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Søk - Norske bokstaver æåø

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Jeg bruker en "ferdig" php løsning til mitt nettsted ( www.fotosalg.net ). Jeg har bare gjort småendringer i koden. Jeg sliter litt med søk funksjon og norske bokstaver som æøå.


Kan dette ha noe med instillingenen på mysql server (bruker b-one.net som leverandør) ?


Er det noen av dere som kan se noen feil utifra denne koden:


(jeg har endret fra ...a-z to a-å).





* search.php


* This performs the boolean search functions.


* @package admin

* @author A Gianotto <[email protected]>

* @version 3.0.3

* @since 3.0.3






* {@source }




$PAGE_TITLE = "Søk";


include ("inc/config.php");

include ($cfg_admin_path."/lib/connect.php");

include ($cfg_admin_path."/lib/admin.functions.php");

include ("layout/header.php");


if ((empty($_REQUEST['page'])) || ($_REQUEST['page'] <= 0)){

$page = 1;

} else {

$page = $_REQUEST['page'];



$limitvalue = $page*$cfg_per_page_limit-($cfg_per_page_limit);


if (!empty($_REQUEST['keyword'])) {



if (($_REQUEST['search_type']=="and") || ($_REQUEST['search_type']=="or")) {

$search_type = $_REQUEST['search_type'];

} else {

$search_type = "and";




* Prevent sql injection - eliminate any non alpha, numeric, or "-" characters from the input


$keyword = trim(preg_replace('/[^ a-å0-9-]+/i', '', $_REQUEST['keyword']));

$search_cat = trim(preg_replace('/[^ a-å0-9-]+/i', '', $_REQUEST['search_cat']));


if ($_REQUEST['search_cat']!="") {

$sql = "select name from snipe_gallery_cat where id='".$search_cat."'";

if ($get_catname = mysql_query($sql)) {

$valid_cat = mysql_num_rows($get_catname);

if ($valid_cat > 0) {

list($this_catname) = mysql_fetch_row($get_catname);

} else {


$this_catname="INVALID CATEGORY";







* Explode the keywords to get an array of distinct words


$keyword = explode(" ",$keyword);


$sql = "select id, filename, thumbname, img_date, title, ";

$sql .="details, author, location, cat_id, added from snipe_gallery_data where publish='1' AND ";

$add_sql = "";

if (count($keyword) > 0) {


* loop through all of the keywords to make them into seperate queries


for ($i=0;$i<count($keyword);$i++) {

$add_sql .=" ((details LIKE '%".$keyword[$i]."%' OR keywords LIKE '%".$keyword[$i]."%' OR title LIKE '%".$keyword[$i]."%' OR location LIKE '%".$keyword[$i]."%') OR \n";

$add_sql .=" (details='".$keyword[$i]."' OR keywords='".$keyword[$i]."' OR title='".$keyword[$i]."' OR location='".$keyword[$i]."')) \n";

$x = $i +1;

if (count($keyword) > $x) {

$add_sql .=$search_type ." ";






* If they have specified to search within a specific category, include that in the query


if ($_REQUEST['search_cat']!="") {

$add_sql .=" AND cat_id='".$search_cat."' \n";




$sql = $sql.$add_sql;

$sql .=" order by added desc LIMIT $limitvalue, $cfg_per_page_limit";



* Count the total number of results (for pagination)


$sqlcount = "select count(*) from snipe_gallery_data where publish='1' AND ";

$sqlcount = $sqlcount.$add_sql;

$print_query ="?keyword=".urlencode($_REQUEST['keyword'])."&txtonly=".$_REQUEST['txtonly']."&search_type=".$_REQUEST['search_type']."&search_cat=".$search_cat."&";


$sql_countresult = mysql_query($sqlcount);

list($totalrows) = mysql_fetch_row($sql_countresult);


if ($search = mysql_query($sql)) {

$num_results = mysql_num_rows($search);

if ($num_results > 0) {

echo "<h3>Søkeresultat for "".stripslashes($_REQUEST['keyword']).""</h3>";


if ($totalrows ==1) {

echo "<p>Det finnes ett bilde til ditt søk. ";

} else {

echo "<p>Det finnes ".$totalrows." bilder som tilfredstiller ditt søk";

if ($_REQUEST['search_cat']!="") {

echo "i <b>".stripslashes($this_catname)."</b> kategorien";


echo ". Klikk på bilde for full størrelse - eller <a href=\"search.php\">søk på nytt</a>.</p>";





