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Gledelig lesning for de av oss som liker BSD:

FreeBSD 6.0 skal få god støtte for trådløst.

Høres bra ut.

Får håpe de snakker litt med Theo og/eller resten av OpenBSD.

OpenBSD's "Out of the Box" Wireless Support

Ser veldig bra ut for de med Centrino-baserte laptop'er. OpenBSD er virkelig kjapt og krever nesten ingenting av ressurser. Tester det ut på en PII Overdrive 333 MHz, og det går virkelig kjapt.

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fra wiki.archlinux.org:

Major patchsets


First of all it is important to note that patchsets are developed by a variety of people. Some of these people are actually involved in the production of the linux kernel and others are hobbyists - this should be considered to reflect a level of reliability and stability!


It is also worth noting that some patchsets are built on the back of other patchsets (which may or may not be reflected in the title of the patch). Patchsets (and kernel updates) can be released very frequently and often it is not worth keeping up with ALL of them so don't go crazy, unless you make it your hobby!


You can search google for more sets - remember to use quotes "-nitro" for example otherwise google will deliberately NOT show the results you want!


Could people please add their experiences and comments about different patchsets below esp. re: stability (crashes), reliability (fixes) and performance.


NOTE - this section is for information only - clearly no guarantees of stability or reliability are implied by inclusion on this page.




This patchset is maintained and constantly updated by Alan Cox, linux guru. He has been described as "...perhaps the second most influental Linux kernel hacker, next only to Linus."


Back in the 2.2 and 2.4 days, this patchset was aimed at testing new features and experimental code, Alan was working on or interrested in, now, with 2.6 and the new development model, Alan focuses on bugfixes. A good patchset if you want a stable and secure kernel.


The -ac patches can be found at http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/peo...alan/linux-2.6/




Recently included in the stock Arch this new kernel patchset is focused on security and obvious bugfixes but does not include any non-mainstream features. Now it is included in stock Arch it is not much of a patching project but could provide the solid basis for some kernel hacking with the individual patches.


The -as patches can be found at http://www.acm.rpi.edu/~dilinger/patches/ - I expect a webpage may follow shortly




These are patches designed to improve system responsiveness with specific emphasis on the desktop, but suitable to any workload. The patches are created and maintained by Con Kolivas, his site is at http://members.optusnet.com.au/ckolivas/kernel/. Con maintains a full set but also provides the patches broken down so you can add only those you prefer.


The -ck patches can be found at http://ck.kolivas.org/patches/2.6/




The "Con Kolivas patchset based overloaded kernel" - based on -ck (natch) but usually includes more features e.g. reiser4 and gensplash support - see Piotr Neuman (the maintainer) site for more details http://kem.p.lodz.pl/~peter/cko/


The -cko patches can be found at http://kem.p.lodz.pl/~peter/cko/rel/




Grsecurity is a security focused patchset. It adds numerous security related features such as Role-Based Access Control and utilizes features of the PaX project. It can be used on a desktop but a public server would receive the greatest benefit. Some applications are incompatible with the additional security measures implemented by this patchset. If this occurs, consider using a lower security level.


The -grsecurity patches can be found at http://grsecurity.net




A new patchset it seems. Barely a few months old, this is what the author has to say about it:


        This is not intended to be a very "on the edge" patchset (its not -mm based, quite close to vanilla actually), so people who fear to use "on the edge" patchset could be happy with this one  :)


He can't seem to make up his mind tho becuase the next release was based on -mm


He has no repo that is easy to access so you'll just have to do a search of the gentoo forums: http://forums.gentoo.org/search.php




Love-Sources is a Linux kernel patchset maintained by a community. Its purpose is to provide a patchset to optimize desktop performance and test new "unstable" features. See also: http://www.love-sources.org/news.php


The -love patches can be found at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=100074




A patchset so popular that it even has prebuilt Arch pkgs in the extra repo but that shouldn't stop you from playing with it yourself! This patchset is maintained by Andrew Morton (http://www.zip.com.au/~akpm/) and aims to increase the stability and performance of the Linux kernel. He aims to introduce bug fixes more quickly than mainline kernel and offers increased speed through a new disk I/O scheduler and realtime computing modifications, plus more.


The -mm patches can be found at ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/peo...pm/patches/2.6/




The morph patcheset, like -cko, takes other stable patchsets and adds on some more exciting features. This set has recently adopted the new -as set as it's base.


from the morph homepage -


        morph-sources is a linux kernel patchset aimed towards desktop usage. It features a series of additions to the standard linux kernel which increase system's responsiveness and interactivity, and introduces some new features that enhance users' experience in typical desktop setups. morph-sources' goal (admittedly quite ambitious) is to provide a kernel patchset for desktop users which is stable and featureful at the same time.


        morph-sources is a collection of patches made by other people, and as such all the credit goes to the programmers who have developed these cool additions. I just modify slightly these patches so that they will play nicely together, nothing more.


