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Canon S900 eller S9000

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Er det noen som har erfaring med disse printerne? Dette skal være min første blekkskriver (har kun laserprinter nå), og testresultatene er jo lovende.


Har litt lyst på A3 med S9000, men det er vel ingen vits med et powershot s40 - 4 megapixel- eller? det er vel best tilpasset en A4 størrelse, eller får man god nok interpolering til at bildet vil være skarpt og presentabelt i A3 (2MP funker jo allright i A4)? Det ville være surt å kaste bort penger på en A3 printer hvis kameraet ikke er godt nok. Anyone?




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Postet spørsmålet på http://www.dpreview.com her er svar dersom noen andre skulle være interessert:





I use the s40 and the S9000. I find the versatility of the larger print size is wonderful. I've printed several 13x19's form the s40, people really enjoy the prints. It's not just the 8x10 vs. 13x19 delima you know- there are many 16x20 frames out there waiting to recieve a 11x14 with a nice matte. I would not bother buying the s40 if your intend to only print 8x10's. I've found that it's the above 8x10 sizes that really make a printer worth the price. As most 4x6, 5x7, and 8x10's can be printed at a lab for a comparable price to using fine paper and ink- while the larger prints start to make up for the high price of the printer.



I've printed at A3 size form a G1 and results are still very good with only 3 megapixles. These sort of images are generally viewed from a few feet away rather than 6x4s etc that you hold in your hand, so the resolution is less of an issue. Yes, if you stick your nose up to the print you may seem some loss of detail but from a normal viewing distance, the prints are good enough to put on the wall.


The S9000 would be a great match for your camera. (I think the S40 is Exif_Print compatible, like ths latest Canon printers - sadly my G1 isn't).


I bought an Epson 1290 last year for A3 prints. Great output when it works well, but it's not been without its problems. (Clogging, colour issues, slow speed, unfinished prints).


I bought an S900 earlier this year for A4s and 6x4s - it really was a breath of fresh air - great speed and quality on a par with the Epson (bordedrless A4 in 2 mins not 20 mins!). I kept the 1290 for A3s.


There isn't a huge price difference between the S900 and S9000 in UK. Is it the same for you? The ability to do A3 borderless prints is very handy, even if you do it infrequently, and if I didn't have the 1290 I'd have gone for the S9000.


On the printing side, I'd recommend you take a look at a program called QImage-Pro. You can download a 30 day trial from:




It can take a little while to get the hang of it but is a very versatile printing program, well worth the price (about $35 including lifetime upgrades). It will handle all interpolation automatically and you can associate filters with images which are applied at print time, leaving the original image unaltered.

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Klarer å få bra utskrift på A3 med 2 M pixel, hvis det er ett bilde av god kvalitet, det virker som om kvaliteteten på orginalen er viktigere enn oppløsningen, s9000 er en suveren skriver, brukervennlig, og flott med raske utskrifter, kantløs utskrift osv. Eneste aberet er at Canons Papir, som er fantastisk, også er fantastisk dyrt.

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