Fredrik Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Forklarte du skikkelig da? Ta en titt på retningslinjene, på punkt 16. "#16:Brukerkontoen din er personlig, og skal ikke benyttes av andre." Lenke til kommentar
PlatinumFlyer Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Her må noe galt ha skjedd, hvorfor gikk ikke jeg på denne barneskolen? Lenke til kommentar
svamp Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 JoachimR: Shirts• Acceptable styles are plain, geometric, floral, plaids, stripes, tee shirts, polo shirts, dress front button shirts, blouses, etc. • All shirts must extend below the waistline and be tucked in if it is below the middle of the hip. Pants • Traditional cut, full length jeans and pants are to be worn at the waistline and when appropriate with a correctly sized belt. Shorts • Are acceptable in grades PreK - 3 • Knee length shorts in traditional styles are acceptable in grades 4-12 Skirts/Dresses • Skirts and dresses must be knee length or longer Outer Wear • Oversized outerwear, trench coats, dusters or military jackets are not allowed. • JROTC uniforms are allowed as determined by the JROTC instructors. Shoes • Shoes must cover the entire foot. Girls may wear dress shoes or sandals with appropriate clothing but the shoe must be strapped to the back of the foot. Hair • Must be a natural color, traditionally styled, with no unusually shaved areas. • Hair must not cover the eyes. • Boys' hair may not touch the bottom of the collar; sideburns may not extend below the bottom of the ear. • All students must be clean-shaven Accessories • Traditional rings, watches, bracelets, and necklaces are allowed. • Girls may wear non-conspicuous earrings. • Nails must be neatly manicured in a traditional fashion. • Girls may wear natural or flesh toned shades of makeup in grades 7-12. Derfor, kanskje? Du får ikke bruke brunkrem, du får ikke gå i sandaler, du får ikke lov å ha håret ditt som du vil Og om du gjør det likevel må du sitte igjen resten av dagen, sto det. Tror ikke jeg hadde likt den skolen der. Lenke til kommentar
Sovietpig Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 fins det virkelig sånne skoler? trodde det bare var sånt i dårlige filmer Lenke til kommentar
PlatinumFlyer Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Har sett verre eksempler på reglement. Sånn er alle amerikanske skoler. Og jo, de har eget klespoliti. Lenke til kommentar
Suppelars2k Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Sånn er alle amerikanske skoler. Du vet ikke en dritt. Lenke til kommentar
svamp Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Tiden flyr Jeg skal stå opp 07.40 i morgen. Lese kjemi for aller, aller siste gang i år. Natta! Lenke til kommentar
b-real Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Forfatter Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Skal døgne i natt så jeg får orden på den fans døgnrytmen min Jeg må ha noen holdepunkter og slik som det er nå så får jeg bare for lite søvn om dagene Lenke til kommentar
PlatinumFlyer Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Sånn er alle amerikanske skoler. Du vet ikke en dritt. HalTan-vennen, alle de skolene jeg har bodd ved og kjenner folk som ahr gått på, har hatt temmelig strenge kleskoder. Lenke til kommentar
Jankee Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Med tanke på at berre i Norge finnes det 3500 barneskular så trur eg at det blir ein ganske stor generalisering å sei at alle skular i USA er slik fordi du har gått på nokre og kjenner andre som går på andre skular. Viss antalet barneskular pr 1000 innbyggar i USA er likt som i Norge så betyr det ca 200000 barneskular i USA. Lenke til kommentar
PlatinumFlyer Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Jeg sa ikke at alle var like, men at de skolene jeg kjenner til har hatt/har strenge dress codes. Lenke til kommentar
SupremeX Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Jeg sa ikke at alle var like, men at de skolene jeg kjenner til har hatt/har strenge dress codes. Sånn er alle amerikanske skoler. --- Nå legger jeg meg. God natt, suckers! Lenke til kommentar
