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Dream Theater - enda en diskusjons tråd


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Dream Theater in the studio (not really...)


Dream Theater is in the studio meeting with each other about ideas for the new album.


Mike: Well here we are again fellas! Here in Beartracks Studios where most of our albums have been recorded, including Images&Words, A Change of Seasons, Scenes From...


John P: Mike, it’s just the five of us here. You don’t always have to talk as though you’re in front of all of our fans!


James: Actually John, I told both of them that they could come watch later today around 5.


John P: James, I’m talking about our fans. Your fans don’t count.


John M: ...


Mike: If you guys will come down here now I’ll show you the keyboard room where Kevin creates that magic that is the keyboard in Dream Theater.


John P: Mike listen...I know I’ve told you this before. Kevin is NOT in the band anymore. Jordan is our keyboard player now. He wrote our last album! Remember?


Jordan: Hi.


James: I thought you guys all wrote the last album together.


John P: Well...we may have lied on the album cover to save a little face, but it was all Jordan.


Mike: Right...well moving along, here’s the drum room where I spend countless hours planning out the drum parts. These drums are the best in the world! Every single drum is placed so that it will be a pleasing image to you, the fans. Did I ever tell you that the most complicated drum part I ever wrote is for Dance of Eter...


John P: Jordan wrote that Mike. He wrote the entire album! You didn’t even play on it! Neither did I. Jordan did the whole thing with his keyboard! And how many times do I have to tell you that our fans our not here?


James: Actually I think they are. The doorbell just rang.


Jordan: I like fans.


James: I’ll go get it. Oh...and you can go ahead and start writing Jordan. I promised them a quick game of pickup basketball before they left.


Jordan: Fans go away?


John P: No Jordan, they were never here. Those are just James’ parents.


Mike: I’m a great parent. Have I ever told you guys that everyone in my family has an “M” name? I did that on purpose you know. To make it easier for the millions and millions of you out there to...


John P: Well I’m ready for a drink...Jordan?


Mike (continuing in the background): And this is going to be the most spectacular record ever! I’m going to have three bass drums, two stools, 20% more cymbals, 37% more octobons...


Jordan: Shouldn’t we wait for Tony?


John P: Oh boy...look Jordan. Tony’s not recording with us today. That was a different band. You’re part of Dream Theater now. We’re the worlds most influential progressive metal band. And you’re the keyboardist! You’re the most important member of the progressive rock community! Tony will probably never record with us again.


Jordan: Well I’ve got his phone number. It’s not too late.


John M: ...


Mike: Well of course our two Liquid Tension Experiment albums were, still are, and always will be the pinnacle of progressive music in the history of the world.

Hmmmm...History of the World. That was a good movie. I like movies you know. It helps me relate to the fans. If I was any closer to the fans I’d be in the damn audience!


James (coming back in): Whew...well I’m beat. I’m ready to sing now.


John P: Actually James you won’t be singing on this album either.


James: Either? You mean...


John P: Yes. That was Jordan too.


James: Well that doesn’t make me feel good.


Mike: I bet it makes John feel good.


John M: Actually I’m feeling kinda spooky.


John P: Has Jordan come back with that drink yet?

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John M: ...


:!: På kornet. Noen som har hørt kommentatorsporet på Live Scenes-dvd'en? Myung sier jo minst mulig hele tida, og da en av gutta spør "what were you playing there, John?" for å få han med i samtalen, svarer han "bass". Jeg dør.

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Og så en seriøs post... :-)


Jeg har hørt på DT i snart 10 år nå, og det hender fortsatt jeg plukker en plate med dem ned fra CD-hylla.

Metropolis pt. 2 var den siste plata jeg virkelig likte, etter det synes jeg de har gått litt i feil retning, for mye metal, og tildels kjedelige komposisjoner. De har sikkert fått mange nye fans pga dette, men personlig ønsker jeg den mer dynamiske og varierte stilen fra 90-tallet tilbake.

