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Mulige paladin talents i 1.9. En del talents er litt (!) imba, så ta det med en klype eller to med salt.




- Improved Lay on Hands - Removed and replaced by the new talent Divine Fortitude.

- New Talent: Divine Fortitude - Increases duration of all 5 minute blessings by 5/10 minutes.

- Revelation - Now reduces cooldown by 15/30 minutes.

- Improved Blessing of Wisdom - No longer increases effectiveness of Blessing of Wisdom. Now decreases mana cost of spells by 1%/2%/3%/4%/5% while under the effect of Blessing of Wisdom.

- Improved Seal of Righteousness - No longer increases damage of Seal of Righteousness. This talent now converts 8%/16%/24%/32% of physical damage to Holy damage while using Seal of Righteousness, in addition to the normal damage done by this seal.

- Improved Flash of Light - No longer reduces mana cost. This talent now reduces casting time by 0.1/0.2/0.3 seconds.

- Improved Concentration Aura - In addition to the 5%/10%/15% increased effect of this aura, this talent now decreases threat generated by magical spells by 2%/4%/6% while under the effect of this aura.

- Divine Wisdom - No longer increases total mana by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%. This talent now increases Intellect and Spirit by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%.

- Sanctity Aura - In addition to the 10% increase to Holy damage, this aura now increases healing done by magical spells and effects by 10%.

- Divine Strength - Moved to the Retribution tree, and replaced in the Holy tree by the new talent Divine Calling.

- New Talent: Divine Calling - Gives your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells a 5%/10%/15%/20%/25% chance to heal the target an additional 20% over 12 seconds.

- Holy Shock - Moved to the Retribution tree, and replaced in the Holy tree by the new talent Blessing of Divinity.

- New Talent: Blessing of Divinity - A targeted party member is protected from all magic attacks for 20 seconds. This blessing has a one minute cooldown. Requires 30 points in Holy.




- Improved Devotion Aura - Increased armor bonus from 5%/10%/15%/20%/25% to 8%/16%/24%/32%/40%.

- Redoubt - This talent's effect now lasts the full 10 seconds and is not limited to 5 charges.

- Toughness - This talent now increases Defense skill by 1/2/3/4/5 points, in addition to its 2%/4%/6%/8%/10% armor bonus from items.

- Blessing of Sanctuary - This blessing now reduces damage from all sources by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10% instead of 7/10/14/19/24.

- Improved Seal of Fury - This talent now allows the Paladin to generate a moderate amount of threat by judging Seal of Fury, in addition to the 3%/6%/9%/12%/15% increase to the seal's effect.

- Improved Blessing of Salvation - Removed and replaced by the new talent Divine Vigor.

- New Talent: Divine Vigor - Increases your Stamina and Strength by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%. This talent requires 15 points in Protection and 5 points in Toughness.

- Improved Blessing of Freedom - This talent now increases the duration of Blessing of Freedom by 2/4/6/8/10 seconds, and temporarily increases movement speed by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%. This talent now requires 20 points in Protection.

- One-Hand Weapon Specialization - This talent now requires 5 points in Protection.

- Consecration - This talent has been moved from the Retribution tree to Protection. Consecration requires 20 points in Protection. Mana cost for all levels of Consecration has been reduced.

- Repentance - Duration increased to 8 seconds. Mana cost increased.




- Improved Blessing of Might - This talent now increases attack speed under Blessing of Might by 1%/2%/3%/4%/5%, in addition to the increased attack power.

- Improved Seal of the Crusader - No longer increases the attack power bonus of Seal of the Crusader. This talent now increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 1%/2%/3%/4%/5% while using Seal of the Crusader, and causes Judgement of the Crusader to reduce the target's chance to dodge or parry an attack by 1%/2%/3%/4%/5%, in addition to the increased damage from Holy spells and effects.

- Anticipation - Removed and replaced by the new talent Divine Wrath.

- New Talent: Divine Wrath - Increases the critical strike chance of Retribution spells and effects by 1%/2%/3%/4%/5%. This talent requires 10 points in Retribution.

