bigwill Skrevet 3. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 3. mai 2005 (endret) Hei Jeg bruker en "ferdig" php løsning til mitt nettsted ( ). Jeg har bare gjort småendringer i koden. Jeg sliter litt med søk funksjon og norske bokstaver som æøå. Kan dette ha noe med instillingenen på mysql server (bruker som leverandør) ? Er det noen av dere som kan se noen feil utifra denne koden: (jeg har endret fra ...a-z to a-å). <?php /** * search.php * * This performs the boolean search functions. * * @package admin * @author A Gianotto <[email protected]> * @version 3.0.3 * @since 3.0.3 * */ /** * * {@source } */ $GALLERY_SECTION = "Søk"; $PAGE_TITLE = "Søk"; include ("inc/config.php"); include ($cfg_admin_path."/lib/connect.php"); include ($cfg_admin_path."/lib/admin.functions.php"); include ("layout/header.php"); if ((empty($_REQUEST['page'])) || ($_REQUEST['page'] <= 0)){ $page = 1; } else { $page = $_REQUEST['page']; } $limitvalue = $page*$cfg_per_page_limit-($cfg_per_page_limit); if (!empty($_REQUEST['keyword'])) { if (($_REQUEST['search_type']=="and") || ($_REQUEST['search_type']=="or")) { $search_type = $_REQUEST['search_type']; } else { $search_type = "and"; } /** * Prevent sql injection - eliminate any non alpha, numeric, or "-" characters from the input */ $keyword = trim(preg_replace('/[^ a-å0-9-]+/i', '', $_REQUEST['keyword'])); $search_cat = trim(preg_replace('/[^ a-å0-9-]+/i', '', $_REQUEST['search_cat'])); if ($_REQUEST['search_cat']!="") { $sql = "select name from snipe_gallery_cat where id='".$search_cat."'"; if ($get_catname = mysql_query($sql)) { $valid_cat = mysql_num_rows($get_catname); if ($valid_cat > 0) { list($this_catname) = mysql_fetch_row($get_catname); } else { $this_catname="INVALID CATEGORY"; } } } /** * Explode the keywords to get an array of distinct words */ $keyword = explode(" ",$keyword); $sql = "select id, filename, thumbname, img_date, title, "; $sql .="details, author, location, cat_id, added from snipe_gallery_data where publish='1' AND "; $add_sql = ""; if (count($keyword) > 0) { /** * loop through all of the keywords to make them into seperate queries */ for ($i=0;$i<count($keyword);$i++) { $add_sql .=" ((details LIKE '%".$keyword[$i]."%' OR keywords LIKE '%".$keyword[$i]."%' OR title LIKE '%".$keyword[$i]."%' OR location LIKE '%".$keyword[$i]."%') OR \n"; $add_sql .=" (details='".$keyword[$i]."' OR keywords='".$keyword[$i]."' OR title='".$keyword[$i]."' OR location='".$keyword[$i]."')) \n"; $x = $i +1; if (count($keyword) > $x) { $add_sql .=$search_type ." "; } } } /** * If they have specified to search within a specific category, include that in the query */ if ($_REQUEST['search_cat']!="") { $add_sql .=" AND cat_id='".$search_cat."' \n"; } $sql = $sql.$add_sql; $sql .=" order by added desc LIMIT $limitvalue, $cfg_per_page_limit"; /** * Count the total number of results (for pagination) */ $sqlcount = "select count(*) from snipe_gallery_data where publish='1' AND "; $sqlcount = $sqlcount.$add_sql; $print_query ="?keyword=".urlencode($_REQUEST['keyword'])."&txtonly=".$_REQUEST['txtonly']."&search_type=".$_REQUEST['search_type']."&search_cat=".$search_cat."&"; $sql_countresult = mysql_query($sqlcount); list($totalrows) = mysql_fetch_row($sql_countresult); if ($search = mysql_query($sql)) { $num_results = mysql_num_rows($search); if ($num_results > 0) { echo "<h3>Søkeresultat for "".stripslashes($_REQUEST['keyword']).""</h3>"; if ($totalrows ==1) { echo "<p>Det finnes ett bilde til ditt søk. "; } else { echo "<p>Det finnes ".$totalrows." bilder som tilfredstiller ditt søk"; if ($_REQUEST['search_cat']!="") { echo "i <b>".stripslashes($this_catname)."</b> kategorien"; } echo ". Klikk på bilde for full størrelse - eller <a href=\"search.php\">søk på nytt</a>.</p>"; } /** * If they have specified the text only version */ if ($_REQUEST['txtonly']==1) { $rowcolor = 0; echo "<center>\n\n<!-- begin database output -->\n\n\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"90%\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">"; if ($totalrows > $cfg_per_page_limit) { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"5\" align=\"right\" class=\"resultline-light\">"; make_user_page_nums($totalrows, $print_query, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $cfg_per_page_limit, $page, $max_pages_to_show); echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "<tr><td><b>Title</b></td><td><b>File size</b></td><td><b>Appears In</b></td><td><b>Date</b></td><td><b>Added</b></td></tr>"; while (list($image_id, $image_filename, $image_thumbname, $image_date, $image_title, $image_details, $image_author, $image_location, $image_cat_id, $image_added) = mysql_fetch_row($search)) { $rowcolor++; $report_class = ($rowcolor % 2) ? 