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Siste Ordet 4, Spam/support=ban


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Da har jeg startet opp en 14-dagers trial account i EVE-online. Blir spennende å se hvordan det går. Kanskje jeg hiver meg på MMORPG-bølgen jeg også :hmm:


Smart move! Hold deg for all del unna Anarchy Online, med mindre du har lyst til å slutte og spille.


Det er en mulighet for AO-testing, for vi er tre kamerater sannsynligvis finner et felles spill å spille. Det kan godt hende at det ikke blir et MMORPG da, vi får se.

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Jeremy Clarkson fra TopGear skriver om Norge, hahaha:


(...) because driving in Norway requires some special skills. If we had even a tenth as much snow, Britain would be lockered in “ice chaos”. Police would advise motorists to stay at home and not make a journey unless you were delivering a kidney to the Queen herself.


Even the main roads in Norway are snow covered. The back roads are made up of what appears to be a rip-snorting wheel-twirling combination of ice, banana skins and Fairy Liquid.


You might imagine, then, that everyone in Norway would have off-roaders. They don’t. In 10 days I didn’t see one, and that’s because up there a Land Rover Discovery costs more than £100,000. So you buy a normal two-wheel-drive car . . . and cope.


And to make sure this happens you’re limited to 4mph and the roads are littered with forward-facing speed cameras that go off in a burst of blinding red light so intense it can strip all the paint off the front of your car. They don’t take your licence for speeding over there. They take your sight.

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Jeremy Clarkson fra TopGear skriver om Norge, hahaha:


(...) because driving in Norway requires some special skills. If we had even a tenth as much snow, Britain would be lockered in “ice chaos”. Police would advise motorists to stay at home and not make a journey unless you were delivering a kidney to the Queen herself.


Even the main roads in Norway are snow covered. The back roads are made up of what appears to be a rip-snorting wheel-twirling combination of ice, banana skins and Fairy Liquid.


You might imagine, then, that everyone in Norway would have off-roaders. They don’t. In 10 days I didn’t see one, and that’s because up there a Land Rover Discovery costs more than £100,000. So you buy a normal two-wheel-drive car . . . and cope.


And to make sure this happens you’re limited to 4mph and the roads are littered with forward-facing speed cameras that go off in a burst of blinding red light so intense it can strip all the paint off the front of your car. They don’t take your licence for speeding over there. They take your sight.




hihi, hvilken episode?

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