PlatinumFlyer Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 OK, glipp, men har enda tilgode å se en amerikansk skole med helt free clothing. Dog, vet om en, når jeg tenker meg om, men den er montesorribasert. Sakset fra en offentlig amerikansk skoles håndbok (kjenner noen som går der) VI. DRESS CODEDress code is in place to promote a climate of safety and health for everyone. Students are expected to dress in good taste at all times. Students should be dressed in apparel that does not interfere with the operations of the school and classroom. Appropriate, modest and clean dress is expected. When a student’s style or manner of dress becomes a disruptive factor, a safety hazard, or exhibits impropriety, we shall discreetly ask that it be changed. As you read the following list, please be advised that violations will result in being required to change your clothing on the first offense and a suspension until a parent conference can be held for any additional offenses. 1. No offensive clothing is allowed. This means: < No obscenity on clothing including statements or visual depictions of sexual connotations, foul language, nudity, or obscene gestures is allowed. < No clothing depicting through words or visualization disrespect towards any race, culture, religion, or gender is allowed. 2. No depiction of illegal substances or of illegal activities is allowed. This means: < No clothing (shirts, hats, tops or other items) which advertise controlled substances such as drugs, alcohol or tobacco. < No depictions of criminal activity or violence. Examples include but are not limited to pictures of weapons of violent activities. < Any clothing (or other items) that have been identified by the Salt Lake County law enforcement agencies as being associated with illicit drug use. Examples would include, but are not limited to, beads, pacifiers, or “binkies”, glow sticks, dust masks, etc. 3. No gang related dress is allowed. Following are items identified by Law Enforcement Agencies as putting our students and school at risk. This may include, but are not limited to the following: < No bandannas of any color will be allowed. < No do-rags, hair nets, shirts depicting gang affiliation or colors wrapped around head. sweat bands, or head wear with suggestive double meanings of any kind will be allowed. Ball caps will be allowed as long as they are worn straight and do not violate any part of the dress code. < No sagging. < No monikers (nicknames, gang names, or writing) on hats or shirts. < No hanging belts or monogrammed belt buckles. < Excessively baggy clothing. < Button shirts with the top button fastened and shirt tails hanging out. < Pants with one pant leg rolled up or shirts with one shirt sleeve rolled up. < Clothing attachments or accessories which could be considered weapons, including but not limited to, spikes on boots, bracelets or chokers, chains on wallets or belts, bullet belts, etc. are not permitted. 4. No clothing deemed immodest in appearance because of excessive body exposure is allowed. Any clothing that would make another student, faculty or staff member feel uncomfortable. This may include, but is not limited to: (Please refer to pictures below for further clarification) < No gym shorts, cut-offs, or skirts that are too short are allowed. (Acceptable length is mid thigh or longer). < No halter tops, spaghetti straps, single strap, tank tops (beater shirts) or other tops that expose midriffs or more than the arms and neck. Tops may be sleeveless but straps should be wide enough to extend to shoulder. < Standards of propriety and decency dictate that outer clothing should not reveal underclothing. Underwear is to remain true to its name, “worn under regular clothing.” < “See through” clothing or holes in clothes must not be worn. Fabric must be thick enough so it cannot be seen through. < Students may not rely on coats and jackets as a means of complying with the dress code. 5. Dress Code for Region III Activities is included in Appendix B, and adherence is required by all students. Additional Comments: < Nothing in this code shall be construed as prohibiting the administration or the school from requiring individual students to comply with an up-graded standard. If in the opinion of the administration, the individual’s dress or grooming is harmful or distracting to the education process, the student, will be asked to discontinue wearing said clothing. < The school desires to keep the school campus free from threat or harmful influence of any groups or gangs which advocate violence, drug use, or disruptive behavior. The wearing or displaying of any apparel, jewelry, moniker, trademark, or any other by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, or any other attribute which implies affiliation or empathy with such group or gang shall not be permitted. < It is our hope that this specific dress code will not place undue burdens on students or parents, but will help clarify our policy and reinforce standards which are modest, provide for the safety of our students, decrease distractions to the educational process and increase respect for others Dette er high school. Legg særlig merke til at vi fra Oslo Vest ikke får gå med bånd eller bandanaer... 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b-real Skrevet 24. mai 2005 Forfatter Del Skrevet 24. mai 2005 blah, who cares, vi bor i N O R G E sist jeg skjekket. Lenke til kommentar