'resultline-alt' : 'resultline-light'; /** * Highlight search words */ if (count($keyword) > 0) { // loop through the array for ($i=0;$i<count($keyword);$i++) { $image_title = eregi_replace($keyword[$i], "<span class=\"highlighttxt\">\\0</span>", $image_title); } } if ($image_title=="") { $image_title = "(No title)"; } $picweight=filesize($cfg_pics_path."/".$image_filename); if ($picweight >= 1073741824) { $picweight = round($picweight / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . "g"; } elseif ($picweight >= 1048576) { $picweight = round($picweight / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . "m"; } elseif ($picweight >= 1024) { $picweight = round($picweight / 1024 * 100) / 100 . "k"; } else { $picweight = $picweight . "b"; } echo "<tr><td align=\"left\" class=\"".$report_class."\"><a href=\"image.php?image_id=".$image_id."&search_type=".$search_type."&keyword=".urlencode($_REQUEST['keyword'])."&search_cat=".$search_cat."\">$image_title</a></td><td align=\"left\" class=\"".$report_class."\">".$picweight."</td>"; echo "<td class=\"".$report_class."\">"; $sql = "select name, cat_parent from snipe_gallery_cat where id='".$image_cat_id."'"; if ($get_img_catname = mysql_query($sql)) { $is_valid_cat = mysql_num_rows($get_img_catname); if ($is_valid_cat > 0) { list($img_catname, $img_catname_parent) = mysql_fetch_row($get_img_catname); } } if ($img_catname_parent > 0) { $sql = "select name from snipe_gallery_cat where id='".$img_catname_parent."'"; if ($get_img_catname_parent = mysql_query($sql)) { $is_valid_cat_parent = mysql_num_rows($get_img_catname_parent); if ($is_valid_cat_parent > 0) { list($img_catname_parent) = mysql_fetch_row($get_img_catname_parent); } } } echo "<a href=\"view.php?gallery_id=".$image_cat_id."\">".$img_catname_parent.":: ".$img_catname."</a>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td class=\"".$report_class."\">"; if ($image_date!="0000-00-00") { echo make_datetime_shortpretty($image_date); } else { echo " "; } echo "</td><td class=\"".$report_class."\">".make_datetime_shortpretty($image_added)."</td></tr>"; if ($totalrows > $cfg_per_page_limit) { } } if ($totalrows > $cfg_per_page_limit) { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"5\" align=\"right\" class=\"resultline-light\">"; make_user_page_nums($totalrows, $print_query, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $cfg_per_page_limit, $page, $max_pages_to_show); echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; /** * If they have not selected text only, build the image display */ } else { if ($cfg_num_columns > $totalrows) { $table_width = ($num_results * $cfg_thumb_width); $cfg_num_columns = $num_results; } else { $table_width = ($cfg_num_columns * $cfg_thumb_width); } $cfg_max_img_width = $cfg_thumb_width; echo "<center>\n\n<!-- begin database output -->\n\n\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"".$table_width."\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\">"; if ($totalrows > $cfg_per_page_limit) { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"".$cfg_num_columns."\" align=\"right\" class=\"resultline-alt\">"; make_user_page_nums($totalrows, $print_query, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $cfg_per_page_limit, $page, $max_pages_to_show); echo "</td></tr>"; } echo '<tr><td valign="top" align="center" width="'.$cfg_max_img_width.'">'; echo '<center>'; $col_position = 1; while (list($image_id, $image_filename, $image_thumbname, $image_date, $image_title, $image_details, $image_author, $image_location, $image_cat_id, $image_keywords, $image_publish, $image_added) = mysql_fetch_row($search)) { echo "\n\n <!-- begin image record --> \n\n"; $title_shortened = explode(" ", $image_title); $title_total_words = count($title_shortened); if ((!empty($this_frame_style)) && ($valid_framestyle > 0)) { echo "\n\n".'<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'."\n"; } if ((!empty($this_frame_style)) && ($valid_framestyle > 0)) { echo '<tr><td '.$frame_top_left_sm_size[3].'>'; } if ((file_exists($cfg_thumb_path."/".$image_filename)) && (!empty($image_filename))){ $thumb_size = getimagesize($cfg_thumb_path."/".$image_filename); if ((($this_frame_style=="0") || ($this_frame_style=="")) && ($cfg_use_dropshadow==1)) { echo "\n<div class=\"img-shadow\">\n"; } echo "<a href=\"image.php?page=$page&search_type=".$search_type."&image_id=$image_id&keyword=".urlencode($_REQUEST['keyword'])."