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Siste Ordet 4, Spam/support=ban


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Vent til en kveld/natt jeg har tid da. Natt til Mandag for eksempel, eller tirsdag (enda bedre). Med deres skrivefart naa for tiden saa kommer det vel samtidig som det nye aaret da. :p

Det er jo vanligvis en posttoerke de siste sidene da, ettersom alle vil ha foerste posten og da ikke vil "hjelpe de andre" med aa poste et innlegg.

Om 24 timer er jeg paa norsk jord :D

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I like my town with a little drop of poison

Nobody knows they're lining up to go insane

I'm all alone, I smoke my friends down to the filter

But I feel much cleaner after it rains


She left in the fall, that's her picture on the wall

She always had that little drop of poison

She left in the fall, that's her picture on the wall

She always had that little drop of poison


Did the devil make the world while god was sleeping

Someone said you'll never get a wish from a bone

Another wrong good-bye and a hundred sailors

That deep blue sky is my home


She left in the fall, that's her picture on the wall

She always had that little drop of poison

She left in the fall, that's her picture on the wall

She always had that little drop of poison


A rat always knows when he's in with weasels

Here you lose a little every day

I remember when a million was a million

They all have ways to make you pay

They all have ways to make you pay



Tom Waits - A little drop of posion... Genial sang :D

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Hmmm.. skal ha middags besøk snart.. noen naboer.. skal bli hyggelig.. :!: NOT :p


Sulten er jeg ikke.. heller ikke noe særlig selskapssyk (før i morra :devil::innocent:)




Ja, en ting til.. eg har verken helse eller psyke til å spille F.E.A.R

Prøvde å spille i dag.. dagslys.. klarte isje mer enn 5 min.. blæ.. creepy

spooooookey shit ass :blush:




Også pløyd gjennom 7-8 episoder av Scrubs i dag.. heheh knaz serie ass :!: :thumbup:

Endret av chills
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  MagE skrev:
  LarsP skrev:
  MagE skrev:
Jeg vil ut! *grine*


Om jeg ikke får låv i 06 kommer jeg til å begynne å snike meg ut


Hahaha, hva snakker du om?! :D


Hehe, når jeg leste det nå lo jeg litt.




-Jeg er under 18



Du er 12.

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