- Improved Retribution Aura - Damage increase upgraded from 5%/10%/15%/20%/25% to 15%/30%/45%/60%/75%

- Divine Strength - This talent has been moved from the Holy tree to Retribution. Increases your Strength and Agility by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%. This talent requires 15 points in Retribution and 5 points in Divine Wrath.

- Consecration - Moved to the Protection tree.

- Blessing of Kings - Now requires 20 points in Retribution.

- Holy Shock - This talent has been moved from the Holy tree to Retribution. Mana cost reduced and damage increased. Now reduces target movement speed by 25% for 5 seconds. Requires 30 points in Retribution"


Min kilde: http://vnboards.ign.com/wow_paladin_class/b22780/92858178/p1

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Hehe. "Litt" imba? Tror nok det der bare er ønsketenkning fra misfornøyde pallydans.



Kan ikke akkurat se hva som er så imba med disse... Kanskje du vil forklare det nærmere?

Men ja, tror heller ikke at dette er det kommende talenttreet.

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Hva syntes folk om denne builden? leket litt på wowvault.


Holy Talents (13 points)



Improved Lay on Hands - 2/2 points

Gives the target of your Lay on Hands spell a 30% bonus to their armor value from items for 1 minute.



Improved Holy Light - 3/3 points

Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light spell by 12%.



Revelation - 2/2 points

Reduces the cooldown of your Lay on Hands and Divine Intervention spells by 20 minutes.



Illumination - 5/5 points

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light or Holy Light spell, gives you a 100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.



Divine Favor - 1/1 point

When activated, gives your next Flash of Light or Holy Light spell a 100% critical effect chance.





Protection Talents (7 points)



Improved Devotion Aura - 5/5 points

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 25%.



Improved Blessing of Protection - 2/2 points

Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 120 seconds.





Retribution Talents (31 points)



Improved Blessing of Might - 5/5 points

Increases the Attack Power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 20%.



Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - 5/5 points

Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 5%.



Deflection - 5/5 points

Increases your Parry chance by 5%.



Vengeance - 5/5 points

Gives you a 15% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 seconds after dealing a critical strike.



Seal of Command - 1/1 point

Fills the Paladin with the spirit of command for 30 seconds, giving the Paladin a chance to deal additional Holy damage equal to the damage of the Paladin's weapon. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time.


Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy for 30 seconds, causing 24 Holy damage any time the enemy becomes stunned. Only one Judgement per Paladin can be active at any one time.


Level 30: 38 damage

Level 40: 53 damage

Level 50: 67 damage

Level 60: 82 damage



Precision - 3/3 points

Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 3%.



Consecration - 1/1 point

Consecrates the land beneath the Paladin, doing 120 Holy damage over 8 seconds to enemies who enter the area.


Level 40: 192 damage over 8 seconds

Level 50: 280 damage over 8 seconds

Level 60: 384 damage over 8 seconds



Conviction - 5/5 points

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 5%.



Blessing of Kings - 1/1 point

Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing total stats by 10% for 5 minutes. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.

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spilte med 9/31/11 build en stund, er den jeg liker best.

Retribution er så usannsynlig dårlig, skjønner egentlig ikke hvorfor folk bruker det i det hele tatt, men det er vel smak og behag... (for unntak av de som speccer det for å gi guilden bok i raids)

nå er jeg 27 holy 24 protection, 100% pve build, elsker det også.

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spilte med 9/31/11 build en stund, er den jeg liker best.

Retribution er så usannsynlig dårlig, skjønner egentlig ikke hvorfor folk bruker det i det hele tatt, men det er vel smak og behag... (for unntak av de som speccer det for å gi guilden bok i raids)

nå er jeg 27 holy 24 protection, 100% pve build, elsker det også.


retribution er det beste treet for BG etter min mening. jeg syntes reckoning og repentace er ubrukelig der. får du først mange crits på deg så er du død. og repentace har jeg aldri hatt bruk for i BG.

protection treet er derimot veldig bra i 1vs1, men det er skjelden jeg kommer i en slik situasjon. untatt dueller da.

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Paladin Talent Update



All three Paladin talent trees are receiving a complete review, and many great new changes are in the works. Once finalized, we'll be sure to preview them through our Talent Calculator!

