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Mustek GSmart Mini 2

Gjest Slettet-Hebt9O

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Gjest Slettet-Hebt9O

Excuse me writing in English - I am from Germany.

I need information about the Mustek camera. Having searched intensively, the only site where I found a good review was digitalkamera.no. Could anyone tell me in short what the conclusion of the article is, or what you think about the camera? Maybe someone could also compare it to Benq's DC300 or DC1300.


Thank you very much in advance!


(URL of the article: http://www.digitalkamera.no/tester/mustek_...ni2/index.html)

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I'll translate this for you: (I'm on my way to work and i'm very tired so it's gonna be a very fast translation...)




Utrolig lite

Sexy design

Høy gadget-faktor

Gøy å bruke

Billig i innkjøp kjøp og bruk

Lading via USB-kabelen


Veldig enkelt å bruke

Lett å ta med over alt


Kan brukes som webkamera

Programvare for å sette sammen 360°-bilder

Bra batterikapasitet




Dårlig linse

Ofte uklare bilder, særlig på venstre side

Dårlig bildebrikke

Krever MYE lys for å få brukbare bilder

Lite dynamisk område

Dårlig kontrast i bildene

Lang lukkertid

Merkelig hvitbalanse

Lyssensor kun i midten av bildet

Tar kun 54 bilder selv om det er plass igjen på minnebrikken

Treg overføring av bilder

Ingen visning av bilde på LCD-displayet

Lett å ta feil mellom "Slett ett bilde" og "Slett alle bildene"

Lett å miste eller rote bort

Linsen står ut

Ingen medfølgende veske eller linsebeskyttelse

Vanskelig å holde i ro



Kameraet er enkelt og gøy å bruke. Programvaren fungerer greit. Men i denne prisklassen må man regne med at det har en del svakheter. Særlig det at det krever så mye lys teller negativt på karakteren. F.eks. i mørketida i nord vil det være så godt som ubrukelig med mindre du har meget god belysning innendørs. Det er heller ikke noe party-kamera. Bruksområdene vil jeg si begrenser seg til på-sparket-kamera, morsom gadget for voksne, og til lekekamera for ungene om sommeren. Hvis disse bruksområdene er noe for deg, så får du sikkert mye gøy med kameraet. Hvis ikke, er det nok lurt å styre unna.








Incredible small

Sexy design

High gadget-factor

Fun to use

Cheep to buy and use

Power charging via the USB-port


Very simple to use

Easy to take with you everywhere


Can be used as a webcamera

Software to create 360°-pictures

good batterycapasity



"bad" lens

Often foggy pictures, espesially on the left side.

"Bad" piucturechip

Needs a LOT of light to get good pictures

Not much dynamic area

"Bad" contrast in the pictures

Long closetime

Strange whitebalance

Lightsensor only in the middle of the picture

Only takes 54 pictures, even thou the memmory-card is not full.

Slow transportation of pictures

No pre-viewing of the picture on the camera

Easy to mix up "Delete one picture" and "Delete all pictures"

Easy to loose

The lens is allways standig out

Contains no "protection-bag" either for the camera or the lens

Hard to hold still



The camera is very simple and funny to use. The software is ok. But in this prizeclass you got to expect some svakheter. For example that it needs a lot of light is negative. This meens the camera is not a "party-camera". This camera is a: on-the-road-camera, funny gadget for grownups, and play-camera for the youghts in the summer. If this is the kind of camera you was looking for, i'll think you'll have a lot of fun with it. If not, stay away... ;D




I love the smell of napalm in the morning, smells like victory....




[ Denne Melding var redigert av: krakil på 2002-07-15 00:26 ]

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Gjest Slettet-Hebt9O


I'll translate this for you: (I'm on my way to work and i'm very tired so it's gonna be a very fast translation...)


Very kind that you did that for me, even if it was boring for you! Now I understand everything.


It's a pity that it needs so much light. Can someone suggest another camera? When the picture quality is good, then resolution is not as important. VGA (640x480) might also be OK. It should be cheap and small. (As said, I considered for example Benq DC 300 mini.) So thank you again!

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I don't think the light thing is a big problem either.... I have seen A LOT of pictures taken with this camera, and as long as it isn't way too dark, and you hold the camera still, it takes unbelivable good pictures (when you think of the size and prize..)


so i had no doubt ordering one.... (i haven't got it yet then.... :smile:

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Gjest Slettet-Hebt9O

Thanks for the answers.


Would it be a major step backwards if I bought the GSmart mini (without 2) for, say, under € 25 at ebay's? - Only a question.


Technical details are not important (I can find them myself), only the picture quality in comparison to GSmart mini 2.

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I have read the comments of many ppl that have tried both first and second verson and i think it is a great different.... all of them ended up selling their gSmart mini 1 and buying gSmart mini 2...

So i think (even thou i've never tried any of them, only read about both...) the answer will be; yes... it is a big step backwards...

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