&search_cat=".$search_cat."\"><img src=\"".$cfg_thumb_url."/".$image_filename."\" border=\"0\" $thumb_size[3] alt=\"".htmlspecialchars($image_title)."\"></a>"; if ((($this_frame_style=="0") || ($this_frame_style=="")) && ($cfg_use_dropshadow==1)) { echo "</div>\n"; } } else { if ((($this_frame_style=="0") || ($this_frame_style=="")) && ($cfg_use_dropshadow==1)) { echo "\n<div class=\"img-shadow\">"; } echo "<a href=\"image.php?page=$page&search_type=".$search_type."&image_id=$image_id&keyword=".urlencode($_REQUEST['keyword'])."&search_cat=".$search_cat."\"><img src=\"".$cfg_thumb_url."/nopic.gif\" border=\"0\" width=\"".$cfg_thumb_width."\" height=\"".$cfg_thumb_width."\"></a>"; if ((($this_frame_style=="0") || ($this_frame_style=="")) && ($cfg_use_dropshadow==1)) { echo "</div>\n"; } } if (!empty($image_title)) { if ((!empty($this_frame_style)) && ($valid_framestyle > 0)) { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\">"; } echo "\n\n<center><a href=\"image.php?page=$page&gallery_id=".$image_cat_id."&image_id=".$image_id."&keyword=".urlencode($_REQUEST['keyword'])."&search_cat=".$search_cat."\" class=\"gallerytitlelink\" title=\"".$image_title."\">"; $x = 0; while ($x <= $cfg_wordnumber_max) { echo trim($title_shortened[$x]); if ($title_total_words > ($x+1)) { echo " "; } ++$x; } if ($title_total_words > $cfg_wordnumber_max ) { echo "..."; } echo "</a></center>"; if ((!empty($this_frame_style)) && ($valid_framestyle > 0)) { echo "</td></tr>"; } } if ((!empty($this_frame_style)) && ($valid_framestyle > 0)) { echo "</table>\n\n"; } $empty_cells = $num_images - $on_page_count; $cells_to_span = $cfg_num_columns - $col_position; if ($col_position/$cfg_num_columns == 1){ echo "</center>\n\n</td></tr>\n\n"; if ($num_images!=$on_page_count) { echo "<tr><td width=\"".$cfg_max_img_width."\" valign=\"top\""; echo ' align="center"><center>'."\n\n"; $col_position = 1; } } else { echo "</center></td>\n"; if (($empty_cells < $cfg_num_columns) && ($num_images == $on_page_count) && ($cfg_num_columns < $num_images)) { echo "\n<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"$cells_to_span\"> "; } elseif (($cfg_num_columns > $num_images) && ($col_position==$num_images)) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n<td width=\"".$cfg_max_img_width."\" valign=\"top\""; echo ' align="center"><center>'; } $col_position++; } $on_page_count++; } echo "</td></tr>"; if ($totalrows > $cfg_per_page_limit) { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"".$cfg_num_columns."\" align=\"right\" class=\"resultline-alt\">"; make_user_page_nums($totalrows, $print_query, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $cfg_per_page_limit, $page, $max_pages_to_show); echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table></center>\n<!-- end database output -->\n\n "; } /** * No matches found - print out a search form */ } else { echo "<h3>0 treff</h3>\n"; echo "<p>Det finnes 0 bilder i kategorien "".stripslashes($_REQUEST['keyword'])."""; if ($_REQUEST['search_cat']!="") { echo "in the <b>".stripslashes($this_catname)."</b> category."; } echo "</p>"; include ($cfg_admin_path."/lib/forms/searchform.php"); } /** * If there was an error, display a friendly message */ } else { echo "<h3>Feil ved søk</h3><span class=\"errortxt\">Prøv på nytt.</h3>"; if ($cfg_debug_on==1) { echo "<p><b>mySQL said: </b>"; echo mysql_error(); echo "</p>\n\n<p><b>SQL query:</b> $sql </p>"; } } /** * No keywords specified, so print the plain search page */ } else { echo "<h3>Søk</h3>"; include ($cfg_admin_path."/lib/forms/searchform.php"); } include ("layout/footer.php"); ?> Endret 3. mai 2005 av bigwill Lenke til kommentar
Gilbert Skrevet 3. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 3. mai 2005 (endret) a-zæøå er vel korrekt? edit: var inne på siden din, mulig du skulle vente litt med denne setningen: "Bildearkivet har en god søkemotor som gjør det lett for deg å finne det bilde du er på jakt etter."... Endret 3. mai 2005 av fjartan Lenke til kommentar
bigwill Skrevet 3. mai 2005 Forfatter Del Skrevet 3. mai 2005 å nei.... kan ikke vente med slikt. he he.. :-) Lenke til kommentar
bigwill Skrevet 3. mai 2005 Forfatter Del Skrevet 3. mai 2005 Slik en enkel løsning. TUSEN TAKK!!!!!!! Nå virker det. bigwill Lenke til kommentar
Gilbert Skrevet 3. mai 2005 Del Skrevet 3. mai 2005 Ikke no problem det vettu! Mulig du må skrive store bokstaver også, a-zæøåÆØÅ, akkurat det husker jeg ikke... Men det oppdager du fort :-) Lenke til kommentar
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