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10 grunner til og holde seg til Nintendo

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The games with the best 4 player multiplayer options are from Nintendo systems. It is true that Sony or other systems have very good multiplayer games, but Nintendo rules but Nintendo rules all of them. What other systems have a Conker´s Bad Fur Day, Mario Party, Goldeneye 007 or the best multiplayer game for 4 players on the Nintendo 64 and in all other video game system, Perfect Dark.





After the problem of the "Loading…" was resolved, Nintendo decided to use the CD format. Nintendo always worried about not making players wait to play a game. How many time you have to wait to play a game for the PlayStation? And how many time you have to wait to play a Nintendo game? The answer is nothing, Nintendo once again is better than the competence.



The classic Nintendo characters, Mario and Luigi are the image of Nintendo. There are also many other famous characters like Link, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Samus Aran, and others. No other system character can compete with Nintendo´s most famous character, Mario. Not even Sega with Sonic can compete with Mario.






Nintendo has always worried about the integration of the family, that’s why Nintendo makes games mainly for kids, so all the family can play it. Of course Nintendo has violent games, like Turok, Perfect Dark, etc. Something not fair is that people says that Nintendo makes "kiddy games", if Nintendo makes only kiddy games, why we have a Perfect Dark or a Conker Bad Fur Day?





This shows a kid playing Nintendo and a whole family playing Nintendo.




You call this a kiddy game?


Nintendo has a lot mare variety in games than the PlayStation or Dreamcast, Nintendo has games for a younger audience, mature games, etc. Thanks to the ESRB, parents can decide if buying a game to their kids or not.



For example, Resident Evil, has many games in all the systems, but no other console can compete with Mario or Zelda series. Who can say that those series are not the best of all time?






Here we can proudly say that Nintendo has the best controls since the NES to the Gameboy Advance. The best stick on a control, is definitely the N64 Control Stick. Nintendo always worries about making a "friendly control" to control characters without problems. The use of the C Buttons on Zelda: Ocarina of Time was great.





How many times does your control or your Nintendo console has fallen? I am sure that has happened many times, Nintendo has always made their systems and controls though to whatever punch or fall, so you don’t need to repair it or change it at any time.





Nintendo always worries about making original games, there are official distributors in all countries, for example, the official distributor of Mexico is Gamela. If you acquire a game from an official distributor you will have the technical support just in the moment. Nintendo is the only one that has this Official Seal of Quality.




There is no Official Seal of Quality for PlayStation products.



Nintendo has their official Seal of Quality in all of their games. The pirates always make their tricks to make a pirate copy of an original game, but with the new Nintendo system, Gamecube, it will be very difficult to make a pirate copy of their games. For example, with the PlayStation is very easy to make a pirate game, and it only costs $2, but the opportunities to fail are from the 95%.



The best games can be found in Nintendo consoles, you might think that some RPG or some fighting games are better on the PlayStation or Dreamcast, for example, Final Fantasy, but when you finish it, you don’t play it again. In the other hand, Nintendo always make games with Replay Value, just like Zelda, Mario, Goldeneye, Conker Bad Fur Day, etc.




Nintendo has many years supporting it, while Sony doesn’t have even the half of the time Nintendo has making games.




Now, there is Nintendo and the others, winners and losers, which side are you on?

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Synst det der var 10 gode grunner til ikkje å kjøpe Nintendo.....og dessuten er ikkje X-Box nemnt med ETT ord...er det pga. at X-BOX er suveren iforhold til Nintendo?



[ Denne Melding var redigert av: kosh på 2002-06-03 14:54 ]

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Den 2002-06-03 14:53, kosh skrev:

Synst det der var 10 gode grunner til ikkje å kjøpe Nintendo.....og dessuten er ikkje X-Box nemnt med ETT ord...er det pga. at X-BOX er suveren iforhold til Nintendo?

<font class=editedby>[ Denne Melding var redigert av: kosh på 2002-06-03 14:54 ]</font>


so du meina at en konsoll har gode spel,gode kontrolla osv. ikkje er noke positivt??

og sei meg ka som er so fantastisk suverent med boxen??



kansje dn har meir mhz mn so er dn en p3 i motsetning til gamcube sin som er en powerpc prossesor(also en raskare prossesor)


mn anyways so kan boxen kun oppfylle 3 av alle dei 10 grunnane

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The games with the best 4 player multiplayer options are from Nintendo systems. It is true that Sony or other systems have very good multiplayer games, but Nintendo rules but Nintendo rules all of them. What other systems have a Conker´s Bad Fur Day, Mario Party, Goldeneye 007 or the best multiplayer game for 4 players on the Nintendo 64 and in all other video game system, Perfect Dark.