More at http://morph-sources.homelinux.net/


The -morph patches can be found at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.p...packageid139730




Another very popular patchset and one of the most discussed on the Arch forums, but it is not the most reliable or stable. Very popular with some gentoo users but disregraded as amateur by others. This patchset is predominately built on other patchsets. -nitro is maintained by a gentoo user and most frequently discussed on the gentoo forums http://forums.gentoo.org/. Seppe keeps a webpage that reports on -nitro updates http://sepi.be/nitro.php


- Tiny-Patches


"The -tiny tree is a series of patches against the 2.6 mainline Linux kernel to reduce its memory and disk footprint, as well as to add features to aid working on small systems. Target users are developers of embedded system and users of small or legacy machines such as 386s"


and maybe also for ricers ;-)




jeg patch slik:



# cd /usr/src/linux

# bzcat /home/stian/patch-2.6.12-ck5.bz2 | patch -p1

Endret av hotstian
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Gledelig lesning for de av oss som liker BSD:

FreeBSD 6.0 skal få god støtte for trådløst.

Høres bra ut.

Får håpe de snakker litt med Theo og/eller resten av OpenBSD.

OpenBSD's "Out of the Box" Wireless Support

Ser veldig bra ut for de med Centrino-baserte laptop'er. OpenBSD er virkelig kjapt og krever nesten ingenting av ressurser. Tester det ut på en PII Overdrive 333 MHz, og det går virkelig kjapt.

hva er raskest og mest stabil av OpenBSD og Gentoo med SSP-PIE(-fPIC) og SELinux ?

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Bare GCC, bash, med fler? :) Kan vel egentlig kalle det like mye gnu/darwin som en linuxdistro (som inkluderer f.eks. KDE med fler) kan kalles gnu/linux...

Ooops, I fucked up. Jeg vet som regel ikke hva jeg snakker om :) Kjører fortsatt win3.11 og bruker copycon til å editere floppyene jeg har programmeringsprosjektene mine på :D


Den store forskjellen vil være Aqua.

Siden Aqua er proprietær er det bare OS X som får bruk'et.

Så vi har da GNU-Darwin med f.eks. Gnome og OS X med Aqua


GNU programvare er som regel GPL, vil ikke det begrense Apples bruk av GNU?

Det er jo en grunn for at de baserte på BSD ...

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noen her på forumet som har bestilt over 100 ubuntu plater?

Jeg har bestilt akkurat 100 CD-er med Ubuntu.

og det mailer deg ikke og spør hvorfor du skulle ha så mange?

Hvorfor bestiller du over 100 stk hvis du har problemer med å forklare hva du skal med alle sammen?

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pfft.. valgflesk.

SVs egne sider bryter med W3C på 23 punkter [ http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=www.sv.no ], inneholder 387 .doc-filer [ http://www.google.com/search?hl=no&as_qdr=...nG=S%C3%B8k&lr= ], og kjører på en MS-IIS 6.0 tjener. :thumbdown:



Sjå på kildekoden til www.sv.no i forhold til www.hoyre.no da. SV sin er i alle fall ein million gonger betre (tenker ikkje validering, men korrukt bruk av HTML/CSS).

Lenke til kommentar
Sjå på kildekoden til www.sv.no i forhold til www.hoyre.no da. SV sin er i alle fall ein million gonger betre (tenker ikkje validering, men korrukt bruk av HTML/CSS).

Tror ikke akkurat at "korrekt" bruk av HTML/CSS vil påvirke valget :p



Det hadde vore noko det.

Endret av objorkum
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noen her på forumet som har bestilt over 100 ubuntu plater?

Jeg har bestilt akkurat 100 CD-er med Ubuntu.

og det mailer deg ikke og spør hvorfor du skulle ha så mange?

Hvorfor bestiller du over 100 stk hvis du har problemer med å forklare hva du skal med alle sammen?

fikk ikke mail jeg :p bare lurte siden jeg bestilte 100 stykker og ikke fikk mail mens en annen bestilte og fikk en mail.

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Gjest Slettet-8fx0y6VV
pfft.. valgflesk.

SVs egne sider bryter med W3C på 23 punkter [ http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=www.sv.no ], inneholder 387 .doc-filer [ http://www.google.com/search?hl=no&as_qdr=...nG=S%C3%B8k&lr= ], og kjører på en MS-IIS 6.0 tjener. :thumbdown:



Sjå på kildekoden til www.sv.no i forhold til www.hoyre.no da. SV sin er i alle fall ein million gonger betre (tenker ikkje validering, men korrukt bruk av HTML/CSS).

Høyre bruker linux, apache, python, zope til å vise siden. Er i mine øyne minst like viktig som å bruke riktik html.

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