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Hvorfor Jar Jar Binks!


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Hvorfor i alle dager laget George Lucas denne kugalskapsinfiserte Jar Jar Binks? Så provosert ble jeg at jeg bestemte meg for å lage min egen versjon av filmen Star Wars - Phantom Menace. Før dere leser: prøv å huske hvordan figurene egentlig var og opptrådte.



Here's an idea:


Rule1: replace the character of an actor with a previous character by the performer.

Rule2: the scripted text must remain the same.

Rule3: descriptions in the scripts may be used.



Title: The Phantom Menace

Scene: Showdown



The cast:



Ahmed Best .... Jar Jar Binks (voice)



Liam Neeson .... Qui-Gon Jinn



REMOVED: Samuel L. Jackson .... Mace Windu

NEW: Samuel L. Jackson .... Jules Winnfield (Pulp Fiction)






JULES: okay now, tell me about the hash bars?


JAR JAR: Oh, noooooooooo!


JULES: Well, hash is legal there, right?


JAR JAR drops the shell and grabs onto QUI-GON as he passes. The JEDI is

caught by surprise.


JAR JAR: (Cont'd) Hey, help me! Help me!!


JULES: Those are hash bars?


JAR JAR : (cont'd) Wesa in trouble now??


QUI-GON: Relax.


QUI-GON puts his hand on JAR JAR's shoulder. JAR JAR relaxes into a coma.


JULES: If you wanna play blind man, then go walk with a Shepherd. But me,

my eyes are wide fu#!in' open.


The frog-like creature kisses the JEDI.


JAR JAR: Oyi, mooie-mooie! I luv yous!


QUI-GON : I have no time for this now...


JULES: Goddamn!


QUI-GON throws JAR JAR into the mud.


QUI-GON: Stay down!


JULES: What the fu#!'s happening?


QUI-GON: Headstrong....and he has much to learn about the living Force, but

he is capabe. There is little more he will learn from me.


JULES: It's possible.


JAR JAR: Wesa in trouble now??


JULES: *beep* Negro, that's all you had to say.


QUI-GON: You still have much to learn, my young apprentice.


JAR JAR : Yousa tinken yousa people ganna die?


JULES: Keep your fu#!in' mouth closed, fat man, this ain't any of your goddamn



JULES: We should have shotguns for this kind of deal.


QUI-GON is thinking.


JAR JAR: Oh, no, no, no...


QUI-GON: (cont'd) It won't take long to recharge, but this is a lesson I hope

you've learned, my young Padawan.


MUFFLED FIRE SHOOTS out of the end of the gun.


JAR JAR: Ouch-dats muy bigo Oucho. (Gibberish)


JULES: (can't believe it) You wanna shoot 'im again?


JAR JAR: Mesa wonder why da guds invent pain?


MUFFLED FIRE SHOOTS out of the end of the gun.


JULES: Uuccch!


JULES: We happy?


QUI-GON : It's not nearly enough.


MUFFLED FIRE SHOOTS out of the end of the gun.


MUFFLED FIRE SHOOTS out of the end of the gun.


JAR JAR : Wesa dead yet?? Oie Boie!


MUFFLED FIRE SHOOTS out of the end of the gun.


JULES: Possibility exists, but unlikely.


QUI-G0N : (laughs) Not likely.


MUFFLED FIRE SHOOTS out of the end of the gun.


JULES: Jesus Christ Almighty!


JULES: There's a passage I got memorized, seems appropriate for this situation:

Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by

the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is

he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through

the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the

finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great

vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my

brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance

upon you."


QUI-GON leans back and slowly smiles.

Endret av hishadow
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JAR JAR stumbles upon a JEDI, QUI-GON in the swamp.



Muy muy. Mesa like you.



Shut the fuck up, asshole. Get the fuck out of here, bitch!


Qui-Gon moves the hell along while Jar Jar gets the hell away forever.

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Anakin is taught to lift heavy objects with the force by Qui-Gon, by lifting a space destroyer out of the swamp on Nar-Shaddah.


Anakin: "I'm losing it..I..I..can't hold it."



Jar-jar: Look out? Mesa already outside!


Anakin: Can't hold on..any..more"


Jar-Jar: Mesa scared! *SPLATTTTTTTTTT*


Qui-Gon: Damn what a mess. Finally rid of that walking annoyance.

Anakin: Good riddance.

Endret av Bitex
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jeg skjønte ikke helt hva som er så morsomt med det der, selv om jeg ikke liker Jar Jar jeg heller..

Hehe. Ikke så lett å lage hvis du skal følge reglene. Men du må jo innrømme at figuren Jar Jar fortjener det :p



De nok morsommere å lage enn å lese :cool:

Endret av hishadow
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Er enig at Jar Jar Binks (og rasen forøvrig) ble et litt tåpelig og fordummende tilskudd. Men det startet vel i Return of the Jedi med disse bamsene


Husker jeg ble veldig skuffet første gang jeg så de bamsene på kino, det var full nedtur for Star wars.

Har lært å akseptere det på en måte, men det er absolutt en svakhet ved filmene jo :ermm:

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Er enig at Jar Jar Binks (og rasen forøvrig) ble et litt tåpelig og fordummende tilskudd. Men det startet vel i  Return of the Jedi  med disse bamsene


Husker jeg ble veldig skuffet første gang jeg så de bamsene på kino, det var full nedtur for Star wars.

Har lært å akseptere det på en måte, men det er absolutt en svakhet ved filmene jo  :ermm:

Bamsene er da ikke sammenligbare med Jar Jar Binks :D


Det var selvfølgelig "cute" characters i de gamle filmene, men med Jar Jar dreit jo George Lucas på beinet. Jeg tror rett og slett at medarbeiderene ikke hadde mot nok til å si at denne figuren var fryktelig.

Endret av hishadow
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Litt morsomt da, i logo-introen til et av de første Star Wars Episode I spillene blir Jar-Jar knust under Lucasarts-logoen :) Så de vet det nok.


Teddybamsene i 5'rn var der for å tekkes et yngre publikum. Men de var i det minste et krigerfolk (om enn i overkant cuddly), i motsetning til torsketrynene som bare er kvalmende irriterende.

Endret av Bitex
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