Men for all del, DT har gitt meg mange 1000 timer underholdning, så jeg har egentlig ikke lov å klage :-)


Forresten, noen flere som synes Chapman Stick er det tøffeste instrumentet som noen gang er laget? (Myung hater den, men de overtalte ham til å bruke den på New Millennium)

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Og her kommer fortsettelsen (fortsatt sakset fra MP-forum):


Dream Theater in the studio again!


In case you missed the first installment of "Dream Theater in the studio" please Click Here. Some of what you read in this installment may not make sense if you have not read the first "episode." Also Mike...I don't know if you were planning on checking the message board being your birthday and all. But if you read this...it's JUST a joke




Taking a break from the recording process, Dream Theater meets to discuss their upcoming tour.


Mike: Fellas, I’d just like to start out this meeting by saying that you guys are the greatest. I’ve had the time of my life here this time around in the studio, and I can safely say that this tour will be the most fantastic tour to ever hit the planet Earth! We’re gonna have lights the size of moonbeams, soundmen that are so awesome they’ll be attached to the boards from load-in until we pack them up in the same van with the equipment, drums the size of the freakin Pacific, 9 string guitars, 17 string basses, 142 key keyboards, a head microphone for Jason so he can do all those cool Backstreet Boys moves he learned, and we’ll be pulling out covers from so long ago that...


John P: MIKE! Please stop talking for a few seconds. You seem to have actually done something useful and touched on the problem.


Mike: Fine, the basses can have 16 strings.


John P: No Mike that’s not it.


Mike: You want Jake to use the regular microphone?


John P: NO!! Please just let me expl...


Mike: I know you’re still upset about the water I spilled all over your new guitar John. But really, drinking water in between songs during gigs looks really professional and the fans really really like it when they can see how human we are even though we’re so phenomenal at playing our instruments...and do you seriously think that they won’t replace your guitar? It is a signature series after all and...


John P and James (in unison): SHUT UP MIKE!


John M: ...


John P: The problem is Jordan.


Mike: The Jormeister? The Jordarooni? Playin’ the keyboard? I doubt that.


John P (head sinking into his hands): Just tell him Jordan.


Jordan: I want to play Space-Dye Vest.


(Approximately 30 seconds of silence)


Mike: That’s great Kev! I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that. I know that the fans are going to be so happy. They’ve been almost as impatient as I have waiting for you to finally come around and play that song.


James: I think he’s slipped into regression. Here I’ll try to bring him back (singing) Safe in the light that surrounds me...


Jordan: Wow! He almost sounds as good as I did on the album.


Mike: Kevin...tell me what finally decided to bring you around. Was it the cookies I baked you yesterday? Always including The Mirror into the setlist so that you got used to playing the SDV riff? Leaving random notes around the studio with quotes from the song? John’s vow of silence until you played the song live with us?


John M: ...


John P: Oh God Mike! How can I make you see?? This is JORDAN RUDESS! A man that the two of us have recorded THREE albums with already. You should know him by now.


Mike: The Liquid Tension guy?


John P:Yes the Liquid Tension guy.


Jordan: Do you think Tony would be okay with playing the song?


John P (grumbling): I don’t know Jordan, why don’t you ask him...


Jordan (heading towards the next room with the phone): Good idea!


James: So how much singing am I going to be doing on this album?


John P: Jeremy, we’re here to discuss the tour...can we PLEASE leave album matters for another day. I only have room for one headache at a time.


Mike: Actually Jared brings up a good point John. I was talking with Jordan a few minutes ago and...


John P: Wait! Did you just say Jordan?


Mike: Yeah. Our keyboardist, remember? You don’t still think Derek is with us do you?


John P: I’m officially confused.


John M: ?


Mike: Right. Anyway, I was working some things out with Jordan...and not only is he going to let me write a couple of the drums parts but I’m going to play on over half of them!


John P: Well...I guess that will make rehearsal for the live shows easier.


James (hopefully): Does that mean I get to sing on this album then?


Jordan: Actually I was thinking of getting that Dominici guy to do it.


James: Um...ooooookaaaaaay.......


Jordan (laughing): Ha ha ha...don’t worry Jack I was kidding. I’m going to sing on this one also.