* If they have specified the text only version


if ($_REQUEST['txtonly']==1) {

$rowcolor = 0;

echo "<center>\n\n<!-- begin database output -->\n\n\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"90%\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">";

if ($totalrows > $cfg_per_page_limit) {

echo "<tr><td colspan=\"5\" align=\"right\" class=\"resultline-light\">";

make_user_page_nums($totalrows, $print_query, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $cfg_per_page_limit, $page, $max_pages_to_show);

echo "</td></tr>";



echo "<tr><td><b>Title</b></td><td><b>File size</b></td><td><b>Appears In</b></td><td><b>Date</b></td><td><b>Added</b></td></tr>";


while (list($image_id, $image_filename, $image_thumbname, $image_date, $image_title, $image_details, $image_author, $image_location, $image_cat_id, $image_added) = mysql_fetch_row($search)) {



$report_class = ($rowcolor % 2) ? 'resultline-alt' : 'resultline-light';




* Highlight search words


if (count($keyword) > 0) {

// loop through the array

for ($i=0;$i<count($keyword);$i++) {

$image_title = eregi_replace($keyword[$i], "<span class=\"highlighttxt\">\\0</span>", $image_title);





if ($image_title=="") {

$image_title = "(No title)";




if ($picweight >= 1073741824) {

$picweight = round($picweight / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . "g";

} elseif ($picweight >= 1048576) {

$picweight = round($picweight / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . "m";

} elseif ($picweight >= 1024) {

$picweight = round($picweight / 1024 * 100) / 100 . "k";

} else {

$picweight = $picweight . "b";



echo "<tr><td align=\"left\" class=\"".$report_class."\"><a href=\"image.php?image_id=".$image_id."&search_type=".$search_type."&keyword=".urlencode($_REQUEST['keyword'])."&search_cat=".$search_cat."\">$image_title</a></td><td align=\"left\" class=\"".$report_class."\">".$picweight."</td>";

echo "<td class=\"".$report_class."\">";


$sql = "select name, cat_parent from snipe_gallery_cat where id='".$image_cat_id."'";

if ($get_img_catname = mysql_query($sql)) {

$is_valid_cat = mysql_num_rows($get_img_catname);

if ($is_valid_cat > 0) {

list($img_catname, $img_catname_parent) = mysql_fetch_row($get_img_catname);





if ($img_catname_parent > 0) {

$sql = "select name from snipe_gallery_cat where id='".$img_catname_parent."'";

if ($get_img_catname_parent = mysql_query($sql)) {

$is_valid_cat_parent = mysql_num_rows($get_img_catname_parent);

if ($is_valid_cat_parent > 0) {

list($img_catname_parent) = mysql_fetch_row($get_img_catname_parent);






echo "<a href=\"view.php?gallery_id=".$image_cat_id."\">".$img_catname_parent.":: ".$img_catname."</a>";

echo "</td>";

echo "<td class=\"".$report_class."\">";

if ($image_date!="0000-00-00") {

echo make_datetime_shortpretty($image_date);

} else {

echo " ";



echo "</td><td class=\"".$report_class."\">".make_datetime_shortpretty($image_added)."</td></tr>";

if ($totalrows > $cfg_per_page_limit) {






if ($totalrows > $cfg_per_page_limit) {

echo "<tr><td colspan=\"5\" align=\"right\" class=\"resultline-light\">";

make_user_page_nums($totalrows, $print_query, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $cfg_per_page_limit, $page, $max_pages_to_show);

echo "</td></tr>";


echo "</table>";



* If they have not selected text only, build the image display


} else {



if ($cfg_num_columns > $totalrows) {

$table_width = ($num_results * $cfg_thumb_width);

$cfg_num_columns = $num_results;

} else {

$table_width = ($cfg_num_columns * $cfg_thumb_width);





$cfg_max_img_width = $cfg_thumb_width;

echo "<center>\n\n<!-- begin database output -->\n\n\n<table border=\"0\" width=\"".$table_width."\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\">";

if ($totalrows > $cfg_per_page_limit) {

echo "<tr><td colspan=\"".$cfg_num_columns."\" align=\"right\" class=\"resultline-alt\">";

make_user_page_nums($totalrows, $print_query, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $cfg_per_page_limit, $page, $max_pages_to_show);

echo "</td></tr>";


echo '<tr><td valign="top" align="center" width="'.$cfg_max_img_width.'">';

echo '<center>';

$col_position = 1;



while (list($image_id, $image_filename, $image_thumbname, $image_date, $image_title, $image_details, $image_author, $image_location, $image_cat_id, $image_keywords, $image_publish, $image_added) = mysql_fetch_row($search)) {


echo "\n\n <!-- begin image record --> \n\n";

$title_shortened = explode(" ", $image_title);

$title_total_words = count($title_shortened);


if ((!empty($this_frame_style)) && ($valid_framestyle > 0)) {

echo "\n\n".'<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'."\n";





if ((!empty($this_frame_style)) && ($valid_framestyle > 0)) {

echo '<tr><td '.$frame_top_left_sm_size[3].'>';



if ((file_exists($cfg_thumb_path."/".$image_filename)) && (!empty($image_filename))){

