Petrvs Romanvs Skrevet 14. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 14. mai 2005 1 Be white 2 If not white, pretend to be white 3 Wear black 4 All black 5 Only white, blue, red, purple, and gray are ok on a black background on a band shirt, as long as the predominant color is black 6 Frown 7 Grimace 8 Snarl 9 Be in a black metal band 10 No matter what instrument you play, aslo dabble in guitar and keyboards 11 Be in a side-project 12 Be in more than one side-project 13 Make sure the members of the side project are also members of the original band 14 Have guest musicians 15 Be true at all times 16 Hate everyone, including yourself 17 Read Tolkein avidly, yet hate things popular or nerdy. 18 Have a vast knowledge of RPGs, yet profess to have never even playing Hero Quest 19 Don't have fun 20 Laugh only during a vocal recording session 21 Get lyrics and a band name from one of the following: The Necronomicon, The Satanic Bible, The Book of the Law, Tolkein, Dungeons and Dragons, Castlevania, the King James bible. Quote things completely out of context. 22 Have a complicated multi-cultural post-satanic heathen occult religion, yet refuse to ever really tell anyone what it is or how it works 23 Change your beliefs frequently 24 Deny ever not being true, even when you wore punk patches and vests and drank beer and there were pictures of you smiling for no apparent reason 25 Extreme music demands extreme hair - long or bald, there can be no middle ground! 26 Have medieval weaponry ... in spades 27 Drink mead and ale instead of beer or hard liquor 28 Do speed and other drugs, then categorically deny it 29 Have guns and silly modern show-knives with no purpose other than taking band pictures with them 30 IMPORTANT RULE - Profess to hate conformity but follow all of these rules and highly disapprove of all those who don't 31 Be slightly into classical and electronic music, but at some point deny this 32 Do not under any circumstances use your real name, especially if it's Christian or Christianson. That would be highly un-heathen and un-true (aka false) 33 Use words like un-true and un-light with no sense of irony 34 Wield an axe and bullet belt with no sense of irony 35 Do everything with no sense of irony 36 Do not have a sense of humor. This goes along with rule #19. 37 Do not be fat- or immediately become a death metal guitarist or bassist 38 Never, ever, under any circumstances, reveal that you are gay until stabbed in the head multiple times by another band member. 39 Hate Christianity, but mention Satan in lyrics all the time and how great he is, despite being a Christian deity. 40 Don't ever mention the whole 'Satan in a Christian invention' thing 41 Be a white supremist, but not a Nazi 42 Hate other races and religions, but be really into Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian gods and cultures. Do not think about how little this makes sense. 43 Reject any but your Viking roots, despite what your family tree is really like 44 If not a Norwegian, claim to be 45 Or be Swedish, German, Austrian, Finnish, or Quebecois 46 Have tons of money but no job, and the obvious financial backing of your Christian parents. 47 Spend lots of money on black leather and bondage gear 48 Do not, repeat, DO NOT, under any circumstances, wear a fishnet shirt. Aviod fishnet stockings as well. 49 Do not be Dani Filth, or a member of his band 50 Do not be Mortiis, but secretly want his prosthetics and makeup 51 Do not be in Dimmu Borgir. Also, aviod top hats. 52 Do not be signed to a major label 53 Your definition of a major label includes Century Media, Earache, and Metal Blade records 54 Wear band shirts whenever possible 55 Make sure to obscure shirts with a cloak with a silly oversized hood to look like a Jedi Knight, but never mention the whole sci-fi influence on you 56 Be really into sci-fi and deny it, unless you are Vondur, and then it's ok to have Imperial Stormtroopers on your album covers 57 Live somewhere near snow, castles, frozen lakes, tundra, majestic evergreen forests, northern lights, dark starlit skies, and fog, or at least add these in photoshop to your band pictures 58 Speak with a long-outdated accent that never really existed and just proves how stupid you are, like King-James-Bible-era-English 59 Write songs in English despite hating American un-true fans 60 Write songs in German 61 Write songs in Norwegian and Swedish 62 Write songs in Orcish 63 Hate Goths 64 Hate Punks 65 Hate grind kids or metal kids who have political ideas that are not facist or nihilist 66 Don't really understand facism, national socialism, or nihilism 67 Wear black socks beneath your black boots, even if no-one can see them 68 Tuck your pants into your boots to look militant 69 Sodomize but never be gay 70 Drink 20-oz bottles of Coca-Cola, Hate America, and be fine with this 71 Spray-paint inverted pentagrams in your basement, because you are too bored to do a baphomet 72 Invert all crosses. This is not optional. 73 Hate Anton LaVey for making Satanism too happy and non-underground Lenke til kommentar
Chasseur Skrevet 14. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 14. mai 2005 Haha, og der vart den skrevet ut! Foresten, noen som innrømmer at de følger denne lista i mer eller mindre grad? Lenke til kommentar