James: Whew...


Suddenly a knock is heard at the door


Mike: I’ll get it!! Maybe it’s some fans! I can sign them some autographs and give them some free CDs and T-shirts and tell them how important they are to me! (opening the door) Tony?


Tony: Alright I learned Space-Dye Vest on the chapman. When do we start touring?


John M: Now that’s spooky.

"Do you even care what I say, or am I just a pawn in the game you play?"


- The COB Project

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  • 1 måned senere...
AL: DT isn't even music, its sport!



Jeg tipper AL bare er misunnelig på DT for at de faktisk behersker sine instrumenter på en bra måte. Jeg har hørt på DT i mange hundre timer, det ville jeg ikke gjort hvis jeg kjedet meg. Og jeg liker ikke sport (og Octavarium).

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  • 3 måneder senere...
  • 2 år senere...


- Laaaange tekniske instrumentalpartier

- Fin blanding av teknisk/emosjonelle gitarsoloer

- Gode lyrics

- Nuggets

- Albumene i sin helhet


Liker ikke:

- James LaBries vokalprestasjon på Master of Puppets


Begynte å høre på de for noen måneder siden. Nå har jeg alle albumene og de kommer høyt opp på favorittband-lista mi.


Jeg liker nok John Petrucci best. Eller Mike Portnoy. :thumbup:

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Det begynner vel å nærme seg et og et halvt år siden jeg hørte dem for første gang, men musikksmaken min har endret seg meget siden da. Jeg må ærlig talt si at materialet etter Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence er veldig variabelt i kvalitet, og Systematic Chaos spesielt var en definitiv nedtur med deres hittil verste sang for å gjøre det verre (Prophets of War, såklart).


Det jeg liker med dem er hovedsakelig de virkelig gode komposisjonene deres, da særlig fra albumene fra Images and Words til Six Degrees. Det finnes også noen gullkorn fra senere album (deriblant Stream of Consciousness, In the Name of God, Octavarium og In the Presence of Enemies) men disse platene har tendens til å være fylt med en del bare helt ok eller litt bra materiale. Særlig begynner instrumentalseksjonene å bli stadig mer utvannede, meningsløse og uten følelse. Vokalen har jeg aldri hatt noe imot, men tekstene har derimot i senere tid falt langt fra standarden satt med tidligere verk (se f.eks. tekstene på Awake). Dersom jeg skulle rangert albumene fra best til verst ville det nok blitt omtrent slik som dette;


[10] Awake

[9] Scenes from a Memory / Images and Words

[8] Falling into Infinity / Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence

[8] [A Change of Seasons]

[7] Train of Thought

[7] Octavarium

[6] Systematic Chaos

[5] When Dream and Day Unite


Dersom jeg skulle nevnt noen favorittsanger ville det nok ha blitt;


1. plass - Octavarium, Trial of Tears, Hell's Kitchen

2. plass - Learning to Live, Scarred, A Change of Seasons, Lines in the Sand, Finally Free, The Glass Prison, Blind Faith, In the Name of God, In the Presence of Enemies Pt. I



Jeg må altså absolutt si meg skuffet over fremgangen deres som ser ut til å fokusere helst på å implementere så mye metal som mulig, hørres freshe og moderne ut, spille så teknisk som bare mulig, bruke minst mulig tid på å lage nye album for å fortest kunne komme ut på turné igjen, fylle hvert album helt til randen (mer eller mindre helt til 80-min. grensa), bruke elementer fra andre band VELDIG TYDELIG (Muse) osv.


Jeg må derimot si at forhåpningene mine steg litt da Portnoy uttalte seg om det kommende albumet på en måte som insinuerte fem låter der to ville være over 20-minutter, to over 10-min. grensa og én under. Selv om dette gjerne betyr veldig mye unødvendig instrumentrunking, så har tross alt de forrige to epicene deres vært mine favoritter fra sine respektive album. Sååå, kanskje, kanskje. Men jeg tør ikke håpe for meget, da ender det som regel aldri godt.

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