$thumb_size = getimagesize($cfg_thumb_path."/".$image_filename);


if ((($this_frame_style=="0") || ($this_frame_style=="")) && ($cfg_use_dropshadow==1)) {

echo "\n<div class=\"img-shadow\">\n";


echo "<a href=\"image.php?page=$page&search_type=".$search_type."&image_id=$image_id&keyword=".urlencode($_REQUEST['keyword'])."&search_cat=".$search_cat."\"><img src=\"".$cfg_thumb_url."/".$image_filename."\" border=\"0\" $thumb_size[3] alt=\"".htmlspecialchars($image_title)."\"></a>";


if ((($this_frame_style=="0") || ($this_frame_style=="")) && ($cfg_use_dropshadow==1)) {

echo "</div>\n";


} else {

if ((($this_frame_style=="0") || ($this_frame_style=="")) && ($cfg_use_dropshadow==1)) {

echo "\n<div class=\"img-shadow\">";


echo "<a href=\"image.php?page=$page&search_type=".$search_type."&image_id=$image_id&keyword=".urlencode($_REQUEST['keyword'])."&search_cat=".$search_cat."\"><img src=\"".$cfg_thumb_url."/nopic.gif\" border=\"0\" width=\"".$cfg_thumb_width."\" height=\"".$cfg_thumb_width."\"></a>";


if ((($this_frame_style=="0") || ($this_frame_style=="")) && ($cfg_use_dropshadow==1)) {

echo "</div>\n";





if (!empty($image_title)) {

if ((!empty($this_frame_style)) && ($valid_framestyle > 0)) {

echo "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\">";



echo "\n\n<center><a href=\"image.php?page=$page&gallery_id=".$image_cat_id."&image_id=".$image_id."&keyword=".urlencode($_REQUEST['keyword'])."&search_cat=".$search_cat."\" class=\"gallerytitlelink\" title=\"".$image_title."\">";

$x = 0;

while ($x <= $cfg_wordnumber_max) {

echo trim($title_shortened[$x]);

if ($title_total_words > ($x+1)) {

echo " ";






if ($title_total_words > $cfg_wordnumber_max ) {

echo "...";


echo "</a></center>";

if ((!empty($this_frame_style)) && ($valid_framestyle > 0)) {

echo "</td></tr>";





if ((!empty($this_frame_style)) && ($valid_framestyle > 0)) {

echo "</table>\n\n";




$empty_cells = $num_images - $on_page_count;

$cells_to_span = $cfg_num_columns - $col_position;


if ($col_position/$cfg_num_columns == 1){

echo "</center>\n\n</td></tr>\n\n";

if ($num_images!=$on_page_count) {

echo "<tr><td width=\"".$cfg_max_img_width."\" valign=\"top\"";

echo ' align="center"><center>'."\n\n";

$col_position = 1;





} else {


echo "</center></td>\n";

if (($empty_cells < $cfg_num_columns) && ($num_images == $on_page_count) && ($cfg_num_columns < $num_images)) {

echo "\n<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"$cells_to_span\">                                    ";


} elseif (($cfg_num_columns > $num_images) && ($col_position==$num_images)) {

echo "\n";


} else {

echo "\n<td width=\"".$cfg_max_img_width."\" valign=\"top\"";

echo ' align="center"><center>';











echo "</td></tr>";

if ($totalrows > $cfg_per_page_limit) {

echo "<tr><td colspan=\"".$cfg_num_columns."\" align=\"right\" class=\"resultline-alt\">";

make_user_page_nums($totalrows, $print_query, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $cfg_per_page_limit, $page, $max_pages_to_show);

echo "</td></tr>";


echo "</table></center>\n<!-- end database output -->\n\n ";




* No matches found - print out a search form


} else {

echo "<h3>0 treff</h3>\n";

echo "<p>Det finnes 0 bilder i kategorien "".stripslashes($_REQUEST['keyword']).""";

if ($_REQUEST['search_cat']!="") {

echo "in the <b>".stripslashes($this_catname)."</b> category.";


echo "</p>";

include ($cfg_admin_path."/lib/forms/searchform.php");




* If there was an error, display a friendly message


} else {

echo "<h3>Feil ved søk</h3><span class=\"errortxt\">Prøv på nytt.</h3>";

if ($cfg_debug_on==1) {

echo "<p><b>mySQL said: </b>";

echo mysql_error();

echo "</p>\n\n<p><b>SQL query:</b> $sql </p>";






* No keywords specified, so print the plain search page


} else {

echo "<h3>Søk</h3>";

include ($cfg_admin_path."/lib/forms/searchform.php");





include ("layout/footer.php"); ?>

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edit: var inne på siden din, mulig du skulle vente litt med denne setningen: "Bildearkivet har en god søkemotor som gjør det lett for deg å finne det bilde du er på jakt etter."...

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