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Putting PC Together, looking for advice

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I can't express how amazed I am on the english skills people have in Norway. I can read Norwegian, but if that filters away teenagers, then English is better:)




QUOTE "FDB disks are very very silent, read SPCR forums"


My pc skills are lower than you could expect. What is FDB disk and where can I find SPCR forum. Would like to read a bit there. On the other hand I am almost convinced to bring Raptor back into my case with some silencer. This one looks promising:


FDB is a technology that reduces reading and writing noise if I am not entirely mistaken.


www.silentpcreview.com forums is where you would want to go for expertise on the noise area.

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ok, I am reading this forum, just was mislead by abreviation :)


SPCR says:

Fluid Dynamic Bearing: Now commonplace, it was unique to the Seagate Barracuda IV when first released a few years ago. The use of FDB is only one part of the overall acoustic management; it does not guarantee a quiet drive.


However it does not seem that raptor is using this FDB. The only hard disk with FDB they mentioned was DiamondMax Plus 9...

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Hey there.

I would just like to express my view on the raptor drives, considering the fact that I am the owner of both the 36gb and the 74gb versions. They both perform spectacular in my opinion, but yes; the sound of the 36gb does have a tendency to irritate as time passes. Believe me I know, ive had two of those running in raid 0 for quite some time, until one of them died. I then replaced both of those discs with a single 74gb raptor, and i would highly recommend that one instead if noise is an issue.


In case you're wondering, ive also tried those zalman heatspreaders, and they did indeed cancel a lot of noise the discs produced due to vibrations.


Good luck with your new piece of hardware, feel free to ask us about anything! :yes:

is it just me, or did we just turn more serious when english became the language of preference?

Hehe... maybe it's because the teenagers don't speak English so well (well, I don't speak so good either :blush:)

hehe probably, or that we just want to appear serious :whistle:

Well, just for the record, i'm not trying to appear more serious then I am on a regular basis, if thats what you're suggesting. Im merely trying to help out a guy, who happens to speak english.

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Im only speaking for myself I guess :p

Well in that case, go ahead, be my guest ;) Your english is quite explicit I must add, is it a result of hard school-work...? :cool:

I assume I have to merit the Harry Potter books concerning my vocabulary..


thank you J.K Rowling :yes:

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I think since english is not usually spoken, insults are more difficult to come by for us.


About the raptor, I decided to get me one of those, dont notice much noise at all, but it could partly be because of my case having rubber fittings to all the harddrives, but if you got some kind of rubberfittings or a harddrivecooler/silencer you should safe.


Even if you didnt, I doubt very much you would be botherd by it. Unless you'll spend alot of time with the harddrive 10 cm's from your ear...


So dont worry about the noise, rather if you really do need it. It's going to be very expensive using it as storage, and it's not really that usefull as an system disk only. (ofcourse it does have it's perks, but a few seconds starting windows, or a game, is something you would miss when going from raptor to something slower, not the other way around. :)


I hope I made some sence, and good luck with your choice.


Regards, love,yours truly :p


Ps! I do really like my raptor (36GB version), and it does shave a few seconds from loading windows and games, but I must also say, I was never unhappy with the way an ordinary disk handled the tasks. :fun:

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Im only speaking for myself I guess :p

Well in that case, go ahead, be my guest ;) Your english is quite explicit I must add, is it a result of hard school-work...? :cool:

I assume I have to merit the Harry Potter books concerning my vocabulary..


thank you J.K Rowling :yes:



/me bows before J.K Rowling

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I think since english is not usually spoken, insults are more difficult to come by for us.


About the raptor, I decided to get me one of those, dont notice much noise at all, but it could partly be because of my case having rubber fittings to all the harddrives, but if you got some kind of rubberfittings or a harddrivecooler/silencer you should safe.


Even if you didnt, I doubt very much you would be botherd by it. Unless you'll spend alot of time with the harddrive 10 cm's from your ear...


So dont worry about the noise, rather if you really do need it. It's going to be very expensive using it as storage, and it's not really that usefull as an system disk only. (ofcourse it does have it's perks, but a few seconds starting windows, or a game, is something you would miss when going from raptor to something slower, not the other way around. :)


I hope I made some sence, and good luck with your choice.


Regards, love,yours truly :p


Ps! I do really like my raptor (36GB version), and it does shave a few seconds from loading windows and games, but I must also say, I was never unhappy with the way an ordinary disk handled the tasks. :fun:

Well, what bothered me about the 36gb raptor wasn't a sound due to vibrations spreading troughout the case, but rather a high-pitch whining noise caused by the mechanical motor. Remember, we are still speaking of a 10000rpm-product here ;) But you're probably right, this might not be such a big problem for the common user. I might have become spoiled when my 74gb raptor arrived...

