians planets hamsters weddings poets stalin KUALA LUMPUR! pygmies budgies KUALA LUMPUR!'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match('/sledgehammer/',$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf('sledgehammers go quack!'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger') { $tmp = sprintf('mushroom mushroom!'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'moo?') { $tmp = sprintf('To moo, or not to moo, that is the question. Whether \'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fish...'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif ($Msg == 'herring') { $tmp = sprintf('herring(n): Useful device for chopping down tall trees. Also moos (see fish).'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } elseif (preg_match('/www.outwar.com/',$Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf('would you please GO AWAY with that outwar rubbish!'); $this->SendMsg($Target,$tmp); } } else { /* Priv-msg, works only for ircops */ if (!empty($this->Opers[$Sender])) { $Parts = explode(" ",$Msg); $Cmd = strtolower(trim($Parts[0])); switch ($Cmd) { case "part": @$Chan = trim($Parts[1]); if (empty($Chan)) { $tmp = sprintf('You forgot to type the channelname.'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); $tmp = sprintf('/msg %s part <#chan>',$this->BotNick); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); } else { $tmp = array("0","0",$Chan,$this->BotNum,":0"); $this->PartChan($tmp); $tmp = sprintf('%s L %s',$this->BotNum,$Chan); $this->SendRaw($tmp,1); $tmp = sprintf('Channel removed from database.'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); } break; case "join": @$Chan = trim($Parts[1]); if (empty($Chan)) { $tmp = sprintf('You forgot to type the channelname.'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); $tmp = sprintf('/msg %s join <#chan>',$this->BotNick); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); } else { $tmp = array("0","0",$this->BotNick,":".$Chan); $this->JoinChan($tmp); $tmp = sprintf('Channel added into the database.'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); } break; case "say": @$Target = trim($Parts[1]); @$Msg= trim($Parts[2]); if (empty($Target)) { $tmp = sprintf('You forgot the channelname.'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); $tmp = sprintf('/msg %s say <#chan> :Your message',$this->BotNick); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); } elseif (empty($Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf('You forgot to type the msg.'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); $tmp = sprintf('/msg %s say <#chan> :Your message',$this->BotNick); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); } elseif (substr($Msg,0,1) != ":") { $tmp = sprintf('Forgot the ":". You have to use :<msg>'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); $tmp = sprintf('/msg %s say <#chan> :Your message',$this->BotNick); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); } else { if (substr($Target,0,1) != "#") { $tmp = sprintf('No nicks supported at this moment :S. Only channels.'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); $tmp = sprintf('/msg %s say <#chan> :Your message',$this->BotNick); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); } else { $Message = explode(":",$Line,3); $this->SendMsg($Target,$Message[2]); } } break; case "action": @$Target = trim($Parts[1]); @$Msg= trim($Parts[2]); if (empty($Target)) { $tmp = sprintf('You forgot the channelname.'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); $tmp = sprintf('/msg %s action <#chan> :Your message',$this->BotNick); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); } elseif (empty($Msg)) { $tmp = sprintf('You forgot to type the msg.'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); $tmp = sprintf('/msg %s action <#chan> :Your message',$this->BotNick); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); } elseif (substr($Msg,0,1) != ":") { $tmp = sprintf('Forgot the ":". You have to use :<msg>'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); $tmp = sprintf('/msg %s action <#chan> :Your message',$this->BotNick); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); } else { if (substr($Target,0,1) != "#") { $tmp = sprintf('No nicks supported at this moment :S. Only channels.'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); $tmp = sprintf('/msg %s say <#chan> :Your message',$this->BotNick); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); } else { $Message = explode(":",$Line,3); $Send = sprintf("\001ACTION %s\001",$Message[2]); $this->SendMsg($Target,$Send); } } break; case "save": $this->SaveChannels(); $tmp = sprintf('Channels saved.'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); break; case "die": $this->SaveChannels(); $tmp = sprintf('Channels saved....'); $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); $tmp = sprintf('Gonna close connection...'); if ($this->DeBug) { printf("Bot is gonna quit, they told me that on the server.\n"); @ob_flush(); } $this->SendMsg($Sender,$tmp); $tmp = sprintf('%s SQ %s %s :They told me to quit.. hm.. bad people',$this->ServiceNum,$this->BotHost,time()); $this->SendRaw($tmp,1); if ($this->DeBug) { printf("Quited.\n"); @ob_flush(); } exit; break; case "showchans": $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Channels this bot is on (No list? No channel joined!)')); foreach($this->Chans as $index => $chan) { $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('%s',$chan)); } break; case "showcommands": $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('join - Joins the specified channel.')); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('part - Parts the specified channel.')); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('say - Sends a msg to the target you give.')); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('action - Makes a action on the target you give.')); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('showchans - Shows the channels the bot is currently on.')); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('save - Will save all the channels from his array into a file.')); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('die - Kills the connection of the bot.')); break; case "help": @$Topic = trim($Parts[1]); if (empty($Topic)) { $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('No target given. /msg %s help <topic>',$this->BotNick)); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('All the topics: /msg %s showcommands',$this->BotNick)); break; } else { switch($Topic) { case "join": $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf("\002-Join command-\002")); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Syntax: /msg %s join <chan>',$this->BotNick)); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('This command joins the bot into the given channel.')); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Example: /msg %s join #coder-com',$this->BotNick)); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('The bot will join #coder-com then.')); break; case "part": $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf("\002-Part command-\002")); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Syntax: /msg %s part <chan>',$this->BotNick)); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('This command parts the bot from the given channel.')); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Example: /msg %s part #coder-com',$this->BotNick)); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('The bot will part #coder-com then.')); break; case "say": $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf("\002-Say command-\002")); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Syntax: /msg %s say <chan> :<text>',$this->BotNick)); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('With this command you can let the bot talk.')); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Example: /msg %s say #coder-com :i love you all',$this->BotNick)); break; case "action": $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf("\002-Action command-\002")); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Syntax: /msg %s action <chan> :<text>',$this->BotNick)); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('With this command you can let the bot act in a channel.')); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Example: /msg %s action #coder-com :pokes everybody',$this->BotNick)); break; case "save": $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf("\002-Save command-\002")); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Syntax: /msg %s save',$this->BotNick)); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('This command saves the whole channel list into the database.')); break; case "die": $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf("\002-Die command-\002")); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Syntax: /msg %s die',$this->BotNick)); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('This command kills the connection of the bot.')); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Remember, the script saves the channel list and then kills the bot.')); break; case "showchans": $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf("\002-Showchans command-\002")); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Syntax: /msg %s showchans',$this->BotNick)); $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Shows all the channels the bot is on.')); break; default: $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('No help found for the given topic.')); break; } break; } default: $this->SendMsg($Sender,sprintf('Unkown command. /msg %s showcommands',$this->BotNick)); break; } } } } function Burst($Args) { /* When we receive a burst message, we have to know how many users are in the chan so we can build a function, when the channel is empty, the bot should part. */ /* [get] AB B #coder-com 1064938432 ABAAA:o [get] AB B #coder-com 1064938432 +lk 15 test ABAAA:o */ $Chan = trim(strtolower($Args[2])); if (preg_match("/\+/",$Args[4])) { if (preg_match("/kl/",$Args[4]) || preg_match("/lk/",$Args[4])) $Users = $Args[7]; elseif (preg_match("/l/",$Args[4]) || preg_match("/k/",$Args[4])) $Users = $Args[6]; } else $Users = $Args[4]; $Temp = explode(",",$Users); foreach ($Temp as $Index => $Num) { $Num = str_replace(":ov","",$Num); $Num = str_replace(":o","",$Num); $Num = str_replace(":v","",$Num); $Num = trim($Num); $this->Channels[$Chan][$Num] = TRUE; } } function AddChan($Args) { /* Somebody joined a channel, we have to put that in a array */ /* [get] ABAAC J #coder-com 1064938432 [get] ABAAC C #coder-com 1064938432 */ $Chan = trim(strtolower($Args[2])); $Num = trim($Args[0]); $this->Channels[$Chan][$Num] = TRUE; } function DelChan($Args) { /* Somebody parted a channel, we have to remove him from the array */ /* [get] ABAAD L #test */ $Chan = trim(strtolower($Args[2])); $Num = trim($Args[0]); unset($this->Channels[$Chan][$Num]); $this->CheckEmptyChan($Chan); @ob_flush(); } function CheckEmptyChan($Chan) { /* This function checks if a channel is empty, if yes.. the bot should part */ if (@count($this->Channels[$Chan])==0) { unset($this->Channels[$Chan]); $this->PartChan(array("0","0",$Chan,$this->BotNum,":0")); $this->SendRaw(sprintf('%s L %s',$this->BotNum,$Chan),1); } } function SaveNicks($Args) { /* Somebody changed his nick or a server is telling us his users */ /* [get] AP N Q 2 100 TheQBot Q.AliTriX.nl +oiwdk B]AAAB APAAA :The Q Bot [get] AB N AliTriX 1 1061147585 wer alitrix.homelinux.net +oiwg B]AAAB ABAAG :Ali [get] ABAAG N test 1061154478 */ $Nick = $Args[2]; $Oper = false; if (count($Args) == 4) { /* Nick change */ $Numeric = $Args[3]; $Nick = $Args[2]; $this->Nicks[$Numeric] = $Nick; return 0; } $Modes = $Args[7]; if (preg_match("/\+/i",$Modes)) { /* Setting the numeric */ if (preg_match("/r/",$Args[7]) && preg_match("/h/",$Args[7])) { $Numeric = $Args[11]; } elseif (preg_match("/r/",$Args[7]) || preg_match("/h/",$Args[7])) { $Numeric = $Args[10]; } else { $Numeric = $Args[9]; } if (preg_match("/o/",$Args[7])) { $Oper = true; } } else { $Numeric = $Args[8]; } $this->Nicks[$Numeric] = $Nick; $this->Opers[$Numeric] = $Oper; } function Num2Nick($Numeric) { /* Changing a numeric into a nick */ if (!empty($this->Nicks[$Numeric])) return $this->Nicks[$Numeric]; else return "N/A"; } } $FishY = new FishBot; $FishY->LoadChannels(); $FishY->StartBot(); ?> Noen somvet hvordan jeg får den inn på irc? 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Gjest Slettet-df17e Skrevet 23. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 23. mai 2005 Konfigurer det som står under /******** CONFIGURATION - BEGIN ********/ chmod a+x phpbotfila <- Setter rettigheter på fila ./phpbotfila <- Starter den Lenke til kommentar
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