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Noe informasjon om Nintendo Revolution?


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Det er ikke det samme som at dem vil gjøre det. Kanskje er ikke specen fastslått ennå. Er det bekreftet at Nintendo vil offentliggjøre noe som helst anngående Revolution på E3?

At de ikke har fått orden på spesifikasjonene til nå er veldig usannsynlig (mulig hastigheten på komponentene ikke er fastsatt). Nintendo sier at de ennå ikke har bestemt seg for hva de vil vise av Revolution til nå. Rykter tilsier at de ikke vil ha Revolution på visningsrommet (showfloor). Heller ikke annonsert om den vil bli vist på presentasjonen den 17 mai. Det var visstnok noen som tilsa at de fikk vite fra en Nintendoansatt at Revolution vil bli vist, men såklart bare et rykte. Men nei, Nintendo har ikke annonsert noe som helst. Den annonseringen tror jeg heller ikke kommer...


Nintendo er de som holder tett om ting og driver ikke å hyper sine konsoller på samme måte som konkurrentene. Så det blir nok veldig lite info fram mot E3. Om de ikke har annonsert noe til nå, vil de ihvertfall ikke komme med noe de neste dagene.


Dersom de velger å ikke vise fram Revolution i fysisk form, regner jeg med at de vil vise bilder og konsepter av konsollen. Kanskje også noen filmer fra spill som kommer (om vi er heldig).

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Tror jeg må ta meg en liten tur ned på do jeg ;)


Dette var ekstremt kult. Håper virkelig at Revolution-konsollen blir kraftigere enn xbox 360 så jeg kan hevne meg på min venner som absolutt måtte skryte av at xbox-en var så mye kraftigere en gamecube-en. Selv om dette ikke er noe viktig hadde det jo vært morsomt om det hadde skjedd.

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Informasjonen viser seg å være oppdiktet. Ikke noen stor overraskelse, men litt synd er det alikevel da





What's up with this? I got this off of the Broken Saints forums:


"Because I work for a developer, I am connected to many different people who know more than I do. We are all waiting for E3 like little kids wait for Santa Claus. Once it gets here, the flood gates will be opened. There are many sites and magazines out there that know a whole lot about what's going on, but they can't reveal it yet. For instance, Matt from IGN has a lot of details on Silicon Knights as well as their game. He just can't tell you guys yet."


So...you know but you can't tell us eh? Matt...what's up with that? And do you know this guy?


Matt responds: Oh yes, Aries. For people who haven't been following the avalanche of rumors being spread over at the Broken Saints message boards, here is a quick recap: a poster named Aries alleges he is a developer with all sorts of inside Revolution and next-gen information, and he's been posting sizeable chunks of it on a daily or weekly basis. He's written pages on various subjects and up until recently I've done my best to avoid it, but then a helpful IGN message boarder conveniently put together all of Aries' comments in one tidy thread, and I checked it over.


I guess lots of people have been waiting for me to comment on these posts and either qualify or disqualify the guy. So here it is. Everything he's said is true. Completely true. I can't believe he spilled it all already!


If you immediately stopped reading and raced to the message boards to post a "Matt Confirms!!!11" topic, you've really made a jackass out of yourself. Well done. If, on the other hand, you've continued reading, even better.


Honestly, this Aries guy is a fake. But I have to give to him: he's a pretty good one. He's definitely on top of the industry and some of his predictions -- guesses, even -- are logical. He's made an accurate guess or two about certain things not related to Revolution. And he remains just vague enough in most cases to perpetuate his credibility.


But he goes too far. The simple truth is that nobody in the industry, except for possibly Satoru Iwata, Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda, could know as much about Revolution as this guy claims he does. I don't care if he worked for Nintendo of America for 30 years. Nobody at Nintendo of America, including the highest-ranking executive, has the kind of access Aries professes he does. Nobody. And I have enough contacts in the development industry to know that advanced Revolution hardware is not in high circulation. I mean, some of the biggest publishers out there have yet to receive any information on the platform. Trust me on this. Some of these outlandish claims Aries makes are just bogus. And that's really the biggest giveaway.


I'm sure some of you would love to believe the guy. He makes Nintendo look like gold. But don't. Wait a couple weeks for the real deal.

Endret av TCi
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  • 2 uker senere...

Hvordan kunne Aries forutse dette allerede i slutten av April? Ikke minst, hvordan visste han at det kom til å være gratis?


As Nintendo has stated before, the system will be online. In my eyes, the online system they have set up is the most revolutionary part of the system. While Sony and Microsoft are busy turning their systems into trojan horses for their other electronic devices, Nintendo is going to use the Revolution for direct communication with gamers. The only way I can describe it is as an internet service. Imagine turning it on and checking your mail on the system. You see previews and demos of DS and Revolution games that you can download. A magazine similar to Nintendo Power will be exclusive to the system, and you will be able to access it on the Revolution’s homepage. As you check you mail, you will also see various invitations from gamers on your buddy list who want to play you. There are so many other ways this is going to be used. Once the Revolution comes out, there will be no reason to hang out on message boards. Message boards as well as chat rooms will be available on the Revolution so that gamers can discuss and challenge each other all day. And the best thing is that the entire thing is totally free and easy to use.


Og hvem er Reggie? Er det denne personen det er snakk om?

Endret av hkm
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