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Den store Playstation3 tråden


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Specs på ps3


Sony also laid out the technical specs of the device. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2 Ghz and feature 2.18 teraflops of performance. It will sport 256mb XDR main RAM at 3.2 Ghz, have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700mhz, a detachable 2.5 inch HDD slot, six usb 2.0 ports, Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, a compact flash memory slot, Compact flash slot, 2 hdmi outputs, 1 av multi out, 1 SPDIF optical output, and 1-gigabit Ethernet built in port


The PlayStation 3 will also sport some hefty multimedia features, such as video chat, internet access, digital photo viewing, digital audio and video. Sony Computer Entertainment head Ken Kutaragi introduced it as a "Super computer for computer entertainment."


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01:01: MER INFO - PlayStation 3 er bekreftet for en lansering i 2006, uten noe mer konkret. Det er også bekreftet at Blu-Ray vil være konsollens avspillingsmedia. Navnet er også bekreftet å være PlayStation 3, men det kom nok ikke som en overraskelse.

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Sony also laid out the technical specs of the device. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2 Ghz and feature 2.18 teraflops of performance. It will sport 256mb XDR main RAM at 3.2 Ghz, have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700mhz, a detachable 2.5 inch HDD slot, six usb 2.0 ports, Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, a compact flash memory slot, Compact flash slot, 2 hdmi outputs, 1 av multi out, 1 SPDIF optical output, and 1-gigabit Ethernet built in port


Er xbox 360 kraftigere?

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Sony also laid out the technical specs of the device. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2 Ghz and feature 2.18 teraflops of performance. It will sport 256mb XDR main RAM at 3.2 Ghz, have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700mhz, a detachable 2.5 inch HDD slot, six usb 2.0 ports, Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, a compact flash memory slot, Compact flash slot, 2 hdmi outputs, 1 av multi out, 1 SPDIF optical output, and 1-gigabit Ethernet built in port


Er xbox 360 kraftigere?

det er kanskje dette denne grafen prøver å vise, ps3 er sterkere





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Sony also laid out the technical specs of the device. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2 Ghz and feature 2.18 teraflops of performance. It will sport 256mb XDR main RAM at 3.2 Ghz, have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700mhz, a detachable 2.5 inch HDD slot, six usb 2.0 ports, Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, a compact flash memory slot, Compact flash slot, 2 hdmi outputs, 1 av multi out, 1 SPDIF optical output, and 1-gigabit Ethernet built in port


Er xbox 360 kraftigere?

det er kanskje dette denne grafen prøver å vise, ps3 er sterkere





Det er helt sikkert Bullshit! ;)

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Sony also laid out the technical specs of the device. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2 Ghz and feature 2.18 teraflops of performance. It will sport 256mb XDR main RAM at 3.2 Ghz, have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700mhz, a detachable 2.5 inch HDD slot, six usb 2.0 ports, Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, a compact flash memory slot, Compact flash slot, 2 hdmi outputs, 1 av multi out, 1 SPDIF optical output, and 1-gigabit Ethernet built in port


Er xbox 360 kraftigere?

det er kanskje dette denne grafen prøver å vise, ps3 er sterkere





JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!11 :!: :p:cry: PS3 PS3 PS 3!!!!!!!

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Sony also laid out the technical specs of the device. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2 Ghz and feature 2.18 teraflops of performance. It will sport 256mb XDR main RAM at 3.2 Ghz, have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700mhz, a detachable 2.5 inch HDD slot, six usb 2.0 ports, Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, a compact flash memory slot, Compact flash slot, 2 hdmi outputs, 1 av multi out, 1 SPDIF optical output, and 1-gigabit Ethernet built in port


Er xbox 360 kraftigere?

det er kanskje dette denne grafen prøver å vise, ps3 er sterkere



Det er helt sikkert Bullshit! ;)

Er det ikke noe med hvor mange matematiske kalkulasjoner i sekundet prosessoren yter?

Endret av zokra
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Sony also laid out the technical specs of the device. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2 Ghz and feature 2.18 teraflops of performance. It will sport 256mb XDR main RAM at 3.2 Ghz, have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700mhz, a detachable 2.5 inch HDD slot, six usb 2.0 ports, Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, a compact flash memory slot, Compact flash slot, 2 hdmi outputs, 1 av multi out, 1 SPDIF optical output, and 1-gigabit Ethernet built in port


Er xbox 360 kraftigere?

XBOX 360 = 1 Teraflop. (Som i og for seg er mye...)

PlayStation 3 = 2,18 Teraflop.


Men reell ytelse kan vel egentlig ikke måles i terraflops, på samme måte som 3D Mark ikke nødvendigvis avspeiler reell ytelse. Men det gir kanskje en pekepinn?


Edit: Skrivefeil.

Endret av hilram
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Sony also laid out the technical specs of the device. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2 Ghz and feature 2.18 teraflops of performance. It will sport 256mb XDR main RAM at 3.2 Ghz, have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700mhz, a detachable 2.5 inch HDD slot, six usb 2.0 ports, Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, a compact flash memory slot, Compact flash slot, 2 hdmi outputs, 1 av multi out, 1 SPDIF optical output, and 1-gigabit Ethernet built in port


Er xbox 360 kraftigere?

det er kanskje dette denne grafen prøver å vise, ps3 er sterkere



Det er helt sikkert Bullshit! ;)

Er det ikkenoe med hvor mange matematiske kalkulasjoner i sekundet prosessoren yter?

fant det bilde på dette forumet av en eller annen

som er på presse konferansen



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Sony also laid out the technical specs of the device. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2 Ghz and feature 2.18 teraflops of performance. It will sport 256mb XDR main RAM at 3.2 Ghz, have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700mhz, a detachable 2.5 inch HDD slot, six usb 2.0 ports, Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, a compact flash memory slot, Compact flash slot, 2 hdmi outputs, 1 av multi out, 1 SPDIF optical output, and 1-gigabit Ethernet built in port


Er xbox 360 kraftigere?

XBOX 360 = 1 Teraflop. (Som i og for seg er mye...)

PlayStation 3 = 2,18 Teraflop.


Men reell ytelse kan vel egentlig ikke måles i terraflops, på samme måte som 3D Mark ikke nødvendigvis avspeiler reell ytelse. Men det gir kanskje en pekepinn?


Edit: Skrivefeil.

WTF!! Ps3 :love:

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