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Forkortelser/slang i World Of Warcraft

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Denne tråden inneholder de fleste forkortelsene/slangen i World of Warcraft.

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AC - Armor Class or Defense.

Add - An extra monster has joined an existing battle.

Alt - A character on your account other than your main character.

AoE - Area of Effect Damage. This is a spell that hurts a group of monsters in an area like Blizzard in Warcraft III.

AE - Area Effect

AFK - Away from Keyboard. This means the player is away from his computer.

Aggro - This means the monsters are mad at you and you've "activated" them to attack you. They are now in the motion of trying to reach and attack you. "The Murloc aggroed on me!" or "The Murlocs will aggro if you get too close!"

Aggro Radius - The radius around the monsters where they will "wake up" and attack you.

AGI - Agility

AH - Auction House

Avatar - Your character

BRD - Blackrock Deeps

Buff - A beneficial spell cast on a monster or player. An example of a "buff" is the Priest's Inner Fire or Shaman's Bloodlust.

Carebear - Player that prefers to help other players attack monsters rather than attack other players in player vs. player combat.

Caster - A character that stays on the back row to heal or cast spells on the enemy, such as a Mage.

Cheese - To exploit an imbalance in the game.

Combat Pets - A NPC controlled by a player, aiding that player and his teammates in fights.

CR - Corpse Retrevial

Creep - Monster

Creep Jacking - A term from Warcraft 3 where players attack other players while they are already engaged in combat with neutral monsters.

Critters - Monsters that don't attack back, like a bunny or deer.

DD - Direct Damage. This is a spell that does all of its damage in one hit rather than spreading its damage over time.

DMG - Damage

DOT - Damage over time

DPS - Damage per second

De-Buff - A negative spell cast on a unit that makes it less powerful. An example of a "de-buff" is Slow.

FH - Full Health

FM - Full Mana

Gank - Player vs. Player: To attack another player while they're trying to fight a monster./Når en av motsatt side angriper med klart overtall

GM - Game Master. Someone employed by Blizzard Entertainment to assist and help players.

Griefer - A person who purposely tries to annoy or anger other players.

Grinding - Staying in the same area fighting the same types of monsters for a very long time.

GS - Goldshire

Hate - Similar to threat

HP - Hit points or Health

IF - Ironforge

Incoming (INC) - This means an attack is coming.

Instancing - This is a dungeon where you will load into your OWN copy of the dungeon with your group. Only you and your group will be in your copy of the dungeon. Another group that enters the same area will enter their own copy of the dungeon.

INT - Intelligence

Kiting - A style of combat in which a player continually stays out of combat range of an enemy usually by running from it, while simultaneously causing damage to it.

KOS - Killed on Sight. If an Orc approaches a Human Guard, the Guard would try to kill on sight (aggro).

KS - Kill Steal. Try to steal another person's kill.

LFG - Looking for a group.

LFM - Looking for more.

Log - When you log off; disconnect from the game.

LOL - Lots of Laugh or Laughing Out Loud. This abbreviation indicates something is really funny. LOM - Low on Mana.

LOS - Line of Sight

LOOT - To take the treasure from a monster that has been killed or from a chest.

LVL - Level

Mez - Short for Mesmerize. Refers to spells, such as Polymorph that temporarily incapacitate a target.

MMO - Massively Multiplayer Online.

MMOG - Massively Multiplayer Online Game

MMORPG - Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game

MOB - Abbreviation of the word "Mobile". Mobs are all computer controlled characters in the game. You should likely use some other term such as monster, creep, or bad guy.

Named - A special monster that is usually stronger than surrounding monsters with possibile special abilities and item drops.

NBG - - Need Before Greed, only people that need an item will roll dice (in case there are more than one player in the team that needs the item).

Nerf - To downgrade, to be made softer, or make less effective. "X has been nerfed."

Newbie - A term that sometimes means new player. Newbie is also used to suggest that a player is not very good.

Newb - Short for Newbie. See above.

