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Den store priest tråden

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Glemte helt at Mind Spike fjerner dots ja.. hmm. Funker det ikke å drepe mobs(questing) ved å bare nuke de, aka mage-style?


Mind Blast - mind spike til cooldown på mindblast er over og rince & repeat? ville dette funka i praksis?


Og Disc med Evang/arch er genialt i PvE imo, på simple trash mobs så er renew + PoM + Attonement nok til å holde melee's oppe :p så holder du bare oppe arch til bossfight, så har du 15sec med en del mer healing, ganske nice imo ;)


Dette er hva jeg speca til i min disc-spec i går: http://www.wowhead.com/talent#bfhcrosbcorof0M


Er 82 atm, på 83 s får jeg jo den nye buffen som reduserer mana på isntant spells, 10+15=25% mindre mana på instant spells, og som disc spec bruker du en god del instants, så tror ikke det skal være noe problem med mana etter 83 for min del i instances ;)


85 spec blir dette : http://www.wowhead.com/talent#bfhcrosbcorofzMZb

Endret av karael
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Nei, hva gjør den?

"When you kill a target with your Shadow Word: Death and yield experience or honor, you instantly receive 12% of your total mana over 12 sec."


Så den, men tok ikke noen points i den fordi jeg aldri bruker SW:D. Er det noe effektivt?

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Nei, hva gjør den?

"When you kill a target with your Shadow Word: Death and yield experience or honor, you instantly receive 12% of your total mana over 12 sec."


Så den, men tok ikke noen points i den fordi jeg aldri bruker SW:D. Er det noe effektivt?

Skulle tro det. Glemte å si at du også bør ha

Glyph of Shadow Word: Death If your Shadow Word: Death fails to kill the target at or below 25% health, your Shadow Word: Death's cooldown is instantly reset. This effect cannot occur more often than once every 6 sec.

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Glemte helt at Mind Spike fjerner dots ja.. hmm. Funker det ikke å drepe mobs(questing) ved å bare nuke de, aka mage-style?


Mind Blast - mind spike til cooldown på mindblast er over og rince & repeat? ville dette funka i praksis?


Heller 3x Mind spike så mind blast, = instant mind blast.


Crit er ikke noe man har så særlig mye når man levler, blir jo bare lavere og lavere jo høyere man kommer i level, så kan hende at man må spamme enn del for å drepe target.


Er ikke så voldsomt damage mind spike gjør heller da.

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Dette er hva jeg speca til i min disc-spec i går: http://www.wowhead.c...bfhcrosbcorof0M


Er 82 atm, på 83 s får jeg jo den nye buffen som reduserer mana på isntant spells, 10+15=25% mindre mana på instant spells, og som disc spec bruker du en god del instants, så tror ikke det skal være noe problem med mana etter 83 for min del i instances ;)


85 spec blir dette : http://www.wowhead.c...hcrosbcorofzMZb

Bra spec, kjører nøyaktig det samme. Focused Will er greit da jeg erfarer en del bank i 5-mans :)

Edit: Kanskje likevel droppe Desperate prayer og bruke et poeng til på Darkness? Litt vanskelig valg :hmm:

Endret av WarpX
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Dette er hva jeg speca til i min disc-spec i går: http://www.wowhead.c...bfhcrosbcorof0M


Er 82 atm, på 83 s får jeg jo den nye buffen som reduserer mana på isntant spells, 10+15=25% mindre mana på instant spells, og som disc spec bruker du en god del instants, så tror ikke det skal være noe problem med mana etter 83 for min del i instances ;)


85 spec blir dette : http://www.wowhead.c...hcrosbcorofzMZb

Bra spec, kjører nøyaktig det samme. Focused Will er greit da jeg erfarer en del bank i 5-mans :)

Edit: Kanskje likevel droppe Desperate prayer og bruke et poeng til på Darkness? Litt vanskelig valg :hmm:


Ja, har tenkt lenge på den å droppe desp prayer og ta 1% til i darkness, men jeg tar heller en isntant heal for pvp-situasjoner enn 1% haste ;)

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mind spike-> mind spike-> mind spike-> mind blast ->target killed 80 % av tia (if not, så cast SWD)


imo så går dette fortere enn vt->dots->mb(?)->mf



Har gjort dette selv nå, mind spike gjør jo mye mer skade enn mind blast og tar mindre mana.. Crita med mindspike for 17k i stad ^^

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mind spike-> mind spike-> mind spike-> mind blast ->target killed 80 % av tia (if not, så cast SWD)


imo så går dette fortere enn vt->dots->mb(?)->mf



Testes :D


Funka fett, fikk litt manaproblemer med å ta mange mobs etter hverandre, siden jeg ikke fikk noe "replenish", og ble litt mer self-heal av samme grunn. Men gikk jo fortere og enklere rotasjon :)


Ble ferdig med Mount Hyjal i går (med unntak av Escort-questline som er bugget). Dinget 82 :)

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Ja det duger i starten men kommer du litt høyere opp i level, da har mobs plutselig 60-90k hp og da funker mind spike ganske dårlig.


Gikk full healing i går på dungeons, og da prøvde jeg å bruke kun "Heal" som main healing skill, gikk dårlig as disc, ble litt for lite healing men as "holy spec" da fungerte det i viss grader, men må ofte caste greater heal når folk virkelig tar damage.