SVAR: Xbox har da kulere multiplayer-spill en det der. Hunter: The reckoning, Halo, Rallysport, Fuzion Frenzy, DOA3+ at det kommer en HAUG med online og multiplayer-spill. Hva har nintendo å by online da?




After the problem of the "Loading…" was resolved, Nintendo decided to use the CD format. Nintendo always worried about not making players wait to play a game. How many time you have to wait to play a game for the PlayStation? And how many time you have to wait to play a Nintendo game? The answer is nothing, Nintendo once again is better than the competence.


SVAR: GC loader like mye som Xbox hvist du ikke hvet det. Ta for eks. Waverace, Sonic2, RE + + +

Skal innrømme at PSX og PS2 loader mye.



The classic Nintendo characters, Mario and Luigi are the image of Nintendo. There are also many other famous characters like Link, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Samus Aran, and others. No other system character can compete with Nintendo´s most famous character, Mario. Not even Sega with Sonic can compete with Mario.


SVAR:Driter egetlig i hele Mario. En tykkk rørlegger fra italia er ikke drømme- hovedpersonene min akkurat.

Da kan det likegodt være nye spill-personer å bli kjent med.




Nintendo has always worried about the integration of the family, that’s why Nintendo makes games mainly for kids, so all the family can play it. Of course Nintendo has violent games, like Turok, Perfect Dark, etc. Something not fair is that people says that Nintendo makes "kiddy games", if Nintendo makes only kiddy games, why we have a Perfect Dark or a Conker Bad Fur Day?


SVAR:De sistnevnte spilla er jo egetlig RARE-spill da men.

De er mange spill for barn ja. Jeg liker ikke spille såkalte spill for hele familien. Snørrunger på 7 år o.l. Nintendo har noe dritt og noe bra. BRa: Zelda for eks.


This shows a kid playing Nintendo and a whole family playing Nintendo.




You call this a kiddy game?


Nintendo has a lot mare variety in games than the PlayStation or Dreamcast, Nintendo has games for a younger audience, mature games, etc. Thanks to the ESRB, parents can decide if buying a game to their kids or not.


SVAR: Sikker på det du?



For example, Resident Evil, has many games in all the systems, but no other console can compete with Mario or Zelda series. Who can say that those series are not the best of all time?


SVAR:I can! Prject Ego kommer til å bli bedre en Zelda.





Here we can proudly say that Nintendo has the best controls since the NES to the Gameboy Advance. The best stick on a control, is definitely the N64 Control Stick. Nintendo always worries about making a "friendly control" to control characters without problems. The use of the C Buttons on Zelda: Ocarina of Time was great.


SVAR: Den er ikke best!




How many times does your control or your Nintendo console has fallen? I am sure that has happened many times, Nintendo has always made their systems and controls though to whatever punch or fall, so you don’t need to repair it or change it at any time.


SVAR: Nei, for ingen har vel opplevd en slerkete n64 stikke.



Nintendo always worries about making original games, there are official distributors in all countries, for example, the official distributor of Mexico is Gamela. If you acquire a game from an official distributor you will have the technical support just in the moment. Nintendo is the only one that has this Official Seal of Quality.




There is no Official Seal of Quality for PlayStation products.



Nintendo has their official Seal of Quality in all of their games. The pirates always make their tricks to make a pirate copy of an original game, but with the new Nintendo system, Gamecube, it will be very difficult to make a pirate copy of their games. For example, with the PlayStation is very easy to make a pirate game, and it only costs $2, but the opportunities to fail are from the 95%.



The best games can be found in Nintendo consoles, you might think that some RPG or some fighting games are better on the PlayStation or Dreamcast, for example, Final Fantasy, but when you finish it, you don’t play it again. In the other hand, Nintendo always make games with Replay Value, just like Zelda, Mario, Goldeneye, Conker Bad Fur Day, etc.


SVAR: Xbox og Dramcast har spill med masse replay vallye.



Nintendo has many years supporting it, while Sony doesn’t have even the half of the time Nintendo has making games.


SVAR:Hva med Xbox spillene da. Toppspillene som kommer der har det blitt brukt god tid på. De som er ute også for eks HAlo.



Now, there is Nintendo and the others, winners and losers, which side are you on




Dette vikret som en gammel greie . Siden det nesten bare var snakk om n64 og ikke gC'en.

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PSX, Dreamcast, N64.....

Dette er 2002 ikke 1998!


Du har vel Finni dette på en eller annen gammel N64- side eller no...?