Ninja - To try to loot an item without other players knowing or paying attention. Basically, to take an item without permission.

N00b - An incredibly uncool way to say newb. Don't use it.

NPC - This is a non player-controlled character. The characters are controlled by the server or realm. A "computer" character.

OOM - Out of Mana. People say this to let their party know they are out of mana and can't cast any spells, especially healing.

PC - Player controlled character

Pet - A NPC controlled by a player such as a Wolf, Infernal, and so on.

PK - Player Kill or Player Killer.

POP - Contraction of "Repopulation", often used as a shortened term for the re-spawn of monsters.

Proc - Activate. Example: A weapon with a special effect will "proc" every so often.

PST - Please Send Tell. Indicates that the person speaking wants to receive communication via a /t(ell) or /w(hisper) command.

Puller - Person who pulls monsters for the party.

Pulling - One of the players in a party heads out and leads one or more of the monsters back to the party so that the party can attack the monsters. The idea is to prevent too many monsters from attacking at once.

PvE - Player vs. Environment. Combat between players and computer controlled opponents.

PvP - Player vs. Player. This means for one player to attack another player.

Raid - A raid is a large-scale attack on an area by a group of players.

Res - Short for resurrect

Re-Spawn - A monster that has been killed has spawned (been created) again.

Rest (state) - An indicator of how tired a character is, which affects how much experience is gained from killing monsters.

Roll - This means that you should roll a random number to determine who has the right to get an item. For example: /random 1-100

Root - To trap a target in place/stuck using a "root" type spell such as Entangling Roots.

RR - Redridge Mountains

Shard - Soul Shard. An item gained by the Warlock through Soul Draining, used to cast several spells such as Ritual of Summoning and to conjure Soulstones.

Small Pets - An animal following the player around. While this does not directly influence the player or monsters, it is cool to have around, especially the rare ones.

Spawns - The location or process of monsters appearing when they are created in the world.

SPI - Spirit

SS - Southshore

STA - Stamina

Stack - A number of identical items placed in a single inventory slot, to conserve space. Only certain items can be stacked.

STR - Strength

STV - Stranglethorn Vale

SW - Stormwind

Tank - A melee character that can take a lot of damage like a Warrior.

Tap - To do damage to a monster, making it "your" kill. Once you have damaged the monster, you are the only one able to get experience and loot from it. A monster with a greyed-out name bar has been tapped by another player and will not earn you experience or loot.

Taunt - Related to Aggro. An ability that allows a player to pull the attention of a monster off of another player and onto him- or herself.

Threat - Related to Aggro. This is what a character "gives off" to generate or draw monster aggro.

Train - To lead monsters into another player. This is not a desired behavior.

Twink - A low level character who has been made more powerful by higher level characters, usually by getting stronger armor and weapons than the character would normally have at such a low level.

Uber - German slang for 'super', originally meaning 'over'; exceptionally powerful

UC - Undercity

WC - Wailing Caverns instance

WF - Westfall

Vendor Trash - An item that only a vendor/merchant would buy

WoW - World of Warcraft

WTB - Wanting to buy

WTS - Wanting to sell

XP or Exp - Experience Points

Zerg - From StarCraft, to attack something with a lot of players/units.

BoK: Blessing of Kings, pally buff

BoM: Blessing of Might, pally buff

BRS: Blackrock Spire

buff: flere betydninger, se buff

DiM: Dire Maul

DM: Deadmines/Horde bruker DM som Dire Maul

MC: Molten Core

LBRS: Lower Blackrock spire, del av BRS

UBRS: Upper Blackrock spire, del av BRS

MT - main tank/miss tell (når du sender en melding til feil mottaker)

MA - main assist

FTW - For The Win

BoP - Binds when picked up/Soulbound

BoA - Bind on Acquire (Soulbound)

RFC- RageFire Chasm

RFD- RazorFern Downs

RFK- RazorFern Kraul

Leeroy - when a player ruin something for his/her's entire group"

"damn, that X just leeroyed us in UBRS!"

