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hvordan adder man folk i friends lista, å hvordan fungerer lista ?


/cc addbuddy navnettilvennen


Trykk CTRL+7 for å få opp friends-vinduet. Der kan du se hvem av vennene dine som er pålogga.



GUI-et til AO er ganske komplisert, og utrolig bra når du blir vant med det.


Her er en grei link: http://www.anarchy-online.com/content/guides/beginnersguide/


Her er en link om GUI-et:



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Ok limer in en guide jeg skreiv for den gamle orgen min.






This is written with advanced users in mind.

If you are not familiar with the basics of the chat interface,

you probably want to read















The point of this post is to show how I utilize advanced functionality in the GUI.







This is how my screen looks when I am not doing anything particular.

I am using jimfixit skin.

The top chat window is dedicated to org chat. The bottom chat window

is subscribed to team, vincinity, ooc lft and various bots.














Here you can see all the chat windows I use and their locations.

I have turned them all from borderless mode that they usually are in,

to windowed mode just for this screenshot.















By rightclicking a menu pops up, and you can choose between borderless

and normal mode. The menu shown is for the big window to the left titled

system. Note that "timeout messages" and "disable text input" are

turned on. Those are good options for passive message windows.

The system window is only subscribed to combat spam.
















I have a huge shopping window that I only have turned on

while idling or banking on Rubi-Ka. It is easy to turn it

on and off by clicking on the window title in the friends panel.

















This is how my screen looks during a fight. Combat spam shows

up to the left. The window right in the middle of the screen

is only subscribed to the system channel, which makes it easy

to see if my nanos fail or when my dots time out. Messages in those

two windows time out and disappear after 15 secs.


I really like the window in the middle.
















Maybe you wonder how I can have my screen all filled up with

windows and still be able to click on things? The answer is

- clickthrough mode! Open up the friends panel by pressing

ctrl+7. Right click on the title of the chat window. You then

get a menu where you can select the clickthrough option.

Almost necessary for passive message windows.


You can disable clickthrough mode by holding down the alt key.

This is practical if you want to copy text or open the

option menu for that window.

















Here you can see how to change transparency of chat windows.

There are two bars, one for when the window is active -

meaning being used for text input, one for inactive. Normally

my org chat window is totally transparent but its easy to change.

If I choose to have it non-transparent I must resize it so that

it doesnt cover the mob health bar.


















Under the F10 menu => GUI => chat you can choose how long messages

that are directed to windows with timeout enabled should stay before

disappearing, how fast they should fade and more.



















Over to something different: Press CTRL+8 to get up the familiar

nano program window.




















Right click on the title of the window. You will "pick up" the

window, and can now move it to a different location on the screen.




















When you have moved it off from docking mode,

you can resize it.




















Left click on the top left "I" and choose list mode

- ooooo teh <3 !!!!




















You might have noticed my peculiar ncu window.

It is also in list mode. It can be moved around

the screen as well.



















I think this is brilliant.





















The list mode for windows is most usefull for backpacks.

Backpack windows can be resized. If you look at

the backpack below its hard to tell whats in it

without moving the mouse or clicking.

















Use list mode on the backpack and everything becomes clear =D



















The list mode view can be customized. Right click on the

grey bar to remove the count filed for example, which most

of the time isnt usefull.




















If you double left-click right by the field separators

(see where the mouse arrow is pointing), the width of

the field will adjust to fit the length of the names

of the items in the backpack.


If you single-click on any of the list fields, the content

will be sorted by that field in descending or ascending order.





















The different list fields can be shuffled around simply

by dragging and dropping them with left mouse button.




















The mouse arrow here points to the button on the windows

that decides if the window should fade away or not.


















Multible listable backpack windows makes inventory management

_much_ easier. On this char I keep 20-25 backpacks

of pocketboss patterns. Without the new GUI features

and the patternmatcher program

managing that amount of pattern would have been ...

well ... not desirable.

















A guildie gave me an AB pattern of black fang.

I open up the two backpacks with elysium patterns.

It is easy to see that I have both the C and the D

pattern necessary to make a complete pattern. The content

of both backpacks are sorted alphabetically. Notice

that the main inventory also is in list mode.



























I believe AO now have an extremely well designed GUI.

Endret av arehb
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Huff bittorent er irriterende! Får bare like mye download som upload,

som er rundt 25 kb/s + at når uploaden er på max er det ikke mye annet jeg kan bruke internett til, ikke surfing engang...


EDIT: samme filen HER bare 100 ganger raskere

Endret av sdn
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Hmm, jeg prøvde å registrere meg i sist uke... da var det "14 day free trial"...

men når jeg sku regge meg måtte jeg skrive kontonummeret mitt å sende dem 5$ som prøve, sån at de viste at kontonummeret ikke var fake.


Hvordan er registreringa nå da?

Det kan ha seg at jeg tar feil :roll: men jeg syntes jeg husker riktig.


Please si at jeg har feil da :yes:

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Huff bittorent er irriterende! Får bare like mye download som upload,

som er rundt 25 kb/s + at når uploaden er på max er det ikke mye annet jeg kan bruke internett til, ikke surfing engang...

Da har du ikke konfigurert BT-klienten din skikkelig. Utrolig hvor mange som klager over farten på BT enda de ikke har tatt seg tid til å sette det opp skikkelig.


Tips: sett ned upload-hastigheten i BT-klienten din. ;)

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Hmm, jeg prøvde å registrere meg i sist uke... da var det "14 day free trial"...

men når jeg sku regge meg måtte jeg skrive kontonummeret mitt å sende dem 5$ som prøve, sån at de viste at kontonummeret ikke var fake.


Hvordan er registreringa nå da?

Det kan ha seg at jeg tar feil :roll: men jeg syntes jeg husker riktig.


Please si at jeg har feil da :yes:

bare trykk på den at du ikke vil gi dem betalingsinfo på nåværende tidspunkt :)


og til du som lurte på hvordan jeg får så rask nedlasting, det er sikkert pga jeg har 5mbit opplasting samtidig.. jeg lastet opp rundt 300KiB når jeg lastet ned 300KiB.


er det lov for meg å dele den med dere? kan sikkert legge den ut i et par dager så det går litt kjappere for dere å få tak i den om det er lov

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