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Konstantin Rokossovsky

Konstantin Rokossovsky (December 21, 1896 - August 3, 1968), Soviet military commander and Polish Defence Minister.


Used to fending for yourself, you are independent and the only person you rely on to create your success is you. With strong determination, a sense of carefulness and your efficient leadership style you are quick to take in a situation and act accordingly. Your decisions are never rash which is sometimes perceived as an unwillingness to act.

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Jeg ble visst Harold Alexander, en ikke-så-veldig-kjent Engelsk general (han ble general etter hvert i allefall)


Her er beskrivelsen av meg:

You are a leader of exceptional ability. Not afraid to get your hands dirty, you are adored by your troops and subordinates but your peers or superiors can sometimes perceive you as too urbane and lacking authority. Your people skills make it easy for you to form partnerships across borders.


Hehe, likte den med "Not afraid to get your hands dirty" :D


EDIT: Skal prøve å se om jeg kan bli hitler nå! ^^

EDIT2: Det er visst bare kommandanter man kan bli her, ingen av de store (Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Roosevelt, og Churchill)


Litt synd i grunn...

Endret av MeTa][iC
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Heinz Guderian (GER)

Heinz Guderian (June 17, 1888 - May 14, 1954) was the well known "Panzer General" of the German Army during World War II, and one of the founders of the concept of blitzkrieg.


Dynamic and efficient, you are pivotal in development of strategies and operational tasks and often set the standards of what will then follow. Although your leadership style does not always mean you will rise in ranks you are still a very respected leader who does not think twice about questioning those of the highest rank.

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Chester Nimitz


Chester Nimitz (February 24, 1885 - February 20, 1966) was the Commander in Chief of Pacific Forces for the United States and Allied forces during World War II.


Your creative mind brings a new, fresh perspective to combat and leadership. Your dynamic leadership style is very effective when it comes to motivating others and thus you have no problems executing your policies and ideas. Just remember that many times feedback creates even greater ideas so don't forget to listen.

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Chester Nimitz

Chester Nimitz (February 24, 1885 - February 20, 1966) was the Commander in Chief of Pacific Forces for the United States and Allied forces during World War II.


Your creative mind brings a new, fresh perspective to combat and leadership. Your dynamic leadership style is very effective when it comes to motivating others and thus you have no problems executing your policies and ideas. Just remember that many times feedback creates even greater ideas so don't forget to listen.

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Karl Dönitz


Karl Dönitz (September 16, 1891-December 24, 1980) was a naval leader in Germany during World War II.


Your strengths include ruthless application of battle technique, an iron-willed determination never to surrender and unbounded enthusiasm. You often leave "smaller" tasks that do not show immediate results on the back burner, sometimes with devastating results. You are very loyal towards your superiors.

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ingen så blei Yamashita Tomoyuki?


Yamashita Tomoyuki (Nov 8, 1885 - February 23, 1946) was one of the most formidable generals of the Japanese Army. His 30,000 soldiers took 80,000 Allied soldiers prisoner at the Fall of Singapore and for this he became known as the "Tiger of Malaya."


You are a diligent, ambitious and determined leader who always remains completely loyal to your superiors. Your strict discipline contributes to your ability to be an aggressive strategist and you will always be the last man standing. Your high standards can seem daunting for your followers who will never feel sufficient.

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ingen så blei Yamashita Tomoyuki?


Yamashita Tomoyuki (Nov 8, 1885 - February 23, 1946) was one of the most formidable generals of the Japanese Army. His 30,000 soldiers took 80,000 Allied soldiers prisoner at the Fall of Singapore and for this he became known as the "Tiger of Malaya."


You are a diligent, ambitious and determined leader who always remains completely loyal to your superiors. Your strict discipline contributes to your ability to be an aggressive strategist and you will always be the last man standing. Your high standards can seem daunting for your followers who will never feel sufficient.

jo :p

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ingen så blei Yamashita Tomoyuki?


Yamashita Tomoyuki (Nov 8, 1885 - February 23, 1946) was one of the most formidable generals of the Japanese Army. His 30,000 soldiers took 80,000 Allied soldiers prisoner at the Fall of Singapore and for this he became known as the "Tiger of Malaya."


You are a diligent, ambitious and determined leader who always remains completely loyal to your superiors. Your strict discipline contributes to your ability to be an aggressive strategist and you will always be the last man standing. Your high standards can seem daunting for your followers who will never feel sufficient.

Blei han jeg også.

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Gunichi Mikawa (August 291888 - February 25) was an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II.


Able to take even the worst of circumstances and turn them into your favour, you are known for your determination, good luck and control of any situation. Unfortunately your way of following through what you have set out to do is not always done in the best way and for that you have many critics.

Endret av Bossman
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Karl Dönitz

Karl Dönitz (September 16, 1891-December 24, 1980) was a naval leader in Germany during World War II.


Your strengths include ruthless application of battle technique, an iron-willed determination never to surrender and unbounded enthusiasm. You often leave "smaller" tasks that do not show immediate results on the back burner, sometimes with devastating results. You are very loyal towards your superiors.


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Albert Kesselring (GER)


Albert Kesselring (August 8, 1881 - July 16, 1960) was a German General Field Marshal who commanded Army Group C during World War II, supporting Operation Barbarossa amongst others. He was nicknamed "Smiling Albert."


You are an ambitious leader, always striving higher and pushing yourself to the best of your abilities. Unfortunately, this effort does not always lead to the type of results you are looking for. You work well under pressure and find it easy to keep a straight face when challenged.




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Raymond Spruance

Raymond Spruance (July 3, 1886 - December 13, 1969) was a US Navy admiral in World War II and victor of the Battle of Midway.


You are highly intelligent and quick-thinking and your victories are legendary. You are always interested in the opinions of those below you and will always stand by your decisions. However, your precise and calculating mind makes you a better planner than a combat leader.





Likte den delen med "highly intelligent and quick-thinking"

Endret av Roarm
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Gunichi Mikawa (August 291888 - February 25) was an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II.


Able to take even the worst of circumstances and turn them into your favour, you are known for your determination, good luck and control of any situation. Unfortunately your way of following through what you have set out to do is not always done in the best way and for that you have many critics.

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Andrew Cunningham


Andrew Cunningham, (7 January 1883 - 12 June 1963), was the most famous British admiral of World War II.


You have a sharp mind and although not a good speaker like some of your colleagues, you have your own type of common touch. Many seek you out to ask for your advice and hear stories about your experiences. Ever the diplomat, your shrewd ways can sometimes come as a shock to those who admire you.

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ingen så blei Yamashita Tomoyuki?


Yamashita Tomoyuki (Nov 8, 1885 - February 23, 1946) was one of the most formidable generals of the Japanese Army. His 30,000 soldiers took 80,000 Allied soldiers prisoner at the Fall of Singapore and for this he became known as the "Tiger of Malaya."


You are a diligent, ambitious and determined leader who always remains completely loyal to your superiors. Your strict discipline contributes to your ability to be an aggressive strategist and you will always be the last man standing. Your high standards can seem daunting for your followers who will never feel sufficient.

Blei han jeg også.

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Karl Dönitz


Karl Dönitz (September 16, 1891-December 24, 1980) was a naval leader in Germany during World War II.


Your strengths include ruthless application of battle technique, an iron-willed determination never to surrender and unbounded enthusiasm. You often leave "smaller" tasks that do not show immediate results on the back burner, sometimes with devastating results. You are very loyal towards your superiors.

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