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vil si at gank er når en av motsatt side angriper med klart overtall, ikke bare hvis de sloss med monster. Som 5 allies lvl 40+++ møter en lvl 35 retarda horde.

Vel, gank kommer fra tidligere MMO's hvor det ble brukt om at players kom "bakfra", drepte deg for så å avslutte monsteret du dreiv på og dermed fikk loot.

Lenke til kommentar
vil si at gank er når en av motsatt side angriper med klart overtall, ikke bare hvis de sloss med monster. Som 5 allies lvl 40+++ møter en lvl 35 retarda horde.

Vel, gank kommer fra tidligere MMO's hvor det ble brukt om at players kom "bakfra", drepte deg for så å avslutte monsteret du dreiv på og dermed fikk loot.

Stemmer, det Chokke snakker om kalles Zerg, som også står i lista over.


hm, ser ikke mt...


MT = MissTell, når du sender en melding til feil mottaker.

FTW = For The Win,... :)

Endret av Sprayer
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vil si at gank er når en av motsatt side angriper med klart overtall, ikke bare hvis de sloss med monster. Som 5 allies lvl 40+++ møter en lvl 35 retarda horde.

Vel, gank kommer fra tidligere MMO's hvor det ble brukt om at players kom "bakfra", drepte deg for så å avslutte monsteret du dreiv på og dermed fikk loot.

Stemmer, det Chokke snakker om kalles Zerg, som også står i lista over.


hm, ser ikke mt...


MT = MissTell, når du sender en melding til feil mottaker.

FTW = For The Win,... :)

Nei, MT i WoW er ikke først og fremst MissTell.

Heller Main Tank.


Men det bør jo sees i sammenhengen også da...

Men når folk snakker om en warrior som MT i Molten Core, da mener de ikke at warrioren løper rundt og sender meldinger i feil chattekanaler :)

Lenke til kommentar
vil si at gank er når en av motsatt side angriper med klart overtall, ikke bare hvis de sloss med monster. Som 5 allies lvl 40+++ møter en lvl 35 retarda horde.

Vel, gank kommer fra tidligere MMO's hvor det ble brukt om at players kom "bakfra", drepte deg for så å avslutte monsteret du dreiv på og dermed fikk loot.

Stemmer, det Chokke snakker om kalles Zerg, som også står i lista over.


hm, ser ikke mt...


MT = MissTell, når du sender en melding til feil mottaker.

FTW = For The Win,... :)

Nei, MT i WoW er ikke først og fremst MissTell.

Heller Main Tank.


Men det bør jo sees i sammenhengen også da...

Men når folk snakker om en warrior som MT i Molten Core, da mener de ikke at warrioren løper rundt og sender meldinger i feil chattekanaler :)

ok all, remember yerga is our MT in MC ^^


Men gir meg ikke ganking er dreping i overtall, ifølge wikipedia.

Gank is a term from Player vs. Player MMORPGs, such as World of Warcraft. It originally came from the phrase "gang kill" and referred to multiple players killing a single player. However, it has evolved to also mean killing a player far less powerful than you or killing a player already fighting a non-player character.
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Vi som spiller horde har aldri hatt bruk for å ta turen til Deadmines, og derfor brukes kun "DM = Deadmines / DiM = Dire Maul" av alliance. Vi tøffinger på horde bruker bare DM = Dire Maul.


Og kan vi ikke bare definere ganking som å drepe uten sjanse til å tape?

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Ganking som definert av meg:

1. Angrep fra flere enn en spillere av lik eller høyere lvl

2. Angrep fra en spiller mer enn fem lvls høyere

3. Angrep fra en eller flere spillere mens man er i combat med creeps. (Hvis man allerede er i PvP combat er det på en måte greit...)

4. Angrep fra en eller flere spillere mens man er AFK, spiser/drikker, er lav på mana/liv eller åpenbart ikke har mulighet til å forsvare seg.

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