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Canis Lupus betyr ganske mye faktisk:


canis lupus


Wolf \Wolf\, n.; pl. Wolves. [OE. wolf, wulf, AS. wulf; akin to OS. wulf, D. & G. wolf, Icel. [=u]lfr, Sw. ulf, Dan. ulv, Goth. wulfs, Lith. vilkas, Russ. volk', L. lupus, Gr. ly`kos, Skr. v[.r]ka; also to Gr. "e`lkein to draw, drag, tear in pieces. [root]286. Cf. Lupine, a., Lyceum.] 1. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of several species of wild and savage carnivores belonging to the genus Canis and closely allied to the common dog. The best-known and most destructive species are the European wolf (Canis lupus), the American gray, or timber, wolf (C. occidentalis), and the prairie wolf, or coyote. Wolves often hunt in packs, and may thus attack large animals and even man.


2. (Zo["o]l.) One of the destructive, and usually hairy, larv[ae] of several species of beetles and grain moths; as, the bee wolf.


3. Fig.: Any very ravenous, rapacious, or destructive person or thing; especially, want; starvation; as, they toiled hard to keep the wolf from the door.


4. A white worm, or maggot, which infests granaries.


5. An eating ulcer or sore. Cf. Lupus. [Obs.]


If God should send a cancer upon thy face, or a wolf into thy side. --Jer. Taylor.


6. (Mus.) (a) The harsh, howling sound of some of the chords on an organ or piano tuned by unequal temperament. (b) In bowed instruments, a harshness due to defective vibration in certain notes of the scale.


7. (Textile Manuf.) A willying machine. --Knight.

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Klokken er 00:58 og jeg er trøtt. Allikevel vil jeg ikke legge meg. Hm. Jeg har en god kamerat som har ei ganske så snerten venninne. Hu har hatt type før, men er singel nå. Hu er like gammel som meg. Vurdere og be han og nummeret/mailen hennes, men er redd for å skremme henne bort, virke desperat. Noen som har noen tips ell?

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