Jonnar Skrevet 25. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 25. mai 2005 (endret) Courtesy of Apple Valley Senior High School: Student Dress and Grooming Code Clothing must be neat, clean, and be in good condition. Clothing must cover undergarments at all times, when sitting, standing, or bending over. Sagging is not permitted. Holes higher than the knee in pants are not permitted. Bra straps are not to show when wearing spaghetti-strap type tops. Pants must stay at or above the hips with or without a belt. Oversized clothing is not allowed. Pants may have no more than a 2-inch fold at the manufactured waist when measured at the student's waistline. Clothing which causes an intimidating or violent effect on campus, or clothing designating membership in non-school organizations, private clubs, or gangs will not be allowed. Apparel representing community organizations may be worn upon written approval of the principal, The administration reserves the right to make changes in the dress code policy in response to changes in gang styles as needed. Initialized or monogrammed belts that do not represent the student's first or last name may not be worn. Pelts may not be worn more than 4 inches too long and may not hang down. Only one buckle can be worn on a belt. No graffiti is allowed on clothing, belts, school supplies, or personal belongings used at school. Clothing, symbols, or accessories that suggest obscene gestures, pictures, wording, and/or are drug, alcohol, tobacco, sexual, or occult related are not permitted. NO PAJAMAS, nor sleep type attire, including slippers may be worn. Students must keep shoes on at all times while on campus. Sun-protective clothing which meets the following criteria may be worn: Hats and/or sunglasses may be worn during passing periods, lunchtime, outdoor assemblies, outdoor PE classes, and before/after and to/from school. Hats must be white, tan, or khaki colored. The hats must be foldable, allowing it to be folded and placed in a student's pocket or backpack while the student is indoors. The hat must have a full circumference brim, which measures 2" to 5" in width. While the hat is worn, the brim cannot be molded or folded in any way. No manufacturer or team logos shall be present on the outside of the hat, including the underside of the brim. Hats shall be unadorned. No personal markings, pins, or other attachments are allowed on the outside/inside of the hat including the underside of the brim. For identification purposes, a student's name may be inscribed inside the hat lining. No other markings are allowed on any part of the hat. The administration is responsible for determining the appropriateness of a hat and whether the hat meets District criteria and provides substantive protection from the sun. Sunglasses must cover the eyes when worn and cannot be worn on top of the forehead, behind the head or in any other manner other than over the eyes. Knit Caps with no brim are allowed during inclimate weather, but cannot be worn in classrooms. Like other hats, these knit hats must be unadorned and have no personal marking of any kind including logos, pins, or other attachments are allowed on the outside/inside of the hat. Sweatbands are to be worn during PE classes only. They are not allowed at any other time on campus. Chains are not permitted, including chains from wallets. Any chain that cannot breakaway is illegal. Rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, or chains of any type, which may be considered a safety hazard or used as a weapon, are not permitted.Neither trench coats, nor any oversized outerwear will be allowed at any time. 32 No tattoos may be exposed at any time. All tattoos must he covered while on campus. The following are examples of inappropriate dress for school and are not allowed on campus. You will be asked to change into PE attire or to have a parent bring you other clothes if you wear: Clothing that fails to cover midriff or sides, has an open back or crop tops. Low-cut or strapless clothing including tube tops. Short shorts Sheer or braless clothing Excessively baggy pants Baseball style caps other than those worn as part of the baseball uniform during baseball games Pants that fall below the natural waist Pajama-type clothing Slippers and other slipper-type shoes. Hoods of coats, sweaters, sweatshirts, etc. are not to be covering a person's head while in classrooms Do-rags Sweat bands worn any where other than during PE class activities Anything not specifically covered in the above rules and regulations that are disruptive to the educational process or presents a safety hazard will be