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Med mindre man farmer opp crit gear fra MC og diverse crafted dyre items, og lander på 25%+ crit ser jeg ikke poenget.

Og jo, protection funker i bg. Du har seal of command, det er stort sett alt du trenger fra ret, synes jeg.. Alle de unyttige talentsene i retribution får du bedre erstatning til andre plasser, med mindre du er en superduper critadin med 2500 mana..

Uansett funker det mye bedre i group pvp i AB med 7-8k mana og være healer, enn å deale "syk" damage etter min mening. (med visse unntak hvis man faktisk har masse crit gear / whatever)


Får se hvordan det blir etter 1.9, blir interessant :)

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ja. kanskje derfor jeg syntes retribution treet er bedre en protection. jeg har 23 critchance og 2800 mana :blush:


ang healing i BG spørs det litt hva man er ute etter. hvis jeg vil vinne BG og få rep, da lønner det seg å heale. en paladin dør jo ikke så fort som en priest.


men hvis jeg vil ha honor og gå opp i rank nytter det ikke å heale. slik honorsystemet er nå, får man ingenting av healing. :hrm: syntes egentlig de som healer kunne få minst like mye honor av hp'en de healer opp som de som gjør skade får av skaden de gjør.

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slik honorsystemet er nå, får man ingenting av healing.



det var sånn før ja, afaik har de fikset det, jeg merker ikke noe særlig til det iallefall.


Honor får du fra å vinne bgs i raid uansett, ikke fra å drepe mange folk.

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slik honorsystemet er nå, får man ingenting av healing.



det var sånn før ja, afaik har de fikset det, jeg merker ikke noe særlig til det iallefall.


Honor får du fra å vinne bgs i raid uansett, ikke fra å drepe mange folk.



Der tar du vel feil. Honor får man for å drepe horde, mens man får reputation for å vinne BG?

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slik honorsystemet er nå, får man ingenting av healing.



det var sånn før ja, afaik har de fikset det, jeg merker ikke noe særlig til det iallefall.


jeg vet de sa at de skulle fikse det. men jeg har testet. hvis jeg healer noen jeg ikke er i gruppe med, mens personen jeg healer dreper en annen person, da får ikke jeg noen ting. om det er anderledes i raid vet jeg ikke.

Honor får du fra å vinne bgs i raid uansett, ikke fra å drepe mange folk.

ehh.. så jeg skal leve på bonushonoren i AB? er ikke den på ca. 2000 hvis man vinner da? det tilsvarer mellom 10 og 20 kills det.

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"Upcoming Paladin Improvements | 11/17/2005 11:45:49 AM PST



While we're not ready to reveal the improvements being made to the upcoming Paladin's talents just yet, I wanted to give each of you a sneak preview of some of things you can expect from the next patch in addition to the talent revamp. The minor details are as follow:



The range on 'Judgment' will be increased. In addition, both the cooldown and mana cost will be lowered.


Both Exorcism and Holy Wrath will be usable on Demon targets in addition to Undead targets.


The mana cost will be reduced for both the summoned Warhorse and Charger.


The missile speed of the flying hammer for the spell 'Hammer of Wrath' will be increased.


We're also adding raid versions for five of the Paladin's blessings. These new raid version blessings will last for fifteen minutes, and allow the Paladin the means to buff every player of a given class in the raid by selecting only one. These blessings will be available at your class trainer and the only prerequisite is the final rank (talent point where applicable) of the Blessing.



Blessing of Sanctuary


Blessing of Kings


Blessing of Might


Blessing of Wisdom


Blessing of Salvation


We're also adding a new spell 'Righteous Fury' to replace the Seal and Judgment of Fury. This spell, first available at level 16 is a self buff which will last for 30 minutes and substantially increases the threat generated by all Paladin Holy attacks, in turn allowing the player to focus on Seals which provide greater DPS as this buff works in conjunction with all other buff effects.


Please note that these are only a few of the changes slated for the next patch, and more will be announced shortly - including the talent calculator preview which will debut the three improved talent trees. "



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