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Men selvsagt er både Frostwhisper, og Vashj (starta nettopp en UD Mage der), nede.


For å quote Aeus på WoW-forumet:

Investigations into the technical issues affecting one of our data centers these last days revealed a load balancing issue in our provider’s network. They have made the necessary corrections on their side, but these changes mean we also need to make some modifications on our end. We will thus have an additional maintenance period for this data center today starting at 16:15 CEST. The maintenance should last no longer than four hours and we will do our best to have the realms available again as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.


The following English realms are affected: Balnazzar, Bloodfeather, Darksorrow, Defias Brotherhood, Frostwhisper, Genjuros, Haumarush, Hellscream, Kor'gall, Laughing Skull, Lightning's Blade, Magtheridon, Neptulon, Nordrassil, Ragnaros, Sylvanas, The Maelstrom, The Venture Co., Twisting Nether, Vashj.


The realm lists for French and German

French: Conseil des Ombres, Drek'Thar, Khaz Modan, Les Sentinelles, Rashgarroth, Throk'Feroth, Varimathras


German: Aman'Thul, Anub'arak, Das Syndikat, Der Rat von Dalaran, Dun Morogh, Krag'jin, Kult der Verdammten, Nera'thor, Onyxia, Sen'jin, Terrodar, Wrathbringer


edit: leif

edit2: nå ble det fucka, *rette på* OT: Hva er kakao på engelsk?

Endret av Datasmurf
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Spiller på tre servere... Hvorfor må ALLTID de være nede??!?!?!?1+1+111oneone??11eleven?



Fordi alle føler det slik, at alltid "deres" realms er nede :(


Når jeg prøver å komme meg inn på account management får jeg denne error messagen:

type Exception report




description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.




org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: (executing CallableStatementCallback [CallableStatementCreatorFactory.CallableStatementCreatorImpl: sql=[{? = call auth.eu_manage.getMaintenanceFlagAM()}]: params=[{}]]): encountered SQLException [ORA-04031: unable to allocate 8204 bytes of shared memory ("large pool","unknown object","koh-kghu sessi","static frame of inst")

]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: ORA-04031: unable to allocate 8204 bytes of shared memory ("large pool","unknown object","koh-kghu sessi","static frame of inst")














note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.0.27 logs.




Yea, nå kom jeg iallefall til innloggingscreen, men......


HTTP Status 404 - /WEB-INF/jsptooManyConnectionError.jsp

Endret av dQggl
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Grr, jævla festlig.


Først: ingen "du har så og så lang tid igjen å spille"-advarsel.

Så: tomt for gamecards i hele Bergen.

Så: sette inn penger på konto og bruke fruens Visa-kort.

Så: drit-treige servere = venting i flere minutter = trykking på submit-knappen mer enn én gang = du har prøvd å legge inn visanummeret for mange ganger.

Så: bruker webform for å kontakte billing-avdelingen, og får følgende:


type Exception report




description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.




Edit: ooog, når jeg ringer til billing, får jeg beskjed om at "lines are congested and we will not be accepting more people in the queue".

Endret av psilocybe
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