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Den store Warrior tråden..

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Jeg har lest en del i tråden her med jevne mellomrom og blir litt forvirret hva specc angår.


Jeg har nettopp dinget 70 og regner med å stort sett ta 5-mans fremover. Noe raiding blir det ikke snakk om. Kan noen anbefale en specc som passer godt til 5-man tanking og som, om mulig, beholder en mulighet til en ok DPS for solo-spilling?

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Beklager at jeg gjentar meg (Spurte tidligere her i tråden), men er det noen som har en formening om hva jeg burde velge av The Aldor og The Scryers?


Jeg sikter for det meste mot PvP-gear, men hadde vert greit og hatt litt tanking-gear og.


...Veldig usikker.

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Jeg har lest en del i tråden her med jevne mellomrom og blir litt forvirret hva specc angår.


Jeg har nettopp dinget 70 og regner med å stort sett ta 5-mans fremover. Noe raiding blir det ikke snakk om. Kan noen anbefale en specc som passer godt til 5-man tanking og som, om mulig, beholder en mulighet til en ok DPS for solo-spilling?



Har lekt meg litt i Talent Kalkulatoren, ser dette ok ut: Clicky

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Jeg tenkte på denne builden for tanking:



Noen som har noen kommentarer til denne ?





Heller slik da ihvertfall:



Som likferd påpekte, bør du ha Imp. Thunder Clap hvis du først skal ha 11 poeng i Arms.

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vi blir nerfa godt igjen nå... faen. Pvpa som faen igår med den nye øksa og digga det! idag blir det vel ikke fullt så gøy. forbanna drittblizzard. charge og intercept fjerner ikke slow-effects, det kun ignorerer det i selve "charget"


forbannet er jeg, forbannet

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"Charge", "Intercept" and "Intervene" now suppress all Slowing effects while charging the target.


"Commanding Shout": This ability now increases your max health, but keeps your percentage health constant.


"Death Wish" and "Enrage" effects no longer stack.


"Execute": When used with "Sweeping Strikes", ranks 6 and 7 of this ability will no longer cause full damage to secondary targets who are not wounded.


"Heroic Strike": The rank 10 tooltip now includes specific values for the bonus damage against dazed targets.


"Improved Revenge": Reduced the delay on the stun landing from a successful "Revenge".


"Insignia of the Alliance/Horde" and "Medallion of the Alliance/Horde" now removes "Immobilizing", "Stun" and "Polymorph" effects and no longer remove "Slowing" effects.


"Revenge": This ability has been modified to do substantially more damage. The threat bonuses have been adjusted so that the threat generated remains relatively unchanged.


"Shield Slam": Rank 3 of this ability no longer gets its cost reduced twice by the "Focused Rage" talent (Protection).


"Spell Reflection" no longer has a global cooldown.


"Victory Rush": The tooltip has been adjusted to calculate the damage it deals correctly, 45% of Attack Power, not 35%.


"Flurry" (Fury) now increases attack speed by 5/10/15/20/25%, reduced from 10/15/20/25/30.


For noen drittnerfs!

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"Charge", "Intercept" and "Intervene" now suppress all Slowing effects while charging the target.


"Commanding Shout": This ability now increases your max health, but keeps your percentage health constant.


"Death Wish" and "Enrage" effects no longer stack.


"Execute": When used with "Sweeping Strikes", ranks 6 and 7 of this ability will no longer cause full damage to secondary targets who are not wounded.


"Heroic Strike": The rank 10 tooltip now includes specific values for the bonus damage against dazed targets.


"Improved Revenge": Reduced the delay on the stun landing from a successful "Revenge".


"Insignia of the Alliance/Horde" and "Medallion of the Alliance/Horde" now removes "Immobilizing", "Stun" and "Polymorph" effects and no longer remove "Slowing" effects.


"Revenge": This ability has been modified to do substantially more damage. The threat bonuses have been adjusted so that the threat generated remains relatively unchanged.


"Shield Slam": Rank 3 of this ability no longer gets its cost reduced twice by the "Focused Rage" talent (Protection).


"Spell Reflection" no longer has a global cooldown.


"Victory Rush": The tooltip has been adjusted to calculate the damage it deals correctly, 45% of Attack Power, not 35%.


"Flurry" (Fury) now increases attack speed by 5/10/15/20/25%, reduced from 10/15/20/25/30.


For noen drittnerfs!


Som jeg skrev i patchnote tråden, kan du komme med noen kalkulasjoner for dps/tps/mitigation loss, eventuelt andre ting som påvirker rutiner og kombinasjoner negativt nok til at det backer opp ditt utsagn om "drittnerfs"?

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