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Ok, I am getting convinced I will take raptor with silencer back to my handlevogn :) Considering to change PSU to MIST500. Have seen many warnings regarding water cooling. BW stands in my project at the moment. CPU I was convinced by GRendal to change to 640 P IV. Would that be any alternative to water cooling? I was encouraged by article in HW guide, but reading forum, seems like people experienced more than me are still hesitating water cooling and choosing air cooling. SilentX seems to be on the top of the list there. What would you advice guys? Would like to have air alternative that would fit in case (by the way, looking as well into suggestions to change to Lian Li), would be silent (not louder than Raptor :) ) and enough for selected CPU. Do I need to consider additional or replacement of air cooling on 6600 GT. If so, what? And finally, does anyone know what is suggested; maximum length of DVI cabel from HTPC to projector?


P.S. I would suggest one more time to reply in Norwegian, but you are all so flink med Engelsk :)

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Ok, I am getting convinced I will take raptor with silencer back to my handlevogn :) Considering to change PSU to MIST500. Have seen many warnings regarding water cooling. BW stands in my project at the moment. CPU I was convinced by GRendal to change to 640 P IV. Would that be any alternative to water cooling? I was encouraged by article in HW guide, but reading forum, seems like people experienced more than me are still hesitating water cooling and choosing air cooling. SilentX seems to be on the top of the list there. What would you advice guys? Would like to have air alternative that would fit in case (by the way, looking as well into suggestions to change to Lian Li), would be silent (not louder than Raptor :) ) and enough for selected CPU. Do I need to consider additional or replacement of air cooling on 6600 GT. If so, what? And finally, does anyone know what is suggested; maximum length of DVI cabel from HTPC to projector?


P.S. I would suggest one more time to reply in Norwegian, but you are all so flink med Engelsk :)

regarding water cooling, its not really that hard, but it can be a hazzle concerning leaks and the fact that you cant hot-swap components all the time.

Personally, I couldnt sleep at night, due to the imaginary leakage risk. Of cource this may not be a concern if you test everything, its just the idea of mingling 4000 NOK electronic components and their arch-nemesis water, with eachother....


Nexus fans are generally considered the most quiet fans, u can get them at www.mamoz.no.


SilenX are far off with their estimates concerning Decibel, and pretty overpriced too, they are not held high in regard at SPCR. But thats entirely subjective I presume.


Lian Li have a high finish and thoroughly tested solutions. The drawbacks are, aside from the fact that they are of aluminium, The side door hinges going sloppy after a period of time, as well as a high price. You probably know of the advantages steel cases has over aluminium when it comes to vibration dampening and sound acustics. A high-end alu case might very well be silent, but it will never quite reach the same level as a high-quality steel case.


The looks and Weight are obvious advantages though.


Go for a zalman VF700 for the 6600GT. Cools better and shuts up.




Endret av GRendal
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GRendal, I appreciate your advice very much. However, could that be more cpesific? What specific Nexus fans do you suggest? I found quite a few in mamoz. When it comes to cases, quality/silence matters more to me than look or aluminium finish. What concrete case would you advice? I selected Cooler Master Stacker STC-T01, since it is big enough for future enhancments, potential big size ooling devices, extra harddisk, etc. When it comes to graphic card, that was one of not many parts that I was certain about. Why Zalman? It is not even evailable at prisguide.

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GRendal, I appreciate your advice very much. However, could that be more cpesific? What specific Nexus fans do you suggest? I found quite a few in mamoz. When it comes to cases, quality/silence matters more to me than look or aluminium finish. What concrete case would you advice? I selected Cooler Master Stacker STC-T01, since it is big enough for future enhancments, potential big size ooling devices, extra harddisk, etc. When it comes to graphic card, that was one of not many parts that I was certain about. Why Zalman? It is not even evailable at prisguide.

first of all. concerning steel cases there are quite a few choices.


Accousticase from Databutikken.com comes in a nice third for me.

The intakes are a bit retarded, so U would be well-adviced to find your dremel to make them less restricting. noisedampening material included.

You also have the temjin TJ-06 from silverstone, which is very very good.

you can even cool ur cpu passively with the tunnel. its expensive tho, close to 1000 NOK.


I would without hesitation go for the Antec SLK3000B. Antec are favorites concerning noise, and this baby is cheap, and includes a 3-step 120MM fan in the rear. read the review of it at SPCR:


at about 400NOK, its a no-brainer. regarding Nexus fans it depends on how many mm you need, 92, 120, 80 etc.


VF700 is v.good, prisguiden is not entirely updated.



