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Har MyBigMouth fått ferie? Jammen...


Let's have a party! :fun:



hva faen? fordi han skrev 1 ord? jeg håper moderatorer er klare over at å skrive LIMEWIRE er lovlig. Hva forskjellige forumbrukere bruker det til, driter jeg i. Er ikke min sak, og for all del, om det er noe ulovlig, greit, slett innlegg (forslag til piratkopiering burde slettes, seff, helt enig). Men software er jo lovlig, såvidt jeg vet? skal vi slette alle innlegg som inneholder Azureus også da?eller? Napster? (selger faktisk mp3'er på lovlig vis).



edit: leifs

Endret av MrLeftfield
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Stolt av å ha blitt quota men tegnseting kommer ikke på tale




Sånne ting er artige. Trenger aldri å argumentere for hvorfor du gjør noe. Det er bare et prinsipp lissom :D


Ikke prinsipp bare latskap.


Prinsipp er jo bare skalkeskjul for lathet daaah :roll::p

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Å? Så du den?




Engelskstil å lese for de som vil ;)




In this eastern I and my dad went fishing with yarn outside Fugløy. It was really tuff since both the weather, the yarns and the equipment can often cause us problems, since after we have pulled up the fish net, we have to get the fish out of it can be a huge mess sometimes, the yarn and the fish is one big mess all mixed together, when that happens we have to pull out the knife and cut it out… it can be really boring sometimes, when I and my dad are exhausted and the only thing we want is to go home. I’m going to tell as good as I can about one of the days we were out.


Sunday 03.04.05


Today we didn’t go as early as we used to, usually we start to drive about 3 in the night, but today we didn’t go before 6 in the morning. When we arrived at Fugløy at 8.30 in the morning. We dressed up with oil trousers and boiler suits, and jacked in the hydraulics for the yarn haler and the Helping Hand Machine. Its kind of noisy so we use to turn it of once were done. Dad is getting a bit weaker; I think he’s getting sick or something. We got quite much fish this day, 1200kgs cod and 115ltr with spawn. We also got halibut it was 8kgs heavy and its well paid for it as well I think it is 55kr pr kg.


Monday 04.04.05

This day I didn’t join up with my dad since, I wanted to go to school. I didn’t go so well this day he got a lot of fish since it was only he aboard he was really tired when he got home. He also got gall bladder in his eyes, which can be dangerous if you don’t get it flushed out.


Tuesday 05.04.05

Dad has gotten really bad now; he can’t even gut the fish so I have to help him with that. Before he used to do all the gutting him self but Sunday and Tuesday I had to help him. I think that it would have been tuff without me this day. We got 800kgs this day


Wednesday 06.04.05

This day Roald was with dad this day, since I had to go to school. When I got home mom told me that dad was in such bad shape, that he couldn’t work. They also took the fishnets on land this day. When dad came home we called the doctor, when she came, they figured out that he had lungebetennelse and got pencilin for it.


Thursday 07.04.05

When I woke up this morning mom told me to call 113, since dad had been really bad over the night he was harking and stuff like that. When I called them they sent an ambulance and it arrived about five or ten minutes later. When they got here the school bus arrived and we had to go. A few hours after I arrived at school they called and said that dad was at the hospital. I was really upset the rest of the day… This is the end of this story, since nothing of interest happened later…


Written by:


Bjarte Kvamme


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@Zappza, jeg krever at du fjerner "Regjerende SO4 hallik ^^" fra siganturen din omgående!


Kjeft. :wee:


Det samme for Zappza hva han skriver i signaturen min....

























... Så lenge det ikke overstiger min stilling.

Det vil si. Er jeg pimp så er han bitch. :cool:


God natt alle sammen.

*Ler og peke på MyBigMouth (gutten med jentenavnet)*

Nå kom jo navnet aliaset hans til "nytte" :tease:

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