left to the discretion of the school administration or designee. It will be the responsibility of the school employees and parents to enforce the code. A committee composed of administrators, teachers, parents and students, then presented to the Board of Trustees, will review this code annually. Students in violation of the dress and grooming code will be referred to the principal or designee. The school dress code applies to ALL school events including but not limited to athletic events and dances. Standard Operating Procedures for Violations of the Student Dress Code If a student is suspected of violating the dress code, the violation should be reported to the appropriate administrator. The administrator or his/her designee shall make the determination as to whether there is a dress code violation or not. If a violation is determined, the student will be asked to remedy the violation by one of the following solutions: Obtain acceptable clothing from the students PE locker to wear the rest of the day. Contact parent to bring acceptable clothing to the student waiting in the administrator's office. Parent must be able to arrive within a reasonable amount of time. Habitual violations of the dress code will be considered as willful defiance of school authority and will be subject to further disciplinary action under the District disciplinary code. Any student sent home for violation of dress code shall receive zero credit for any class work missed. Items in violation of the Education Code are to be surrendered to the appropriate administrator. Parents of students who violate the dress code will be notified either in writing or by telephone. Parents will be given an opportunity to meet with the administrator to discuss the violation. If the parent is not satisfied at the conclusion of the conference, the parent may schedule an appointment with the principal. The dress code is reviewed and revised annually by a committee made up of students, parents, teachers, and administrators. Na skal det ogsa sies at INGEN bryr seg om dress-code. Folk (les: jenter) tropper opp i pysjamas pa skolen rett som det er. Flere jeg kjenner gar med buksene midt pa laret, og hullete klaer er veldig populaert. Senest i dag sa jeg en jente med et stort hull midt i bukseraeven, med et slags halvhjertet forsok pa a dekke det til. Laererne bryr seg stort sett kun nar man har caps/lue/solbriller pa seg inne i klasserommet. Noen laerere bryr seg ogsa nar jenter kommer inn med litt for korte topper, og da sorger de for at toppen dekker magen akkurat der og da. Det har kun skjedd to ganger at jeg har sett at noen matte skifte til PE-clothes for a ha pa seg klaer som er mot dress-code. Har vaert i naerheten selv et par ganger pga. en t-skjorte som sa D-O-Y-O-U-F-A-N-C-Y-A-S-H-A-G-?, stavet ut som en synstest... Heldigvis liker laererne som hadde reagert pa det meg, sa det gikk greit... Den falt forresten i smak hos alle elevene som leste den og forstod den. Den er dessverre avgatt ved doden na, da torketrommelen tok knekken pa den. Endret 25. mai 2005 av Jonnar Lenke til kommentar
phax Skrevet 25. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 25. mai 2005 morn morn, den døgninga så ut til og gjøre susen altså! sovnet tidlig i går kveld og sto opp nå. kanskje litt i tidligste laget, men da er jeg sikret og sovne tidlig ikveld også. herlig. amerikanske dresskoder som er temaet for kvelden? helvetes nazi landet der altså.. Lenke til kommentar
b-real Skrevet 25. mai 2005 Forfatter Del Skrevet 25. mai 2005 Morgen? Har du ikke enda fått styr på døgnrytmen din phax? Lenke til kommentar
phax Skrevet 25. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 25. mai 2005 joda, nå er den på bedringensvei, har som sagt sovet og stått opp veeeldig tidlig nå. så regner med at jeg slokner tidlig ikveld også og forhåpentligvis sover litt lengre en til klokka 4. jaja, nå får jeg hvertfall med meg dagen! Lenke til kommentar
b-real Skrevet 25. mai 2005 Forfatter Del Skrevet 25. mai 2005 Hehe, ja jeg skal ordne min med å døgne. Går vel en del kaffe i løpet av dagen, men det tar man bare som en bonus Må bare sørge for at jeg har nok røyk.. Er blakk som bare FAN! Lenke til kommentar
phax Skrevet 25. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 25. mai 2005 ja døgninga natt til igår fiksa det for meg, selv om den kanskje ble litt vel snudd! men det jevner seg nok fort ut tipper jeg. røyking er en dyr hobby ja.. lenge til du starter i jobb? er rimelig jobbsugen selv her nå.. får skattepengene i juni og etter det så har jeg ikke peiling hvordan jeg skal overleve. planen er jo selvsagt at jeg har fått meg en jobb innen da, men man får se.. Lenke til kommentar
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