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GRendal, based on you proposal, I am confused. You suggest one steel case other alu case without writing what is the winning edge of it. It is important to me good silence, space inside, convenient for future updates, but then I can decide myself on desing... I was confused as I didn't see consistency in proposed cases.


When it comes to sizes of fans, I don't know what I need. I want it quite and reliable tempreture wise. Is there any other function fans do? So as long as 120mm fits the HK, case, etc I can use them. I said 120 since I understand the bigger it is, less noice it makes, sinse less rpm it has.


Zalman, I understand is for GPU. Zalman VF700-Cu seems fine for 6600 GT, is it enough?


By the way, what is the software you can messure temp in CPU, GPU, harddisk, etc. Wonder what is the tempreture in my current PC...

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GRendal, based on you proposal, I am confused. You suggest one steel case other alu case without writing what is the winning edge of it. It is important to me good silence, space inside, convenient for future updates, but then I can decide myself on desing... I was confused as I didn't see consistency in proposed cases.


When it comes to sizes of fans, I don't know what I need. I want it quite and reliable tempreture wise. Is there any other function fans do? So as long as 120mm fits the HK, case, etc I can use them. I said 120 since I understand the bigger it is, less noice it makes, sinse less rpm it has.


Zalman, I understand is for GPU. Zalman VF700-Cu seems fine for 6600 GT, is it enough?


By the way, what is the software you can messure temp in CPU, GPU, harddisk, etc. Wonder what is the tempreture in my current PC...

I myself am a proud owner of a lian li pc70b, wich iv'e fitted with a bunch of 12db papst-fans. Although vibration CAN be a problem, my experience so far is very positive. Regarding the side door, wich I consider to be the main cause for any eventual vibrations, i've fitted the hinges with small pieces of electrical-tape. This eliminates any eventual vibration-noise created in this area. Otherwise, I would recommend lian li's overall, due to good build quality, nifty solutions and estetics.


I've been using the thermaltake bigwater watercooling-set for quite some time now, and even though my logic tell me not to place water anywhere near such fragile computer-components, its doing a good job. So far I have just been cooling my cpu, but a waterblock for my gpu is on its way. In short, the set keeps me from using any kind of sound-generating cpu-fan, aswell as keeping it at a reasonable temperature. I'd say the risks often mentioned when watercooling your computer are exaggerated, so if you've got the guts, go for it.


Both speedfan and motherboard monitor 5 are good (..and free) programs that allows you to check several temperature-readings from your computer. They offer slighty different functionalty, and mbm 5 is clearly the choice for advanced monitoring of both temperatures, rpm-levels and voltage-outputs that might be of interest to you.

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GRendal, based on you proposal, I am confused. You suggest one steel case other alu case without writing what is the winning edge of it. It is important to me good silence, space inside, convenient for future updates, but then I can decide myself on desing... I was confused as I didn't see consistency in proposed cases.


When it comes to sizes of fans, I don't know what I need. I want it quite and reliable tempreture wise. Is there any other function fans do? So as long as 120mm fits the HK, case, etc I can use them. I said 120 since I understand the bigger it is, less noice it makes, sinse less rpm it has.


Zalman, I understand is for GPU. Zalman VF700-Cu seems fine for 6600 GT, is it enough?


By the way, what is the software you can messure temp in CPU, GPU, harddisk, etc. Wonder what is the tempreture in my current PC...


As I said, regarding Alucases, Lian Li is as good as it gets.

if you are an absolute noise fanatic,

well go for a steel case. all the three cases I listed are made out of steel.

as far a fan size goes, check the specs of your cooler and the case you want.



yes the vf700 is good for a 6600gt.

Endret av GRendal
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Thanks for SW tips, will give it a try. When it comes to colling just want to clarify if this is enough. So my PSU MIST500 have some ventilation, if I leave BW water cooling for CPU is it enough? Somehow I feel it needs some air movement in the case the get the heat out from GPU, harddisks and rest of components. My graphic card selection is Aeolus 6600GT-DV128. Any suggestion if I need additional cooling around it or is it enough to add few silentX or Nexus fans.

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Zalman VF700 is in, then. So cooling/air flow solution so far is:

MIST500 with fan

BW water cooling for CPU

Zalman VF700 for GPU


Decision to manke for airflow in the case. Also, does it make sense to leave water cooling when I intend to use fans in other places anyway?

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Zalman VF700 is in, then. So cooling/air flow solution so far is:

MIST500 with fan

BW water cooling for CPU

Zalman VF700 for GPU


Decision to manke for airflow in the case. Also, does it make sense to leave water cooling when I intend to use fans in other places anyway?

not really, a fan or two less will reduce noise anyway :-)

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