Ingen bryr seg om at N64 er bedre enn PSX og Dreamcast....Hvis du først skal reklamere for Nintendo så gjør det iallefall med å bruke argumenter for Gamecube!!


Og Xbox er best... =)

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Den 2002-06-04 22:58, Magda skrev:

PSX, Dreamcast, N64.....

Dette er 2002 ikke 1998!

Ingen bryr seg om at N64 er bedre enn PSX og Dreamcast....


Du kan ikke sammenligne DreamCast med N64 og PSX da. DreamCast er faktisk en 128bit konsoll, på like linje med bla. PS2, faktisk kom den ut ikke lenge før PS2. Skal du sammeligne DreamCast med en annen konsoll så er PS2 det nærmeste du kommer.

Det er ikke uten grunn at MANGE av spillene på PS2 er portet over fra DreamCast :smile:

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De fleste som kjøper gamecube har eid gameboy nes snes osv.


de vokste opp med mario og får tårer i øyene nårr de spiller det


Nintendo har altid lagd bra spille maskiner

(untat visual boy som var en flopp kom bare i japan)


feks de som spiller mye pc liker grafikken på gc

(rund og tegnefilm aktig)


de som har hatt det før vet at det er bra :razz:

(nå kommer alle xbox fansene og sier at

XBOX ER MYE BEDRE ENN GC (kanskje på hw men ikke på spill) :razz:

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Den 2002-06-06 12:44, BoardkilL skrev:


Den 2002-06-04 22:58, Magda skrev:

PSX, Dreamcast, N64.....

Dette er 2002 ikke 1998!

Ingen bryr seg om at N64 er bedre enn PSX og Dreamcast....


Du kan ikke sammenligne DreamCast med N64 og PSX da. DreamCast er faktisk en 128bit konsoll, på like linje med bla. PS2, faktisk kom den ut ikke lenge før PS2. Skal du sammeligne DreamCast med en annen konsoll så er PS2 det nærmeste du kommer.

Det er ikke uten grunn at MANGE av spillene på PS2 er portet over fra DreamCast :smile:


DreamCast hører jo til PSX-genrasjonen av consoler, og det vil jo da bli riktig å plassere dem i samme kategori. Den nyeste genrasjon av consoler er jo bare: PS2, Gamecube og Xbox. Og BTW produseres i det hele tatt DreamCast lengre?(eller ble den for gammel?)

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Den 2002-06-06 13:25, Civilix skrev:

DreamCast hører jo til PSX-genrasjonen av consoler, og det vil jo da bli riktig å plassere dem i samme kategori. Den nyeste genrasjon av consoler er jo bare: PS2, Gamecube og Xbox. Og BTW produseres i det hele tatt DreamCast lengre?(eller ble den for gammel?)


Den gjør faktisk ikke det. Da verken PSX eller N64 er 128bits maskiner, og de kom på markedet lenger før DC gjorde. Faktisk startet DC den konsoll generasjonen som er nå. Det stemmer at DC ikke lages lenger, desverre, men det har ikke noe med at den ble for gammel å gjøre. Det har vel mer med at SEGA dreit seg ut på markedsføring og sånne ting, og at Microsoft tilbød dem masse penger for å utvikle for xbox istedet.


Dreamcast hadde release 9. septemeber 1999, PS2 hadde release i mars 2000. Altså kom PS2 bare ca. et halvt år senere en DreamCast.


Nintendo64 derimot hadde release 1996 i Japan , PSX hadde release så tidlig som i 1994.


Så sette DreamCast i samme kategori som PSX og N64 blir som å sette 286 maskiner i samme kategori som Pentium maskiner. Ganske så feil.


Noe mer du lurte på? :wink:

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Den 2002-06-03 15:32, QuIcKSiLvA skrev:


Den 2002-06-03 14:53, kosh skrev:

Synst det der var 10 gode grunner til ikkje å kjøpe Nintendo.....og dessuten er ikkje X-Box nemnt med ETT ord...er det pga. at X-BOX er suveren iforhold til Nintendo?

<font class=editedby>[ Denne Melding var redigert av: kosh på 2002-06-03 14:54 ]</font>


so du meina at en konsoll har gode spel,gode kontrolla osv. ikkje er noke positivt??

og sei meg ka som er so fantastisk suverent med boxen??



kansje dn har meir mhz mn so er dn en p3 i motsetning til gamcube sin som er en powerpc prossesor(also en raskare prossesor)


mn anyways so kan boxen kun oppfylle 3 av alle dei 10 grunnane



X-Box har ikke en P-III CPU! Den har en mobil Intel Pentium Celeron CPU på 733MHz!

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