embark Skrevet 14. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 14. mai 2005 Foresten, noen som innrømmer at de følger denne lista i mer eller mindre grad? Ned til vert minste punktum. Lenke til kommentar
Acrid Skrevet 14. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 14. mai 2005 (endret) Foresten, noen som innrømmer at de følger denne lista i mer eller mindre grad? Passer inn i disse: 1 Be white (jeg har liksom ikke noe valg...) 3 Wear black (til og med mora mi sier jeg ser rar ut i farger.) 25 Extreme music demands extreme hair - long or bald, there can be no middle ground! (glattbarbert på hodet, det er deilig.) 37 Do not be fat- or immediately become a death metal guitarist or bassist 67 Wear black socks beneath your black boots, even if no-one can see them (hvite sokker er gay) Endret 14. mai 2005 av Glint Lenke til kommentar
hylo Skrevet 14. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 14. mai 2005 (endret) 1 Be white ikke noe valg.3 Wear black Liker fargen. God og varm.25 Extreme music demands extreme hair - long or bald, there can be no middle ground! Langt hår.54 Wear band shirts whenever possible Flotte greier. 63 Hate Goths Speaks for itself.Hate Punks Hater nåtidens pønkere. Deriblandt noen på forumet. 72 Invert all crosses. This is not optional. Såklart. Endret 14. mai 2005 av Hylo Lenke til kommentar
~Alex~ Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Mangler en ting "Pretend to have sex all the time" Lenke til kommentar
x871kx6167ss7 Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Mangler en ting "Pretend to have sex all the time" Forsto ikke den, jeg Lenke til kommentar
Elendil Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Haha, og der vart den skrevet ut!Foresten, noen som innrømmer at de følger denne lista i mer eller mindre grad? NeVer! Lenke til kommentar
Pasient Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 15. mai 2005 44 If not a Norwegian, claim to be Lenke til kommentar
JR Ewing Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 15. mai 2005 44 If not a Norwegian, claim to be Haha. :!: Lenke til kommentar
TLZ Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 15. mai 2005 (endret) 1 Be white (har ikket et valg nei) 3 Wear black (Svart er fint) 23 Change your beliefs frequently (Jepp, greier ikke å bestemme meg for noe) 25 Extreme music demands extreme hair - long or bald, there can be no middle ground! (eg sparer til langt) 31 Be slightly into classical and electronic music, but at some point deny this ( eg benekter det ikke) 54 Wear band shirts whenever possible(Vel, ikke alltid nesten) 67 Wear black socks beneath your black boots, even if no-one can see them (Har kun svarte sokker, det gjør at hvis eg mister et i 2 par så kan eg likevel bruke dem) Er noen andre punkter som kunne hatt passet til meg før.. Nå hører eg egentlig ikke på et eneste band som kan på noen måte kalles tr00.. Det eg hører på som ligger nærest tr00 er vel Dimmu Borgir... Endret 15. mai 2005 av TLZ Lenke til kommentar
Πεισιθάνατος Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 15. mai 2005 1 Be white (jeg var født slik) 3 Wear black (jeg like rsvart) 22 Have a complicated multi-cultural post-satanic heathen occult religion, yet refuse to ever really tell anyone what it is or how it works (jeg har egne, spesielle oppfatninger, men synes det er slitsomt å fortelle alle om dem) 25 Extreme music demands extreme hair - long or bald, there can be no middle ground! (er på god vei til å få grei lengde på håret) 31 Be slightly into classical and electronic music, but at some point deny this (klassisk og elektronika hører jeg på i tillegg til metal, men noe kan bli for overdrevet) 44 If not a Norwegian, claim to be (jeg er stolt av å være norsk, ja) 48 Do not, repeat, DO NOT, under any circumstances, wear a fishnet shirt. Aviod fishnet stockings as well. (jeg har aldri vært ikledd dette) 49 Do not be Dani Filth, or a member of his band (jeg er verken) 54 Wear band shirts whenever possible (bandskjorter er fine) 59 Write songs in English despite hating American un-true fans (engelsk er et greit språk å skrive tekster på) 61 Write songs in Norwegian and Swedish (norsk også) 64 Hate Punks (hvem gjør ikke det?) 66 Don't really understand facism, national socialism, or nihilism (er dette noe å forstå, da?) 67 Wear black socks beneath your black boots, even if no-one can see them (det går i svart, ja) Disse passer meg mer eller mindre. 73 Hate Anton LaVey for making Satanism too happy and non-underground Er dette "kvlt und trve", da? I så fall er det få band som sitter igjen som "tr00"! Lenke til kommentar
Petrvs Romanvs Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Forfatter Del Skrevet 15. mai 2005 (endret) Ser man på tekstene så kan en si at det er noen BM band som sliter med: 35 Do everything with no sense of irony Endret 15. mai 2005 av Nisje Olm Lenke til kommentar
Πεισιθάνατος Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Ser man på tekstene så kan en si at det er noen BM band som sliter med:35 Do everything with no sense of irony BM ble jo startet som en spøk, jo! Lenke til kommentar
H4ngm4N Skrevet 15. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 15. mai 2005 22 Have a complicated multi-cultural post-satanic heathen occult religion, yet refuse to ever really tell anyone what it is or how it works Lenke til kommentar
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