Jau, healer krever enn del mer skills nå enn før, alot mer! :p

Endret av nagina
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Alt koster litt for mye nu for tiden,

flash heal er vel ca 5700 mana

renew = 3300mana?

greater heal = 5500

Heal = 1800

Prayer of mending = 2200


Må virkelig lære å bruke "chakra" godt, holde "renew" på tanken hele tiden, refreshe med "heal", bruke det så mye som mulig for å spare maks mana.


Sitter jo med 70k mana nå (ilvl333) blue geared men det er "lite" mana hvis man skal holde seg til flash heal :innocent:


Mage water er din beste venn :thumbup:

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Vet dere hva, priest må være den mest udugelige classen etter cataclysm release. Istedet for å komme med en rekke argumenter hvorfor, så kopierer jeg heller et svar fra WoW sine egne forum:


Hey all, I'm a 100% disc priest PVP since BC days, I'm not much of a PVE player, so everything I believe about priest is with PVP in mind.


At this current time, in my opinion priest is totally useless at pvp in pretty much every way regarding healing.


When I think of healing, there are a few factors that make a good healer, which are survivability,mana conservation, healing output, mobility. To be totally honest, the disc priest is last place in every single one of these fields when compared to the other 3 healers.


Resto Shammy has wolf, totems to slow down, an instant cast =/= greater heal 2min cd, grounding totem, and wind sheer. Not to mention all of the totems, and water shield that constantly keeps the shammy's mana in check.


Shammy is basically made around slight mobility with wolf, but mostly 100% survivablity with the ability to cancel the enamy's spells with grounding totems, and wind sheer. The ability to evade CC with tremor totem, and mana upkeep with their various totems and shields.


Druid has travel form, which breaks all - move effect, 3 instant cast quick high heals with swiftmend, nature's swiftness, and tree form which allows instant cast regrowths. On top of that druid has effective CC with instant cast roots, and cyclone, as well as the ability to constantly keep Hots up which helps vs those pesky stun lock classes. If all of this wasn't enough the druid gets to start every arena match in stealth thanks to kitty form, this gives them such an incredible jump vs spike groups with the right partner.


Druid is built around survivability, mobility, and mana conservation. Their capabilities to instantly restore large amounts of HP with swiftmend, and nature's swiftness with mild mana cost makes them excellent vs spike, and the ability to start every duel, and arena in stealth is a massive advantige.


Paladin at the moment is, in my mind, are the essence of survivability, and healing output. Their +'s are so many in number I could write a book praising them. The ability to constantly keep health up with little mana cost thanks to word of glory is such a blessing. The true strength, however, with pally is their ability to completely, and totally make mence meat out of a spike group. Having the option to bubble, which totally removes all stuns, slows, you name it from you so you can continue to heal your team is an amazing attribute to obtain. If that wasn't enough, moves like hand of freedom keep them from ever being slow, and giving them a chance to have at least some mobility. Bar none, the pally has the ability to put out the most HPS, they can keep some one alive with 10 people hitting them with their amazing healing output. Having a 5 second stun available every 45 seconds is always a blessing as well.


And now, we get to priest.... Phsycic Scream, although a lot of classes have the ability to escape this particular CC, it does have uses in evasion, and keeping other healing from healing for a split second. Having a fear ward is a nice buff in arena as well. The lvl 85 priest, however, is totally riddled with fail. Penance, with full 333 heals for around 4.3k each tick, lasting around 4 seconds. When players have 100k hp, 14.9k is almost a waste of your time. If that wasn't enough, penance is an example of exactly what is wrong with the priest. The only instant heals available with the disc priest are mending, shield, and renew. None of these are capable of keeping you alive, or bringing you back up from a situation. With such little instant heals, the priest is FORCED to cast some healing spell, which exposes them to cancels, and silences. The priest can EASILY die by any class that has at least 1 cancel or silence, just by timing it to the priest heal.

If that wasn't enough, as far as pure healing output the priest is by far the worst, with desp prayer having a 2min cd and only healing for 8.6k? Is that a joke? Holy shock for pally has a 6 second cd, heals for 11k, and can be cast on allys as well as yourself. Desperate prayer is a complete joke. Flash heal heals for about 18k, and cost 5.8k mana, this is hardly even an option because using this skill burns all of your mana away. Mobility, the priest has NONE! the only mobility available is the new focus, with talents, increases your speed by 16%. If they honestly think this is enough to escape blizz is out of their minds. Shadow fiend also doesn't bring back enough mana, making the priest always lose in a mana battle. Not to mention good players will always CC your shadowfiend, and do what ever it takes from getting hit by it.


This is just stuff off of the top of my head, the fact is, I can't think of a single advantige gained from playing as a priest. You have the worst mobility, the worst mana conservation, the worst survivability, and the worst healing output. Blizzard, please help my disc priest, I love this class and spec too much to see it end up like this.

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Fytti rakkern'n "Mind control" er morsomt, endelig brukes det i heroics, ganske bra CC eller den beste på humanoid targets :thumbup:


På vortex elns dungeon, husker ikke navnet ennå men det er det en mob som heter noe som "Adept", tar du MC på dem så har dem 1 heal skill som healer opp til 220k, hjelper healeren masse! :love:

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